The Juxtapose Accentuation

By thesilencekeeper

7.6K 238 50

A re-imagining of Season 9. Using episode 8 (The Mystery Date Observation) as my jumping board. All The Big... More

Another Shot at Dating
The Train Store Occurrence
Southerners Reunion
Forces of Distraction
Eluding Altercations
Remnants of the Past
The Quasi-mutual Indemnification
The Cognate Accretion
Assaying Probability
The Platonic Permutation Correlation Pt. 2
The Looking Glass Obnubilation
The Ear-worm Stimulation
The Cognizance Track-way
The Ear-worm Reverberation Exploration I
The Ear-worm Reverberation Exploration II

The Platonic Permutation Correlation

346 11 0
By thesilencekeeper

A/N: Thank you so much for all the reviews.

Disclaimer: (I.) I still don't own anything related to TBBT that is included in this fan fiction. (II.) I will still be using lines from the episode, "The Platonic Permutation" for this chapter.


"So did Sheldon find anyone who can go with him to the Aquarium?" Raj asked, while browsing through the latest Spiderman comic books.

"He did. He's actually going with Amy. I think it was nice of her to accompany him," answered Leonard who was also scanning the selection.

Howard heard his friends' answer and couldn't help but make a remark, "Nice? Well, that maybe the case, but is that what Sheldon needs?"

"What do you mean?" asked Raj.

"Yeah, what's wrong with Amy going with Sheldon to the City Aquarium?" said, Leonard.

"Well, nothing really; but think about it. Amy has been going out with other people. She has started moving on. Sheldon hasn't. Do you think he'll be okay after this one 'friendly date'? If anything, this will just make him miss her more."

"You think so?" asked his best friend.

"Look, Sheldon isn't like any brokenhearted guy. He even keeps things to himself and doesn't like dealing with his feelings; but we don't need verbal confirmation to know he's not over her. He's not doing anything to start the healing process, so to speak." Finished Howard, raising his brows and looking between his two friends.

"He may have a point, dude." Raj told Leonard.

"I'm just saying, spending some time alone with Amy, on a holiday no less, won't help Sheldon get over their breakup." continued Howard.

Leonard was thoughtful. He was considering Howard's words and couldn't deny that he's making a good point. What Raj said next surprised him, though.

"If he's like any other man, he wouldn't have sent Vanessa away like he did. For a man on the prowl as he claimed he was that day, he sure shut the lid on that idea fast."

"Yeah, poor Vanessa," added Howard.

"Wait, wait; Vanessa?" asked Leonard.

"Yeah, man. Sheldon asked us to help him find another potential girlfriend for him. We posted this scavenger hunt ad on Craigslist that apparently got this girl's attention. She showed up at your apartment but Sheldon sent her away because she missed his deadline of 10 PM," answered Raj, giving him short version of the story.

"Mind you, she was hot, for someone who was into nerd stuff," added Howard, who now had a playful smirk on his face.

"Howard, you're married," said Raj, who was looking at his friend with a frown.

"What? I was just stating a fact."

Neither of them noticed how deep in thoughts, Leonard was. So that's how he met the girl, he thought. What was Sheldon doing then, picking up things from her and hanging out if he rejected her, like what his friends said? It didn't make sense. Before he could stop it, he voiced out one of the questions in his head. "Why did he go to her house that Saturday, then?"

"Who went to whose house?" asked Howard.

Leonard didn't know if he should share this information, but given that his two friends were practically the reason why Sheldon met Vanessa, he decided to let them know of what little he knew about the girl. "Well, remember that one Saturday, when Sheldon went missing?" The two men just nodded, urging him to continue, " When I asked him that evening where he went, he just said he went to a 'friends' house. The Monday, following that weekend, we actually had to stop by this Vanessa's apartment because Sheldon was picking up something from her."

"Really? Well that's interesting..." Raj said, patting his chin with his index finger.

"Hang on; tall, blonde, slender girl?" asked Howard.

"Uh... Yeah," answered Leonard, trying to remember the short encounter with the girl in question.

"Well I'll be damned. Didn't know Sheldon had it in him," Howard said, with a surprised look.

"We don't know the full story. Stop imagining things Howard," said Raj, a little irritated with his best friend.

"Look, guys, please don't mention this to Sheldon. I don't know how he'll feel if he found out that I told you guys, something about his meeting this Vanessa."

"Hey, we practically found her for him," retorted Howard.

"Yes, but we don't know what their deal is. He never mentioned anything more about her. I don't even know if he saw her again after that week. You're right, he's still not over Amy, that much is true; but he's still not opening up about that. We're giving him time and letting him come to us if he needs anything," Leonard explained. "I noticed though, that he's become less uptight since that morning we went to that girls' apartment. That's a good thing, so please don't tell him anything. I'm just worried he might revert to the sad, quiet version of himself. He's been better and if this Vanessa is the reason why, then I'm more than happy to keep my nose off his business."

"He's right, dude. Let Sheldon be," Raj said, in agreement to Leonard.

"Hey, I care about Sheldon too. I'm just curious, is all," Howard said in defense.

"Whatever, just don't ever bring this up unless he mentions anything," said Leonard with finality.


Sheldon braced himself in front of the lobby door, before stepping out. It was thanksgiving and he was about to go to the City Aquarium with Amy. He closed the door behind him and spotted Amy's car, with her looking down on her phone. He let out a breath and started walking towards the car. He tapped the glass window to get her attention, still following his knocking ritual. Amy just smiled at him 'til he was done and motioned for him to come in. 

"Hello," he said.

"Hi. Ready for the aquarium?" she asked, giving him a smile.

"I am," he answered, flashing a charming smile to her. "And in an effort to reduce awkwardness as we learn how to function as friends, I printed out a list of safe topics for polite conversation.

"If that makes you more comfortable," she said, trying not to sound amused.

"If there were a list of things that make me more comfortable, lists would be on the top of that list. Okay, now, oh, since last we spoke, have you acquired any pets?"

"No. You?"

"No," he said, pursing his lips and looking at the next item on the list. "Um, since last we spoke, have you planned or gone on any vacations?"

"I might go visit my aunt next week."

"Mm. Your aunt in Modesto?"

"No, the one in Bakersfield."

"Bakersfield. I see. Where has this list been all my life?" he exclaimed.

Amy just smiled while driving. Sheldon went on with the list, but they weren't even halfway to the aquarium when he realized there were only two more questions left on his list. He started to panic. He wanted to keep talking; then hear her speak and see her smile as much as he can. He decided to abandon the list for the mean time, and started going on with the weather for the past month. Amy didn't enjoy his citation of the daily temperature in California. She knows they can do better than that, but she allowed him to continue, afraid he'll stop talking altogether if she tells him that. When he was done, he reached for his list again, but before he could finish asking the next item, Amy had had enough so she decided to cut him off.

"Sheldon. We've known each other a long time. We are perfectly capable of having a conversation without relying on a list off the Internet."

He blinked a few times, holding the paper mid-air, "All right. Well, what should we talk about?"

"I don't know. Just ask me whatever comes to mind."

Well, she called it, he thought. "Very well. I know you've been seeing other men. Have you had coitus with any of them?"

Well, I wasn't expecting that, she said in her head. Before she can stop it, she said, "Man, I walked right into that one."

Nice going genius. You could've asked her something else! Now she's uncomfortable, he berated himself internally. They remained quiet for a few minutes. Sheldon tried looking at her a few times, gauging if she will answer or not. When ten minutes passed and she was still just looking ahead, he spoke, "I'm sensing things have gotten awkward."

This is exactly what you were trying to avoid; talk Fowler! she thought. "No. It's okay. If we're friends, we should be able to talk about anything."

He was trying to read her expression, but as always, he fails. He gave up trying, "All right."

"So, you had some questions about me seeing other people."

"Just a few," he confirmed.

"Go ahead," she responds.

With her resigned permission, his questions came out before he can choose which one to ask first, "How many dates have you been on? Who were they with? Where'd you go? Where did you meet them? Did you sleep with them? And how much longer to the aquarium? I'm getting kind of hungry."

Amy had to clear her head to understand the series of questions he shot at her. After about a minute, she answers all of his queries. "Let's see. I have been on six dates with three different people. It was either for coffee or dinner. One I met at a bookstore and two I met online. I haven't slept with anyone. The aquarium is 40 minutes away. And there's a baggie of Cheerios for you in the glove compartment."

At her mention of Cheerios, all thoughts left his mind. "Is that regular or honey nut?"

She smiled at how boyish he looked when he asked her. "I mixed them," she replied with a suggestive grin.

Sheldon gave her a smirk and said, "You mixed them. No wonder gentleman callers are pounding down your door." He took some of the Cheerios and started munching on them, "Do you have any questions for me?" he asked after clearing his mouth of the snack.

She hesitated asking him any questions that might make him uncomfortable. She doesn't know for sure, but somehow Sheldon looked more... fragile. She went with a safe question, "Just one. Are you doing okay?"

He was enjoying the snack too much and he didn't notice how serious her question was so he just said, "I am."

"Good. I want you to be happy." she said, not realizing that the man didn't fully grasp the intensity of that one question.

"I believe you. I'd believe you more if you threw a few Apple Jacks in here," said Sheldon.

She just shook her head and smiled. We're going to be just fine, she thought.


The pair spent the first hour looking at the different aquatic life that the City Aquarium had and decided to go to the buffet afterwards. Amy almost lost her patience when Sheldon started going on and on about not getting Pilgrim hat, but she still eventually got him to calm down. They decided to walk around and view the rest of the aquarium. Sheldon proposed to play his new, aquatic-themed game which she happily accepted.

"Well, I'd befriend SpongeBob but he's not real, so I can't do that, can I?" Sheldon asked.

"But you can pal around with a hagfish?" she retorted, raising her eyebrows.

"Hey, let's not pull at that thread. Okay. I'll fight SpongeBob, because he's so friendly we'll just end up tickling each other. Um, I'll befriend the seal, because he's trainable, which is the problem I'm having with my current friends. Which means I'll have to eat the hagfish."

"Isn't that gross? I mean, a hagfish can produce enough mucus to fill a bucket in a minute," she asked, making a face.

"I know. It makes its own gravy, it'll slide right down," he replied casually.

While still a little grossed out, she considered his logic to be valid. She smiled and looked thoughtfully at him. She studied his features like one a specimen under her microscope. He hasn't changed much since the last time they were on a date. His hair was just a tad longer, and his figure showed the slight change in weight. He was less stocky than before she broke up with him. She felt a little guilty, thinking it was probably because of that exact reason why he lost weight.

He felt her eyes on him. He pretended not to notice as he studies the glass aquarium in front of him. He didn't even know what species of fish he was looking at. He was just keen to let her look at him and feel her presence near him. He glanced at her quickly, flashing a smile, then looked back at the sea creatures swimming in the tank. She felt a little ache in her chest at how genuine his smile looked. It was the same smile that she knew was reserved for her when they visit the zoo, the aquarium or the train store. An appreciative smile that says 'Thanks for coming with me, when the rest of the people around me thinks what I like is a waste of time'.

"I miss this," she confessed.

Sheldon, thinking she was referring to the game, which they had never played before said, "How can you miss a game you've never played before, silly?" He then proceeded to the next tank.

"I guess sometimes I'm silly." She whispered. He called it Vulcan hearing because it made him feel like he belonged to the world of Star Trek; but whatever it was, it allowed him to hear her quiet statement. The way she said those words made him realize that she might not be referring to the game at all. He wanted to turn around and look at her, but he opted to pretend that he didn't hear it. If he was analyzing the situation correctly, there was only one thing he wanted to tell her in that moment: He really missed this, too.

The rest of the day went by like one of their usual days when they were going out. They discussed topics and talked about what each other has been busying themselves with for the last few months. It felt nice; comfortable; natural. Around 2:30, Amy announced that she needed to drive them back so she could make it to her mother's house for dinner. Sheldon relented without putting up any argument. Truth be told, he didn't want their day to come to a end, too soon; but he knew that her spending the morning and part of her afternoon with him was already more than what he deserved. They were just friends; he kept reminding himself.

As he watched her drive away from their building, he let out a huge breath that he didn't know he was holding. He smiled and thought of the day. Everything went smoothly. There were a few awkward moments, but nothing that they couldn't salvage. He had a wonderful time with her. If this is what having her as a friend again would be like, then he's fine with it. He can live with having her as a friend. He felt so much lighter after today. With another long, drawn breath he shook his head and thought, We'll be fine. We're going to be just fine.

A/N: Continue to the next chapter which is just the part two.

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