Past is Past - The Vamps Band...

By authoring

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Tristan and Kaylee Evans are trying to cope with the loss of their father, but it becomes increasingly harder... More

Chapter One - Introduction
Chapter Two- Reality hits
Chapter Three- Interrogations and Interruptions
Chapter Four- Catch ups and slow downs
Chapter Five - Preparations
Chapter Six - The Big Day
Chapter Seven - The Mystery Unravelled
Chapter Eight - The Morning After
Chapter Nine - Renovations
Chapter Ten - Complications arise
Chapter Eleven - Lights Camera Action
Chapter Twelve - Heartbreak and Apology
Chapter Thirteen - Meals and Mishaps
Chapter Fourteen - The truth comes out
Chapter Fifteen - New Arrival
Chapter Sixteen - Confrontations
Chapter Seventeen - Is this true?
Chapter Eighteen - Perfection is within reach.. maybe
Chapter Nineteen - The sun doesn't always shine..
Chapter Twenty - When life gets you down..
Chapter Twenty One - Guilt Trip
Chapter Twenty Two - Party Time
Chapter Twenty Three - Headliners
Chapter Twenty Four - Unfathomable Emotions
Chapter Twenty Six - Stay.
Chapter Twenty Seven - Day Trips
Chapter Twenty Eight - Gifts and Mischief
Chapter Twenty Nine - So little time..
Chapter Thirty - One shock after another
Chapter Thirty One - Coaching and Helping
Chapter Thirty Two - She's here
Chapter Thirty Three - How could you..
Chapter Thirty Four - Heart of Gold
Chapter Thirty Five - Shippers and Planners
Chapter Thirty Six - Wedding Bells
Chapter Thirty Seven - After Party Fun
Chapter Thirty Eight - Interviews and Playgroup
Chapter Thirty Nine - Revenge is sweet
Chapter Forty - New Years Finale (Last Chapter!)
Remember Me?

Chapter Twenty Five - Psychotic Minds

2.2K 61 6
By authoring

I took the piece of paper with the results on from the officer's hand, and passed it around to everyone. "I-I don't know this girl.." I said breathlessly. Connor took the paper from me, and passed it to Brad. "Is she the one-" he said, and Brad nodded, ending the sentence. "She is" he said, and Connor's body tensed. "Who is she?" I whispered to Connor.

"Brad's ex. And now she's.. kind of the band's stalker" he whispered back. "Dude, this must be killing you" Tristan said to Brad as he read the results. "Well, I know where she lives, let's go" Brad said, no emotion in his tone at all. I thanked the officers as we were leaving, and they called us back. "We'd like to keep Miss Madeley in the station, just for extra protection in case the girl that made the note decides to come after her" one said to us. "One of you should stay with her for comfort and support" the other officer said. We all turned to look at each other. 

"I'll stay. She's my best friend" I said to everyone. "No Kaylee, the boys need you. I'm no good at confrontation, and well, you are. Besides, she's one of my closest friends. I'll never leave her side" Cat said to me with pleading eyes. I turned to look at the boys, and they all nodded. "It's true Kay, you're a real badass when you want to be" Brad said. "Yeah, you actually are sis" Tristan added. I turned back to Cat, and hugged her. "You're an amazing friend" I said to her, and then I crouched down to Kimmy.

"Kim? I'm going with the guys to get the girl that did this. Then we're going to find James and bring him back, okay?" she nodded, and leaned forward to pull me into a bear hug. "Kaylee, don't do something you'll regret" she whispered, and I nodded. "Wouldn't dream of it" I replied with a weak smile. Then, the boys and I walked back out to the car. As we were driving to wherever this psycho girl lives, the boys informed me about her. "Okay Kaylee, never under estimate anything Cherie does or says, she's pure crazy" Brad said.

I nodded in understanding. "Wait, if she's a stalker to you guys, why have I never seen her? Better yet, why have none of you told me about her?" I aimed this mainly at my brother."You live a sheltered life, dear sister. We haven't seen her in a few weeks anyway" Tristan told me. I huffed and fell back in the seat. Connor then took my hand. "If anything happens to you Kaylee, i'm going full karate on her ass" he said, causing me to smile. "If she's anything like you're describing, I think she'll aim for you first" I said to him, and his grip tightened. 

A half hour later, the car stopped moving. "Let's go" Brad said, seeming really angry, and got out first. "I don't even know what to do.." I said to myself, but apparently it was out loud. "Just be there in case we need you" Tristan said as he got out. Then, I got out with Connor, and the three boys stormed up to her door. 

When she opened it, she jumped up and down repeatedly, freaking out. "My god, is that what I look like when I freak out?" I said to myself. I was staying by the car just in case she went psycho on me. I immediately saw all three of the boys' bodies tense up when they saw her. She shrugged her shoulders a lot, then stepped outside, and the boys took a step back.

If I didn't know better i'd think they were actually scared of her. As I watched the scene unfold, it looked like she confessed. But that would be much too easy wouldn't it. I nervously got my phone and dialled the police, and tried to remember the address of where we were. I think I got it right, and they were on their way. It looked like Cherie was about to get violent, and I prayed the police would get here quicker than they seemed to be, because if anything happened to any single one of them, i'd blame myself for not being there.

Then I heard the familiar sound of a siren. Shockingly, none of them seemed to notice. I told the officers everything then they ran over and took Cherie and dragged her into the car. It seemed like she lived alone, so nobody was distracted by the commotion. The three boys turned around and came back to me, and I hugged them all, so thankful none of them were hurt. As Cherie walked past us, she gave me the death glare. I just waved at her in response. Before they pulled away, I asked one of the officers what was going to happen to her. They told me that if they got her to confess (which they had a good feeling she would) she would go to prison for as many years as the court deemed fit. We would have to attend the hearing, though. 

As we were driving back to the station, I felt tears falling thick and fast down my cheeks. "What's wrong KayKay?" Connor asked from the side of me. "We've got the bad guy, it's all going to be alright" he added. I shook my head. "I don't even know, maybe it's because i'm sleep deprived, I just don't know" I replied, and he looked sympathetically at me. "Try and get some sleep babe, we have time" he said whilst taking my hand. I nodded, and leaned my head against the window and drifted off almost immediately. 

After what seemed like ten seconds I was gently being shaken. "Kaylee, wake up" Connor whispered softly. He knew I was awful when I was being woken up and he was being careful. I really admired him in that moment, I wouldn't want to attempt to wake me up. We walked back inside, and saw everyone else in a massive group, crowding around something. I was a little woozy from being woken up before I was ready, and kept stumbling from side to side. I probably looked drunk instead of tired, so Connor had to put his arm around me to steady me. We walked up to everyone else, they were all looking through the interrogation room window. 

Since we were all involved with the case, we were allowed to observe the interrogation. "I can't do this" Kimmy said. She'd regained a lot of strength in the time we'd been gone. She walked out into the main reception area, and I followed her, having no desire to watch the interrogation either. "Did you find James?" Kimmy asked me once we were settled into the plush chairs. "No Kim, we didn't have time. I'm positive he's safe and sound, you know how James is" I said, and rested my head on her shoulder. "I really hope you're right" she said with a sigh. "Yeah, me too" I muttered to myself.

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