We Are A Secret (Camren) [Edi...

By _eriiicaaaa_

248K 5.4K 1.1K

Trailer available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/aADcSVTyabQ 18 year old Lauren Jauregui has been heartbroken... More

1. We're Moving
2. Her
3. The Newbies
4. I'm Falling
5. Let's Chill?
6. 'Friendship'
7. They Ship It
8. You Have Me
9. Date?
10. Yes!
11. Last Long
12. We're Trouble
13. There's A 'But'
14. 'Home'
15. Meeting Them
16. Cold
17. We're So Fancy
18. Accent
19. Overreacting
20. What The Hell??
21. Complicated
22. Egged
23. Fucked up
24. The Happening
25. Good or Bad Advice?
26. Analyzing
27. Hottest
28. Same Love
29. Expect the Unexpected
30. Oblivion
31. Vampire?
32. Anonymous
33. Monitor
34. Mini Cabello
35. je t'aime
36. For My Best Friend
38. I'll Miss You
39. You're an ass
40. The Little Moments
41. Surprise!
42. See You Soon
43. Envious
44. Not Enough
Epilogue - Part 1
Epilogue - Part 2
Married To Dr. Jauregui

37. Making Amends

3.4K 71 5
By _eriiicaaaa_

Lauren's Pov

"Oh god, can you guys stop sucking each other's faces off for at least five seconds?" I ask in a pleading manner

Dinah pulls herself away from Mani and quickly counts to five before going back to what she was previously doing. I groan then look towards Camila who just chuckles at my expression.

"I mean just days ago, both of you were scared of telling the other about your feelings"

"Let them be babe. They're showing their love now that they're together" my girlfriend tells me

"Well can't they show their love where I can't see it?"

Normani pulls away this time, "Now you know how we felt whenever you and Camila would do y'all thing"

"I don't think we looked as bad" I mutter

"No, I'm pretty sure we did. Probably even worse but cute" Camila says

I roll my eyes, "Whatever, I'm going to shower and when I get back, you two will be at least a foot away from each other or you guys better start getting used to not being in our room" I say pointing at them while retrieving towards the bathroom

"What a mood killer" I hear Dinah mutter grumpily before I close the bathroom door and start the shower


"Laur hurry up and get dressed, we're going out!!"

"Damm, people can't take proper showers in their own rooms these days!" I yell back while getting out of the bathroom

"Lauren honey, more changing, less talking" Mani says entering Camila and I's room while snapping her fingers

"Don't gotta be so rude about it, I was just saying" I mumble

"What was that?"

"Nothing, now when did we establish this whole going out thing?"

"Hmm..about five minutes ago"

"Wow but where to?"

"Don't know, Dinah just wants us to follow her"

"And you're making us do this because...?"

"She's my girlfriend, your best friend and we love her"

"Right...of course" I tell her slowly nodding my head


"Are we done playing follow the leader yet?" I ask no one in particular

"Stop being such a mood killer" Dinah tells me

"For reals, you ain't getting no where with that attitude" Mani tells me

"Oh I'm sorry moms!" I say sarcastically

"Why is she so bitter today Chancho? Has she not gotten some recently?" The taller one from the group asks

I turn red at the comment and turn towards Camila. "Can we not talk about this now?" She says

"That means she hasn't"

"No, that means that this isn't the right place of time to discuss Lauren and I's sex life"

"No, that means that we're not going to discuss our sex life at all" I cut in

Camila nods. "Okay whatever but you two need some because your souls are starting to turn black"

"At least I can get some" I mutter


"You're just mad that Mani hasn't put out yet"

"I can get some whenever I want Jauregui" she says

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah." We end up staring at each other for I don't know how long. We both hear a cough and we turn around to face our two angry, arm-crossed, and raised eyebrows girlfriends

"Well I know who isn't getting some in some time" Camila says

"So do I" Mani agrees then they turn around and walk in a different direction, leaving us to catch up

"This is all your fault"

"Just Shutup and walk"


After Dinah's begging to Normani and Camila to get back on track towards wherever she was taking us to, we are now standing in front of some apartment complex. The building looked old structured but I was sure it had some history behind it. I mean it was France after all.

"Umm Dinah...where are we?" I ask

"You'll see"

We follow her inside and up some four levels of stairs. By the time we were on top, we were all out of breath.
"Do..these people..not believe...in elevators or something?" Camila gets out

"Obviously not, since there's none in sight but cmon this way"

We end up in front of a white door with the number 302 on it.
"Are we about to break into some strangers apartment?" Mani asks

"Of course not, that'd be rude, we're going to knock" her girlfriend replies

"So we are breaking in?" Camila asks hesitantly

"No dummy"

"Whose apartment is it exactly?" I ask next

"Alycia's!" She says happily

"In that case I'm leaving! Have fun!" Camila announces turning around

"No you're not. Stay, make friends, and be respectful"

She rolls her eyes, "whatever but if I catch her looking at me for over 5 seconds I won't take responsibility for what comes out of my mouth"

"Chill out babe, just play nice"

"Fine" she mutters

Dinah lightly knocks on the door. Almost instantly Alycia opens it as if she was behind it all along just waiting for us to knock. She invites us all in with a big smile on her face. Inside was completely different from what the rest of the complex looked like. Her apartment was very modern looking, just like how a condo in L.A would.

"I'm so glad you guys made it" she tells us all

"Yeah we're all happy to be here" Dinah tells her childhood friend

"Some more than others" Camila mutters

Alycia manages to hear her and looks towards Camila for two seconds before looking away and continuing like nothing happened.
"Anyway, how are you guys liking the city so far?"

"I'm loving the city actually, now that I'm used to the time zone and stuff"

She nods happily at Dinah's answer then turns to us, "How about you guys?"

"It's great, weather is nice and the people are nice too" I respond

"You like this weather? That's the only thing I don't like if I'm honest, it always gets too hot or cold here in the summer and winter"

"I love the cold, now the heat I have issues with"

She chuckles, "oh yeah how can I forget? That trip to California we took is something to remember"

I quickly look to Camila who clearly isn't happy about Alycia's mini trip to the past. Not wanting her to do something dumb, I wrap my right arm around her waist and grab her hand with my left one. Now my right arm is trapped between her and the couch. She instantly leans into me and I smile at my accomplishment.

There suddenly was a knock on the door.
"That must be Eliza with the food" she says getting up from her love seat

I hear footsteps approach and I look up to see a really pretty blonde. She carries two plastic bags with Chinese take-out.
"Sorry I forgot my keys" she tells Alycia

"It's fine babe, it doesn't surprise me anymore" she chuckles

"Babe?" Camila asks in reference to what Eliza had just said

"Oops, forgot to introduce my girlfriend. Liz you already met Dinah, this is her girlfriend Normani and her friend Camila, who happens to be Lauren's girlfriend. You remember Lauren right?"

"It's nice to me you all and of course, I think you mentioned her before. You two dated right?"

"Yeah for a short amount of time" I say carefully not wanting to tick Camz off

There was some awkward silence for quite some time.
"Okay! Foods getting cold so let's hurry and eat" Alycia says leading us towards her kitchen


Camila's Pov

"Hey Camila can I talk to you?" I hear Alycia ask

I hesitate but give in, "Sure"

"Let's go outside shall we?"

"All the way down the stairs?" I ask not up for it, especially on a full stomach

She chuckles, "No on the balcony and there is an elevator. It's just hidden behind a small piece of wall"

"Alright but you must show us the elevator when we leave"

"It's really pretty up here"

"Yeah, I enjoy the view it gives me"

"So what did you want to talk about"


"What about her?"

"Well I have a hunch that you don't like me very much and I think it's because her and I dated before. I understand if you're jealous or something along the lines. I mean I'd act the same way towards an ex boyfriend of Eliza's. But what I want you to know is that I'm not trying to intervene between you and her, I see how uncomfortable you get when I talk about our past but don't worry she's all yours. I have Eliza now and she's all that I want, you have Lauren and you're lucky because she is an amazing person. So yeah I just wanted you to know and I hope we could get along"

"You're right about me not liking you very much but I think I overreacted slightly. I admit I was jealous and I just wanted to protect what was mine but I'm sorry I shouldn't have acted that way. She is an amazing person like you said and I'm glad you found your happy ending with Eliza, she seems like a sweet girl and I'd like to be friends, leave all this behind us" I say sending her a smile

"It's okay, like I said I would've acted the same way and she is really sweet, maybe we could triple date sometime, get to know each other a bit more? But friends it is"

"Yeah I think the girls would like that, it'd be a lot of fun"

"Well we should plan it out before you guys head back"

"Definitely, let's get back to them"

We discussed the topic with the rest of the girls and agreed to make it happen the following Saturday. I then told Lauren, -who was eager to know what Alycia and I talked about- that we had came to an understanding and that we were now friends. She was happy about it and relieved since now she didn't have to worry about me making a scene or something like that. Two hours past and we left the fancy apartment but not before remembering to tell Alycia to show us the elevator.


I can't look at her without feeling humiliated, ashamed, or regret for telling her how i felt. Sometimes I want to have conversations like we used to but I can't. I can't because she can't even look at me. It's weird right? She passes by me and she can't look me in the eye? She's clearly over everything but that doesn't mean she has forgotten. She sees me everyday, getting nervous every time she's in my presence. I look at her calm face and I want to cry because I threw away a friendship. Even if we weren't really close, her friendship was special. She was special. She is special. She will always be special. I look up and see her reading her book in class, her relaxed features remind me of why I started falling for her. They remind me of why I'm still falling for her. Hard.

"Omg that's so sad!!" My girlfriend cries out

"You know, I'm surprised you're into this movie"

"I am too but look! She confessed to her girl crush and everything she once had with her is gone. She didn't get her happy ending like she wanted"

"Not everyone gets their happy ending babe, we got lucky"

"I know and I'm grateful for it everyday" she tells me giving me a quick kiss before turning her attention back to the movie

I chuckle, "I think I got you into these romantic movies didn't I?"

"You really did, you suck"

"Your words contradict your actions, you know?"


I smile, "Nevermind, keep watching. I'm going to sleep, it's late"

I get a hum in response and then make my way to our room to take a must needed rest. I try getting comfortable in the cold sheets but no matter how much I tried, I couldn't fall asleep. This proves that I can't sleep at night without Lauren's cuddles. I get back up and sigh then make my way back into the living room where I find Lauren in the exact same spot I left her in.

"Babeee, come lay with me"

"I thought you said I could watch the movie?"

"But I can't sleep without your cuddles"

She chuckles, "you're cute"

"No I'm not"

"Yeah you are, come here"

I sit next to her on the couch but then she lays me on her lap. She starts running her hand through my hair while she continued watching the movie. The motion alone started to make me sleepy and before I knew it, I was fast asleep. I didn't know what time Lauren carried me to bed but what I do know is that I woke up to an empty one.

A/n: this is like a filler chapter🙂, like/comment💯

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