A Tobelaide tale!

By randomfanficdownton

17.2K 442 122

Once upon a time, the cameras turned off, the characters stopped acting, and their real lives became a perfor... More

Tobelaide reaches england..
"Ditching the car."
Lagoon? Check.
'Watched it begin again'
In the morning, dear.
Climbing cuts
Toblerone talk.
Friend zone?
Cinderella and the hiker.
Back home
Authors note

Falling Star

782 26 10
By randomfanficdownton

{ A/N hey guys it's great to have 1K and I love all your support, this will be the last chapter for about a week so the last two chapters catch up on reads and such. Feedback on the argument in the last chapter would be great 😂👌😘 }

You'll be happy to hear, reader, that once Adelaide was over her sudden feelings ( it took her a whole night of singing behind a water fall but nonetheless ) she ran straight back into Toby's arms ( quite literally ).

Ever since she had returned, they hadn't spoke a word of the sudden outburst between them and it was quite forgotten.

They hadn't moved from the cave for a few days as they were waiting for Toby's stomach ( which had had to be stitched by the very inexperienced Adelaide unfortunately) to heal.
They didn't mind this however, as they had made themselves quite at home in their little cave house; they were the modern cave men! ( and women... )

Ah yes reader, they had bunting of all things ( made out of leaves and string ) hanging all around the cave walls and even a small fireplace ( aka sticks in the centre they occasionally replaced and set fire to ).

Toby's health was increasingly getting better day by day and of course their days were always filled with music and laughing.

In the mornings Adelaide would try and make anything she could whilst Toby kept her company and told her what to do.
He could now stand up without wincing in pain and so Adelaide had decided they'd set off in another day.


It was early morning when Toby slowly opened his eyes and squinted at the sunlight.
"Wish we could turn back time,
To the good old days,
When our mamas sang us to sleep but now were stressed out.."
The music briefly danced around his ears and he tried not to laugh when he managed to see Adelaide properly as she was rapping whilst she were 'cooking'.
Toby Waited until the last verse to join in and Adelaide jumped when she saw he were awake.
"Used to play pretend,
give Each other different names,
We would build a rocket ship and then fly it far away.." He rapped as loud as he could.
Adelaide shuffled over to where he rapped sleepily, brushed a curl out of his face and the confronted him.
"Ahem since how long have you been staring at me rapping and possibly dancing?!"
"Enough to make me smirk whenever I see you dancing again."
He answered sniggering, sitting up slowly under Adelaide's glare.
"Grr you."
She said before realising she was 'cooking' ( burning something ) and ran back over to the centre of the cave where the fire was consuming their breakfast.

Later that day, a grey mist seeped through the forest leaves and threaded thickly through the trees outside.
Adelaide and Toby were snuggled up in their sleeping bags even though it wasn't night time.
The tendrils of the monster lurked at the mouth of the cave sinisterly but dared not invade their little cave home.
It was still reasonably light and Adelaide reckoned it were about 3 o'clock.

Today they had sang, danced ( Adelaide danced and Toby jiggled about on the sleeping bag so he didn't hurt himself ) even rapped and played a very competitive game of snap.
Now the two were tired from doing such trivial and non exhausting activities and they sat there on their phones in their sleeping bags.

Adelaide scrolled passed some of the photos she'd taken already on this holiday; so many selfies with Toby! And quite a few pictures of him sleeping which would come in handy for any threats when they returned.
She scrolled further up her camera roll and found a question game she'd screen shotted off somewhere.
She nudged him excitedly and he parted his gaze from his phone to look over to her.
"Play this game with me."

It was a simple game really, you would say a scent ( for example the smell of old books ) and then look for it on a long list.
Next to the list of scents would be a question for each one of them and you had to answer it.

Toby said, peering over her shoulder to see what his question would be.
"Okay your question is.."
She declared upon finally finding the word.
"What does love feel like to you?" Adelaide giggled to herself and looked up to see Toby's awkward expression.
"Best question ever!"
He exclaimed sarcastically before painting a thoughtful expression onto his face.

"Love is...
A butterfly feeling in your tummy when they come near,
Stopping to talk when they enter the room because they take your breath away,
Noticing every time they smile or laugh because it makes you grin like an idiot.."
He trailed off and smirked at Adelaide who giggled at him and joined in.

"Hmm well I think love is..
Cute behind me cuddles,
Late nights in big sweaters,
She drew her knees up to her chest and pulled her sleeping bag tighter around her.
"Good job I'm a Toblerone then!"
Toby exclaimed, quite content with this realisation.
"What even are we?"
Adelaide asked, turning slightly more serious than before and pulling her sleeves down so that her hands were consumed by the wool.
"I mean.. Like.. Status?"
She explained her question awkwardly and felt her cheeks flush a deep red.
Toby paused on hearing the question, but rather than being awkward, he smiled and turned the background music playing from the speaker up.

"We are.."
He tried to think of the perfect way of putting such a delicate matter.
"Best friends who have maybe kissed." He breathed out slowly after declaring the title and looked for Adelaide's approval.
Instead of a nod, or a gesture, or an accepting smile, she pressed a quick kiss on his lips and then felt for his hand.
"Yeah... Maybe kissed."
Toby laughed and kissed her again.
"No, I don't think we have kissed before..?"
He said sarcastically, pulling a confused face.

At night, Toby and Adelaide liked to watch the stars since it was so rare they had the time to admire them.
They'd sit on the large boulder near the entrance to the cave and gaze up at the sky, the stars revealing themselves more and more as the sun fell into a deep sleep behind the horizon.

Adelaide was quite comfortable in a large, knitted cream sweater and coffee denim shorts whose stylishly ripped hem just peeped out under the long jumper.
Her hair was as always tied up in a ballerina bun ( messily done as she'd let Toby attempt it.. Needless to say he won't be 'attempting' again. ) and she wore her twine and stick bracelet as always.
Toby had picked a few of the wallflowers to thread into it whilst she'd been out fetching water and such.

Tonight they climbed up onto the rock and Adelaide helped Toby up just at the top.
She sat cross legged with her hot chocolate ( yes she had brought cadbury's instant hot chocolate ) and her anklet glimmered slightly in the moonlight.
Toby came up behind her and rested his chin on her shoulder, peering up at the infinite sky.
He'd brought his guitar which was a kind of tradition.
Music was a huge part of their life, incase you hadn't guessed, they just loved singing and if Adelaide was quite honest she would be quite content for reign to be a musical.
Toby said she was a fab badass Queen of Scots but would be even cooler singing her demands in French court. Adelaide agreed.
Caitlin and Torrance probably would when they heard her proposal when they got back.

Toby leant against the wall and tuned his guitar while Adelaide repositioned herself and her hot chocolate closer to him.

"What shall we sing? Ed sheeran? Meghan Trainor? Taylor swift?"
Toby asked over his plucking and tuning.
Adelaide sat for a second in deep thought and then gestured for Toby to pass her the guitar.
"I want to sing something different this time."
She said, humming a note and then plucking out a tiny melody which repeated.
Toby smiled upon hearing her choice of song.
Her quiet voice began to sing the words and Toby harmonised the lower part of the tune.

"Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket,
never let it fade away,
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket,
Save it for a rainy day.."
Toby draped his arm around her shoulders as they sang with their eyes gazing upwards towards the heavens.
Their breaths made little clouds as they sang quietly, but it was kind of cute.

He watched her as they sang, her little dimples when she smiled at a certain phrase in the song or the way her eyes lit up at the prospect of catching a falling star.
She was still so much like a child, the way she saw everything like an adventure no matter where she was.
The press didn't know her really, her agent only saw her as a prodigy and it saddened him that no one would ever know the real Adelaide Kane.
No one would ever catch this falling star, but sometimes he thought he was on the brim of holding her starlight.

He liked to think of her as the twinkle in his eyes.

His little falling star.

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