Rough Kisses

By AnaWasRaisedByWolves

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Camilla a shy girl is picked on and harassed by her former best friends Craig, Alec, and Trevor. Most of the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 4

206 3 0
By AnaWasRaisedByWolves

I was thankful when Riley finally left, no more embarrassment! I love her but, just some times...

"Bye honey!" My surprisingly perky mother chirped pulling me into a hug."Have a good day!"

"Thanks mom." I mumbled rubbing my eyes heading out the door. I heard the lock click as I walked away. At least I lived close to the school so this wouldn't be a long walk, plus I didn't have to wake too early either.

Though I never did like the fact that I had to walk ALONE in the dark. Sure there were few street lamps here and there but that only made it seem creepier. You know, like in those horror movies? Thinking about it sent chills down my spine, ugh. Thank god I had a distraction from this, my phone. Sliding my finger across the screen I put some music on, maybe sing along a bit.

"Take you to my private room, I'll make you dirty boys blush, blus-" I began, only to be cut off by a text from an unknown number. Damnit, it was on my favorite part. Considering the message was random letters it served no purpose for me to even attempt to decipher what they were trying to say. Putting my music back on I continued to sing along. I rounded a corner and spotted a blue Prius pulling into the school parking lot. Watching a familiar figure walk out I shouted; " Hey Riley!"

"Oh hey Camilla!" She smiled waving at me. I quickly ran up to her,"So did your mom talk to you about it afer I left?"

"She tried but I refused to listen to her. I prefer to think of her like a typical single mom."

"Meaning a woman with a sultry sex life." Riley chuckled. I just punched her in the arm with an annoyed expression on my face. I thrust my hands in my pockets as Riley opened the doors to the school. The sign above it showing the mascot, a pirate. We were the Kirkland Pirates, how we got this mascot and this name I will never know.

"Well I'll see you later," I began,"I have a boy to go see."

"Much luck girl." Riley smiled.

Passing the cafeteria I saw many girls flocking around the boys. Since I was in a good mood I had to admit they were all pretty cute. Craig had swooshy black hair with big brown eyes and fair skin. Trevor had dirty blonde surfer hair with olive green eyes and tan skin. Alec had shaggy light brown hair with piercing blue eyes; freckles decorated his pale skin.

"Hey Camilia!" They shouted over, girls shoot glares my way instantly.

I picked up my steps wanting the attention of the girls to leave me and return to the boys. Ok, so they were attractive but did the girls never notice how big of dicks the boys actually were. God dammit I'm probably, no, I am the only one they treat like this. Always I find myself wondering this.

"Sup Camilla." I heard someone say as I walked into the room. It took some time but I realized it was Drayk.

"Oh, h-hi Drayk." I stuttered blushing. Do I have to be such an awkward dork around this boy?

"So I was wondering little mama, wanna come as my date to Canyon's party?" He asked pulling me to his chest. One of my hands resting against his chest.

"Uhm sure." I tried not to sound as awkward as before but I don't think it worked.

"You don't have to be so shy around me." He laughed letting me go.

"Oh sorry..." I bashfully hid my face from his view, taking a seat in the nearby vicinity. I slammed my head on the desk, hair and arms hiding me. I prayed for the bell to ring so I could have something else to think about.

"Yo Mr.Prill!" My head shot up to the familiar voice. Oh hell no!

"Oh Mr.Fox, you're in this period now I assume?" Mr.Prill slicking back his black hair.

"Yeah bro." Craig said fist bumping with Mr.Prill. I looked up at the ceiling asking god why he hated me so. It wasn't enough that I was being harassed by this asshole everyday after school but now I have a class with him!

Craig glanced my direction and winked. My face began to feel hot and my stomach churned. Ugh, what is he going to do to me?

The bell sounded and people scrambled through the door into their seats. Mr.Prill turned to the board scribbling something down. Craig looked around the room spotting an empty seat. Lucky me, the empty seat was right behind me.

"Doll face.~" I heard Craig whisper leaning over his desk.

Suprised at this suddeness I made an odd noise I gained many odd looks from the people around me, including my teacher.

"Sorry Mr.Prill." I apologized rubbing the back of my head out of embarrassment.

"If I can do that with such simple words just wait till I have my hands on you. I'll have you screaming my name." He whispered seductively into my ear. Oh god!

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