A Tale Of 2 Sparks

By TransformersRules

10K 385 119

Matrix (Max) Crystal Kaon, discovered the Autobots after her friends did. She had a feeling they were hiding... More

Chapter 1: New Car
Chapter 2: Captured
Chapter 3: Reuniting With Comrades
Chapter 4: Confession
Chapter 5: Team Prime Meets The New Allies
Chapter 6: Hanging out with Maggie
Chapter 7: The truth and Sick
Chapter 8: A Day With Sire
Chapter 9: The Talk With Primus
Chapter 10: Upgrade
Chapter 12: The Plan
Chapter 13: Gone
Chapter 14: Mission: Get The Matrix
Chapter 15: Returning Home
Chapter 16: Surprised
Chapter 17: Night Out
Chapter 18: Trouble
Chapter 19: Going Against Megatron
Chapter 20: NightScar ~ Last Chapter!
A/N ~ Extremely Important

Chapter 11: Surprises

372 17 0
By TransformersRules

I woke up and seen I was in a different room. I looked around and noticed my name imprinted on the wall, surrounding it was the names of everyone on the team. I gasped after I realized I was in my room, my own room. I jumped off my berth and went to the washroom to wash up.

I felt heavier and taller, so I looked at my armor and gasped. I had upgraded into a form similar to my sire's, he's a lot bulkier than I am though. I am a little taller than Bee, but only an inch shorter than Bulkhead, I smiled. I then remembered what I had said to Primus and put my game face back on.

I heard my berthroom door open after I finished washing up. I put my armor back on and walked to the main part of my room. I seen Jazz, Bumblebee, and Optimus. I cleared my throat, which made Jazz and Bee jump a bit. I crossed my arms and raised an optic ridge.

"What are you three doing in my berthroom?", I asked and leaned against the wall.

"Uh.....", Jazz rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

*We, um....*, Bee trailed off.

"We came to check up on you. The bond you have with your sire is still blocked and he is out on patrol, so he asked us to check up on you and make sure you were alright. Jazz, Bumblebee, if you two don't mind, I need to talk to Matrix alone.", the two nodded and left.

"What's up?", I asked and sat on my berth.

"You may not know this, but the Primes share a special bond. One that cannot be blocked. The bond doesn't allow us to feel one another's pain like the spark bond does, but allows us to share our feelings and talk through the bond. We share the bond with each other and Primus. It is rare that he talks to us, he had also informed me that you will also be a messenger.", Optimus explained.

"What do you mean 'a messenger'?", I asked.

"The messenger receives information that could help us in anyway possible. For instance, if someone was sparked, you could tell when the sparkling is born, and if it will be a mech or femme. Ratchet doesn't have the equipment to do that, so you will be more valuable than ever. Which means I will need to train you to defend yourself and battle against the Decepticons, as they will want you so that they may win the war.", Optimus explained.

"Alright. Lets go see if we can find a spacebridge so that we may get to Cybertron.", I stood up and walked to my door.

"Not yet. You had your upgrade on your Creation day, so Ultra Magnus wants to make it up to you. When he gets back, he wants to take you somewhere.", I nodded and we walked to the main room.

"Cant we just search for it until he gets back?", I asked aloud, everyone staring at Optimus and I.

"Alright. We can search for the spacebridge, but we cannot go to Cybertron today. We'll go tonight after everyone is in recharge.", Optimus whispered to me and I nodded.

:Ultra Magnus to base. I need a bridge.: I turned to Optimus.

"Where exactly is he patrolling?", I asked.

"Central America.", I nodded and opened the bridge for sire.

He came through and I turned it off. I hadn't told sire what Primus told me, I did tell him that I couldn't tell him and he didn't push the subject any further. Sire transformed and nodded to Ratchet, who shooed me away from the groundbridge. I rolled my optics as Ratchet started the bridge, sire and I walked through.

I gasped when I seen we were at a dealership. I spotted a red mech coming towards us, and he was looking around, jumping at every little sound. I then seen Megatron come, he was shooting at a jeep. I shot towards Megatron and he retreated.

"Thank you.", the red mech said as the jeep transformed, "Hey, I haven't seen you on Cybertron. I'm Knockout and this is Breakdown. Oh boy, Ultra Magnus is here."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Matrix Crystal Kaon, Ultra Magnus is my sire.", I extended my servo to them and we shook servos.

"I don't suppose we could join your ranks, could we?", Knockout jumped at Breakdown's words.

"Why? Your Decepticons.", sire snarled and I glared at him.

"Sire.", I hissed and turned to the two mechs, "Why would you like to join our ranks?"

"We've had enough with Megatron. We were so close to killing him, until Starscream butted in and got Megatron's attention. Breakdown and I were never Decepticons, we were forced to join their ranks. We don't want to kill those humans, we want to become Autobots.", Knockout flicked dirt off his grill.

"Give me one second. Matrix to Optimus, Optimus do you copy?", I growled, "Static. Ratchet, do you copy?"

:What is it, Max?: Ratchet's voice came through the com link.

"Where's Optimus? I cant get ahold of him and I need to speak with him.", I was worried.

:Optimus has sustained serious damage from a battle with Megatron that took place after you left. Maybe I can be of assistance?: I thought for a moment.

"I've ran into Knockout and Breakdown. Send a bridge, they are wounded severally.", I heard him gasp.

:The sparklings I've adopted so many eons ago. Bridge is coming.: I looked at the two mechs in front of me.

"Welcome to the Autobots.", I said and gestured them to the bridge, which they hurried through.

"Are you crazy, Matrix?! You cant say who joins and who doesn't! That's Optimus' job. Go straight to your berthroom. You can wait another week to get your vehicle mode.", sire growled and I walked through the bridge.

"Just because your my sire, doesn't mean you can control me! You weren't even there for the first 5 earth years of my life!", I snapped and gasped when I realized what I said, "I'm sorry."

I ran to my room and slammed the door shut. I walked to the darkest part of my room, curled into a ball, and cried.

Ratchet POV.

My optics widened when I heard Matrix yelling at Ultra Magnus. I looked at the two as Matrix gasped, realizing what she said, and took off towards her room. Ultra Magnus had the saddest look in his optics as he left the main room. I turned to the two mechs I adopted when they were sparklings.

"Sire, what did Matrix mean?", Breakdown asked.

"When she was born, her sire didn't know he had a sparkling. Optimus and his spark mate adopted her for the first 5 years of her life cycle.", I heard metal grinding and looked up, "Optimus you need to rest and recharge."

"No. I need to see my sister.", he shoved past me and started walking to Matrix's room.

"Sister? I thought you said he adopted her.", Knockout asked.

"She returned to her sire and now they consider each other siblings. They get along quite well, too.", I explained and returned to fixing up the two mechs.

Matrix POV.

I heard the door open and seen Optimus looking for me. I had dimmed my optics incase anyone came looking for me.

"H-hi, Op-ti-mus.", I said between breaths and he caught sight of me.

"Matrix.", he closed the door and limped over to me, "Matrix, what's wrong?"

"I snapped at my sire. I yelled at him for not being there during my first 5 years of life. I didn't mean to, but he must hate me now.", I said and laid my helm on Optimus' shoulder.

"It's okay. I don't think he hates you. What made you yell at him anyway?", Optimus asked.

"I had welcomed Knockout and Breakdown into our ranks. Sire got angry and said it was your job to do that. He had treated me like a sparkling. I guess he is just making up for those 5 years and I just threw him away like scrap metal.", I explained and felt really guilty, "Now, I don't get my vehicle mode for another week."

"Come on, we're looking for the Space bridge now so that tonight we can go to Cybertron.", I nodded and helped Optimus up.

"Lean on me if you have to. I don't want you hurting yourself more than you already have.", he nodded and I helped him get to the berth in the main room.

I set him down and noticed a major wound on his right leg. I looked in his optics and seen he was trying to hide his pain.

"What are you doing, Max?", Optimus asked as I placed my servo over his wound.

"Heal what has been broken.", I whispered and within moments Optimus could stand on his own and to his full height.

I smiled and returned to my search. An alarm came on and I answered it quickly. I seen a spacebridge and looked over at Optimus.

"Now, we figure out our plan to getting on Cybertron.", Optimus said and we went to his berthroom to formulate a plan together.

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