Chapter Nine - Renovations

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Kimmy fell onto my bed and screamed into my pillow. I sat down next to her and stroked her hair. "Shh" I cooed, in an attempt to calm her down. Kimmy was never short of male attention, but something was different about her this time.

"Girl I think you got it baaaaad" I teased her, and she threw some of my stuffed animals at me. "No response means yes" I said, and Kimmy showed no response.

"Haha, knew it!" I teased again, and she sat up. "There's just something different about him, Kay. I can't explain it" she said, her voice full of hope. "It just sucks that i'm in the next town and he's here" she said, her expression turning crestfallen.

"I know honey, I know" I tried to soothe her, which i'm evidently not good at, as she fell into my lap and started sobbing hysterically.

Ten minutes later, there was a knock on my bedroom door. I answered it, and Tristan was stood there.

"Can I talk to you for a minute sis?" he asked casually, obviously he hadn't noticed the hysterical Kimmy on my bed. "Uh.. sure" I said and gently closed the door behind me. "What's up Tris?" I asked in return. "Mum wanted us to decide what we want to do with dad's office" he said and hung his head. "I-I hadn't even thought about it" I replied, and he nodded.

"Just think about it, okay, mum's letting us decide, if we can agree on something" he said, and began to retreat downstairs.

I went back into my bedroom, and Kimmy had finally stopped crying. But me being the awesome friend I am, made things ten times better.. maybe worse. I went to the banister and yelled "James, Connor, get up here!" and they did, as fast as they could, and I pointed to my bedroom. They got the hint and dragged Kimmy out.

They took her downstairs and into the garden for some much needed air. As they passed me, James winked, Kimmy gave me the dead eye and Connor gave me the same look he did on the garden, I just couldn't work it out. But enough about that. My conscience had spoken. I ran downstairs and looked out the window. James and Connor were just setting Kimmy down on the grass and were laying down with her, I think they were cloud watching.

I turned to face Tristan and Brad, and they both smiled, picking up on the fact I had an idea. "Tris, I know what we should do with dad's office" He bolted upright, and looked at me intently. "What do you think, Kay?" he said urgently. Brad also studied me with suspicion. "I think we should make it a recording studio for you guys" I said with a deep breath. Tristan looked genuinely shocked and surprised.

"Kaylee, are you sure? I mean, we don't have to do anything yet if you don't want to" he said, meaning every word. "I'm positive. You guys will never have far to go for practises and recordings, and it'd make dad happy knowing his office is being used for something that brings joy to the whole family. It's all he would ask" I said with a weak smile. "Kaylee.." Brad said, as shocked as Tristan.

I looked down at my scuffed converse and waited for a response. They both jumped up at the same time and ran to me and hugged me tightly. After a minute or two the hug broke, and Tristan said "the whole family?" I looked up at him and smiled, and said "Yes, the whole family. Seeing you pursuing your dream with these guys-" I gestured to Brad and pointed to the garden "-is all me, mum and dad, could ever ask" I could tell Tristan was touched, and Brad looked like he was going to burst into tears any minute.

"Group selfie!" he shouted, and put his phone to the camera app. He posted it online, and everyone went crazy, naturally. "Changing to new profile picture.." Brad said whilst tapping on his phone. Tristan wanted a picture too, so we took about ten retakes and he changed his profile picture too. They both got loads of comments on it, a lot saying how alike me and Tristan looked and stuff like that.

And the boys had started something so, so big, even if they didn't know it.


Past is Past - The Vamps Band fanfic. *Completed*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora