Chapter Thirty - One shock after another

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"..guilty of all charges" the jury member finished, and we all breathed a sigh of relief.

The judge declared Cherie was going to prison for four years for whatever reason, truth be told I zoned out, as I was hugging Kimmy. We walked out of the courthouse feeling really confident, and the rest of the afternoon was spent celebrating, as was the night. We had a mini party, basically.

--Many, many days later--

We were still on a major high, Cherie was locked up, Haley was out of our lives, and things were looking up for our group for the first time ever. Everyone apart from Tristan and Cat were sat in our living room, and we were watching a random movie i'd taped a few weeks ago. "What do you guys want to do for lunch?" Priscilla asked, leaning up from her and Brad's embrace.

"I'll take care of it" James replied, and started tapping on his phone. A few minutes later he stopped. "Cat and Tris say they'll pick something up on their way back" he announced to us all. We all nodded, and went back to watching the movie. Once it finished, as if by coincidence, the other couple arrived back, weighed down with food. "Ready made, dig in" Cat said with a smile as she rested the remaining food on the counter. Naturally, we all did. 

After we had stuffed ourselves, Cat stood up. "Guys.. I have to tell you something" she said, and we all followed her to the lounge area. She stood in the middle of us all, in front of the table, and my brother went and stood beside her. "Well.." she began, and Tristan squeezed her hand and smiled at her. "I'm pregnant" she announced, and scanned all of our expressions. "Are- Are you sure?" I stuttered. "Believe me, it couldn't be anyone else's" she replied, and looked at the ground. 

"I mean are you sure you're pregnant?" I asked, and she gestured for Kimmy and I to follow her outside, which we did. Once we were stood on my garden, she took out her bag, revealing six pregnancy tests. Every single one positive. "Oh my god Cat.." Kimmy said. I attacked her with a hug, and Kimmy followed suit. "It's definitely my brother's?" I asked, and she nodded and blushed. "I couldn't be happier, honestly" I said, and hugged her even tighter. 

When we went back inside, everyone stared at us. "Well guys?" Tristan asked us, arms outstretched. "I'm going to be an auntie!" I cried as I ran into his arms. "Yes you are Kay, and an amazing one at that" he said as he cuddled me. "Um we all want to get some hugs in too you know!" James laughed from behind me. 

"Yeah, you guys live in the same house, you can talk about this whenever!" Brad added. "You all practically live here too" I corrected, and he shrugged. I backed away and let everyone else swarm Cat and Tristan. "This is just unreal" I said to myself as I sat back down, but evidently it wasn't quiet enough. 

"I know, we're all growing up" Connor said as he sat beside me. I looked up at him and nodded. He moved close to me, and began twisting the ring around my finger. "We are. What are we going to do?" I asked him, and he smiled. "Whatever feels right" he replied, and I nodded in agreement. As I was about to reply, I noticed something.

"Kimmy.. What's that on your finger?" I asked her. "Umm.. an engagement ring.." she said casually, whilst beaming at me. "You're ENGAGED?" I squealed jumping up. "Yes, yes I am" she said, and hugged me. "Like.. to be MARRIED? When did this happen? Tell me everythinggggggg!" I was still speaking in an abnormally high pitched voice, but come on, my brother was about to become a father for the first real time, and my best friend was engaged. I was entitled to be a little more than my normal 'unique' self right? 

"Weeeellll, I popped the question a few days ago, and she couldn't resist" James explained. "Well, it's more than that isn't it" Kimmy scowled, looking up at him. "I had a whole thing set up, romantic dinner, dancing, you know the works" James corrected hiself. "The ring was in the cake!" Kimmy added, and giggled. We'd always said that's the perfect way to be proposed to, because of our obsession with food. 

Past is Past - The Vamps Band fanfic. *Completed*Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum