The Ear-worm Reverberation Exploration II

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A/N: And with this chapter, The Juxtapose Accentuation ends...

Disclaimer: Everything related to The Big Bang Theory, included in this fiction, is not and will never be mine. They all belong to the creators and produces of said TV show.

Sheldon has not been this frustrated since that time Wolowitz tricked him into believing that he could really guess whatever card he chooses from his deck. It's been more than 24 hours since his ear worm started and he still hasn't figured out what song it is that's been dominating his thoughts. The night before, Leonard gave up on him and their formula after about two hours. From the moment he pointed out Sheldon was humming, all the lanky man did was hum the tune and try various lyrics to see if any of them will fit. Leonard just grew tired of helping him name the song so he just went out of the apartment.

Now, as Sheldon sits in front of his computer, his mind is still nowhere near figuring out what song has been haunting him since last night. He tried reading music-related articles but none of the one's he read gave him any clues. Earlier that morning, he read anything he can find about ear worms to know how much trouble he'd be in if he doesn't find out the title of the song soon. None of those helped either; if anything, it just bothered him more when he realized how close he was to losing his mind. He knows that it's not impossible. With a brilliant mind like his, paired with an eidetic memory that records everything, he was sure it's just a matter of time.

"Ugh! Why are you letting me down, brain?!" He yelled in frustration. He got up and closed his computer, walking over to the kitchen to make a sandwich. He got everything he needed out of the fridge; however, when he was spreading mustard to his bread, his mind started playing the tune again. His mouth followed, vocalizing in the same tune. He continued the task absentmindedly. Penny and Leonard walked in the apartment and saw him with a distant look and a bread in hand with way, too much mustard.

"Sheldon!" Penny called out and he dropped both the bread and knife, startled by the sudden company.

"What?!" he asked in annoyance. "What are you doing yelling my name like that?"

"Oh I don't know, I mean I'm not the one making a mustard sandwich here," she said sarcastically. Sheldon looked down and his eyebrows shot up when he saw what she was talking about. The slice of bread had a layer of mustard, close to how thick the ham he was going to put on it.

"What is with you today, Sheldon?" she asked while Sheldon started throwing the bread in the trash and putting away the rest, no longer interested in eating.

"Is this still about the song?" Leonard asked, looking him over the glasses.

"Yes! It is ruining every single thought that I have. Now apparently, even the simplest tasks that I do is no longer an exemption," he answered plopping down on his spot. He covered his face with one had and let out a huge sigh.

"Sheldon, sweetie, why don't you relax for a while. Try reading something, or watching a movie, I don't know. Just try to do something that might help you get distracted," Penny tells him, patting his knee. He looks at her like she just said something ridiculous. "What?" she asked.

"That's exactly what I have been doing! I'm trying to get this ear worm out of my head but nothing seems to be working!" he bellowed. Penny looked at Leonard, who just shrugged and shook his head at her.

"Do you want me to drive you to the comic book store, or zoo? Anywhere really, just tell me," Leonard offered, partly because he didn't want to spend time in their apartment with Sheldon humming and grunting the rest of the day.

"No. I think I'll just try to get some sleep. I didn't get much last night," he replied, getting up and walking towards the hallway.

"You don't have to tell me," Leonard whispered when he was sure the man was out of earshot.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2016 ⏰

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