The Summer Bride (TSBS-1) COM...

By SadiixxK

2.3M 72.7K 3.6K

In this Series, Billionaire Bachelors meet their match in a wicked plan of their own. 1. The Summer Bride ***... More

Author's Note + Copyright
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
The Winter Bride (TSBS-2)
The Fall Bride (TSBS-3)

Chapter Thirty

54.6K 1.8K 137
By SadiixxK

Love is a strange thing. It can make the weakest person strong, and the strongest person weak.

Claire Sanders


I stirred then fluttered my eyes, to take in a face inches away from my own. A small body was wrapped around my midriff and the hold of it tightened as I moved.

"We're here. Claire, you really need to be awake or else your brute's gonna kill me on the spot." The face said. It had a brush voice with urgency.

I shook my head to get my bearings then winced when I felt a severe headache.

Finally, I groaned out. "Shut up, Neil." And pushed his face away.

Turning to my left, I noticed the familiar black and golden gate. As the car went around the fountain and parked in front of the stairs, the main door opened and Tyler walked out.

He stood at the top of the stairs, with his legs parted, his hands on hips, portraying a strong posture. His facial structures were tight and frozen.

Untucking Lydia from me, Neil stepped out first then came around the car to my side and opened the door for me. His broad shoulders hid me from Tyler but I felt him looking this way.

My right foot hurt. Even the slightest pressure heightened the pain ten times worse. My face hurt and I could feel something on my forehead. It felt like blood but it must had dried out. That would explain the tightening of my forehead skin. Then there's the pain in my side. I couldn't even move my upper body without wincing.

"Good luck to me." Neil said, under his breath then cradled me carefully in his arms and turned around to face my husband.

At first, I saw the widening of his grey eyes then Neil couldn't even take one step before Tyler barrelled down the stairs with frantic steps.

"Claire!" In seconds, he was in front of us forcibly taking me out of Neil's arms. His frightened eyes scanned me from hair to feet. "Who did this to you?!" He growled out, anger seeping in his eyes. He lifted his head then glared at Neil before splaying his fingers under me and crushing me to his chest with one arm.

I wrapped my arms around his neck quickly as he freed one of his hand to push Neil on the shoulder. "What the hell happened?!" He shouted. His veins on his neck looked about to pop and his whole body visibly started shaking in anger.

I leaned my head on his shoulder and whispered. "Tyler..."

Instantly, Neil was forgotten as he looked down on me with pained expression. "Claire...oh god!"

From the corner of my eyes, I noted Lydia in Simon's arms but when she saw us, she jumped down with a cry and ran.

"Daddy!" She called out before hugging Tyler's legs. I could feel her head behind my back as she sobbed. If Tyler was angry when he saw me, he was even more angrier when he saw Lydia. He was practically seething.

Lydia's one side of the face had dirt and her dress had grass stains all over it. Her face was all red and splotchy too.

I had to agree we both looked terrible and that didn't help Tyler's temper at all.

"Someone speak now!" He frantically glanced from Neil to Simon but before anyone could explain, the familiar SUV stopped behind the Mercedes and I shuddered, already knowing who came.

Those familiar men straightened out of the car and opened the trunk then dragged out a injured Blake. His hands were bind with a rope behind him but still the slight of him terrified me.

Everyone looked at Tyler as he froze, his eyes trained on Blake. Everyone was waiting for him to explode as Blake smirked and said. "Hey, old friend."

The trance broke and Tyler staggered back with shock in his eyes then he glanced down at me and Lydia. Within a blink of an eye, he schooled his expression and gave me to Neil's startled arms.

"Take them inside." He ordered, without looking away from Blake.

Neil started walking and I saw our housekeeper, Ms. Gemma climbing down the stairs and take a hold of Lydia's arms but she tugged at Tyler's hand and pointed her shaky finger to Blake.

"Dad--dy, he-he hit mom-my." She swallowed then looked up at Tyler and screamed out. "He-he hurt her! She cried, daddy! He made her cry!"

A cold look that I had never seen before crossed over his face and he gritted out. "Get them inside, now!"

Ms. Gemma quickly took Lydia inside and Neil was just about to cross the threshold but I hold onto the door. "No, wait. I wanna see."

His blonde locks shook as he looked down on me. "Trust me, Claire. It's better not to see."

"Turn us around, Neil."

"But Cla--"

"Don't test my patience. Turn us around now!" I growled out.

"Geez, you're definitely his wife. No doubt." He muttered but did as he was told.

Tyler's hands were clenched as he uttered one word. "Why?"

Blake shrugged. "Why not? She deserved worse. She should've just died."

With a roar, Tyler leaped and slammed him onto the SUV. "You dare touch what's mine?!"

"You killed what was mine!" Blake shouted back, anguish on his face. "You killed my Laura!"

"I didn't!" My husband slammed him once again then backed away to punch him on the face.

Blake spat out blood then sneered. "You murderer!" He straightened up then leaned on the car. "I didn't want to be like you though. I was going to leave her alive but that bitch don't know when to give up!"

This time Tyler kicked at Blake's legs until they gave out and he dropped on the pavement. "That's my wife, you bastard!"

"Wife!" The man on the ground scoffed then groaned when the pain inflicted on him made its presence known. "Is she that good to fuck? Eh, Tyler? That good to make her wife? I should've tried her myself. Damn!" He let out an evil grin then glanced my way and winked.

I shivered and leaned closer to Neil's chest. Thank god, as insane as he was, he still stayed faithful to Laura or else he would've...No! Just thinking about what he would've done, made me heave.

Tyler's movement stilled then after a pause, he breathed in heavy.

"What? I'm right, huh? Man, now I regret not fucking her." Blake continued his goading.

Then the unexpected happened.

With lightening speed, Tyler strode back and he stretched his hand under Simon's jacket then pulled out a gun and pointed at the sprawled man.

Everyone on the front yard took a step back except Blake. Even Neil took a step back and I gasped.

Tyler...with a gun?

The sight scared me more than anything.

I trembled in Neil's arms then pressed my hold on his bicep and whispered hurriedly. "Neil, do something!"

"Na uh." He shook his head violently. "I'm not too fond of getting shot in the ass because I know that's where Tyler would aim if I interfere. Have you forgotten how much he hates interference?"

"I should've killed you back then!"

I turned my attention back to the seething man with a gun when I heard him speak.

"When you stabbed me, I should've stabbed you back!" He continued, stalking forward with the raised gun. "Then my Claire would've been safe!"

My heart fluttered when I heard my Claire but I scolded myself cause this wasn't a great situation at all.

"Then why didn't you?" Blake questioned.

"Because I wasn't like you!"

"Oh, so you're like me now?" He raised his eyebrows triumphantly.

"Oh, he's good. Good at manipulating." Neil observed as Tyler's raised hand faltered. His back stiffened and he gazed at the gun in his hand.

Then after a pause, he held out the gun to Simon and shook his head at Blake. "No. I'll never be like you." Looking back at his trusted man, he said. "Take him to garage and lock him up."

With that he gave his back to his old friend and met my eyes.

"I'll get her, Tyler!" Blake shouted as the men dragged him once again. "I'll get Lydia anyhow possible!"

Slowly, Tyler turned back. "What did you just say?"

"She's mine. I know she's my daughter and I will get her!"

Tyler trumped a path and wrapped his fingers around the struggling man's neck. "You've gone crazy! Lydia is my daughter! Mine!"

Blake moved his face side by side in denial. "No! I'll take her and I'll kill your Claire this time! I will!"

Gripping him hard, Tyler pulled Blake's head so that it was just inches away from his and looked him in the eye.

"They're mine! They're my family and I love my family!" My husband spat. "You will never harm them. You will never speak of them and this time, I'm going to personally make sure you never do."

Then he pushed him back and circled around, striding toward me and Neil.

And I love my family....I love my family.

Did he just admit he loved me?

I couldn't even ponder on that because he took me back in his arms and glared at Neil. "You're of no use, you weakling!"

"Hey!" Neil exclaimed behind us as Tyler crossed through the foyer. "It's not my fault your wife is just as scary as you."

A maid stood at the archway leading to the dining room and Tyler barked out. "Where's Lydia?!"

She yelped. "Ms. Gemma took her upstairs and cleaned her off. Now she's sleeping, Sir."

I sighed, conveying the apology for Tyler's behaviour through my look to the poor girl.

Silently, he continued his path but halted at the second step of the stairs and I saw Neil walk into Tyler's back.

"Where are you going?" Tyler asked him.

"Ah, with you?" He answered but it was more of a question.

My husband scowled. "No, get out!"

"What?" Neil backed away, frowning and threw his hands in the air. "I saved your wife from getting killed and your daughter from kidnapping. A little thank you would be nice but no, you're back with your favourite words, 'get out'!"

I placed my palm against Tyler's cheek. "He's right. He was just in time or else Blake would've...." I trailed, feeling all the emotions flood back into me. Tears formed in my eyes and my lips quivered thinking back to all the things that had happened back in the dreaded park.

Tyler's gaze softened and he swallowed before meeting Neil's eyes. "Look man, I really need to be with her alone now but wait for me."

Abruptly, Neil's look changed. The whole easy-going, funny man was gone and a new reformed man stood there. I didn't know what he saw in Tyler's face but he bowed his head then backed away to disappear somewhere in the house.

Tyler let out a tired sigh before continuing back to our bedroom. Quietly, he placed me on our bed and sat himself on the edge.

I was silent. He was silent. I stared at him and he stared at the floor. My hand laid tiredly on my stomach and his were clenched tight on his lap.

Breathing out a sigh, I covered his fist with my palm. "Tyler...look at me."

After a dreadful pause, he said. "I can't."

Coldness pored into my body at his words. My lips trembled. "Am I that hideous?"

At once, he snapped his neck. "No! God, no!"

"Then why can't you look at me?"

His hands loosened and upturned my palm to caress it.

"I consider myself to be a very precise, careful man. I have money, power. I have the best security." He swallowed then his eyes misted. "But they're useless if I can't even protect my own family."

I am so stupid.

This was Tyler. He took great pride of his life. Everything related to him was how he envisioned. He controlled every aspect of what he thought belonged to him.

And this Tyler would be hurt twice more if he failed to do such.

"I failed in protecting you and Lydia. I failed you, Claire. I failed."

For the first time, I saw a tear slip away from the majestic grey eyes. It was only one drop but it contained so much guilt and self hatred that it hurt my whole body once again.

I sniffed then smiled wobbly before travelling my hand toward the opening of his black shirt. Curling over one side of the shirt, I pulled him down on me.

His surprised eyes widened and when his face was inches away from mine, I softly kissed the lone trail of tear on his slightly stubbled jaw.

My lips hurt at the pressure but I endured. What was this little pain compared to the many ones in the park?

When I let go, I breathed in his manly scent to assure myself of his presence.

"You didn't know." I whispered slowly. "You couldn't possibly know that Blake would return and that he would attack u---"

"Don't speak of him!" He straightened and glared. "I'm so tempted to barge into the garage and kill that scumbag once and for all."

"No!" I glared at him back. "I don't want my husband in jail. I want Blake to be in jail."

"And he will be." Tyler vowed. "After I'm done with him."

I let him had the last word because I knew it would be useless to stop him from doing whatever he planned for Blake.

Leaning down, he gently pressed his lips on my forehead but I winced. "Tyler, it..hurts."

Slightly hovering over me, his eyes traced all the bruises covering me and winced himself.

"I wish I could take away your pain, Claire. I wish."

Keeping contact with his eyes, I splayed my fingers over his chest. "And I wish I could take away your pain."

We both knew what pain I was talking about. The years and years of pain stuffed inside from the eyes of everyone.

His hand picked up my hand and kissed the palm of it. "There's no pain. Not anymore."

That exact moment stilled and my emotions bubbled to the surface. This was it. We couldn't wait for a perfect situation to say it. How could we know a situation was perfect? No, somethings were ought to be unexpected. We should just listen to what our heart says and just do it.

As long as this man was with me, every situation was bound to be perfect.

"I love you." I whispered.

Time paused as he stared at me unblinkingly.

It didn't matter whether he loved me back or not anymore. Whatever he gave me till now was enough for me because I knew no one came close to where I was right now. Tyler had unveiled enough for me and it would do for me.

A knock sliced the lingering silence in the room.

Tyler blinked but didn't stray his eyes from me.

Another knock sounded and this time accompanied by a voice. "Sir, the doctor is here."

That made Tyler get off the bed. He glanced at me briefly before stalking toward the door.

It was the maid from downstairs. She had her eyes downcast as she said. "Mr. Harris called for a doctor."

Behind her, a man stepped out dressed in neat clothes and a briefcase in hand. A woman who I presume was nurse, with a bag of her own followed the doctor as Tyler let them in.

The doctor who introduced himself as Dr. Princeton, checked all the bruises once then said he needed to clean all the wounds first.

The nurse, Tina was about to help me take off my shirt when Tyler stopped her.

He glanced at the lingering maid in the doorway. "Bring two more girls with you."

I stared at him expectantly but he didn't elaborate.

When the three girls came, Tyler approached me. Carrying me gently toward the bathroom, he laid me inside the bathtub.

Then he turned back and ordered. "Clean her up but gently."

Only Dr. Princeton was in the bedroom, everyone else was in the bathroom.

I felt so uncomfortable being naked in front of many eyes, albeit female eyes and my husbands eyes but I was too tired and in pain to care about it.

Tyler leaned at the closed door, watching the many hands washing my bruises with hawk eyes.

When one of those hands tried to clean the dirt from my head, I yelped at the sudden headache.

"Watch it!" Tyler shouted and the girls trembled.

I sighed, suppressing my reactions.

After I was cleaned, the nurse suggested to wear only the bra and a pair of shorts so that it would be easy for the doctor to check my ribs.

A modest sports bra was brought to me and then, when Tyler laid me back on the bed, Dr. Princeton started treating my wounds.

When his hands put pressure on my foot, I couldn't stop the scream that cane out loud and clear from my mouth.

Breathing heavily, I noticed Tyler as he raked his hands through his hairs before saying something and stalking out the room, slamming the door on his departure.

While checking my forehead, Dr. Princeton explained a visit to the hospital was necessary but I shook my hand and replied tomorrow.

After that everything was a blur for me, I was too exhausted from the aches all over my body. Keeping my eyes open was a torture for me thus I couldn't help myself from closing them and no one stopped me.

Then finally peace came in the form of sleep.


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