Ouran High School Host Club X...

By izzyana7

125K 3.4K 1.4K

You are Haruhi's adopted sister, (y/n) Neko. You have black cat ears and a tail, which you hide under your ho... More

Chapter 1 - Meeting Everyone
Chapter 2 - Telling Them
Chapter 3 - Their Reactions
Chapter 4 - Nicknames!
Chapter 5 - Becoming a Hostess?!
Chapter 6 - First Day as a Hostess
Chapter 7 - The Ball Part 1
Chapter 8 - The Ball, Part 2
Not an Update
New Characters!
Chapter 9 - Meeting the Band
Chapter 10 - Attack of the Lady Manager
Chapter 11 - The twins fight! Part 1
Chapter 12 - The Twins Fight! Part 2
Chapter 13 - Always There
Chapter 14 - The Grade School Host Is The Naughty Type?
Update! somewhat


13K 247 466
By izzyana7

Hey guys please stop commenting on how parts of the personality/character are wrong (like 'but blank is different') cause 1 this story is already cringy enough so getting constant notifications on my least favourite story kind of makes me wish i didnt post it and 2 the persona of this character was created to follow my own story line and ideas, so all the things written here are only written because they will have an affect later in the story.

Name: (y/n) Neko

Looks: Normally wears the hoodie, the hair and everything else can be how you want

Blood Type: AB

Occupation: Singer and Part-Time babysitter

Age: Unknown (thought to be around the same age as Haruhi)

Adopted Family: Ryoji (Ranka) Fujioka - Father, Haruhi Fujioka - Younger Sister, Kotoko Fujioka - Mother, Deceased.

Real Family/Origins: Unknown

Likes: Manga, Anime, Sweets, All Animals (yes, even dogs), Family, Friends, etc.

Dislikes: Spicy food, mean people, obnoxious people, snobby bitches, anyone who hurts her family, etc.

Fears: Fear of the Ocean (Thalassophobia, also her worst fear), Fear of Basements, Fear of water/drowning, Fear of Doctors and Scientists, etc

Story (warning this is long): (y/n) Neko was found by the Fujioka's at a young age in an alleyway surrounded by cats and other stray animals. Upon seeing her cat ears and tail, they decided to adopt her, and introduce her as their unborn child's sister. Haruhi Fujioka was born 3 days later. To keep things simple, Kotoko decided to name the young neko-like baby (y/n) Neko, and she shared a birthday with her younger 'twin' sister.

As the years passed on,(y/n) was bullied for her neko features, so she would just stay by her twin's side. Scientists also tried to kidnap her, creating her fear of doctors. To help prevent her from getting kidnapped, she learned martial arts, and often competed in events, being rated number one in the world, with the alias 'Anonymous'. Though one time she did get kidnapped and was kept in a basement for 3 days before managing to claw the eyes out of the scientists and escaped (where she got her fear of basements). Only Haruhi knows about this.

She gained her fear of water and the ocean after witnessing someone drown before she could save them.

When she got into middle school, she was bullied to the point where she dropped out of school and was taught by Haruhi about normal school stuff and often helped her study.

Also she always wears her hoodie to hide her ears and tail.

Other facts:

- She can be deadly and terrifying when she needs to

- Not a morning person

- Always has a baby husky following her, the huskies name is Ruby and her left eye is red, and her right eye is blue.....


Any other stuff about her/you will be explained when necessary...

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