Unique (Creepypasta X Reader)

By MoonStoneKitty

258K 10.4K 10.9K

(Y/N) used to live a normal life. I repeat: used to Ever since that not-so-great incident, she discovers more... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Extra Chapter *Surprise!!*
Chapter 22
Chapter 22.5
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 27.5
Chapter 28
Chapter 28.5
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 30.5
Chapter 32
Chapter 34.25- EYELESS JACK
Chapter 34.50 - LAUGHING JACK

Chapter 31

2K 101 57
By MoonStoneKitty

Deacat invited- no, ordered us to follow her inside. She basically floated inside, leaving us to ourselves. Her lady-friend giggled and led us inside. She seems friendlier than Deacat too.

She led us inside the gates, passing some drum-like objects containing coals. The coals were still-burning blue fire. Weird, but it looks interesting. Maybe Deacat is a hipster of some sort, because red fire is too mainstream. Heh.

The lady opened the doors of the mansion, and I tripped.


I looked at what I tripped on and saw a fluffy white pillow. I stood up and picked it up.

"What the fuck are all these pillows doing here?", Jeff complained as he tripped on one as well.

The lady just giggled and continued walking. We reached two double doors and she pushed it, opening it and....

Mountains of pillows greeted us.

Seriously, who in the right mind would fill their whole house with pillows.

Deacat was sitting cross-legged on a pile of pillows in the middle of the room. She glared at us with squinted eyes, watching our every move with a look of disapproval.

The blonde lady told us to sit down. I instantly flopped down and hugged the nearest pillow.

"I'll get us all some tea~", she said as she left the room, leaving us alone with Deacat.

It was soooo fucking awkward. Having a demon god just sitting there, angrily staring at you. At one point, BEN tried to say hi, but Deacat scowled at him so hard BEN buried his face in a pillow. Only Sally didn't seem to notice Deacat's death stare. She was too busy hugging Masky and Hoodie's arms beside her. She was sitting between the two boys, and her giggles were the only sounds that can be heard in the room.

"This sucks....", E.j. suddenly said, avoiding eye contact with the sorceress. Everybody shared a snicker and Deacat's scowl seem to relax a bit.

"Shut up...", Jeff snapped.

"You shut up.", E.j. said as he threw a pillow at Jeff, which hit him flat on the face.

L.j. brightened up, picking up a couple of pillows on both hands. He stood up and threw a pillow to Toby.

"Pillow fight!!!!"

I quickly grabbed a pillow to arm myself, but I fell down as soon as I got up as a pillow smacked me right in the face.

"Score!", Hoodie laughed as I took the pillow off my face. I instantly threw it back at him. He easily caught it, but before he could throw it back, I ran to him, pillow in hand, and slammed it to him. I laughed at him as he fall down, but my victory was short-lived as Masky hit me with a pillow behind me.

Soon enough, the room was filled with laughter and feathers. Everything was fun and well...



===Flashback: 30 seconds ago===

I hit E.j. with a pillow so hard, he fell down. He put his arms up so he could shield himself as I repeatedly smacked him with a pillow.

"L.j.!! Heeeeelp.", he cried, and I laughed at his state.

L.j. heard him and instantly threw a pillow at me. I ducked to avoid getting hit. Unfortunately...

It went to Deacat and smacked her right in the face.

===Present Time===

Everybody stopped rushing around and just stared at L.j. in slight horror, mouths agape. L.j. was poker-faced. We all turned to Deacat, seeing her hand glowing purple. She raised her hand, and purple-glowing pillows floated around us. We all huddled together, and I was giggling the whole time. Masky nudged me and told me to shut up, but I continued giggling.

Deacat brought her hand down, and the pillows flew straight to us. The force was so strong it sent some of us flying away. Sonic.exe dodged all of the pillows, but Deacat flicked her wrist and sent a pillow flying towards him. He dodged it easily, but the pillow followed him and smacked him in the face.

"Homing pillows. Nice.", Tails laughed at Sonic.exe.

We spent a few minutes dodging and getting hit by the flying pillows. I caught a glimpse of Deacat's face, seeing a smile on her face.

"Im baaack!!~", the blonde lady announced as she threw the doors open. Deacat snapped, making all the flying pillows fall down. Everybody sat up, rubbing their heads. Sally popped out of a pile of pillows on top of her. Her teddy bear did the same.

"Seems like you guys had fun!", she said as she walked towards Deacat. Deacat rolled her eyes in response.

The lady giggled and snapped, making a small table appear in front of her. The table came with cups of tea and a teapot.

"If you can just do that, why on earth did you leave for then?", Tails asked.

"Well, I had to shoo the birds away~", she replied.

"Birds? You mean those-"

"Gross-looking she-demons yep~", she said as poured some tea into the cups. She waved her hand, and the cups flew one by one to each of us. I took the cup in the air as it floated towards me.

"Thank you!", Sally said. The lady giggled.

"No problem my dear~", she replied.

I heard everybody took a sip on the tea, well except for BEN and Jeff since they tried to compete on who can drink their tea faster.

"Would you like more?", the lady smiled at the two boys. They nodded, and she refilled their cups. They both drank it down quickly, and again, she filled their cups.

This went on for a while, until everybody was making bets on Jeff and BEN.

On their 30th cup, Jeff stood up, and walked out of the room. BEN raised his hands in victory. Jeff came back later, wiping his mouth with the sleeve of his shirt.

"Whose great idea is it to chug down tea?", Tails said with a facepalm.

"I'm just surprised that we didn't run out of tea.", I stated.

"I called this pot infinitea, because it never runs out! Get it? Infini-TEA?", the lady laughed as she gestured to the teapot. She frowned.
"You didn't touch your tea.", she said.

"I didn't feel like drinking tea...", I said. The others were still screwing around, cheering BEN as he danced around Jeff. Jeff was grumbling in defeat.

"That's enough.", Deacat said. She snapped, and everybody fell down asleep. Except for me, for some reason.

"Chamomile tea makes people drowsy, so I thought I'd share some with you guys. You need to rest anyway.", the lady said as the teacups floated back at the table.

"I'm kicking them out as soon as they wake up.", Deacat said.

"But we need your help!", I said.

"I don't care."

'Goddamn savage...', my inner demon commented. Deacat narrowed her eyes to me as I scowled at what my inner demon said.

"Deacat please. Vexon told me-"

"How dare you speak of him after what you've done.", she said, her voice turning darker. The blonde lady tried to calm her down, but Deacat shook her off.

"You left him there, trapped in ice! And you had the guts to- what is that?", she demanded as I brought out the half-sun necklace that Vexon gave to me. I placed it in her hands, and her scowl disappeared.

The necklace must've meant a lot to them, because Deacat closed her hand around it, and turned to me.

"I'll help you if you prove that you're worthy of my help.", she said.

"How?", I asked.

"Fend off the next wave of 'birds'", she said, making quotation marks on he word 'birds'.

"Deacat...", the blonde lady tried to say, but Deacat waved her off.

"I'll try.", I said, my voice filled with determination.

"Hah, good luck.", Deacat said. "They're almost here. I suggest you go out now.", she said.

"Wait!", the blonde lady called. She ran to me as I was about to go outside. She gave me a little glass ball.
"Break this when you need help.", she said as she ran back inside.

I took a deep breath, and stepped outside.

I looked to the horizon, and saw a black mass of demons incoming i gritted my teeth as I smashed the glass ball in the ground. Dark liquid spilled out of the glass ball, disappearing in the ground.

"Well that was helpful...", I said as I watched the rest of the dark fluid disappear.

The mass of she-demons were closer now. I could hear their shrieks of anger. I brought out my whip and braced myself. I looked at the shattered glass ball and scowled. In frustration, I stomped on it.

"Stupid goddamn ball...", I growled as I continued to stomp it in anger. Instantly, the ground shook on that part, and a skeletal hand sprouted from the ground.

"Fuck...bruh...", I said as I watched a skeletal figure claw its way out of the ground. It grew silvery flesh, making it seem like it's glowing in the dark. It was about 6 feet tall,  and it was wearing a ragged gray cloak. It has flash yes, but it was translucent, so you can still see his white skull underneath his flesh. Creepy, but cool.

He stood up, and stayed still. For a moment, we just stood there, looking at each other. He then opened his mouth, and spoke it a hoarse voice.
"How can I help thee, m'lady?"

"Umm... well... I guess go... shoot those things down or something...", I said as I pointed to the mass of flying demons headed towards us. He titled his head, and spoke once more.
"I would love to serve m'lady, but I am afraid I can't take these herd alone. If only my brethren was here...", he trailed off.

"Oh! I have an idea!", I said as I rummage through my bag. I brought out the Duplicatorinator (that's what I call it, don't judge) and shot him with it. He stumbled back, and he started glowing. He glowed so bright, I was blinded for a split second. After the moment has passed, there were two silver warriors in front of me. I grinned at him and he nodded in approval.

"I see you got thy hands on one of Vexon's contraptions. Well done.", he said. I grinned at him in response.

"Can the two of you handle it?", I asked. Both of them nodded, and started to sprint towards the herd. They brought out two spears each, and started stabbing the Aurae. They moved in lightning speed, making it almost impossible to see where they are. The only sign I used to keep track of them was the blur of silver they leave.

Dude, these guys are so fucking amazing they took down that whole fucking herd in about ten fucking minutes... Hats off to those guys, amirite?

The two silver warriors came back after they finished of the last of the Aurae. They walked towards me, knelt down, and disappeared into a puff of white dust.

"Well, that was easy... I guess..", I shrugged as I went back inside. I opened the doors to see that everybody is still asleep, excluding Deacat and her lady-friend of 'course. Deacat looks angry, while her lady-friend is just standing beside her, looking at her toes.

"I did it-"

"No you didn't.", Deacat snapped, "If Lux didn't help you, you would've died."

"Deacat! Why are you so uninterested on helping them!!", 'Lux' angrily said.

"Because I don't see why I should help them in the first place!!!", Deacat lashed out.

"You should help them! This is your fight too!!", Lux raged.

"Oh! Is that it?! Do you really want these brats to kill your brother?! DO YOU LUX?!", Deacat yelled.

I was frozen in shock. Man, these girl is Zalgo's brother?

"You...you....Zalgo..?", I stammered.

Lux sighed. She looked like she's close to tears. "Yes (Y/N). Zalgo is my brother. I am a Sin too..."

"You have sinned? Seriously, who in this room hasn't sinned ye-"

"No dear. I am literally a Sin. With a capital 's'.", Lux sighed.


"I am Lust, the 5th Sin. Zalgo is Greed, the 1st Sin... We used to be Demon Gods, until he got obsessed with power... The Encium gods had no choice but to...to banish him. He got aggravated...so he became what he is now...", Lux sighed. She quickly wiped a tear falling down her pale face. Deacat seemed to relax too.

"God...that sounds... sad.", I said.

"Yes, it is. Well, we still need you kids to defeat him, or repress him at least.", she said.

"You can try to take his force though...", Deacat suggested.

"Force? Is this Star Wars now or-"

"Kid, I am *this* close on changing my mind about helping you.", Deacat said as she pinched the air to exaggerate her point.

I brightened up. "So you will help?!"

"Do you want me to? Because I'm cool just staying here and-"

I cut her off as I ran to her and gave her a hug.

"Geez, get off me...", Deacat said as she pushed me away from her. I went to Lux and gave her a hug too.

"Aww kids~"

"She's not a kid...."

"So, what do we do?", I asked excitedly.

"You, take a nap.", Deacat said as she snapped her fingers, making me collapse on the pillows.



I broke my phone.... :<

I'm really sorry ohmyfucking gosh... Exams are coming up next week and I need to give it all, because after that...


Expect an update every three days or so in summer :33 I might finish the book in summer too XDD


I must be dreaming....


-KITTY-CHAN!! (=^__^=)

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