Royal From Birth ((COMPLETED))

By _rrosebudd_

2.9K 104 4

I was born into the royal family, raised as a princess and I always had to remember to act like one. My best... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Authors Note

Chapter 12

85 5 0
By _rrosebudd_

Eric's P.O.V

I wondered the town asking everyone I saw if they had seen Bell. Everyone shook their heads and said no.
I passed a large crowd of people who were yelling out numbers. The auction.
Through all the waving hands I saw a girl standing on the stage, where things would go to bet auctioned off.
I barged through the crowed as each number grew higher.



I got half way and people started giving me looks, half cause I was being forceful and the other cause I was one or two heads taller then em.

"10 000"

I looked up at the girl being auctioned off and my jaw dropped, Bell.
Her hair was in a mess, she wore brown trousers and a dirty shirt, with over sized boots. Both her hands were tied together and the rope wrapped around the wooden pole next to her.

"10 200"

I raid my arm, "30 000" I yelled from the top of my lungs, I knew no one would have that many silver coins. It would have stopped at 10 500.
People around me gasped and stared, I kept my sight on Bell until she finally looked down at me. Her fave lit up as tears ran from her tied eyes.

"30 000 goin once!" The auctioneer yelled, "Goin twice! Sold!! To the tallest man alive!!" He pointed and chucked at me.

I pushed everyone out of my way and climbed into the stage, "Eric! Its you! Your really here!" Bell cried and lunged out for me but forgot she was tied up.

"Yes I'm here!" I pulled a knife out from my boot and Bell free from her ropes. She had red marks around her wrists. 

Before I embraced her, I heard a males voice from the side, "We're gunna be the richest men alive boys!!" I looked over and saw the man from the forest. I tucked my knife back in my boot and pulled out my sword.

I lunged at the guy but he grabbed out someone else's sword as pushed me back.

"Fight us and your gunna die boy!" The man smirked

I swung my sword at him again but he blocked it, I stepped around and tried different moves but each swing I swung it was blocked.
I pulled out some other guys sword and held it in my hand. I charged at the guy with both swords one after the other, I spun around and felt my sword slow the slightest as I spun.
I turned to see the mans head rolling on the ground detached from the rest of his body.
The other two men that he was with fought me with what ever they could grab.

"Oi!" A deep voice said and I saw the sheriff with a few coppers charging over to us. They grabbed the two men and tied them up then one grabbed me and tied my hands behind my back.


Isabel P.O.V

I watched as Eric sliced of Kurt's head in one swing. Eric fought off Owen and Noah until the sheriff and cops came and broke up the fight. I ran down to then and bent down grabbing Eric's knife that he stashed in his boot, I quickly stood up and stabbed the knife in Noah's chest while he struggled in the cops arms. I twisted the blade deeper in Noah's chest then pulled it out and threw it at Owen, a cop grabbed me and held me back as the two men died in the coppers arms.

"Take em to the cells" the sheriff yelled disgusted at the sight

"Wait! They are to come with us!" A deep males voice yelled.

I looked over and the a group of royal guards trudging over this way, Sheriff gladly let Eric and I go but dragged all three dead bodies away.

Three days passed as we were approaching the castle walls, The two nights we stayed in the forest while traveling I told Eric about every event that happened. He asked me questions about it and I answered.
I just didn't tell Eric about the dream.

We past the stables and I heard a loud neigh and the rattle of a gate, I stopped and opened the doors. Inside at the every end of the stables I saw Angus restless. My face lit up and I ran down to him and patted his muzzle then rested my forehead on his.

"Im glad your safe" I whispered

"Bell mum and dad are waiting for us" Eric said from the doors.

I nodded and walked over, "Who found Angus?" I asked

"I did, he past me in the rain and I chased after him then I finally caught up and guided him to some guards to take Angus back home."  Eric smiled

"Thank you!" I grinned and wrapped my arms around Eric. He pulled me closer and rested his face in the crock of my neck.

"I was so worried about you Bell" he muttered.

"Im sorry, I shouldn't of left" Tears started swelling in my eyes.

"Why did you?" Eric broke our hug and frowned down at me, "Why did you run?"

"I thought mother would have of told you, but the Friday that passed was supposed to be a ball night were suitors would come for me a-and Id have to-" I started but Eric interrupted me with his lips on mine. His hand rested on the side of my cheek and he pulled me closer as our first kiss deepened.

"Should have done that a long time ago" Eric smirked.

I blushed then a guard caught my eye, "Your majesty you parents await" he bowed then stood tall again.

"Lets go" I smiled up at Eric who entwined his hand with mine.

We walked hand in hand to the throne room were we greeted with my mother and father.
My mum stood up with tears in her eyes as she saw us walk in.

"Isabel!" She cried out and ran up to me and embraced me with a tight hug.

"I missed you mother" I hugged her back but did not cry.

"And I you" she wiped her tears as my father stepped over to us.
His hair was more grey and his eyes even more tired. He didn't speak as he pulled me into a hug, which would be our first in many many years.

"You must tell us everything over dinner!" My mother clapped her hands together. "But first go get cleaned up" she smiled and I nodded.

I walked back over to Eric who walked out with me.

"Isabel!" I heard a familiar voice, I looked to see Mini almost in tears as she stood in front of Eric and I. 

"Hey" I smiled and scratched the back of my head.

"I shall start a warm bath, my Lady" she smiled and bowed then quickly ran of to my room.

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