Two Badboys and one Very Bad...

By Wacky__Wicky

166K 5.2K 1K

Shantelle Blanchard is your average 16 year old teen...besides the fact that she's in a gang.. She's lived he... More

Two Badboys and one Very Bad Girl
Two Badboys... - Chapter 2
Two Badboys...-Chapter 3
Two Badboys...-Chapter 4
Two Badboys...-Chapter 5
Two Badboys...Chapter 6
Two Badboys...-Chapter 7
Two Badboys... -Chapter 8
Two Badboys...-Chapter 9
Two Badboys...-Chapter 10
Two Badboys...-Chapter 11
Two Badboys...-Chapter 12
Two Badboys... -Chapter 13
Two Badboys... -Chapter 14
Two badboys...-Chapter 15
Two Badboys... -Chapter 16
Two Badboys... -Chapter 17
Two Badboys...-Chapter 18
Two Badboys... -Chapter 19
Two Badboys...- Chapter 21

Two Badboys...- Chapter 20

4.5K 159 54
By Wacky__Wicky

If someone had told a younger, naiver version of me that my first kiss would be on the rooftop of an abandoned warehouse filled with gang members, with a total player who I'd once went on a date with and was now currently trying to kill me, I would've laughed in their face. But sadly, reality had me doing exactly that.

As Jayden reached for my mask, completely intent on revealing my identity, my mind completely shut down and I let my body run on pure instinct. I surged forward, taking advantage of his loosened grip on me to grab the back of his neck and crash my lips against his in a moment of pure spontaneity.

His lips were soft and warm, moulding seamlessly to my own. He tasted slightly salty and of something utterly masculine and I felt goosebumps rise on my skin. I didn't even feel mildly repulsed by the light sheen of sweat above his lip like I normally might be. My eyes were squeezed shut, unable to look into his face and risk seeing his reaction. It seemed to last an eternity, everything dropping away as I let myself sink into the feel and taste of him. It felt so right. He groaned and for a moment I swear I felt his lips press back against mine, my heart lifting in elation.

But reality came crashing back as he broke away with a gasp, stumbling backwards, away from me.

I sucked in a large, much-needed breath as I slowly opened my eyes, meeting his. The fire that was in them before was gone, replaced with shock and confusion. His lips were parted, his breathing heavy as he regarded me with suspicion and scrutiny.

"What the fuck?" he breathed out, chest rising and falling rapidly

I felt my heart sink and I smiled sadly in resignation. It had been our first kiss, and most likely our last, but god be damned if I was going to let it be the end of me.

Jayden raised his hands, to undoubtedly run it through his unruly hair, and taking complete advantage of the action, I launched myself towards him. I barrelled into him, knocking him back and out of the way, but not before I grabbed a knife from his belt and without even checking my aim, threw it straight towards Lachlan who was watching the whole scene open-mouthed.

His reflexes snapped in like I knew they would, and he stepped back just in time. He dodged the knife which sliced the air where he'd been only milliseconds before, but caught himself on Shae's outstretched foot, his eyes widening in surprise as he tipped backwards. He fell to the ground in a heap, gun clattering across the floor and out of sight.

I rushed towards Shae, dropping to her side and assessing the damage.

"Why didn't you tell me it was them?" Shae muttered to me out of the corner of her mouth as I helped her into a sitting position

I met her gaze reluctantly, preparing myself for her anger. Instead her eyes were soft and almost understanding.

"I...I didn't believe it really was them" I swallowed the lump that rose in my throat as I looked away in shame. Thanks to my foolish actions, I'd almost gotten Shae killed.

She sighed and I almost jumped in shock as I felt her hand on my shoulder. I glanced up in surprise

"It's okay. I understand" she whispered, grunting halfway as she grabbed her arm in pain.

"Really?" I asked, unhinging my jaw as I stared in disbelief. Where was the angry, fired-up Shae I was so used to? She managed a weak smile, sad grey eyes meeting my own

"Believe it or not, but I was once in love as well" she said softly, glancing away, a sad smile on her lips.

My heart broke at how dejected she looked before her words fully registered.

"Wait, what do you mean in love?!" I whispered harshly, cheeks heating up as I glanced back at Jayden who was groaning and struggling to his feet.

Shae's familiar smirk was back as she met my mortified face, her eyebrows wriggling suggestively. I groaned in embarrassment, wanting desperately to be swallowed up into the depths of the earth at that very moment. I was completely ready to rip into her about how I was very firmly Not in Love with Jayden Ashfield when a heavy groan sounded from behind us. I glanced back, noting that Jayden was now on his feet, still slightly disorientated, while Lachlan was picking himself up from the floor. I mentally reminded myself to deliver Shae's lecture later when we got ourselves out of this mess.

I met Shae's steel like gaze once more and helped her to her feet. We slowly managed to stand, supporting each other heavily as our injuries caught up to us.

I surveyed the twins warily as they recovered from my attack, circling us like angry sharks.

"Who the hell are you?" Lachlan growled out, eyes angry at being knocked down. I hid a smirk as I imagined his reaction if he was to find out who I was.

"Are you little boys going to let us go?" called Shae, voice fierce and completely badass as she shot the two angry glares "Or are we going to have to hand your asses to you again?"

I watched the brothers sport matching scowls as they glared at us from their position a few metres away.

"Have it your way" Lachlan ground out, raising his fists in a fighting stance

I swallowed and mirrored him, Shae doing the same to my left and Jayden opposite me. I let out a deep breath, preparing myself for the fight that was about to take place.

Just as I was about to attack, a loud heavy boom echoed across the rooftop, stopping us all in our tracks.

My hair stood on end at the silence that ensued, my entire body on high alert.

Suddenly, clapping sounded from the steam behind the two boys and the silhouette of a figure appeared.

The brothers exchanged a look I couldn't decipher before dropping their fists and stepping slightly to the side.

"Very well played girls" a deep voice rose from the steam, tone low and teasing.

My mouth was dry as I watched with baited breath, the approaching figure. He finally reached the edge of the steam cloud, stepping out with confidence, revealing himself to be a tall, fierce-looking soldier, calculating eyes watching us with unveiled amusement, his lips pulled into a smirk.

I struggled to match his face to a name but to my chagrin, came up empty- I had no idea who this was. He nodded slowly, still smiling as if he knew something we didn't

"Quite a show actually, you managed to catch these two off-guard for once" he glanced towards to the two brothers who were stony-faced beside him before sliding his unsettling gaze back to us with a knowing smile "But I'm afraid this is where it ends. Because I have you completely outnumbered"

As his words registered in my confused mind, shadows from all directions began to emerge from the steam, forming a loose circle around both me and Shae.

I felt my hands drop as I realised with horror that he wasn't lying- he did have us completely surrounded.

Oh shit.

I shot a wary look at the hard-looking men that surrounded us. Even if Shae and I were in perfect condition, it would be highly unlikely, if not impossible, for us to fight our way through this many people. And if Lachlan and Jayden were anything to go by, these people knew how to fight. But with one of Shae's arms hanging like deadweight, and my side threatening to burst open at any given moment, I'd say our chances were about... -10? 

I swallowed, mentally reminding myself not to just give up so easily to these people. I turned towards the tall, smirking man who seemed to be their leader

"Ok, you're right, you have us outnumbered. But what do you want from us?" I shouted, mentally thanking the lord that my voice didn't break mid-way through

I noticed Jayden stiffen, head slowly turning towards me

"I know that voice" he whispered so softly I almost didn't catch it. Lachlan also turned his curious gaze towards me, eyes narrowed in suspicion

"Where do I know that voice?" Jayden asked louder this time, and I felt Shae go still beside me. My heart paused for what seemed like eternity.

"No matter, Jayden" my eyes flickered back to the leader, and I shivered slightly at the predatory glare he pinned us with "We'll see soon enough" he raised his hand and made a quick sharp gesture. Suddenly, as one, the members surrounding us converged.

"Run" I shouted, stepping in front of Shae and pushing her behind me. The master said to protect her at all costs and that was exactly what I was going to do.

I cried out, nailing one of the members in the face, and kicking another straight in the groin, downing the two in an instant. I screamed in pain as someone landed a blow on my injured side, sending me crashing into another's chest.

I heard Shae shout out from somewhere behind me as I struggled in my captors arms. I kicked and punched, bit and kneed as much as I could, but I could feel the energy draining out of me. For every one I got rid of, another two replaced him. There were just too many of them. I bit my tongue in pain, the coppery taste of blood filling my mouth as I felt a heavy hand land on my cheek. A blow to the back of my knees forced me into a kneeling position, someone quickly restraining my arms behind me.

I struggled desperately but I knew it was futile, whoever was holding me had too strong a grip. Shae swore loudly as they forced her to her knees beside me, blood leaking steadily from the wound in her arm. She threw me a defeated look, eyes dazed and slightly unfocused.

The crowd of attackers dispersed, resuming their positions in the loose circle, with the smiling leader in the centre. He tutted disapprovingly as he strode slowly towards us.

"Now, time to get rid of those annoying masks" he reached forward, eyes gleaming in victory

"No!" Shae bucked wildly, trying in vain to avoid his hand, but to no avail. He got a firm grip on her mask and ripped it off, throwing it to the side carelessly. Shae's regretful eyes met mine as I hear both Lachlan and Jayden gasp in surprise.

"Shae?" the disbelief was clear in Lachlan's voice, blue eyes wide as he surveyed Shae

"That means..." Jayden started, gaze turning towards me, eyes filled with something akin to...dread? Or was it just my wistful mind twisting what I saw?

I sent off a silent prayer, squeezing my eyes shut as my mask was ripped off and my chin jerked up for all to see.

The night was almost still, suddenly quiet enough for me to hear a pin drop.

With a resigned sigh, I slowly opened my eyes, meeting the brothers' shocked faces with a grim smile.

"Surprise" I said weakly

It was silent for a moment longer before Jayden slid to his knees.

"Ella?" he asked quietly, voice sounding almost vulnerable

"The one and only" I managed a shaky smile, my hands trembling from where they were restrained behind me.

"You're one of them?" Lachlan asked, voice low, head down, his eyes hidden from my view

"And you're one of them" I shot back "both of you really" I added with a barely concealed sigh

"You!" Jayden's head suddenly shot up, brown eyes meeting mine in a stare so intense I felt my spine straighten " me"

I immediately felt my cheeks fill with colour as my mouth goes completely dry. Of all the things he could've said, he brought up that?! I opened my mouth to spit out my usual smart ass replies but ended up looking like a goldfish as I struggled to form words.

"It...I...there was...and" I breathed heavily, face feeling like it was on fire as he continued to pin me with that look.

Luckily, I was saved from further humiliation as the leader of the group groaned in frustration

"Are you all done catching up?" he snapped, shooting daggers at the brothers "because in case you two have forgotten, we actually have some business to attend to"

I exchanged a worried look with Shae who appeared paler than normal. What the hell did they have planned for us?

Before I could ask, a jazzy, up-beat song began to play, the music clearly audible in the quiet night. The gang members shared confused looks, the brothers among them before the leader coughed suddenly. He straightened the front of his vest before indignantly reaching into his pocket. I snorted in laughter as he removed his phone, revealing the source of the music. I stifled a smile as I noticed Jayden struggling to contain his laughter as well. Our eyes met for a second, a small smile gracing his lips before it faded suddenly, his face impassive once more.

"Yes, ma'am. I understand" the leader ended the call quickly, shoving the phone back into his back pocket before clearing his throat and turning back to us with a stony expression.

"It appears our leader herself wants to see you and will be arriving shortly" he stated as if that was supposed to mean something to Shae and I, seeming miffed at our lack of reaction. He cleared his throat again, his air of superiority and suspense returning once more.

"Now, as cute you two girls look trying to act tough, I'm afraid we only have need of one of you" he crouched down in front us, creepy smile on his face once more as he watched our faces for a reaction.

"Stop talking riddles, what the fuck does that mean?" I cried out, what little patience I once had evaporating as I strained to head-butt the enigmatic bastard

He let out a soft chuckle, tilting his head to the side as he stood back up

"It means we keep the one we need and for the other" he trailed off, shrugging nonchalantly "maybe we'll even let you go"

I gritted my teeth in frustration. What the hell did they have planned once they had Shae in their evil clutches?

"You fuc-"my curse was cut off as the man restraining me kneed me in the back, now aware of my lack of filter. I growled at him, shooting him a glare that promised pain once he let go of me.

"Enough chit-chat. Now tell me..." the leader, who was now in fact not the leader of the gang, interrupted us, swiveling to pin Shae and I under his level gaze

"Which one of you is the one they call the Midnight Tiger?"

I feel my heart screech to a stop as his words echoed in my mind. This was it, they didn't need me anymore they only needed Shae. They were probably going to skin me alive for running my damn mouth. I was going to die here on this stupid steamy rooftop meters away from the two most attractive boys I knew. How humiliating.

I turned to see Shae's impassive face as she stared at the leader.  

 Of course, that was it. If they thought that I was the one they wanted then they might let Shae go.

"She is" I said, jerking my chin towards Shae as I plastered on my best please-don't-suspect-me expression.

I held my breath as I watched the ex-leader's smirk widened. I pointedly ignored Shae's angry cry from beside me as she struggled to catch my eye.  

The man laughed, throwing back his head, sounding surprisingly very un-evil.

"Excellent. That was easier than I thought it would be"

I mentally breathed a sigh of relief. He totally took the bait- what an idiot!

"Well in that case" he returned his gaze to us, eyes cold and calculating once more. He brought his hand out from behind his back, revealing a small black automatic "We have no need for you then"

I felt my body freeze up. The plan had backfired, he was never going to let the other one of us go. I'd tried to protect Shae but instead I had just got her a death sentence! I bit my lip in anxiety as I turned guiltily to face Shae, only to see her eyes wide with horror as she looked past me.

I turned, confused, before I realised what she was staring at.

He was pointing the gun at me.

A/N: Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Thanks for commenting and voting! Particular shoutout to StEpH81121, outsider14, dallas_bae_, and Dope_Queen_Forever for voting on the last chapter even though it took forever to get out (: And of course to all the others who have supported this story along the way! It means a lot to me. Keep reading and commenting and feel free to message me with suggestions/feedback. I'll be back soonish :P xxv

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