My Girls| a.i.

By erynwrites

38.1K 1.2K 266

The only girl in Ashton's life is his 2 and a half year old daughter Maisie but that all changes when he meet... More



2.4K 90 10
By erynwrites


After a morning full of sticky cheeks and lots of smiles, Ashton drops me back home, leaving me with a small kiss on the cheek and a warm hug that I never want to pull away from.

"Can I call you later?" He asks softly before he starts back to his car, the eagerness in his face making me nod quickly. "I'll be looking forward to it," I reply, earning a wide grin and butterflies in response.

"Goodbye, Elsie," He murmurs, leaning down to place another small kiss to my nose before returning to his car and his daughter, Maisie's hand waving at me as he pulls out of the parking lot.

The rest of my day is spent in kind of a daze, my mind always drifting back to Ashton no matter how hard I try to focus on cleaning. I end up calling Addy over, desperately wanting to tell someone about the last 24 hours.

"It's so weird, but a good weird," I explain, "I've never felt this comfortable around anyone this quickly in my life," I continue. "He's incredibly sweet, and humble, and funny--and dear Lord Addy, his laugh. I swear I have never heard anything as amazing as his laugh. And Maisie, his daughter, is probably the cutest little toddler I've ever met. You would love her," I tell my best friend, her small laughs making me blush slightly as I finish my rambling.

"He has a kid?" She asks, her tone curious as she waggles her eyebrows at me.

"Yeah, she's two and a half and a little bundle of energy. Her mom left soon after she was born and it had a really big impact on her, which it why it surprised me that Ashton trusts me with her so much already." I reveal, playing with my fingers as I glance up at her to see her reaction.

"He sounds like a good fit for you," She says with a smile, the simple words letting me know that she approves. "But I still wanna meet him," She tells me, a snort falling past my lips as I give her a nod before pulling her into a hug.

"Now, tell me all about that date," She demands, shifting herself till she is sitting crossed legged, facing me on the couch. She props her chin up on her hands, her dark hair spilling over his fingers as she looks up at me expectantly.

"Well, it started out kinda awkward," I begin sheepishly, explaining how the date almost didn't end up happening but how then we spent the night just cuddling and getting to know each. I continue telling her about the night, only pausing when I get to the part about our kiss, my ears ringing from the sound of Addy's loud exclamations of excitement. I finish up by telling how I met Luke and Mara, earning a nudge and a wink because "You already met the best friend!" to which I just roll my eyes in response.

"You really like him, don't you?" Addy asks softly, her lips curved into a gentle smile as I look down at my lap shyly, biting down on my lip as my head dips into a small nod in response. "I've never seen you like this about a guy before, he must be pretty special." She muses, my lips shifting upwards as I think about him.

"Special doesn't even begin to describe him, Ads," I murmur truthfully, the simple word not vast enough to describe how inconceivably amazing Ashton Irwin is.

"Damn," Addy murmurs with a chuckle, my cheeks flushing at the sound. "Does he have any other friends?" She asks teasingly, earning a scoff and a small shove in response. "M'gonna get some food, want anything?" She asks, changing the subject as she stands up from the couch.

"Just bring out the leftover pizza in the fridge and whatever else you want." I request, relaxing into the couch. I pull a blanket around myself and snuggle into it as I turn on a movie for the two of us to watch. I settle on a rom-com and drop the remote onto the coffee table, stretching my legs across the couch.

The sound of my phone ringing cuts over the commercials playing across the screen, my heartbeat picking up as I pull the phone out of my pocket. I quickly swipe to answer the call, my fingers fumbling for the remote to turn the TV volume down.

"Elsie?" The familiar voice sends warmth through my veins, a smile immediately forming on my lips.

"Hi, Ashton," I say back softly, playing with a string on my blanket as he returns the greeting.

"How was your day?" He asks sweetly, my gaze flipping to the clock to realize it's already almost 7 at night, the whole afternoon had flown by without me noticing.

"It was pretty good. I cleaned a little and then Addy came over." I reply. "How was yours?" I ask, his soft chuckle ringing down the line.

"It was interesting." He starts, letting out another giggle. "Maisie decided that she wanted to give herself a makeover while I was making lunch, except she doesn't have any makeup and resorted to using Sharpies." He explains. "She didn't come down when I called her for lunch and when I went up to her room to grab her, she was covered in marker. She had red all over mouth and blue on her eyelids and crazy little lines all over her cheeks." He finishes.

"Oh god," I let out with a small laugh, picturing the small girl covered in permanent marker. "Did you get it off?" I ask, knowing just how hard it is to get Sharpie off your skin.

"Yeah, about that...She's gonna have a colorful face for a couple more days," He admits with a sheepish tone, letting out a small chuckle. "I called up Luke to try and get Mara's help, and we both tried to wash it off but it only faded a bit. I finally phoned my mum and she just laughed at me and told me we'd have to keep washing it but it would still take a couple days to come off." He explains.

"Apparently I did the same thing, but I have no recollection of that fact," He exclaims, my mind wandering to try and picture a baby Ashton.

"Like father, like daughter," I tease, his groan echoing down the line causing me to laugh as Addy walks back into the room.

She places a plate with some pizza on my lap, raising her eyebrows in question as she points to the phone. I return the look with a smile and a small nod, biting down on my lip when she lets out a small squeal.

"You there, love?" Ashton questions, pulling me attention back to him. "Yeah, sorry, Addy walked back in with my pizza and distracted me." I say, sending her a wide smile as I take a bite of my food.

"Mm gotcha," He hums in response. "Other than our little mishap, my day ended up pretty good. Maisie was pretty wiped out from last night since Luke always lets her stay up late and we just kinda lazed around all day." Ashton explains, his voice tired even though his day seemed pretty relaxing.

"You sound pretty drained," I comment, Ashton letting out a small mumble of affirmation. "Did you not sleep well last night?" I ask hesitantly, placing the pizza down on my plate while I wait for his response.

"No, Elsie, that's not why I'm so tired. I didn't sleep badly at all," He assures me quickly in response. "Quite the opposite really," He admits softly. "I slept amazing--after I finally got to sleep; it was falling asleep that was the problem. I got a little distracted looking at the beautiful girl who was lying next to me." He murmurs, his tone raspy yet gentle and adoring.

"Such a charmer," I say softly in response, my cheeks hot as I smile at my lap.

"Only for you," He whispers, the words sounding of a promise that set my heart racing and my cheeks blazing. "Can I see you again soon?" Ashton asks after a pause, the question soft and hesitant as his nerves shine through the simple syllables.

"I would like that," I reply, a small happy sigh echoing down the line.

"Are you free on Thursday night? Maisie would join us for a little but then after she goes to bed we'd have the house basically to ourselves." He offers, the opportunity to see the two of them to enticing to resist.

"That sounds amazing," I admit, Ashton letting out a happy hum at my affirmation in response.

A loud yawn follows his hum, revealing just how tired Ashton was, even though he had tried to conceal it before.

"Go get some rest, bub," I urge, his soft groan sending a shiver down my spine as it reverberates through my ears.

"Nuh uh, wanna talk to you," He mumbles, the soft words so innocent and warm, my feelings for him growing stronger at the raw honesty in his tone. I shift onto my side, placing the forgotten pizza onto the coffee table and waving goodbye to Addy as she lets herself out of the apartment after miming for me to call her later.

I curl tighter into the blanket, leaning my head down onto the pillow while holding my phone to my ear, listening to the soft sounds of Ashton's breaths drifting through the phone.

"I like you a lot, Ashton Irwin." I whisper, the words falling past my lips easily.

"I think I like you more, love." He murmurs with a soft chuckle.

"Mmm, I doubt it but for the sake of your sleep I'll let you win," I concede, his soft giggle proof of how much he is enjoying the fact I didn't argue him too much on the statement.

"G'Night, Ashton," I whisper. "Goodnight, Els," He murmurs in response, his deep breaths the last thing I hear before I gently hang up the phone, choosing to follow his lead and get some much needed rest.


Thank you guys so so much for 1K reads! I'm super excited you guys are liking this story as much as I do and please let me know you like it by voting, commenting, and sharing! Hopefully I'll be able to get another update written for you this weekend to post before my birthday on Monday, but it may not happen so sorry in advance if I can't get another one up for you.

I love you all to pieces!

-Eryn xx

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