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Sheldon was on his way up the last set of stairs when he saw Penny coming out of their apartment. She turned upon hearing his foot steps and he saw how fast her expression changed from one of worry to anger. He wanted to run back down but Penny was quicker and was in front of him in a flash.

"You. Stupid. Selfish. Whack-a-doodle!" She highlighted her words by jabbing a finger on his chest while speaking.

Blood drained from his face and he tried to go around Penny and stepped onto the landing. The door to their apartment opened and Leonard stepped out, gauging the situation. Penny was again walking towards Sheldon, still glaring at the lanky physicist. "Do you have any idea how worried we were?! What, did you just decide to go around the city without telling us? We were about to call your mom!"

"You di--"

She held up one hand, "I'm not done yet! No, we haven't! Sheldon, do you not understand just how much you can scare people when you decide to leave without telling us where you're going?!"

Leonard finally moved next to his wife and put his hand on either shoulder to restrain her. He felt that she might smack him or something if he didn't hold her. "Penny..." His voice was pleading.

She turned her head to look at her husband. "What? Just a few minutes ago you were fuming! I'm just letting him know how I-- no, we, feel about the idea of him running away again!"

"I know, and I completely understand. He's here now. Let me talk to him, okay? Why don't you go into your apartment and have some wine. Sheldon's back and that's what's important." He spoke softly, trying to placate his wife.

Sheldon was looking at the couple with wide eyes. He was scared that Penny was going to go all Nebraska on him, but he saw her relax at her husband's words. She turned her head back at him and spoke a little calmer, "You don't just leave like that, Sheldon. Do you understand? You don't act all depressed and then just wander off without letting anyone know where you're going! And what the hell are you wearing? Did you go shopping?"

He looked down and forgot about the blue, button-up shirt that Vanessa gave him. "No, I..." He didn't know how to start the whole story, so instead, he decided to apologize. "I'm sorry Penny, Leonard. It was never my intention to make either of you worry. Some things happened and well... It's a long story. I wasn't running away. I had no intentions to run away, believe me." Despite his fear of being yelled at again, he moved forward and enveloped the couple into an awkward hug. "I know I can be a lot to handle. I have a lot on my mind right now and I am aware that you both have your own troubles, so please know that the last thing I want is for you to start worrying about me, too."

Leonard and Penny exchanged confused looks over his shoulders. Penny, feeling a little relieved and surprised, tentatively placed one arm around him. "Sweetie, you're our friend. Of course we'll be worried. It's not something that you can put a stop to."

"I under--" He had to stop talking. He closed his eyes when he dove into the hug and when he opened his eyes, he saw the last person he wanted to see at the moment. The couple pulled back to look at him and followed his un-moving gaze.

"Oh, hey Amy, look. He's back. Yay..." Leonard said, with his best attempt at feigning cheerfulness.

Amy witnessed most of the exchange and was not sure how to proceed. She didn't know if she should just go, now that Sheldon's back. "I can see that." She tried to smile at them and look at Sheldon, but he averted his eyes and was now looking at the floor.

"That reminds me, we should let Howard and Raj know." Penny said.

They were quiet for a few heartbeats and could feel the awkwardness building up. Before anyone can talk, Sheldon spoke. "I apologize for causing this commotion in our social group. I did not have any intentions of ruining each of your plans for the day." At that, he looked at Amy for a second and looked between the couple. "I'll be in my room."

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