Nothing left to lose:A luis c...

By atrueprimadonna

5.8K 262 21

Sequel To El Que se enamora pierde, Lynn is 19 living in London with her band. After they reached stardom the... More

Where are you now that I need you?
Late night sex, smoking cigarettes
Gave it all up for a 'better man' beat me down but on the ground I stand
It hurts to hear your name, when I haven't seen you in so long
You swore you'd never hit them, never do anything to hurt them
Theres a million reasons why I should give you up
I wanna be an Idle Teen.
He's so tall and handsome as hell. He's so bad, but he does it so well
Kiss me again underneath the moonlight
Here we are and you're to drunk to hear a word I say
I can't drown my demons they know how to swim
And I'm back for the first time since then
I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile, so good to me so right
Outloud someone's calling my name, and it sounds like you
I don't mean to be a bother, But have you seen this girl?
I'm afriad you'll runaway if I tell you what I wanted to tell you
Self destruction is such a pretty little thing
I bet sometimes you wonder about me
I wish I could touch you again, I wish I could still call you friend.
His hands are in my hair, his clothes are in my room
This is no modern fairy tale
Wedding plans
Dont say yes, runaway now
'Cause I've done some things that I can't speak
No one has to know what we do
Secrets dont sleep till theyre took to the grave
I feel indigo, how about you?
Love is not a victory march.
I wont let nobody hurt, wont let no one break your heart
She's mine, you stay away from her its not her time
I wont let nobody hurt you
I hope you're the end of my story

They are hunters, we are the foxes.

125 7 1
By atrueprimadonna

I checked the caller ID and saw Luis' name. Moments later Alexa walked in. "go" she said and started grabbing bags while I carried Sierra. 

"we leave for Gubbio in two hours" Luis said as he placed Sierra's car seat in the holder. 

Once everything was in the car we drove off. Luis drove, Alexa was in the passenger seat while I was in the back with Sierra. 

On the way to the airport I made phone calls to all my family members, I told dad to pretend like he knew nothing, i told him to tell my grandmothers and brothers to do the same. I called Alex and Brian, we had all gone our own separate ways, Brian was pursing his acting career and Alex was living in Texas, I told them not to worry about me, and to act like they knew nothing about me when Max started asking questions.

Once we got to the runway where our private jet was waiting, I hugged Alexa and thanked her for everything. She would be the only person I would have connection with in the next few days. 

"Ill always be here for you" Alexa said and smiled," good luck you guys" Alexa said and walked away after she kissed Sierra. 

"ready?" Luis asked. "yes" I said and we boarded the plane. 

//Max's POV// 

"Lynn Im home, I have great news, we're playing warped tour this ye-Lynn?" I shouted as I walked in. I quickly switched the lights on and saw the mess. Nobody was home," thats weird, maybe she's sleeping" I said and walked to the room. "what the fuck?" I asked when I turned the light on. All of Lynn's clothes were gone. I knew this wasn't a robbery because only her stuff was gone, none of the valuable things were missing, just her clothes.  My wake up call was when I saw her wedding ring on the dresser. 

"oh god" I whispered and picked up my phone and dialed Alexa's number. When she didnt answer I called Mika, then Mitchell, her dad, her grandmothers, Brian and Alex. 

The only person from her family that answered was her mom. 

"shes gone" I said. 


"Lynn left me" 

"explain to me what happened" 

"I came home, and all her stuff was gone along with Sierra's, she left her wedding ring on the dresser, its over" 

"get your shit together Max, Ill be there in ten minutes, in the meantime call your uncle, he can help us" 


"whats the problem?" My uncle Leonardo asked when he arrived. "Lynn left him" Madison said as she lit a cigarette. "how could she have left you?" My uncle asked," i thought she understood what would happen to her" he shouted. "call your husband" I shouted. 

"he doesnt know where she is, she didnt let anybody know" Madison said. "lets go to Alexa's house, she has to have answers to where Lynn is" I said and we got into my uncle's car along with his three bodyguards. 

I walked up to her front door and saw that the lights were out, "she's not home" I shouted. "break the door" My uncle ordered to one of his bodyguards.

"empty" he reported. 

"lets go, we're gonna find her even if its the last thing I do, she made the biggest mistake of her life" My uncle shouted and took out his gun," find her" 



song used as title: I know places- Taylor Swift

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