Chapter Thirty Three - How could you..

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"We're going to name her Kayleigh" Cat said, and everyone's gazes turned to me. "You-You're what?" I asked, tears every second building in my eyes. I felt Connor's arms wrap around my waist, and he rested his head on my shoulder. "We're naming her Kayleigh, after you" Tristan told me. "Are you serious?" I asked them, with a lump in my throat. They both nodded. "Wh-Why?" I asked, I knew I was stuttering on pretty much every word I said. "We have our reasons" Cat said with a smile. "You're the best role model this little baby could possibly have, and this way she'll always remember it" Tristan added, opening his arms.

I ran into them, and then reached over to hug Cat, as she gently passed Kayleigh over to Kimmy. Then, once again my bad luck came into effect, as the nurse barged in on the joyous moment and demanded for both Cat and her daughter to get some well needed rest. We were told to leave the next two days for their rest, as Cat was sleep deprived, and Kayleigh needed a few more tests running on her to make sure she was perfectly healthy, due to being premature. Nobody stayed together, we all went to our own houses for the first time in who knows how long (Tristan stayed with Cat and Kayleigh, despite the nurse's warnings).

The next morning, I woke up at a reasonable time, 10:30, and trailed downstairs in search of food. "Mum?" I called, to be greeted with silence. I checked my phone. 'Kaylee, spending the day with Auntie Grace, i'll be home in a few hours xx' I was home alone again, great. I fixed myself some cereal and made some coffee, and sat in front of the tv. I had no idea what I wanted to watch, which was not well received, as there was nothing on, and there was nothing taped that I wanted to watch. 

I sat in silence for a few minutes, then I had an idea. I rushed to the cupboard, and began digging through the hundreds of discs we had in a box. I found the one I wanted, and placed it into the dvd player. It was a recording of me and my dad, back when he was healthy. As I watched the younger version of myself toddling around, then being picked up by my dad, and I looked so happy, carefree. Before I knew it, I heard a dripping noise, and looked down. Teardrops were falling into my cup of coffee. I quickly wiped my eyes, and continued watching. Two hours later I had finished the disc, and it was something I really needed.

I felt closer to my dad, and I myself felt all the better for it. My phone then rang, and my best friend's face appeared on the screen. "Hi, Kay!" she said excitedly down the phone. "What's up Kim?" I asked. "Do you want to go shopping? James is with his family for the day and we haven't spent the day together in ageeeeessss!" her excited voice rang through my speaker. "Love to, i'll pick you up in 10 minutes" I replied. She hung up, and I quickly ran up to get changed. I then drove to Kimmy's house, and she arrived in my car ridiculously quickly. We arrived in the shopping centre quicker than expected, and it was nice to have a day catching up with Kimmy.

As we were walking to the cafe, we passed a few shops. "Kaylee, look at this! Wouldn't this look so cute on Kayleigh?" Kimmy asked, pointing at some baby clothes in a shop window. I was about to reply, when something else caught my eye. In the reflection of the window. Kimmy noticed I looked a little spaced out, and she shook me to break me of the stare. "What are you looking at?" she asked, and I turned around to directly look at it. I raised my arm and pointed into a nearby restaurant, and was suddenly frozen in place. "Is that.." Kimmy began. "Yes" I simply said.

Sitting in the restaurant over a candlelit dinner was Connor and a girl I could only see half of. He leaned in closer, closer, and then they were kissing. It lasted for several seconds. When they pulled away, his eyes focussed on Kimmy and I. He got up quicker than any time before, and ran towards us. Kimmy pushed him back before he got to me. She understood, she's seen all the movies I have. "Kaylee, I can explain.." he began, but I cut him off. "Enough of the movie crap." I interrupted, and took the ring off my finger.

I threw it at him, but didn't run, like you would have thought. "Kaylee.." he began again, but this time I grabbed Kimmy's arm and dragged her out before I broke down in the middle of the shopping centre as Cat nearly did a few months before.

I looked back once, and he looked really, really upset. It was nothing compared to what I looked like, and felt. 


Dun, dun, DUN! *Dramatic music*

This is the start of the drama, there's a lot more. Oh, and I updated for the third time today! Yayyy!

Only 7 parts left until the end..

Stay awesome xox

Past is Past - The Vamps Band fanfic. *Completed*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora