Stealing the Groom

Door To_Kill_A_Bookworm

4.7M 161K 17.1K

Eleanor "Elle" is fun and outgoing. She's a talented young girl full of dreams and life...which makes her the... Meer

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Three
Sneak Preview #2


111K 4.4K 756
Door To_Kill_A_Bookworm

XIV: The Fiance

"YOU CAN do this," I told myself starring at my reflection. "It's just dinner. A perfectly normal, civilized dinner."

"Yeah, right," I muttered under my breath and walked out of the bathroom. I didn't want to look at myself any more.

While I waited for the slightly moist hair in the rollers to dry, I sat in the center of the bed and scrolled down my contacts until I found the one I was looking for.

The line rang once, twice, and a third time before Grandmother picked up. "Yes?"

"What am I doing, Grandmother?" I groaned out and leaned my face onto my palm.

Her voice sounded amused and I could practically envision her smiling. "I give up, Eleanor. What are you doing?"

"You mean other than acting like a child? Nothing much."

"Alright, you've lost me. Take a deep breath and start from the beginning. What happened?"

"Well," I began as I stood and walked over to the closet. "Simone invited me to dinner at our parent's house."

"Oh." she said after a moment. "So what's the problem?"

"The problem is that I have to go!"

"No, you don't, dear. You can just call up your parents and tell them you aren't coming. If you want I can call my son right now and tell him where he can stick his invitation."

I laughed and nearly dropped the phone. "Oh, my gosh. No, that's okay Grandmother."

"Are you going then?" I sighed and pulled out a simple black cocktail dress. No, much too formal.

"Do I have a choice? You know how Simone is. And I'm not a child anymore. I can stand up to them, can't I?" The last words of my response got quieter and quieter until I worried that she hadn't heard me.

"Of course you can. And you will. Now you go get yourself all primped and beautiful. Show them that you were just fine without their goddamn money!" I smiled a little.

"Thank you, Grandmother. You always know what to say. "

"Any time, sweat pea. And remember, you can come to me with anything. I'd even help you hide the body."

I laughed and shook my head. She really was a crazy old coot. "I might hold you up to that."

"I'll be expecting your call all dressed up in my spy outfit."

"And what does your 'spy outfit' consist of?" I asked with a huge grin.

"A black trenchcoat of course. And big, Prada sunglasses. Oh, and I can't forget a silk scarf to cover my hair-color."

"Dear God, we'd be caught in the matter of hours with you walking around dressed like that." I pulled out another dress, this one a little more casual and the deepest, richest olive green tone. I threw it on the chaise lounge next to the other maybes.

"I could always pay the Feds off," Grandmother said in a mock-ominous tone. I rolled my eyes but couldn't fight the smile on my lips. I really had missed her.

"Yeah, okay. I have to go, Grandmother. I'm still choosing my outfit for tonight."

"Go with grey. It brings out the blue in your eyes."

"Thank you, Grandmother," I said as I spotted a cute grey and white plaid print dress. The hem of the dress sat high on my thighs, so I decided to pair it with a pair of mauve colored stockings to shield me from the cold winter air.

"Call me tomorrow and tell me how it went," she said before saying goodbye and hanging up.

Now that my outfit was chosen, it was time for accessories. But first things first, I needed a pair of heels.

THE CAR slowed to a stop in the driveway. Jeremy stepped out of the car and pulled the door open, offering his hand out to help me.

"Thank you," I told him. He nodded and turned to leave but my hand on his arm stopped him. "I might not be long. It just...depends on how well I'm received at this house."

He looked flabbergasted. "How could anyone dare to be unwelcoming to a beautiful woman such as yourself?"

I smiled sadly at him, "Try my family."

"It will be alright, Elle. Don't worry." I nodded and stepped away from him to walk towards the entrance.

"Good evening, Miss Eleanor," the woman at the front door said.

I smiled at her and opened my arms to hug her. "Marjorie, how are you?"

"Very well, Miss Eleanor. House is quiet while you were gone."

"Aw, always so sweet, Marjie! And still rocking that French accent, I see." Marjorie, my mother's maid and the woman that practically raised me, blushed and stepped aside to let me inside the house.

"And you ever so charming, Miss. I take your coat. Your family in drawing room." I nodded and offered her my things before walking past the foyer and into the drawing room on the left.

"There she is!" The booming voice of Byron Arthur Mercer rang as he stood from his spot on the armchair and came over to greet me.

My eyes widened when my father wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me tight. I could count on one hand the amount of times Byron has ever hugged me, this being the fourth.

Byron stepped back after a few moments of him awkwardly hugging me while I stood there frozen in place like a freaking lamp post. "Look at you, you're absolutely stunning!"

My bewilderment grew even more when Lillian, my mother, came over and smiled warmly at me. "It's good to have you home, Eleanor."

Who are these people and what have they done with my evil Satan-spawn family, I wondered as I was guided to the dinning table.

* * *

"So tell us, Eleanor, how is everything in Europe?" I looked up from my plate and after sharing a strange look with Simone, I shrugged.

"Good," I answered curtly, just as I have for the past hour.

"And I hear that you're becoming quite famous overseas, am I right?" I nodded once as I played with the filet mignon on the plate. To say that my appetite had dissolved as soon as my parents popped out the Good Cop act, it would be the understatement of the decade.

Actually, I sort of felt like vomiting...all over the impeccably set dinning table.

"That must be exciting!" Lillian said with a huge smile. I wondered if it hurt to stretch out her overly-botoxed face. But I bet it isn't as painful as this dinner.

"So Simone," I said suddenly in a lame attempt to stray the conversation away from me. "Where is this amazing fiance of yours?"

"His plane was delayed a few hours, but he said he'd drive straight here as soon as he lands. He should be here any minute actually."

"Maxton truly is amazing," Lillian said dreamily.

"And a hard-worker too." I raised an eyebrow at this. Simone's fiance works for Mercer Financial? "Took him less than four years to become my right-hand man. And now he seals major deals with our international investors."

"That's why he was out of the country," Simone said. I wanted to roll my eyes at her and say 'No shit' but I figured that that wouldn't be appreciated, so I simply nodded.

"Well, can't wait to meet him," I said sarcastically. No one picked up on it, though. I guess they were out of practice with my dark humor since I was gone for so long.

"He can't wait to meet you either! Maxton is very curious to see for himself the other Mercer girl," Lillian said with a wink. I froze with my wine glass half-way to my mouth and uncomfortably cleared my throat.

"It's Chevalier now, remember?" the clanking of fine silverware against the china ceased to a standstill as everyone turned to look at me with shock in their eyes.

"Eleanor, must we relive the past? Lets keep that nonsense where it belongs, in the past!" Byron said with a tense smile. And there it was, his warning look.

But I wasn't the scarred little eighteen-year old anymore. I was a strong, independent woman that refused to be told to shut it. So with a glare in his direction, I placed my wine glass down and leaned forward.

"How about we cut the crap and you tell me why I'm really here." Lillian and Simone gasped but I frankly didn't give two shits. Byron and I will settle this, and if they can't take it then they will have to leave the table.

"Eleanor," Byron said in a low tone. "We can discuss this later. Perhaps in my office after dinner."

"No," I said, "I want to talk about it now. Why am I here? What do you want from me now that you didn't take five years ago?"

My question was met by silence. I slowly stood and slapped my linen napkin on the table. "Let's not pretend that this was a happy family reunion, alright? The only reason I'm home is for Simone's wedding. After that, you'll never see me again. So just skip the formalities and tell me what you want."

Byron stood and adjusted his tie, something he does when he's getting angry. "Perhaps you should take your leave, Eleanor."

"With pleasure," I hissed before turning and walking out of the dinning room.

"Eleanor, wait!" I heard Simone cry after me. But I didn't stop. I was so furious! I knew this would happen, but like an idiot, I let myself be dragged into this.

Marjorie smiled sadly at me and held up my coat and bag. I took my things, and after giving her a kiss on the cheek, I stomped out of the Mercer home while I still had my dignity.

"NOBODY PUTS Baby in the corner," Patrick Swayze said heatedly. "Johnny" took "Baby's" hand and lead her away from her uptight, shocked family.

A sad smile stretched over my face as I watched the screen, completely engrossed, and reached into the big bowl of popcorn.

Stuffing myself senseless with the buttery salty treat, I watched almost hypnotized as the dance finale began. I wish I had a "Johnny", yet I'm sure everyone wished that. But no, I didn't want Patrick Swayze. I wanted the bravery the characters had to stand up against everyone and everything for their love.

"--Had the time of my life! And I owe it all to you..." Ugh, damnit. Why did I chose to watch Dirty Dancing tonight of all nights? Especially since I just came from seeing Byron and Lillian, the people that ripped me away from my happiness. If only I'd been stronger, and braver like "Baby" and "Johnny". If only, then maybe I'd get my happy ending, just like in Dirty Dancing.

Yet again, it is a movie. Happily Ever Afters don't exist. Not in real life, anyway.

A nauseating feeling bubbled up inside me, and I sat up to pause the movie. It was then that I heard a noise. It sounded like glass breaking.

Fear ran through my veins. Was it a burglar?! It was the penthouse for christ's sake! Oh, dear. What if the criminal took Benjamin the concierge hostage to gain access up here?

I quickly stood and spun around frantically looking for a weapon. In the end I settled for a bottle of hairspray and my curling iron.

Taking a deep breath, I slowly opened my bedroom door and crept down towards the stairs. I took two steps at a time, making sure that I was on the balls of my feet so I didn't make any noise.

When I reached the first floor, I found the foyer the same as I'd left it earlier; completely submerged in darkness.

"Shit," the deep voice of a man said in the darkness a mere feet away from me. I clamped my mouth shut to not shriek. He was practically next to me!

Taking small, silent steps, I inched towards the direction of the voice.

The robber cursed again and turned on his phone light. It was enough to help me pinpoint where the bastard was, and without thinking, I lunged forward and sprayed him with the hairspray.

"What the hell?!" he roared as he hunched down, rubbing his eyes. I took advantage of his position and pulled my arm back to wack him in the head with the curling iron.

"Fuck!" the man hissed, and before I could hit him again, he tightened his grip on the iron. A bloodcurdling scream was heard, and it took me a second to realize that it came from me.

I let go of the weapon and turned to run, but before I could the lights came on. I quickly spun around to look for another weapon. Now that he could see me, this fight would be impossible. I was going to lose.

I spotted the lamp next to me and I picked it up. Not ideal, but it'll work. "Elle?"

I froze and looked up. My eyes widened as I stared at the man in front of me. He wore a black wool coat opened over a dark grey suit and blue silk tie.

His eyes were bloodshot, thanks to me, but I could recognize those eyes anywhere. Said eyes were currently pointed in my direction, starring at me like I was a figment of his wildest imagination.

"Oh, my God," I breathed out as my grip on the lamp loosened. I let it go to bring my hand up to my mouth to muffle my gasp. No, it couldn't be... "Max?" 

We stared at each other, each not believing what they were seeing. It was him. Max Reiling, the barista I fell in love with so many years ago. But...what was he doing here? Did he find out somehow that I was back in town, maybe from Flo?

It was then that the elevator dinged, but I didn't turn to see who it was.

My eyes refused to waver from Max'a gaze, even when the elevator doors swung open.

"What happened here?" Both of our heads snapped in the direction the voice, practically getting whiplash, to watch Simone step into the thrashed foyer. "Oh, good. You're awake!"

I stood motionless as I starred at Simone walk over to take Max's hand and tug him closer to me. "You're finally going to get to meet my kid sister!" Simone told him with a wide smile. "Eleanor, his is Maxton Hastings, my fiance."


A/N: Okay, here it is! Max is home! THE FUN BEGINS NOW! ;)

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