Our Eternal Bond

By Moon_Girl495

26K 386 55

Danila and her sister moved to Dallas, Texas to start a new life. They're werewolves, out for a fresh start... More

Our Eternal Bond
Chapter 1 - Unexpected
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 8 - Part 2
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 7

1.4K 21 0
By Moon_Girl495

Chapter 7

I am sorry if it’s short! I have a very limited time here! So, here ya go!

The next few subjects came by in a flash, because now, it was already lunch time. I was walking down the hallway in silence while humming ‘Song of the Southern Wolves’—the song that I was previously singing on the music and arts subject time—when Cynthia came out of nowhere and began running around like a mad man, squealing and jumping around like she had ants on her jeans. Imagine a girl in her pink paramore shirt, blue skinny jeans and sneakers, running around like being chased by a dog… yes, that absolutely is her. With her short, apple-cut brunette hair bouncing incessantly on her back.

Her high-pitched voice was attracting too much attention, but mostly got me irritated. Covering my ears, I groaned then decided to put her into silence. Clamping my hands over her mouth, she quieted instantly.

“One more scream and I SWEAR! I’m gonna send you to the asylum!” I threatened, finally letting her go. She giggled quietly while a blush crept into her cheeks.

“Sorry” she looked at me with apologetic eyes and giggled once more, covering her flushed cheeks with her hair. “I couldn’t help it”

“What happened?” I asked her, placing a hand carefully on her right shoulder. She looked at me while her blushing intensified, she giggled again, looking down at her shoes.

“Well” she gulped audibly “Luke asked me out!” she blurted, suddenly jumping up and down on her feet while clapping her hands simultaneously.

“Wait—who’s Luke?” my brows rose and I gave her a questioning look. Her blush even got darker as she her eyes brightened up like a thousand fairy lights. “Is he your mate?”

“Yeah…” she scratched her nape and looked down at the floor, while kicking the floor and playing with her fingers concurrently. “Well… he kind of asked me on a date” her blush even intensified when the words escaped her mouth.

“Goodness, Cynthia!” I exclaimed, gasping loudly. “You’re redder than an apple!” I gushed, pointing at her cheeks. She slapped it away playfully and her blush even got darker, making her look like a tomato face. She stomped her right foot and stuck her bottom lip out at me.

“Stop it! You’re ruining the moment” I chortled at her, and she smacked my arm with less force.

“Okay” I cleared my throat and began listening.

“You know… Luke is the boy from the music class earlier… he was the one who partnered up with me” she giggled quietly and I smiled at her, her blush grew fainter every minute. “So… he kind of asked me in a date. He’s going to pick me up later”

“Wait—so, if you’re going to a date later… how are you gonna come over to my house?” I asked, furrowing my brows at her. She stopped for a minute to think and finally… a smile broke into her face, mingling with a mischievous glint upon her eyes. “Cynthia….! What are you planning now?”

“You know… maybe this is fate” she giggled quietly as her face turned back to its normal color.

“What are you saying?” I inquired as we continued to walk on our tracks.

“My brother had never allowed me to go alone on dates… so he ‘always’ attends it with me” she paused, allowing a sigh to escape her mouth. “I never had privacy, Danila! Never in my life!” she threw her hands in the air.

“What are you implying then?” realization struck me like lightning from the sky and I looked at her with wide eyes “Oh! Hell no, you’re not exactly going to-“ she cut me off with her pleading, puppy dog eyes and pouting lips. She had her palms together while facing me.

“Please! Oh, please, Danila!” she exclaimed “I have never had an experience to have a freakin’ PRIVATE date with an opposite sex! Let alone with my mate! Please Danila! I need you to keep him distracted while I’m out with him! I promise… I’ll be back before you know it!” she beseeched.

I looked at her as if she has three heads and allowed a sigh to escape my lips. She has the exact situation as mine. Though her brother had been keeping an eye of her, my father was keeping an eye on me. He never let me out of sight with someone of the opposite sex, and never had he let me have a greater relationship than friends.

“Fine” blowing the air out of my face, I gave in to her cuteness “Count me in”

“Yes! I already informed him about this! He will pick us up and drive home… then you will help me get ready… then I will sneak out on your window while you keep him busy… then I will be back before you know it!” she blabbered, gesturing her hands in the air in various movements.

“I hope that works” I muttered,


The school day passed by in a flash… probably because I was thinking about the plan Cynthia dragged me into. I was erupting with unpleasant thoughts. How exactly am I going to keep him busy? How exactly will I keep him from knowing that Cynthia isn’t with me? How the hell will I keep him from knowing that Cynthia was out on a date with the Luke guy?

I am in deep sh*t if you say so… why did I even got myself into this kind of trouble? Because I can relate myself to Cynthia who never had privacy when going out with boys… well, at least I know that I am not alone in this world.

I sighed, stuffing all of my books back into the locker while Cynthia was jumping up and down beside me with excitement. She seemed impatient and keeps on tugging at my arm, I felt as if I was a ragged doll. Once I was finished, she dragged me towards the parking lot and spotted Xenon leaning against a Ferrari 458 Italia. He seemed to be waiting for someone. Oh god, I wish he does not notice me!

Cynthia dragged me towards his direction and I can’t help but stumble a few steps while starring at her, preventing any eye contact with Xenon if possible. I can feel the jingle of keys and when I looked in front of me, we were standing face to face with Xenon.

What the heck?

“Hey, bro!” she called, waving her hand at him.

“HE’S YOUR BROTHER!?” I yelled, my eyes were bulging out of my socket while I just saw him smirk. Stupid!

“Yeah! Yeah!” she rolled her eyes at me, opening the door to the car while pushing me inside. She freaking forced me beside the driver’s seat! While she just embarked on the passenger’s seat herself! Why can’t I sit there!?

I was in a faze while they both embarked on the car, nonchalantly. I heard some jingles and the engine roared to life. Music began blasting on my ears ‘Super Bass’ by Nicki Minaj was playing and he seemed to mouth the words along.

I looked over to him with a puzzled look as he continued to bob his head up and down in a soft rhythm. He began to drive as if nothing happened, sparing glances at me while I just stared at him in shock.

“Still shock about us being siblings, eh?” I heard Cynthia say, I looked at her with my mouth flying open. I was still on a daze. Xenon glanced at me, reaching his finger over my face and shutting my mouth close.

“Close your mouth… you can catch flies” he chortled lowly while I looked ahead of me.

I am in deep trouble as you say so….


I gave them directions towards my house—as if Xenon doesn’t know, he followed me home just hours ago! Along the way, Cynthia was blabbering about me refusing to join their pack—while Xenon growled, I just rolled my eyes and huffed in response. She was a big mouth if you ask me, secrets tend to slip from her mouth without her consent! Which also ended up having her state that she saw my mark and that we are mates—she was also excited on telling their parents, which caused her to receive a warning growl from me.

She quieted after my little warning and remained silent while we headed our way. I felt kind of guilty, but somehow felt at peace that she quieted down even for a minute.

After maybe minutes later on riding, we finally reached my house and I disembarked his fresh smelling car. Opening the door to my house only lead to the results of finding Bambi cooking some grilled cheese in the kitchen. As soon as she saw me coming, she ran over to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

“Hey, Danni!” she greeted, engulfing me into a tight embrace.

“Hey” I greeted back, she glanced beside me and stared at Xenon and Cynthia. She looked back and me and gave me a questioning look. “Oh… this is Cynthia and… Xenon” I cleared my throat “Uh… this is my sister, Bambi” I said with a sly smile.

“Um…” I heard Bambi say “I’ll go cook some more grilled cheese. I’ll leave you all to privacy” she gave us a small smile while shutting the door close to the kitchen.

I rushed to the kitchen and poured some juice in 4 glasses and grabbed the grilled cheese that Bambi had cooked into 4 saucers and settled them all on a serving tray. Walking back to the living room, I smiled at our ‘guests’ and served them the brunch.

Bambi grabbed her plate of grilled cheese and juice, carrying them all to head to her room. She was always shy of new guests, even though those close to our family, so she tends to lock herself up on her room until the time they leave.

Biting into the sandwich, I glanced over the clock and looked at Cynthia with an alarming look. She looked at me, knowing the sign that I was giving her and placed her food back down while wiping her lips with a tissue.

“Help yourself with some movies… its dress up time for us girls!” I said, trying to hide the scheme that we are about to do. I was quite nervous about this. Xenon just gave us a small nod while grabbing the remote and switching the television on to watch some channels.

Here we go….

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