The bully who fell for his vi...

By xoxMarit

304K 7.5K 799

Marit McAdams. Justin Bieber. Marit is being bullied by Justin and his girlfriend Selena. Will they break up... More

Marit McAdams.
Marit McAdams.
Marit McAdams.
Justin Bieber / Marit McAdams.
Justin Bieber / Marit McAdams
Marit McAdams.
Justin Bieber
Marit McAdams / Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber.
Marit McAdams.
Justin Bieber / Marit McAdams.
Justin Bieber
Marit McAdams.
Justin Bieber.
Marit McAdams.
Justin Bieber.
Marit McAdams.
Justin Bieber.
Marit McAdams.
Justin Bieber.
Marit McAdams.
Justin Bieber
Marit McAdams.
Marit McAdams.
Justin Bieber.
Marit McAdams.
Justin Bieber.
Marit McAdams.
Justin Bieber.
Marit McAdams.
Marit McAdams.

Justin Bieber.

6.2K 178 16
By xoxMarit

That was so hot.

The way her hands touched my skin was incredible. I loved it, but of course someone needed to interupt us by calling.

"Hello, Marit speaking." I heard her say.

"Oh, hello." I saw her smiling slightly. Who could that be...

"I uh, I just went to take a run." I saw her blushing, I smirked. He or she probably asked why she was out of breath.

"Really?" She said, her face lighting up.

"Oh my gosh, thank you so much, officer." Officer? Why would he call her? And why would she thank him?

"I will, thank you. Bye." She hung up and run towards me, hugging me tight.

"They found Kevin not far from here and arrested him for abusing under-aged girls." I smiled and spun her around.

She must be so happy right now. There is nothing that can stand in her way right now, except school tomorrow maybe...


"Okay, would you rather have purple hair or a blue mustache?" She asked me. I laughed a little.

We were playing 'would you rather'. We ordered some pizza earlier and sat in the living room, since it was a little bit to cold outside.

"I think I would look better with a blue mustache." She nodded and took another bite.

"Would you rather: marry someone and get kids, but not a lot of money, or have a lot of money but no kids?"

"Get kids." She said without thinking.


"Money can't buy or give you happiness, family can. So I rather have kids and try to give them everything I can and love them with all my heart, than just be rich and simply do nothing and be bored."

This is why I love her, this is what I wanted to hear. I would fall in love with her even more, if that's possible. I smiled at her.

We decided to just finish eating the pizza first. When we were done, we just cleaned things up a little before Jack and Anne came home again. Time flew by quickly, because around 6:45PM we heard someone unlock the door. The door opened and it was them.

"Hey kids." Anne said hugging both of us.

"Hey mom, did you guys had fun?" Marit asked.

"Yes, we just drove around for a while and had pizza in a nice Italian restaurant. And what have you guys been up to?" Marit looked at me and blushed.

"Nothing much. And we also had pizza." She just looked at us with a suspicious smile and walked to the living room where Jack also was.

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