Tipping the Balance || Mianite

By GreenSeaMonster

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A somewhat short Mianite fic. What happens after everyone reaches the land of Mianite? What could happen if I... More

The Return
The Reunion
The Traveler
The Plan
The Proposal
The Suprise
The Insanity
The Happy Ending
The Other Half
The Goodbye (Epilouge)
Syndisparklez story???

The entire freaking story right here

59 2 0
By GreenSeaMonster


Words: 6,502

Pages (On Microsoft word): 14

Hours exercised during writing process: 0

Hot cocoa made during writing process: 1

Rated x for xylophones

Lol I mean there's like .5 swear words but yeah gore and violence I guess


They had been floating for months. It seemed to go on forever. Their journey had to be at least 19.57 minutes long. Just saying.

            Because of the long ride, everyone had become closer. After all, Mot and Dianite were reunited, they were all safe from evil, and they knew what was coming to them. Well, more like what they were going to.


For a long time, home was just a dream for them. Returning seemed out of the question.  But now they were traveling through the void, straight towards home.

And they had arrived.

Because Dianite was the god of the nether, they ended up there. Tom was the first to recognize where they were. Built into a hill of nether rack, was a portal he knew would not lead to their home. To the side, though, there was an underground pathway. They followed it, and it seemed to go on forever. The group of natives reflected on the war they had, and Firefoxx and Jericho remembered finding Tom's base and taking his weapons of war. There were few words spoken, though.

            Once they arrived at the portal, the mood lightened. There was no reason to be awkward. Through that portal was their home. One by one, they arrived at the priest's house. They were greeted by a face Mot, Dianite, Andor, and Martha knew very well. Spark, speaking to a face the natives knew. The Priest.

            Spark was the first to notice the travelers. His eyes widened, his breath stopped, because he also did not expect them to come home. Dec noticed his alarming expression and copied it when he glanced at the travelers.

Dianite was the first to speak, "Hello, Spark," Breaking the silence. Declan smiled to welcome them back.

"Welcome back, what took you so long?" The priest joked.  They were all so happy to see these faces.  Sparklez was exited to meet his alter, and Martha was grateful that at least one parent of hers was alive and well.  She could sense an Ianite, but another version. Not her mother.

            Sparks eyes turned to Mot, realizing he was there. "Mot!?! You were with them? We thought you were dead! We searched for weeks for you!"

"And we just searched for months for you." Mot shot back. He remembered who he had wanted to see since he jumped through the portal to his home that is now destroyed. "And Alyssa? Where is she?"

"Alyssa is probably at your house, or out in nature or something. You guys can go with him and I'll bring everyone here to you ." Spark said. Everyone nodded in agreement, and they set off.  Everyone was living in a vivid dream of their own. They could not believe they were home.


            The home for Mot and Alyssa was built a short way off the shore near spawn.  On the way there, the natives passed by Jericho and Firefoxx's house, then the tea shop, then glanced at Sparklez's house. The natives had pointed out these landmarks and reflected on old memories.

             The home they built was very nice. Dianite complemented the home. "At least one of my followers owns a decent house." Tom's house was less decent and more phallic in the other universe. Just saying.

Mot stepped in. he could feel the warm air from the fire. He felt the irritation the cat fur gave him. He saw the piles of flower crowns Alyssa had made. "Alyssa! " He called out. Almost instantly, Mot heard her coming down to the door. Step, step, step, rumble, creaakkk, shut, step, step, step.

Mot soon saw her coming down the stairs. Because the stairs were facing away and it had been too long to instantly remember his voice, Alyssa asked, "Who is it?" but after turning around, she knew. 

Standing in front of her was Martha, Andor, Dianite, the natives, Sparklez, Jericho, Firefoxx, Tom, Waglington, and her father, Mot.

"Dad?" She wasn't shocked, she was happy.  She ran over to embrace him. "I thought you were dead! We all thought you were dead! We looked for weeks until we gave up! Why did you leave?" Alyssa was a mix of happy and angry. She looked older that before, but, like all the others so far, recognizable. Mot pointed towards Dianite and smiled.

"We got him back. And you seem to be in good shape, so what was so bad about me leaving? "Mot said, making a point.  They embraced once more.

Behind the Natives, the door opened, revealing spark, Jeriah, Dec, and just casually walking in was Ianite.  She seemed younger, glowing, happier, and her eyeliner was perfect. Sparklez was the first to speak to her.

"My lady. Hello." Sparklez greeted her. Once she saw him she flew over to hug him.

Martha was unaffected by her presence, this Ianite was not her mother after all. Ianite was stunned by Sparklez's sudden arrival. "I looked for a way to bring you back for so long! I wanted the real you back. And now Mot is alive and well, I see. "Ianite seemed no longer weak, and was good friends with the travelers.

After small talk, they all celebrated by returning home and sleeping. The Alters knew that if the natives came back, they would want their homes back, so they carefully preserved them. All was the same, except a creeper blew up all of tuckers Chests. Oh well. 

They had a good night's rest for the morning.

In the morning, Spark and Sparklez were chatting, because their houses were close and they were both headed to the farm for food. Spark had a question in his head all night, but was afraid of the answer. He had to ask it, though.  "Sparklez, where is Ianite? My Ianite?" He spit out.

Sparklez was taken back to that time in the end. Seeing her statue. Seeing it collapse into an ashy pile. Spark loved her and she loved him. He remembered the funeral, Spark's rapier, the Ianitas, and World Historian. Especially World Historian, the bastard is the reason why his Ianite is the state she is in now. "Dead. I'm sorry." Sparklez replied.

Spark wasn't shocked. He saw it coming, He was told his home was destroyed and Ianite wasn't with them when they arrived. There was very few possibilities that could have happened. "How?" Ianite was hard to take down, she was a god.

"Her father; World historian. He killed her to destroy your realm." Sparklez answered.

They were silent the rest of the way to the farm and the whole way back.

Sparklez did an inventory check to see what items he had left behind. About halfway through, something appeared out of the corner of his eye to speak to him, "Sparklez? I felt like we needed to talk alone, and catch up on things." Sparklez turned to Ianite, who had a warm smile on her face

Sparklez was glad to spend time with his goddess. "Sure. What do you want to talk about?"

I wanted to ask you to confirm if Martha was really my alters daughter?'


"And this Dianite is a good guy?"


"And tom's alter is dating him"

"Pretty much"

"And my alter is dead?"

"For sure"

Ianite was so focused on Sparklez the previous day that she didn't really get caught up on everything. After they jumped, she spent months trying to return them home.  She failed.  "I can't believe I gave up on finding you. I'm sorry. I spent all day every day looking for a spell or something. I'm sorry."

Sparklez was curious about what made her stop, and what has happened whilst he was gone. Maybe it was time that made Ianite stronger. Maybe it was something else. He asked, "What exactly happened whilst I was gone?"

Ianite's Eyes were full of regret as she remembered Giving up. "I looked for months. I tried and tried to bring you and your friends back home. One day, I found a spell that said it would make me stronger, more powerful, blah, blah, blah. It did just that. But I still couldn't get you. I knew that you were dead or alive and if you were dead, then you were dead. But if you were alive, then you could obviously live where you were. And when the alters came, I was told that it was a mild place I need not worry about your safety. But when you came back I realized that I left you in a world you did not know of, around people you did not know of, and I just stopped trying to help you. I'm sorry."

Sparklez recognized her sadness, but forgave her. Him Going to that place was not her fault and she already had worked over what she should have to bring them back. "My lady, you did nothing wrong. I'm home . We both are home. We all are home." After all, it had only been a short time in this universe.

Ianite seemed to remember something. "Crap. Sorry. I have to go, I'll talk to you later." She stayed long enough for Sparklez to ask a question.

"Where are you going to?" Sparklez was concerned for her alarming facial expression.

"I'll talk to you later." And poof! She was gone. Maybe it was a good secret, or she was asked to do something for another person by a certain time. He knew that Ianite was a good person, so he relaxed and continued checking his chests.

Meanwhile, Sonja and Jericho both had their arrows pointed at one thing: Tom.  Syndicate was bored, so he decided to place random TNT in their house. Of course, the couple took this as a threat and was trying to kill him. Annoyed, Jericho claims, "Like, this isn't even fun anymore, just stop.  You're not even making this fun we work so hard and you just destroy everything ohmygod!" Witch he repeats about ten times. He wasn't called salty for nothing, I mean. Come. On.

After a few hours, Sparklez was breeding animals and Ianite came back. " I'm back, sorry I took so long. Anyways, would you like to go to dinner?"

Sparkles had a flash back to his lunch with the other Ianite many months ago. To him, it was a good date *AHEM* FRIENDLY LUNCH that supplied a fond memory of her. And now, his Ianite was inviting him on a date *AHEM* FRIENDLY DINNER. "Sure, when?" Sparklez knew he couldn't deny Ianite her time. He wouldn't.

"Half an hour, maybe?" Ianite replied.  This gave Sparklez enough time to go home, and that's when he thought of it. He did this with the other Ianite. Maybe This Ianite will like pies too. He grabbed a pre-made one and they met at Dine-At-Nite.

After they sat down at the table outside, he showed her the pie. "I made this for you my lady. " She picked it up and smiled.

"Thank you! This is so kind of you!" Ianite was very grateful, but she didn't eat it. She just slipped it in her bag and continued having small talk with Sparklez. (Don't worry the pie was wrapped in plastic wrap so Ianite did not just ruin her bag) They ordered, ate, killed tom (And respawned him), and left.
Just before Sparklez left, he saw Ianite throw his freaking pie away. Like, who does that? How messed up is she? Oh well, she was probably only trying to protect his feelings and doesn't actually like pies. Sparklez left the topic alone and went home.

Recently, some travelers have been passing in and out. It was no big deal; they rarely even spoke to the residents. They just passed through. Nothing special. But one of them was in the wrong place, wrong time.

One traveler was just passing through the city like any other one. He had dropped a bag of gold dust, though. The traveler did not notice and walked on. Two minutes later, though, Sparklez Found it and decided to search for him. He followed the foot prints.

Sparklez followed them to the dessert. He found the traveler. But he could not return the gold.

He was dead.

He wouldn't respawn because he wouldn't respawn ok make something up yourself because I was thinking for 20min on why he won't respawn and IGIVEUP OK. (A/N) it's been seven months and I'm still clueless) Sparklez looked around for a clue on why. And he found a big clue on the death. To his left was a woman dressed in purple stained red. She had a fearful face. She did not expect Sparklez to find out like this. Or find out at all. She took a step back, shaking her dead.  Ianite represents not provoking unless being provoked. She was not provoked. Ianite, the goddess of balance, just killed an innocent.

"Sparklez...... Please forgive me! I needed-" Ianite was cut off by a shocked and confused Ianite

Stepping in, "Ianite, you just killed an innocent. Please justify that for me. Mine as well tell me where you left to that day too." Sparkles lost all trust in his lady, but secretly, deep down, he hoped that maybe the murder was for a good reason.

"I needed to do it. It was for a spell to maintain my power." Ianite made a poor attempt to explain herself, but it was the truth. Why would she still need power? She had nobody to attack her.

Sparklez was convinced she was no longer his lady. She was evil. He shook his head at her and walked away, acting more confident than he felt. Inside, he knew Ianite could kill him, and he wanted to get away. He went to Firefoxx and Jericho house and told them the story.

Firefoxx just kind of accepted it. Jericho said, ""Like, this isn't even fun anymore, she needs to just stop.  She's not even making this fun we work so hard and she just destroys everything ohmygod."
I no longer wonder why too much sodium can be bad for you. ANYWAYS

The three gathered Tom and headed to Mot's house. Alyssa opened the door, and they explained the situation. "She probably needs their blood. From my time here I learned that some spells for power n stuff need dead people blood to be maintained. I wouldn't know how to reverse it without her consent. Maybe Mot knows something. He went out to try to find the portal he jumped through. He'll be back- oh! He's here!" Alyssa Spotted Mot Through the window. (PUNS!) He walked in, confused to see everyone in his house seeming very surprised. They went through the story once more.

Mot had no questions about the situation, he wasn't even too surprised, despite thinking she was a good gal for a long time. "Damn. So do we kill her, or????"

What Mot had suggested seemed out of the question to Sparklez. Ianite was too Important to him. "We're not killing Ianite. We could reverse the spell, or imprison her, but we are not killing her." Inside, He knew that he was most likely going to have to lose Ianite again. He wished it was all a dream.

But it was not, my friend.

Mot has formed a temporary plan in his head. "We need to stay on her good side, for all of our safety. Sparkly ass, I want you to tell her you forgive her and that we don't know about this- Ok?"

Everyone had agreed on a plan. "Okay." Sparklez agreed that they needed to stay off Ianite's bad side until they could stop the spell. If there was a way to stop the spell.

Suddenly it didn't feel like home anymore.

They went to their homes to sleep. Sparklez, although under stress, fell asleep almost instantly. After about an hour of rest he was awoken. SURPRISE Ianite was standing in the corner of the room, looking startled. Her hair was a mess, her eyes were sad, and she spoke quickly. "You're going to try to kill me, right? You know you can't kill me, i-im like, a goddess and it's like REALLY hard to kill me. But if you try, I will kill you. I-I'LL DO IT" Ianite seemed terrified and helpless. She wanted to talk to Sparklez, to explain herself, but she was falling over her own thoughts. "Don't worry. I-I Brought the traveler back, and I also brought somebody else back to apologize. I'm sorry!" Ianite was shaking, but she wasn't scared for her life. She didn't want to lose Sparklez even more that he didn't want to lose her.

"Don't worry, Ianite. I now understand why you had to do what you did. After all, a goddess must maintain her power, right?" He couldn't believe that it came down to lying to his lady. He needed more information, though. "My lady, who did you bring back, other than the traveler?" He was worried she brought back Furia, or the evil Dianite. He did not expect that it would be this person.


I brought back Capsize. I had enough power to bring her back and back to normal, so I did and she's on her way from her past resting place now."  Ianite was hopeful this would bring back more trust when she did it. Sparklez didn't know what to think, his dead lover was back and maybe well. Ianite could just use her as leverage later. His mind was racing his heart. He was still scared that Ianite would snap her fingers and his life would stop. But she wouldn't do that, I know she wouldn't. After all, I'm writing this story.

And she poofed away. This time, Sparklez did not sleep at all.

In the morning, he told Mot and Declan (who had already been told about Ianite) About Ianite's visit at night. Her actions reassured them that Ianite was more interested in keeping Sparklez than killing him. They also mentioned, that now that Capsize is back, if Ianite becomes more corrupt she could use Capsize as leverage by kidnapping her. They spread the message and all agreed to keep quiet. They couldn't lose Ianite's trust.

-          Some time Later    -

Mot, Firefoxx, Tom, and Sparklez were at the spleef arena when Ianite appeared dead center.  She turned to face Sparklez. "Sparklez, I know you prayed to me for answers. What answers do you seek?" She seemed more detached and confident and less horrified of losing Sparklez. Now, this could be just because Sparklez reassured her, but no.  She was even more corrupted by power, so she was not a scared of losing Sparklez as much. But he was still important to her. I still make the rules here. I'm the writer.

"I want to know about the spell, and when you will kill next." Sparklez knew he was acting suspicious, but Ianite would still fall for it- because it was obvious she had made him the most important person in her life, other than herself. Sparklez looked around. She poofed his friends out of the arena when she came. He knew they would be okay, though. Wherever they were, Ianite wouldn't want to risk losing Sparklez.

Ianite was in no way surprised by the questions. She knew they were coming, "To maintain the spell, I need a dead person's blood to refresh it.  They need to be killed that day, so my next kill will be Sunday. "It was Friday.  He needed to warn the traveler, help him escape and possibly stop the spell, and have Dianite use his already existing power to ki- no. She just needs to see that she can be just as happy without the power. "...And Sparklez?"

"Yes, my lady?"

"Please join me. The spell works on mortals too. We can rule together. You can become immortal. "Ianite proposed.

"I'm sorry, my lady, but I do not seek out power." Sparklez wanted to say, "hahaha no your freaking crazy I hate u such evil omg" Most likely, but he was choosing his words carefully. There was still that tension from the time he saw her kill. Still that fear, that disappointment, still distrust and hatred between them. Sparklez knew he should have picked team Dianite instead of creating her. It would have been so much easier. But it was too late. Ianite nodded in understanding, and poofed. His friends were back, all seeming disoriented. Being teleported probably made them dizzy.

The residents of Mianite knew that one traveler came in a day and left in a day, so they each planned to watch different areas of the town on Sunday. They knew Ianite would kill them on their way out, because then they are less likely to run into town shouting about a woman with a purple dress and a knife.

Today was Saturday. Sparklez had a nightly visit by Ianite again early in the morning. "Ugghhhhhh. How about during the day at night it's just creepy. "Sparklez tried to seem casual and not like he was plotting against her secretly. Shhhh.  Don't tell her.

Ianite had a task for him. "Sparklez, I need something. An amulet owned by Tom.  It was put in his base when he became Mecha-Dianite, and now he has possession of it. He wears it for pride, so you can't just take it from his base. He won't give it to you. I need you to kill Tom." She stared into his eyes, searching for a reason to trust him with this information. "If you get it, I can become more powerful and I can restore the balance forever. Please, just trust me."

Like Sparklez would trust her. She betrayed her meaning, and he had betrayed her. He also wasn't going to kill Tom. He didn't want her to have the amulet. She didn't deserve the power. What would she do with it anyways? Kill more people? Team with a resurrected world historian? He had to put on a poker face, though. "Anything for you, my lady. When do you need the amulet?"

"As soon as you get it. "

Hahahahaha yeah right as soon as he gets it he's going to bury it deep in the ocean. Maybe.

In the morning, Mot was the first to hear about the visit, at usual. He always knows what to do. "Tell tom. Have him take his stuff of and kill him. Then have Tom hide the amulet so you don't get caught with it, you hear me?" Mot knew exactly what to do because he was pretty uninvolved and had a clearer mind. Sparklez always went to Mot because I wanted Mot to be more involved with the story because I love him and his amazing character layers.  I wish I could say that I don't make the rules but I do and this is my story, godammit.

Tom had moved into Nade's castle because it was so large and abandoned. Sparkles walked through the entrance to see Toms floating nametag through a wall. We walked over to the Mecha-Dianite. "Tom, Ianite needs an amulet from you, and she wants me to kill you for it. I won't do that, though, but I do need to kill you, give your stuff back and you need to hide or destroy the amulet, Okay?" Tom agreed to the plan, and soon he hid it inside a chest deep in the nether.

Only a few hours had passed until another big event had happened. She had arrived. By 'she' I mean Captain Capsize, alive and not a zombie. Good job Ianite. Sparklez was one of the first to notice, he had checked if he could see a ship often and saw it on the horizon.

When she finally arrived at shore, Tucker and Sonja were there too. Capsize seemed full of energy to see Sparklez. "...Jardon? Ianite brought me back and sent me here!" She could see the worry in his eyes.

"Ianite has gone evil. She used you to get me to forgive her for killing innocent people. If she becomes more corrupt she could use you to get something she needs. Please, come with me and hide until you are safe." Sparklez was acting very serious- the thought of losing Capsize again put anger into his eyes. Capsize had no words. One more thought of Capsize dying triggered him to hug her.

When he finally let go, they made their journey to the hiding spot.

Today was the day to find the traveler. They would wait throughout the town for them, and then bring them to tom's old sandstone house to hide him. The traveler would probably not need saving, is what they didn't know. They all forgot that anyone, especially a goddess, can use an invis pot, and eavesdrop on any conversation without being caught.

But shhh don't tell them, we're getting to a good part.

Spark was the one to spot the traveler. He simply called for him to stop, told him he was in danger, and when he resisted threatened to kill him with a sharpness 10 fire aspect 5 sword if he didn't follow him. Nothing special. On the way to the hiding place, he ran into Mot, Sparklez, and a flying Dianite (He was supposed to be getting a birds eye view, but he spotted the traveler with spark.) They all went to the old home together.

Upon reaching the place, Ianite was seen waiting inside. "I've been spying on you, Sparklez. And you've been very naughty. Betraying me, lying to me, Tring to knock me down a few pegs? Invis pots DO exist." Ianite looked smug, proud of her performance for the past week or so.  The others were in shock.

The traveler broke into a sprint from fear. Ianite let him run. "I don't want the Traveler. I want the amulet. "

The room was filled with confusion. "You have no leverage.  Kill us all. We won't give you The amulet." Mot knew that Ianite wouldn't kill anyone without the knowledge of the amulets whereabouts.  And he was right. Except the leverage part. And she was gone. She poofed.

She did leave something behind, though. A Small envelope. Mot picked it up, because he stood closest. Inside were a note and a bag with something in it. That something was hair. Alyssa's hair. Mot knew it was hers. There was nobody else with long light brown wavy hair in town, and it sure as hell wasn't from a second traveler, that wouldn't be leverage. Upon seeing the hair, Mots eyes widened, throat tightened, and he took a step back. He was so shocked that he could only choke her name out.


The group remained almost motionless as Mot Read the note. "1 hour to go to the field in the forest or you won't want to find her, because who wants to see a dead corpse of their daughter?' Mot read out loud. He shook his head. "Dianite, go get the others please." Dianite poofed away.

He poofed back with the rest a hot minute later. Mot was unable to explain, so Sparklez stepped in. "Ianite has taken Alyssa and is holding her captive, probably in exchange for the amulet. They told us to meet at the field in the forest, the one where Alyssa sometimes walked to. We need to go. Now."

They began walking. Mot was the fastest, but everyone remained as quiet as him. Walking through the forest, he had thought a million ways this could end. Most were bad. Most ended with his daughter dying. He walked faster.

When they arrived, there was a small box in the grass. Dianite picked it up and becan turning the knob on the side of it. It sang.

Aanyone that would lie to be

Should know what is commingg

Because if you daree to beEtray me...

POP! Will goo all your friends.

After the parody sung by Ianite, something popped out of the box. And it wasn't a doll of a clown. It showed what Ianite was capable of and what she would do for power. It showed how far she would go for the amulet. How corrupt Sparklez's lady had gone.

Inside the box was Alyssa's hand. Chopped off, and lifeless.

Everything went silent. Dianite immediately closed the box so no one would have to look at it anymore. This was a sign that Ianite could win. That home would never be achieved. Mot finally spoke, "Alyssa, you stupid brat, what did they do to you?" 

It gets worse, though. I mean unless this stuff is what you're into. A hologram of a room appears. Sitting in front of the camera, was Ianite. "The truth is Sparklez; I didn't even look an hour before realizing power is better than finding you.  Still is. If it weren't for that stupid amulet, I would kill you. I would kill all of you. But, anyways, Mot, Alyssa wants me to tell you she loves you, but why not she tell you herself? "She turns the camera around to face Alyssa. Tied to a stake. Like a witch. She was surrounded by wood pieces to help burning and dried leaves for creating suffocating amount of smoke.  And Alyssa. She had her eyes and mouth taped shut. She still could hear though, because she was making noticeable attempts to scream through the tape. Ianite was really evil so she said "Oh honey, we can't hear you! Let me help!" Like the evilest evil ever. She snapped and the tape was gone.

"Dad!" She shouted to the camera.

Mot was glad she was alive but still feeling like he was having a nightmare. "Alyssa!  Hold Tight, Were going to rescue you!"

It was a good thing Martha was there, though. She knew how to reverse some spells and some very powerful ones too. She had a plan, does it work though? It was their only plan, and time had no signs of stopping or slowing for them. She had explained her plan to Sparklez and Mot and the rest.

They made their way to Ianite's home, hoping she would be there.

They could tell that Ianite was in her house in the hologram because of the purple walls and familiar furniture. When they arrived, she was there. Martha snuck around back.

She knew what to do.  As the others distracted her with annoyance, she would find the library. She would find the spell that most likely was in there. After searching the hallways desperately, the young Goddess found the library.  There, sat a table of misc. rare objects, a book probably containing the spell, and began sabotaging it. She put a spell over the book to make some of the words switch around, making the words useless. Then she began to ruin the objects themselves.

Meanwhile, the other residents were doing what they do best: destroying things. Tom ruined one Ianite's home, and now ruining another. They used diamond pics to take out the walls. Ianite would poof them away, but they would always come back. The large number of people was hard to control for her, so they officially made the whole place chaotic. Good job, gang.

Martha tried everything to ruin the bowl of stuff for the spell by adding basil, silver, red wine, and other ingredients that are known to ruin a spell in Mianite. Then, she dumped it all out. She knew Ianite had the magic to extract it and put it in the bowl as it was never spilled, so she made it look like that was all she did to ruin it. Therefore, when Ianite did the spell, it would not work.  She poofed away.

After five minutes was up, the residents left. Ianite was suspicious of their actions and went to check on the spell. After seeing it was tipped over, she used her magic to extract the liquids from the carpet ant put everything back in the bowl. Ianite didn't know where today's traveler was, though, but she wasn't stupid enough to kill Alyssa either.

She went into the room containing Alyssa, who, at that point, had only tape over her mouth. About 8 feet away from Alyssa was yesterday's traveler. Ianite didn't want them to know she had the traveler, because they could have tampered with something else, leaving her no other choice but to go a week without the power she deserved, even though the door was sealed with magic so they couldn't get in if they wanted to. She proceeded to slit the travelers throat.

She began to talk to Alyssa. "Hey, Countrybat, you know, your friends visited me today. They RUINED my house. So rude! They're gonna regret what they did. This day was soiled because of them." She proceeded to slit the travelers throat, maintaining a small smile on her face and her head swaying side to side.

Alyssa knew she couldn't do anything, so she just looked away. Ianite gathered the blood into a bowl.  Then she stopped, and dipped her right hand in the bowl, and moved her fingers through the thick liquid before removing them. Turning around, she flicked some of the blood onto Alyssa's face. Alyssa could do nothing. Ianite left the traveler in the room with her and walked to the library. She began to mix the blood into the bowl.

But something was wrong. Very wrong.  With the spell. She couldn't feel the power getting stronger in her. The spell did not work. It didn't matter too much to her, though. Being weaker for this week would be fine. She still was a Goddess, after all.

Not the only one, though. There was still Dianite (One of the best Goddesses I think.), Mianite (wherever he is), and Martha. If any of them were more powerful than her, she was in danger of death.

What she didn't know was that the spell had to be continued until death. Whoops.

Ianite was studying the amulet spell overnight when she turned to dust and died. She had a witness, though. Seems she forgot invis pots exist. Standing in the corner of the room was Martha, watching her for the past hour. Watching Ianite die. She had no empathy for her, though.

Martha knew that because she lost the power, everything would be as if she never casted anything on it. That means that the door to Alyssa would be free for everyone to access or even Alyssa would be back home if she were poofed to the house.

Martha searched for the room with the color pattern on the walls and the furniture that she had seen in the hologram. She found it, and the door was unlocked. Alyssa was gone, though. She was likely teleported back to the place she was taken from, because of Ianite's power was undone. Over time, everything should turn out okay.

But it won't. I know it won't. I'm writing this story and I can add as many plot twists as I want.

And you can do nothing about it.

But let's let them have their moment.

While Martha was gone, Mot and Dianite were at Mots house being greeted by the injured Alyssa. She still didn't have her hand because Ianite didn't use magic to cut it off. Another issue was that Ianite used magic to stop the bleeding to make sure she didn't bleed out. Dianite was there, though, so he reattached it using magic before anything worse could happen. Martha left to the meeting spot they discussed and told them what had happened.  It was hard for Sparklez to know he couldn't save her from this.

"I can't believe I come home to find out my own goddess had been corrupted, then she has to die?"  Sparklez was right. She did die. 100%. But one thing was wrong.

Either Martha didn't sense it before or it's here now, Ianite was alive in this realm.

Martha interrupted the mournful celebration ton tell them,. "Something is very wrong. I can sense Ianite. She's alive and she's near."

The whole group was showered by shock (HAha it rhymes) and fear. "We need to find her before she finds us." Claimed Martha

  They set off. One group went with Martha, The others went with Dianite.

Approximately Fifteen minutes into walking around in the cold, Dianite's team spotted her. She was draped in her purple dress, ripped, dirty, and she looked like she ran a marathon in mud to get here. (Haha 'marathon in mud' rhymes, too!)

She didn't want to hurt anyone. She hasn't hurt anyone in a long time. And Ianite did die. And Ianite is still dead. Don't forget that.  Don't worry if you're confused.

This is a very confusing part.

"Ianite, do not bother fighting us. You have less power than I. But you will tell us why you are alive." Dianite took force of the situation, displaying his godly dominance over his godly sister. He could tell she was scared, but he thought she was scared of being punished for killing the innocent.

Ianite stood tall for a moment, but cowered back. "Dianite, I would like to know why you are alive, too. Last time I saw you, you had me kidnapped and put in that horrible place. Do you wish to put me back?" Ianite chose her words carefully, knowing Dianite could kill her at any time. I mean, who knows what the other Ianite did whilst she was gone? Who knows how many she killed?

See what I did there? No? Yes?

Dianite was as confused as the rest. "Ianite, do you remember what has happened since the natives jumped out of this world?"

Ianite did remember. She remembered every minute of it. "Well, I spent a long time trying to rescue you guys. One day, I found this spell. It said I could have double the power I already had, more than any god there was so far. It also said I had to kill every week to keep it running. I wasn't going to kill an innocent. I was only going to have the power for a week, so I could bring you guys back without actually killing anyone. The spell made me a clone. At the beginning, we had the same amount of power, and she seemed good, but... after a few hours into the night of us taking about what we could do, she had gotten much more power than I, and trapped me somewhere in the end. Day by day, I found myself getting weaker and weaker, to the point where I don't think I could have been considered a God anymore. I Became Mortal for a month or so, But now I feel my power returning. I am guessing she was vanquished. I promise you, it's the truth." Ianite was telling the truth. She did not understand why the natives in the group seemed to trust this Dianite.

Now does this make more sense?

Words are barely ever what make trust, but Martha was Sure Ianite died, so her story was most likely true. It had to be enough, for now.
A while later , Everyone met up. "So, Sparklez, I want you to know I never would have stopped trying to bring you home." Ianite and Sparklez were sitting at a bar, chatting. It had been a bit less than a day since the last scene. Sparklez chose to have faith in his lady.

Maybe I lied. Over time, it was fine. Sparklez did not have to suffer his ladies death again. Maybe I just wanted to make it to 14 pages on Word. Maybe I wanted Ianite to be a good guy by the time the story ended. Maybe I just didn't feel like the story was finished yet. Oh well, it's finished now. Almost.

"I wouldn't doubt you, my lady. And I never stopped wanting to see you again." Sparklez was relieved that his lady was no longer aspiring dangerous power. He was also glad that she did not have to die.

Ianite took a sip of whatever she was drinking. "I'm glad to hear that. So, what did happen to you after you jumped? Where did you go?"

Sparklez chuckled. "It's a long story, but it sure wasn't home."


Yep. This is 100% the end. I promise.


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