Project Mr. Right

Por babygirl_027

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Alicia Rivers is the definition of Cute. Everyone adores her and all the guys have eyes on her. Until Daniel... Más

Project Mr. Right
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13

Chapter 12

169 2 0
Por babygirl_027

"THIS IS A MISTAKE!" I scream as an officer clamps the handcuffs around my wrists.

"ALICIA!" Daniel yells as another officer pulls him the opposite way.

The next thing I hear is the door to the cop car shut. The lights are flashing on all of the police cars. Red and blue, on and off. I can feel my head reeling. Alex is ... Dead? He was murdered. How, when, by who!? Why was Daniel and I suspects? I feel like I'm going to throw up. Daniel and I are in good hands, my mother will fix this. My heart race slows. It will all be okay. The sirens stop and the lights slow. Two police officers open the door and grab me out of the car, roughly I might add. They usher me into the police station and then into an interview room. The officers sit me down and uncuff my hands. I rub my wrists as they walk out of the door. Seconds later a man in a suit walks in. He sits down across from me and clears his throat.

"Miss Alicia Rivers. You are an unlucky girl." Says the officer.

"How so?" I say to the young officer across from me.

"Well you almost get raped and a day later your EX boyfriend, AKA the attempted raper, winds up with a bullet in the head," he clears his throat again. "Tell me that doesn't sound fishy to you." The officer says smiling.

"I can tell you one thing for certain. Daniel nor I killed Alex Banner, because we were together all night." I say kinda bitchy.

"What were you doing, miss Rivers?" The officer asked.

"He took me to dinner and then we went out for ice cream."

"What time?"

"He picked me up at 8 and we were at the restaurant by 8:30, we were there until almost 9:45."

The officers face goes serious.

"Can anyone verify that?" He says.

"Yes the waitress and the restaurant, also Daniel has the receipt. And I have the receipt for the ice cream we went to at 10:15." I say back to him.

I may not need my mother after all!

"Let me go check that Miss Rivers." He says as he leaves the room.

Something tells me that he knows I am telling the truth. I am innocent. Daniel is innocent. Point blank.

That's when I see it. Through the window of the door I can see the television. It is a news woman coming live from the Banners beach house. I can't hear what she is saying, but I see someone being wheeled in an ambulance bed, with a cover over the body. Alex is dead. This somehow devastates me. Sure Alex was an attempted rapist, but inside he was a good person. I grew up with him, laughed with him, played with him, ... Slept with him. Alex was a friend and no matter what the cost I was going to get him the help he needed. But that is all out of the window now. Unfortunately he is beyond my help now. I only hope God had a little mercy for him, even if it was just a little.

It takes forever until the officer comes back into the room. He smirks... Which is either a bad thing... Or a REALLY bad thing.

"Well well well, Miss Rivers! It seems that you have some time to account for." He says still smirking.

"What in the Hell do you mean?" I say angry now.

"The restaurant is only a ten minute drive away from your family beach house." The officer says.

"Soooo..." I say growing impatient.

"Soooo it leaves you twenty extra minutes to kill Mr. Alex banner." The officer still has that damn smirk.

"Well excuse me officer, but since when is it a crime to get stuck behind a trolley bus, that goes TWO MILES PER HOUR, AND STOPS EVERY FIVE SECONDS." I shout at him.

"It's not a crime Miss Rivers, murder is."

"I did not KILL Alex." I spat at the idiot officer.

"I am going to go through every piece of evidence that I can to lock you up Miss Rivers. I don't let murderers walk." He says and gets up from the table.

He leaves, slamming the door shut. Well damn... May need mommy dearest after all. I don't understand why this guy doesn't get I have a rock hard alibi, and so does Daniel. It takes another hour and the officer comes back. He is serious now and puts his fists on the table.

"Do you own a gun Miss Rivers?" He asks evenly.

"No." I say evenly back.

"Do you have access to one, Miss Rivers?"

"No." I say without a thought.

"Liar." The officer says.

"Excuse me?"

"You have access to a gun. Mr. Wade has a gun in his beach house." He says.

"Some people have a gun, others have home security systems." I say now bored.

"Only a gun killed Alex Banner though." Says the officer.

"I was not aware Daniel had a gun, plus he was with me all night!" I say.

"Sure he was." Says the officer laying on the sarcasm.

"I don't appreciate your tone, officer." I say annoyed now.

"I don't like killers."

"Neither do I." I say defiantly.

"Miss Rivers, do you know what gun powder residue is?" The officer says as he opens the door for another officer carrying a kit.

"Anyone who has seen CSI knows what it is, officer." I say in a bitchy tone.

"Good! Then you know how it works!" The officer says putting on a fake grin.

The other officer opens the kit. She gets some bottles and such out of her box and nods to the asshole officer questioning me.

"Hold out both hands please." Says the lab officer.

"If that glows then you fired the gun that killed Alex Banner." Says asshole cop.

We wait and then finally the swab never turns color.

"She is innocent, she never fired the gun." Says the lab officer.

"Told you so." I say to the asshole officer.

The asshole officer looks at the lab officer and scowls. That means Daniel must have tested negative too. Then the officer gets an idea.

"Strip Miss Rivers." The officer says.

"Why in the hell would I do that?" I say calmly.

"Because if you washed your hands after the shot was fired, it comes off, well most of it. BUT if you touched any part of your dress before washing your hands, then the residue will still be present." Says asshole cop.

"Sir I can use a UV light to detect that." Says the Lab Officer.

"Do it then." Says asshole cop.

The lab officer pulls out a light and starts shining it around. Nothing glows. The officer gets pissed and walks out slamming the door. The lab officer packs up and leaves also.

Maybe now that officer will leave me alone. It's almost 1 AM now. I am tired and pissed. When can I go!? I decide to get up and knock on the huge glass window that I'm sure are people on the other side.

"EX- CA- USE- ME!!!!" I shout as loud as I can.

A woman I've never seen before comes to the door.

"Yes?" She says quietly.

"Can you tell me when I can go home?" I say nicely to her.

"I will ask officer Buck. But until then can I get you anything?" She says sweetly.

"I would love something to drink, and maybe a wet cloth." I say back to her.

"Sure thing." She says before exiting.

Well she was nice. The system must not have corrupted her yet. She returns within a half hour and gives me food, drink, and a washcloth.

"He says you can leave when you confess." She says never meeting my eyes.

"Oh God." I say heavily as I take the washcloth and wipe off my face and neck. I forget for a moment that she is still there when I wince. I forgot about my neck. She jumps a little when I screech out. Then her eyes go wide. My bruises must look horrific to her.

"What happened?" She says quickly, curiosity must have got the better of her.

"I was beaten, almost raped, and strangled." I say sadly to the female officer.

"I am so sorry..." She says trailing off.

"It won't happen again," I drop the washcloth. "He's dead."

"Oh, is that the boy that got murdered?" She says sternly.

"Yes, but not by me! I was eating chicken parmigiana at that time. whoever really did this, is out there, uncaught." I say looking into her blue eyes.

She seems to understand. She knows I didn't kill Alex.

"I'm sorry for putting you through this then." She says understandingly.

"I just want to go home." I whine, I can feel a tear fall from my eye.

After all I've been through, I am drinking bad coffee and being charged for murder at like 3 AM. The woman comes to my side. She holds my hand and pats my back. I just cry. I don't know this woman and I don't care. She is supporting me, and that's all that matters. Just then the asshole officer comes back. He busts through the door and narrows his eyes at us.

"Get the Hell out of here officer Blake." He says sternly to the woman.

She shoots me a sorrowful glance and leaves.

"What are you accusing me of now?" I say tiredly.

"Murder still." He says with fake enthusiasm.

"Oh goodie! What fake story have you concocted now?" I say returning his tone.

Just then there was a knock on the door. The officer sighs with annoyance and goes to answer the door. The officer and a man start whispering. Then the officer looks back at me and shuts the door as he leaves. What was all that about? I just know I will find out.

It takes forever, but the officer finally comes back into the interview room. He looks solemn.

"I am so sorry Miss Rivers, for putting you through all this." He stops to look at me and clear his throat.

"What are you saying?" I say stupidly.

"You are free to go. I am sorry I kept you for so long and for the inconvenience." The officer says with true sincerity.

"Thank you! I appreciate it." I stand to get out of the room, but then I turn back suddenly.

"Who killed Alex?" I look at him for a long time before he can meet my eyes.

"The Medical Examiner confirmed that the gunshot was self inflicted." The officer rubs his temples.

"Oh." Is all I can say in my utter shock.

I begin to cry. Weep actually. I am weeping for my attempted raper, but I am also crying for my childhood friend. He must have felt truly terrible about what he did to me on the beach. He couldn't take it anymore. I feel this awful pang of guilt in my stomach. He did it because of me. He killed himself because of me.... No he killed himself because of him, and his choices. I should weep, but not because it is my fault, but because he is a person, who didn't deserve this.

The officer opens the door to the interview room and I walk out slowly. I wipe my tears and walk into the precinct hallway. Daniel is waiting for me at the end of the hall. I run to him and embrace him. He wraps his arms around me and I bury my head into his chest. That's when the waterworks make another appearance. He coddles me and tells me everything is okay. When I finally stop crying, he takes my hand and leads me out of the station. One of Daniels friends, Bryan came to pick us up. Him and Daniel sat up front as I climbed in the back. I was quiet the whole ride home.

When we got to the house, Daniel thanked Bryan and Bryan left. Daniel still had his car here, plus he wanted to make sure everything was safe for me inside. Becca and Jasmine were there waiting for me. I finally convinced Daniel to leave, that I was fine. Becca and Jasmine reassured that they would take care of me. Daniel left.

Not too long after Daniel left did my mother call me.

"HONEY! Are you okay? I heard Alex Banner got shot." She said hysterical.

"I got arrested for the murder, but all they did was ask me questions and check my-"

"THEY ARRESTED YOU?" My mother shouts.

"YES! But my alibi checked out... And mom... The gunshot was self inflicted." I say sadly to my now silent mother.

"Oh... Well I am glad that's all cleared up." She says dryly.

"Yeah.." I say to her.

"I will see if it was left on your record, and if so I will see it expunged." She says tapping away at her keyboard. I could hear it through the phone.

"Thank you mom. Love you." There was a click.

I grab some milk and pour myself a glass. Then I shower, change, and go to bed. As I lay in bed I begin thinking, this is my vacation and I am going to start to live it! I am done with all this Alex nonsense. It's over and so is my vacation almost. I will have to ask Daniel how long he's staying till.

With these thoughts I drift off to sleep.


(A/N) Hello! I haven't left an authors note in a while and I thought I would on this chapter just because! So this book has took a dark turn! When I imagined this book, I NEVER in a million years thought that it would be in the place it is now. I thought it was going to be this typical romance that someone like me would like, but it has changed drastically, and I can't say I don't like it. From now on in the book there will be couple things happening with Daniel and Alicia. They need their romance to fully bloom!

ANYWAY! Comment if you like the story! Nothing warms my heart more than seeing that I have a new comment! I seriously get so excited. Keep voting too! That helps, but I still get more excited when I see a comment. Hahaha!


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