The Cognizance Track-way

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A/N: Forgive me for the delay, but here it is. I apologize for any grammatical or spelling errors. I lack sleep and might still miss a few things no matter how many times I proofread this.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to The Big Bang Theory; I just want to write about them...

On with the story...


"Sheldon, will you do me a favor?" she asks.

"That depends; what's the favor?"

Instead of answering, she got up on her knees and held his cheek. Before he could ask what she was doing, her lips were already crushing down on his.

Chapter 14: The Cognizance Track-way

Sheldon did not know what to do; he didn't know what was happening. One minute Vanessa was crying, and now she is kissing him so hard it was almost painful. This was a first for Sheldon and his mind went blank. His attention was all on the lips that are crushing his like how one who hasn't eaten for a while would. Her hands were on him, one combing through his hair, while the other was on his back, moving up and down. His were planted on the carpet, not really sure what to do with them. Reason was nowhere to be found in his head. Vanessa was sucking his bottom lip and the action made his heart hammer in his chest. She went on to kissing his jawline, down to his neck. Sheldon had his eyes closed and his breathing was ragged. The unusual sensation coursing through his vein was pleasant and exciting; but at the same time it confused him. Vanessa was now back at kissing him, begging for him to part his lips. Why? What is happening? he asked in his head. Let go. Amy did, so why can't you? a voice in his head told him. No, no... At this point, he was having an internal battle. Then his mind conjured the thought of that guy kissing Amy when he was about to propose. He slowly opened his mouth and she didn't miss a beat. She took advantage of the opportunity he presented. Vanessa moved her hand along his arms up and down while the other was still holding the nape of his neck. He was breathing hard and couldn't register how her tongue was caressing his lips. He thought he should be grossed out, but was amazed to find that he's not.

"This is nice," Vanessa breathed on his mouth, pausing to catch her breath. Her words made him remember other times he was kissed. That awful kiss from Leonard's mother; Amy's drunken kiss; Amy and Penny kissing him all over the face; Amy during date nights. Their fifth anniversary make out session; and lastly, their train kiss. Then he heard her; Amy saying 'that was nice' after he kissed her for the first time. His eyes shot open and he was suddenly aware of what was happening. Vanessa was holding him close, and was now kissing him again. His arms were still at his sides, his hands, palms down. He gulped and held her by the arms. He tried to push her away, but Vanessa thought the movement was because he was finally giving in. He tore his lips away from hers and tried to stop her.

"Vanessa," he pleaded. She just kissed his neck again and tried to tighten her arms around his shoulder.

"Vanessa, stop," he pleaded again, but to no avail. When she tried to reclaim his mouth, Sheldon pushed her away harder and that's when she realized what he was trying to do. She looked at him, horrified about what she just did.

"Oh my god," she moved back and sat down covering her mouth with her hands. "Sheldon I am really, really sorry," she said in between sobs. He was looking at her, panic-stricken and really confused. What was he supposed to do now? He looked around the room, but couldn't come up with anything to tell her that will make her stop crying. He doesn't even understand why she was crying again.

"Vanessa," he said, but this time, with worry in his voice. He moved closer and attempted to pat her but thought against it. He was really at lost. Why wasn't I more equipped to deal with weeping women? he thought angrily. He sat beside her and just looked at her. When he could no longer take it, he decided to pat her shoulder and said the only thing he could think of, "There, there"

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