Bill's Favored Puppet [Billdi...

By BlueCipher0

691K 23.7K 26.3K

Another plot twist that I came up with for the final episode of Gravity Falls, Weirdmageddon. Instead, Dipper... More

Your Still My Puppet PineTree
Dipper's Third Journal?
Search For the 3rd Journal and Hologram Recordings
Care to dance?
The Unexpected
The Truth
After the War
We Meet
Happy Us
Leaving for True Home
A Little Fast Forward
Can you Forgive Me?
Unknown Visit/Thank you.

End Weirdmageddon

39.8K 1.3K 1.6K
By BlueCipher0

*my last time skip (probably) 1 month later*
+Underground Cave+

"Hey Ford, is this plan really gonna work again?"

"It should Stanley... It states in the prophecy, that the symbols on Cipher's Wheel should able to defeat him and send them back from where they came from."

Everyone was in the big meeting hall, they had devised a plan that would save everyone and get Dipper back. They were gonna try again using the Wheel tactic with Stan cooperating this time.

Mabel and Pacifica had researched pages in Dipper's journal for ways to distract Bill's friends while the symbols finally stop all this crazy mess. The citizens, mostly the adults, would distract Bill's friends using the Mystery Shack. Stan had found it intact and not affected by the weirdness thanks to what Dipper and Ford did to it. McGucket was able to repair the fighting machine even after what Bill did to it before.

Those symbols of Bill's Wheel: Stan, Ford, Mabel, Gideon, Pacifica, Soos, Wendy, Robbie, and McGucket will go follow Ford's plan to stop Bill and get Dipper.

Mabel gripped the memory gun in her hands tightly. "Dipper..." She whispers.

Pacifica next to her hears Mabel's whisper and holds onto her hand for comfort. "Don't worry Mabel, we'll get him back." Mabel looked at her and nodded with a smile.

"We're coming for you Dipper!"


Dipper was left alone in the Fearamid again. Originally Teeth and Eight Ball were with him, but Xanthar had called them to help him with something.

"It's boring when all of them leave." He sighed as he continued to walk down the halls of the castle. His footsteps clicking with each step.

He snapped his fingers and summoned a blue and yellow patterned staff, "Might as well head to one of the training rooms to practice my skills.

As Dipper did that, Ford's group was already inside the castle getting things ready. Outside their friends were distracting Bill's friends with a hard fight and chase. Ford had gotten the drawing of Bill Wheel sprayed to the floor thanks to Robbie's can of spray paint again.

"Mabel, Pacifica... It's time, go with the plan alright." Stan says to them.

The two teens nodded and ran after Dipper. Thankfully finding him close by and shouted at him to get his attention.


Said demon froze when he heard his name being called, he turned around and looked at Pacifica and Mabel. His facial expression filled with fear, "You guys shouldn't be here!" He exclaimed.

"Dipper, we're stopping Bill once and for all. Please help us end all of this?" Pacifica asked him in the end, hopeful that Dipper would agree. Sadly that wasn't the case as Dipper shook his head in denial.

"You don't get it... Bill needs me, I can't leave him alone." Dipper said to them, his voice a bit shaken up.

Mabel gripped the memory gun tighter in one hand. "Pacifica."

"I know Mabel." Pacifica ran towards Dipper and locked him in her arms.

Dipper struggled in her grip, but it seems that Pacifica got stronger over the last 5 years. "Please stop! You don't know what your doing!"

"I'm sorry Dipper, but this needs to stop." She raised the memory gun up and pointed it at Dipper. "I didn't want to do this Dipper... But your leaving me with no other choice."

Dipper stared at Mabel with hurt eyes, "Mabel?" His eyes now leaking salty tears down his cheeks.

Mabel set the gun to erase Dipper's memory 'Bill Cipher and his Friends'. Not hesitating with the next step, she pulled the trigger. Dipper's memories were erased slowly of Bill's friends and the particular dream demon. She let the trigger go and let the memory gun fall to her side and saw Pacifica let her 'brother' go.

When Dipper opened his eyes... His memories of the demons had faded away.

+Outside of the Fearamid+

Bill watched his friends as the transformed Mystery Shack was once again fighting against them. "Man these humans sure are persistence." He rolled his one visible eye annoyed at the force field around the shack.

"Guys! Just tear it limb from limb!" He yelled at his friends who followed his orders.

They didn't notice the sky above them though. The grey and black clouds swirling around ominously.

+Inside the Fearamid+

The gang was all together holding hands and standing in their rightful place in the circle.

Ford recited some words as they held hands, thinking about the end Weirdmageddon.

Outside the castle the ground shook and the wind picked up. The rip in the sky started suck the demons back inside. Bill on the other hand, his form was starting to disappear.

"Bill! What's happening!?" Pyronica exclaimed to the dream demon while trying to remain grounded.

Said dream demon looked around and noticed the crowd of humans below near the shack. He noticed that a certain few weren't among them. "Those meatsacks!" Bill yelled turning red. He shouted at his friends, "Everyone hold out for as long as you can! I handle the main issue!"

Bill used his powers to teleport inside the Fearamid quickly searching the floor until he found the cause of the problem. He found them in one of the wider hallways. "You meatsacks stop what your doing right now!"

The 9 people looked at him with cold eyes, one set in particular not even looking at him.

"It's over Bill! After all these years, everything will finally go back to normal!" Ford shouted at the demon.

"But how can you have all ten?! Without PineTree this shouldn't work!" Bill looked towards the spot of the PineTree to see his puppet standing there holding hands with the others. "PineTree? What are you doing?"

Dipper turned his head a bit to look at Bill with a confused look. "Um.. Who are you?" He asked.

Bill was shattering inside, "PineTree it's me, Bill Cipher! Did you hit your head or something?" He says to Dipper , but the teen looked at his twin for help.

"Mabel who is this guy?"

"He's the demon that's been ruling the world for the past years Dipper." Mabel told him hardly keeping her glare on Bill.

Bill glared back at Mabel, "You meatsacks did something didn't you?" He accused them with a growl. He snapped his fingers to get his powers to stop him, but his powers were dwindling down. Only sparks of magic appeared at his finger tips. He noticed his form getting more distorted, there wasn't much time left before he was brought back into the mindscape.

The group, except Dipper, closed their eyes. Dipper kept looking at Bill curiously. Bill's form disappearing piece by piece. Bill looked back at Dipper eyes to eye determined yet sadden.

"I'll be back PineTree... Wait for me" Those were Bill's last words as he finally disappeared out of thin air.

The Fearamid was broken down and sucked into the rip. The ten people the were dropped to the ground and the rest of the demon's flying into the rip.

Some of the demons saw Dipper and yelled at him for help, but the teen showed no sign of recognition. Merely looking at them confused.

That day everyone cheered and cried tears of joy that the weirdness is finally over. The rip in the sky closed and the beautiful blue sky returned to them.

Dipper stared at the calm blue sky with a small frown.

+A year later+

For the past year the news cast boomed about the disappearance of Weirdmageddon. Everyone around the world happily cheering and fixing up the mess that was left behind.

Now summer was in and school was out. Dipper and Mabel spent the summer in Gravity Falls with their Grunkles at the Mystery Shack.

Everyone in town had agreed to keep low and quiet to Dipper about who Bill Cipher was to him. Ford had collected Dipper's journals and stored them in a secret place in his lab. He tore out the pages containing information about the dream demon from his journals before giving all them to Dipper. Mabel hide the memory capsule video of Dipper's memories within the shack, where Dipper wouldn't find it.

"Bro Bro! Let's go to town and see what's going on around there!" Mabel happily says.

Dipper laughed and got up from his seat on the arm chair. "Alright Mabel," he followed her out of the shack and walking through the path to the town.

He always had a feeling to go into the woods however Mabel always told him there's nothing there. He stopped walking and looked into the woods, something was there, calling him.

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