Bloody Painter X Reader

By LifelessRose

352K 8.3K 13.5K

You are an 18 year old who is leaving your abusive family, going to college. You will meet friends and enemie... More

Chapter 1: Finally Free
Chapter 2: Meeting him
Chapter 3: What happened
Chapter 4: Did I meet them
A tiny note
Please Read!!!!
Chapter 5: Good start = Bad ending
Sorry Everyone!
Chapter 6: School Day!!
Chapter 7: He Does What!?
Car crash!!!!
Chapter 8: Meet the school group
Chapter 9: Learning About The New Me
Chapter 10: Unknown twists
Chapter 11: Why did it have to be YOU?!?
Chapter 12: Apart ......for how long?
Chapter 13: Why The Dreams?
Chapter 14: Meeting The WORST Person Of All
Chapter 15: Is He? No! He Can't.......Right?
Chapter 16: A broken Rose....Like a broken Heart
Chapter 17: WE! ARE! THROUGH!!
Chapter 18: Moving in to a new mansion part (1/2)
Chapter 19: Moving to a new mansion part (2/2)
Chapter 19: Maybe I might forgive him
Chapter 21: Day Two
I have a question
Chapter 22: Day 3
Chapter 24: Bite Me
Guys and Girls!!
Chapter 25: Meeting 'her'
Chapter 26: The Date
Thank You, Everyone
Chapter 27: Oh Really?
Your choice!!!
Chapter 28: Friends Over???
Chapter 30: They Find Out
Chapter 31: The Alley
Chapter 32: Two days away!!... Plus a wonderful surprise
Chapter 33: Tomorrow ring the bells!
Chapter 34: Today, Life Changes!
Red and Black Version Wedding
Black And Red Version
This Is The Best I Could Get To A Human Helen/Bloody Painter
I was messing with a game
Who is he?
Read this for my new book
Well Then...
Random Question...

Chapter 20: Rose's birthday and her assignment!!

5.5K 114 659
By LifelessRose

Helen's (POV)

I woke up to someone calling my name, nudging me awake. I grumble and open my eyes to see Elf Boy.

"Can I help you?" I ask getting up. Y/n was still asleep happily

"Yes. Slendy needs you for an important meeting. Be there in two minutes" Ben whispered and head off

I stroke my hair back and sigh. Looking at Y/n's sleeping body one last time, I made my way to the living room. Everyone is there. I sat down next to Jeff and Ben and waited for Slender's announcements

"OK everyone! My announcement is about Y/n. Her birthday is coming up in a week and we all are going to celebrate it! I have an assignment to keep her busy for the whole week while all of you are going to buy whatever you need for the party. Be careful and don't expose anything to her. Is that understood?"

We all nodded in agreement and Slender smiled. We all began talking before Slender signalled us to quiet down

"One more thing. Someone is going to have to go with Y/n for the week. You won't help her in this, you will just be an observer" Slender stated

Everyone thought about it but I already called the shots. Slender informed me to go wake up Y/n. I nodded as I went upstairs to her room to find her still asleep
Your (POV)

"Rose wake up" Helen shook me lightly and I only grumble

"Just ten more minutes"

Suddenly, a big weight just fell on me. I open my eyes to find Helen sitting on me and snicker

"Geez Painter! What have been you eating? Bricks or boulders this time?" I joke. He sighs and facepalms himself

"One: Neither. Two: Don't call me painter. Three: Slender has an assigned mission for you"

I bolted my eyes up. Huh? Mission? Helen chuckled and looked down at me

"Will you get off of me?" I asked annoyed

"Nope" He snickered

Suddenly, a good idea came to mind. I rolled to my side making him fall to the floor. He grunted when he got up and glared playfully. I giggle as I sit up and stretch my body out. I jump off my bed and go to the closet. I swiftly open up its doors and look inside for a nice outfit. I found this one

and pulled it out. I turn around and place my clothes on the bed before turning to face Helen.

"Are you gonna leave or do I have to personally kick you out?" I smirk turning around

And not a moment to lose, he was out. I giggle and head to the door to lock it. After doing so, I change my clothes and head downstairs. Everyone one was in the kitchen eating breakfast and chatting. I see Slender and ask

"What type of assignment do you have Slendy?"

"Murder. I would like you to go all the way back to your homeland and murder three people" He explained while cooking

So I'm going back home eh? Well this should be fun

"You're right. It will be fun because you need to kill a house of three people. A married couple with a child. You have to go there by foot because of some car issues" Slender smiled and went back to cooking

"Wait. Where is the address?" I ask going to sit next to Helen and Ben

"73837 Hemmingsburg street"

The address sounds awfully familiar....

I heard Slendy mutter something like 'it should' but I shrugged it off. A plate of food was served in front of me as I chowed down happily. Once I finish, I place the plate in the sink and head to the bedroom again to get my weapons. My bracelet was on my nightstand and so was the charm necklace. I place them on before going downstairs. Slender and Helen are in the living room now. They were talking so I shrug and explore more around the house. I have been here for a while and I still don't know what I have. I sigh as I head to a door with the words 'game room' carved. I open the door and gasp.


"Yeah Y/n?"

"Check. This. Out"

I heard footsteps behind me but I was too frozen to move. I hear a small squeal and then a thump. I turn around to find Ben on the ground unconscious. I continue to search around and found another door. This time it was a movie theatre.

I sigh and close the door. I'm so going back in here once I'm back from my mission. I walk deeper down the hallway to be greeted by two last and final doors. The backyard, first.

Then came the very large ballroom

Finally! I have discovered the entire mansion and I can rest! I go to the living room and see Ben had woken up and Helen and Slender were still talking. I go sit next to Helen and pull out my phone

"Sorry to interrupt your convo here, but when do I start this mission?" I asked playing a game on my phone

I look up to see Slender getting two backpacks behind the couch with his tendrils and smiling. He hands me and Helen one before giving me us a note each

"Right now"
Helen's (POV)

We were walking down the street with backpacks on our backs. It is quiet.....too quiet. The silence annoyed me so much so I decided to break it

"Hey Y/n?"

"Yeah" She pulled out her headphones

"What would make you the happiest right now?" I ask placing my hand in hers

She looks up at me, gives me the most heart warming smile ever and says

"I already have everything I need. A great family, awesome music, a great thrill of killing. But most importantly, I have you" She kisses me on the cheek and puts her head on my shoulder

I don't know what took over me. I held her by the waist and lifted her in the sky. She laughed as I spun her. Once I put her down, I turned to face her and kissed her deeply. She kissed back and pulled back smiling. I then put her on my back and we began to trail off singing
Slender's (POV)

"Okay she's gone" I say as every Creepypasta came out from their hiding places

They all sat down and stared at me

"Okay. What does Y/n like?"





I nod and write some stuff down on a piece of paper

"Okay. What types of favorite foods?"




"Your cooking. Ugh"

I write some stuff down and ask

"What's a good place?"

"Her ballroom!"

"Her backyard!"

"Her game room!"

"Okay last question. What's her favorite cake flavor"

"Chocolate!" All the pastas yelled at once

I chuckle and write everyone a list of items they need to buy before going back to my mansion. My home sweet home!
Helen's (POV)

People all around us stared at us warmly with smiles plastered all over their faces. I began feeling tired but I didn't wanna let Y/n know since I'm still carrying her on my back

"Painter. You're tired. Put me down" She said playing with my hair

"It's fine. Really"

"No it isn't. Even though I'm in my human form, doesn't mean I can't hear your heart beating faster each minute" She says placing her head on my shoulder

I sigh and give in as I place her on the ground before taking her hand in mine as we walk again side by side

Time skip - 5 hours later

I was extremely tired. We have been walking for seven hours straight with minor stops. I look at Y/n who had her music blasting out of her ears while humming the lyrics. She didn't look the least bit tired. She actually started walking faster. I was about ask her a question but I groaned when I remember she can't hear me. So I put my hand near her ear plug and was about to grasp it when her hand mysteriously grabbed my hand and tightened on its grasp

"Pull out my ear plugs and pull out your lungs. Got it?" She said in her demonic voice

I nod quickly before placing my hands up in surrender. She giggles before taking out one ear plug

"What cha need?"

"Do you think we can stop at a hotel or something? I'm tired and its already dark outside" I pointed up to the gleaming stars

She sighs and nods. We kept walking a little bit until a hotel came in view. We dashed for it, ignoring the cussing we get from people. Once we were in, we placed the backpacks on the floor and started rummaging through them. What we had was awesome. There's clothes, food, drinks, games, chargers, weapons, money and extra gear. Y/n and I pulled out the money to find out we both have $20,000. A little too much but hey. It is soo worth it. I walked up to the desk where a lady in her twenties was sitting. She had long blond hair, a patch over her right eye, and a uniform on. Her name tag read 'Sadie'.

"Hello. Welcome to the stargaze hotel" She said straitening some papers

"Hello. I would like a room for two for one night please" I say getting out some money

"Okay. That would be $430. Here is your key and card. Enjoy" She smiles as she takes the money and places it in a register. Y/n was playing a game on her phone when I called her. She gave me a smile before getting her backpack and heading out the lobby side by side with me. Once we reached our room which happened to be on the twentieth floor, we opened the door and flopped on the beds.

Today was loooonnng!

Of course it was long! I made you walk for seven hours in the story!

Shut up author!
And for the rest of the night, Helen kept arguing with me in his mind until he fell asleep. Goodnight!

Peace out!

Tamara M

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