Locked Up

By BluePunkRockRebel

2.4K 119 17

2 girls who have been arch enemies since second grade see each other at a mutual friends party. Their friends... More

Party Time
The closet
Road Trip


522 17 1
By BluePunkRockRebel

I'm dressing myself for Conner's party tonight. I didn't really feel like going but he promised me it would be the party of the year besides he's one of my best friends I couldn't let him hanging. My mom walks in when I just got into my black dress.
"That one is really nice."
"Not too short?"
I ask twisting and turning around in the mirror to see myself.
"For your father everything is too short but no this one is just fine honey."
Oh God I'm going to have to sneak in tonight before my dad plays the private detective again.
"Can you grab that necklace please."
My mother takes the silver necklace with the musical note and hands it too me.
"I thought you hated Rey."
She says observing the necklace. I grab it out of her hands and put it on me.
"I do but doesn't mean I have to throw away this fine piece of silver."
"Ugh teenage drama so glad I don't get involved into that anymore."
My mom leans against the door post staring at me.
"Was there really drama 100 years ago?"
She raises and eyebrow and smirks.
"Ok Charlie I think it's time for you to go."
"You're driving me right?"
"I think I should let you father drive."
She threatens swinging the keys around her finger.
"No mom please. I'm sorry just please don't tell dad."
"I was just messing with you if I let him drive you'd never end up at that party."
She leaves my room and I quickly follow her on foot after checking my make up and outfit in the mirror one last time. Perfect.
My blonde hair came out better than expected, I have had a history burning myself with a straightener but tonight I won. It's still a little wavey but that actually finishes the whole outfit. I put on my high heels and walk to the car.
"Look who grew taller."
I roll my eyes and turn around in disgust.
"Shut it meatball, why don't you go back to your games."
"Ah-ah what did we agree on, you stop calling me names and I'd keep your little secret."
"You don't even know what you saw Johnny."
He scoffs and walks closer. My scumbag brother Johnny, captain of my highschools football team a natural douche bag and he enjoys it.
"I'm pretty sure I saw you and Hellen getting it on on Michael's birthday bash."
I push him backwards and lose my temper.
"Shut up about that you know how mom gets with those things she would freak."
"Exactly, so what are you going to do to let me keep my mouth shut before I give our lovely mother a heart attack."
It's true I'm a lesbian and my fun mom a hardcore homophobe. The amount of times I wanted to yell at her that I'm just a person too is uncountable. Trust me I would love to scream it out to the world but I can't, I simply can't and my asshole brother is not making it any easier. He looks at me with the brown eyes full with confidence, confidence he shouldn't even have because he's such a douche.
"Why do you hate me?"
"Sister dear I don't hate you it's just I'd really like to see mom freak out."
"You're an asshole but fine I'll do your chores for a week."
"And my maths home work."
"Fuck you no way."
Mom presses the horn of the car and signals me to get in the car. I look at her signing I'll be there in five.
"Hellen, Ashley oh and that girl from bible study Jessica Brinston."
"Fine fine, homework and chores for a week but after this we are even."
I turn around and make my way to the car.
"Have fun Charls don't go near the cats!" He screams across the yard. I know all too well what he means by that. That's why I'm not getting too drunk tonight. All Johnny's team mates will be there and everything they see me doing they report to Johnny. It's as if I got 32 douchebag brothers. I have no idea what I did wrong in my life to deserve that.
I step in the car rolling my eyes. This is the third time he blackmailed me with that. I need to find some dirt on him and fast before I loose my mind.
"What was that all about?"
"He was mad because he can't go, wanted me to say hi to all his team mates."
I swiftly answer. I've been hiding and lying to my mother for years by now it's a natural gift as if I live two lives and in theory I do. Classy Christian girl at home, outrageously gay after sun down. I'm kind of a super hero minus the cape and awesome powers but I secretly enjoy the double life it gives me a certain rush. Although I'm really scared of my mom's judgement I just hope that I will find the courage one day to tell her. I love her and she has always put me and my brother first in anything, I don't want that to end. Not yet.
"Is something bothering you?"
She asks keeping her eyes on the road.
She didn't have to be anywhere today yet she looks like an important ceo for a big company. Dress to Impress is pretty much her life motto and Family is everything. I wonder if that would still be her motto if I came out.
"No I'm fine just a bit nervous haven't seen everyone in a while."
I had been sick the last 2 weeks and didn't really feel like talking to anyone, it was mostly the stress that got to me. The stress that Johnny would sell me out to mom.
I don't even know how he figured all my affairs out. Jessica alone would never dare to speak of what we did since both our families would start a hunt on us. Like Romio and Juliette only more tongue and less death.
I miss Jessica she was sweet, funny, adventurous and I truly felt like she was the one but they moved out of the country because of her father's job.
Atleast our last night together is one I will never forget. The other two girls were just mistakes when I was drunk as shit and couldn't keep it in my pants, what can I say I'm a real charmer. Most likely Johnny's friends saw me and immediately reported to him about his sister being a lesbian.
When I came home that night he was sitting in the chair in the living room waiting for me. The creeps even got a picture of me or else I wouldn't have been so scared. Many times I have tried to get that picture but Johnny has back ups and his friends have it too. Let's say that I have been in this deep shit for almost a year now but tonight I just want to catch up with my best friends and have a good time. I'll deal with Johnny later somehow, maybe my drunken mind gives me some good ideas.

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