Stumbling into A Vampire (Com...

By WritingMyPassion

282K 6K 351

I, Shannon Maylon, had THE picture perfect life. I was popular, captain of the dance team, dating the quarter... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 22

7.5K 178 7
By WritingMyPassion

2 days after conception

 I was officially huge. Apparently each day with a vampire pregnancy was like so many months in a human pregnancy.

“Angel, you look fine. Please stop worrying,” Cole sighed sitting next to me on the couch.

“I look like I ate a blown up beach ball and it got stuck in my stomach,” I whined crossing my arms over my chest which cause them to rest on the top of my stomach.

“You’re still beautiful,” He leaned in and kissed me and leaned away, “I’ll go get you some strawberries,” He smiled and stood.

I smiled after him.

Suddenly Damon was sitting on the coffee table in front of me.

“How are you feeling, Shannon,” He asked seriously.

Him and Cole have officially decided that I’ve turned into a glass doll and had to be handled with utmost care and must be asked “how are you doing?” “are you okay?” and “do you need any blood?” at five minute intervals.

Oh yeah, I didn’t tell you. Because of the little vampire growing inside of me I had to regularly drink vampire blood. Not only to keep my body strong, but to keep the little guy satisfied. It was nasty and I hated drinking it, but Cole made sure I got the blood I needed. He would let me drain him dry if I really needed it. I didn’t like that thought at all. It caused me to shutter away from his wrist when he offered it to me. But I had no choice.

“Shannon? If you need blood just say it. We know it is part of the process. It’s part of the Prophecy. We need to follow it closely,” He sighed.

“No, Damon,” I smiled weakly, “I’m fine for now.”

“You’re looking a little pale, Shannon,” He warned.

“Yeah, that’s at the thought of having to drink from Cole again. From either of you,” I shuttered. I felt the baby move inside my stomach, “Oh,” I sat forward placing my hand on my stomach. It was always a shock when the baby kicked or moved. I had bruises on my sides and my stomach from it. It really didn’t hurt that bad it was just really fast and shocking.

“What?” Cole was instantly sitting next to me placing the Strawberries on the coffee table.

So far away . . .

“Shannon, are you okay?” He tried to get my attention.

“Ugh,” I reached for the strawberries, but my stomach caused a serious dilemma, “Give me,” I whined.

“Are you okay?” Damon pushed.

“Yes, he just moved. Now give me my strawberries,” I swear I sounded like four year old.

Cole sighed and rolled his eyes handing me the bowl of strawberries.

I grabbed my greedily and started eating, “Why can’t blood taste like a strawberry. Then I would actually like to drink it.”

Cole chuckled, “You have a creep obsession with strawberries.”

“So? There so amazing,” I smiled.

“I wouldn’t know. You never let us eat any,” He smirked.

I raised an eyebrow at him, “You have never had a strawberry before?” I said doubtfully.

“Of course, I have, but I don’t remember them big as big of a deal that you make them,” He responded.

“Well, I guess you will never find out with you?” He put another strawberry in my mouth.

He laughed.

“Shannon, I think you should drink some blood when you are done with those,” Damon pushed.

“No,” I snapped.

“Angel, don’t do that please,” Cole looked slightly hurt.

“But,” I whined.

“It’s what’s good for the baby,” He replied.

That made up my mind. If it was good for the baby then that’s what I would do. I would do anything for this little piece of life I was creating inside me. I was incredibly happy that Cole and I were having a child. Even though I wouldn’t live to see it. I needed to keep it healthy for the whole f the vampire population. My baby was going to save their world.

“Forget about the baby,” Damon stood angry, “You need to stay alive too.”

“Damon,” Cole warned.

“No, I just don’t get how you can accept your death when it’s not natural,” Damon growled.

Both of them broke down once in a while like this I was used to it by now, but it still hurt being reminded that I was going to die and leave them behind.

“Damon, I just have to,” I sighed standing with the help of Cole, “I have no choice . . . it’s not like I can stop this from happening okay? I’m sorry. The only thing I am really leaving behind is you guys so please don’t be mad at me . . . please,” I turned away from him and walked to the kitchen. I put my bowl in the sink and Cole was suddenly behind me.

He kissed my neck and I sighed.

“You know he doesn’t mean it right? He knows how strong you are for doing this,” He sighed, but I heard the hurt in his voice.

I turned around and face him the hurt in his eyes almost brought tears to mine, “I don’t want to leave you,” I sighed.

“I know, Angel. I don’t want you to leave,” He grabbed my hands in his, “But like you said you have to.”

“Cole?” I sighed.

“Yes, Angel,” He replied.

“Remember my dream?” I asked.

He nodded silently.

“What if it can still be true?” I said hopefully.

“The Prophecy says that child has to be a boy,” He sighed disappointed.

I knew he really wanted to say that the Prophecy says that I have to die in order for the baby to live, but we tended to stay away from the topic.

“We can always hope,” I smiled somberly.

“I . . . I don’t know if I can anymore, Angel,” He sighed looking at our feet, “I’m not as strong as you.”

“Yes, you are,” I squeezed his hands, “We are both strong because of each other. It will always be like that.”

“What about . . . when . . . when . . .”

“I will always be there with you,” I cut him off. I took his one hand and placed it on my stomach. “If I have to die so he can live, then I will live through him. You remember that every time you look at him,” I demanded.

He nodded.

I smiled and then suddenly a wave of exhaustion wiped over me. My knees buckled and my eyes dropped.

Cole caught me, “Shannon?” His voice was panicked.

“I’m tired,” I mumbled, “I want to go upstairs.”

“You need blood,” He demanded.

“Upstairs,” I begged.

He sighed and I felt him pick me up bridal style and carry me upstairs. Then my back was on my pillows.

“Shannon?” He called my attention to him.

I slightly opened my eyes and watched him bring his wrist to his mouth and bite it.

“Oh,” I complained and squeezed my eyes shut.

“No, Shannon, you need blood,” He demanded.

He pulled me on to his lap and held my head up as his pressed his bloody wrist to my lips.

I tried not to breath as I drank it.

Vampire blood was not as bad as human blood. It was thicker and sweeter, but I just couldn’t get over the fact that it was blood.

When Cole decided I was done he pulled away and kissed me.

I opened my eyes when he pulled away.

“Do you feel better?” He asked.

“Yes,” I sighed. I was still tired. I still needed my sleep.

I was watching his face when I finally decided to play the death card to get an answer I have been dying for since practically the moment I heard about Cole.

“Cole,” I said sweetly.

“What?” He sighed moving my hair out of my face. He readjusted himself so that his back was against the head body and my head was resting on his chest so I had to bend my neck to look up at him.

“I am going to die in a few days,” I paused and mentally slapped myself when I saw how that hurt him almost physically as he flinched away from the words. I sighed and continued, “There is one question I need answered in that time. Just one.”

“Are you really playing the death card to get answers from me,” He looked seriously hurt by that.

I instantly regretted the selfishness of my actions. I didn’t want to hurt him . . . never I reconsidered and decided I would be better of asking Damon. He would give up the information and not be hurt this. But the truth was that Cole would give me more details. Damon was always trying to hide me from the world he considered bad. Would his past be bad?

To be honest I wanted to ask them both and get both stories. I wanted to hear the whole story and I am sure I wouldn’t get from just one brother. I had to ask both.

“Shannon?” Cole asked looking confused by my thoughtful face.

“Where is Damon?” I asked suddenly.

“You don’t have to be dying to get that answer, Angel,” He looked confused. “What else is on your mind?”

“I want to talked to Damon about it first, Cole,” I pleaded.

He suddenly looked hurt and jealous at the same time, “His not here,” There was a slightly growl, “He needed air after his last episode.”

Okay, bad idea. I needed to just ask Cole. Just get it over and get him to give me my answers. The true ones.

“Fine, Cole, I will ask you first, but I was to ask Damon too,” I sighed, “I want to get both sides of the story.

“Both sides of what story?” He looked confused.

“Cole, please tell me why you and your brother have such a big rivalry. I need to know. It’s the one question neither of you answered me before . . . I am now going to die in just over 5 days. This is my last chance. Tell me,” I begged.

He sighed and closed his eyes, “It’s a long painful story.”

“Please, Cole. I really want to know,” I placed a hand on his chest.

He opened his eyes and looked into mine and then nodded.

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