Topic: Batman and Louis Tomli...

Av ThePlaidStripes

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round robin writing can't get better than this! COPY RIGHTED! - Allie Mer

Topic: Batman and Louis Tomlinson
Chapter 1
Meet The Family
Chapter 3
Aunt Sally
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
You Know I Think I Like You. To Bad I Have To Kill You.
Chapter 9
Joker Time *hahahahahahhaha no*
Chapter 11
Car Chases and the Police. plus babies

I Wonder..........

11 0 0
Av ThePlaidStripes

"Bruce, really? It was ONE message" 

“That a creepy stalker sent you!” “But Bruce I..” “No you are not going to that party and that’s final.” Then he disappeared into the bat cave to most likely sulk in the corner. I sighed. He’d come back, they always come back. I sighed and looked outside at the rain. “Mommy?” asked a tiny voice. I turned and Arabella ran over to me.

“Why was daddy being mean to you?” “honey it was a small fight that all Mommy’s and Daddy’s have. No need to worry love, I promise.” Then I tucked her in after we watched Cinderella.  When I got to my room I saw Bruce looking out the window. I smiled when he turned around. His face had a somber expression and he looked sick.

“It’s Kelsey, she’s gone.” Just then Louis burst into our house crying and screaming about nothing.I just walked up to him and hugged him tightly. Then I showed him to the guest room. “Bruce will find her if it’s the last thing he does. I promise. Now get some sleep and when you wake up you can get to work. 

I sighed and walked back to my room. The window was open and the curtains were blowing in the wind. I sighed. Bruce really did care about Louis. Then I was grabbed from behind and before everything went black I saw Bruce’s horrified face from the entrance too the closet. And the last thing I heard was a female laugh. My last thoughts were of Arabella and my baby.

 When I woke up it was dark and wet. That meant two things. I was either dead and in hell or I was underground. You aren’t dead said a voice. “KELSEY!” “shhhhhhhhhhh shut up” she hissed. I immediately started feeling around the cell. I touched something that felt like a face. “Thank go dKells I found you!” “umm Allie I’m behind you chained too a wall.” Just then the lights burst on and I screamed. In front of me was a girl with a pixie cut of brown hair and dressed in rags. “She’s dead. Has been the whole time I’ve been here. You had an abortion by the way. They uh stabbed you. I’m so sorry I tried to break free but..” I looked down at my stomach. Gone. That’s when I started too cry. “Hey you died your hair! It’s cute!” (My hair on side from 5 weeks ago)  I just looked at her and we both started laughing. I unchained her and by the time I was done we were both sobbing and hugging.


So sorry it's short but my boyfriend dumped me, one of my classmates died, and I'm sick.



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