Slowly Fading

By ThatNyanKittay

1.5K 162 14

Grey Dante, an advanced stubborn she-wolf, who wants nothing more than to explore. She is constantly abused... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Thank You!
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18-The End

Chapter 5

97 12 0
By ThatNyanKittay

I loudly groaned as I woke up with a massive headache. I moved my arms a bit, trying to peel them off the bed, due to the sweat that was coating my body. I removed the sleep from my eyes and took a look around. I was in a hospital room bed. I laid down in relief and closed my eyes. It was all a dream. Then I popped my eyes open again. Something wasn't right. I took a look around the room once more, this was definitely not the hospital room I was in.

I began to murderously detach anything that was connected to me. I scurried out of the bed, running towards the door. I reached for my weapon belt, so I could pick the lock. When I reached for nothing but thin air; I panicked. I aggravatedly banged on the door, in an attempt to have someone let me out. But I didn't know where I was. What if I'm in a prison for running away? I hit the door with all the force I had due to anger. A tiny light of hope shone in my mind as I saw a crack in the wood. I repeatedly banged my fist on the crack, trying to open it. I hissed in pain as I pulled back my hand. I examined it only to find a hush gash on the inside of my hand.

"You're not going to get very far without your toolbelt," A voice said from the corner. I jumped back to see Alpha Adrien standing in the corner, twiddling my belt along his fingers.

"How long have you been here?!" I said, exasperated.

He pretended to think about. Dramatically putting his finger to his chin. "Long enough," he said smugly. 

I sent a glare his way, clenching my injured hand tightly, trying to cut off blood flow. "Why didn't you say anything to me earlier!" I said.

"It was fun to watch you struggle."

I threw my hands in the air. "Really?!" I yelled. He ignored my words and grabbed my hand. I quickly retracted it. "I'm trying to help you," he said. I studied him, trying to find a trace of dishonesty. "I'm finding that hard to believe."

He chuckled. "I don't blame you."

He grabbed my arm once more, holding it tightly. I felt a weird spark connection as he touched me, I almost felt drawn to him. He proceeded to pull out a tiny eye dropper from a drawer near him. He then emptied the whole thing on my gash.

I fell in pain.

There was a large burning feeling in my hand, it began to radiate all over my body. I softly whimpered as I attempted to get up, but was kicked back down. I look up to see Adrien grinning at me. Fricken grinning. "What was in that?" I groaned. He leaned down to my face. "Lemon juice and silver, love."

I looked straight into his blue eyes, growling as I tested him. "You seem mad, was it something that I said?" He said, smirking triumphantly. He turned away for a moment, giving me the moment to use my good hand to push him down. I smiled as he groaned in pain from hitting the headboard on the bed, a loud crack echoing loudly off the walls. He rolled over to my direction, his face about a foot from mine.

He attempted to get up, but his head was pulled back to the ground. I saw that he now had a large gash on the left side of his head and and a larger one along his arm.

"Karmaaa!" I sing-songed from beside him.

He rolled his eyes. "Shut up. This means nothing."

"Sure it doesn't wolfie."

"Don't call me that," he spat.

" the big bad wolf annoyed? How cute," I said with false sweetness. He scoffed and attempted to roll the other way. I used this time to use my foot to reach for my belt, which was now on the floor from Adrien throwing it. I mentally celebrated as it strung itself around my foot. I bent my knee, allowing me to grab it with my left arm. I hid it slightly under my back so he wouldn't see it.

I grinned happily as I found my bottles of cures. I felt around, finally feeling the right shape bottle, silver cure. I messily dumped it on my hand, removing the burning feeling. My body still tingled slightly, but I was able to move.

I turned my head towards Adrien, seeing where he was from his movement. He hadn't really gotten far. I moved over to him, pushing his shoulders down. His eyes widened at my sudden movements. He struggled against me, effectively shaking me off. He used all his strength to get on top of me, not worrying about not crushing me. I closed my eyes as his large breaths were coming directly at my face, due to his proximity.

I stared deeply into his eyes. I studied every little shape and color, suddenly drawn to him. His dark stare softened and he shifted, so not all of his weight was on me. I breathed in, in relief as I could take a full breath once more. I then stared at him in confusion.

"I think we-" he started, but was cut off short when the door opened.

"Adrien I brought the girls they-whoa!" A man said from the doorway. He ran to us and pulled Adrien off me. He slapped him on the face.

"What the heck Carter?!" Adrien called out, rubbing his red cheek.

"You were on top of her!" He yelled.

"She pushed me!"

"He tried to kill me!" I said, getting off the floor.

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"


Our argument was cut off as we all turned to look at source of noise, the girls. They ran towards me, almost making me topple over with the sudden force. I laughed and bent down to hug them. "I'm so glad you guys are okay," I whispered. They pulled away from me with big smiles. "What happened to your hand?" The one with a long braid asked. I looked at my sore hand. It was now beginning to turn a gross green color, and the skin was peeling off, attempting to save me from the silver. I felt the tension in the room shift. "I slipped and fell," I said quickly, releasing the tension. "No you didn't, you were trying to escape, then our dad hurt you," the one with pigtails said. Now it's back.

"Alec, Nyx, why would you say that?" Carter asked.

They shrugged. "These walls aren't soundproof you know."

I chuckled. "It's okay, I'm fine. Just a little banged and bruised, nothing I can't handle. Now, will you tell me who is who? I can't tell you two apart, like at all," I asked.

They giggled in response. "We have special necklaces our dad gave us for our birthday." I sent a look in  Adrien's way, his eyes meeting mine intently. He quickly looked away. I shook my head then turned my attention back to the girls in front of me.

One held out a white necklace towards me. It was in the shape of broken heart. It's shiny-glittery form told me it was made from moonstone. An ultra rare gem only found in ancient artifacts from millions of years ago. I remember when a whole mass of it was found hidden in a mask in some old lady's basement. Anyways, bottom line, he payed a whole lot of money for them.

"The white symbolizes the light. My full name is Alectrona, but I go by Alec. I was named after the goddess, she is the goddess of the sun, the light."

Metal note: White necklace equals Alec.

She stepped back and let her sister step forwards, who was practically bouncing up and down to tell me her story.

"Mine is black, which symbolizes the night. My name is Nyx, after the goddess of the night. When we place our necklaces together, they interlock, showing a balance between good and bad," Nyx explained. They locked the necklaces together to show me what they meant. I smiled brightly at them.

"I'd hug you guys again, but I'm afraid to get blood on you," I told them honestly. Alec turned towards Adrien. "Daddy, demand you wrap her hand!" She confidently ordered, crossing her arms across her chest. I almost laughed when she nudged Nyx to do the same. As they stared at him, I saw a change in his eyes. They became more lighter, more playful. He bent down to their level. "What's the magic word?" He taunted. They lost their pretended seriousness and giggled loudly. "Please!" They said simultaneously.

Adrien turned towards me, holding out his hand. I backed away from him, not wanting him to hurt me again. Carter noticed them from his place next to Adrien and stepped up quickly. "I'll do it," he said. He pulled out some bandages from a cabinet and began to wrap my hand speedily, stopping the light flow of blood coming out. I saw Adrien doing the same with his own wounds. I felt relieved as it was fully shielded from the prickling air.

I closed my eyes and breathed out heavily, taking everything in. I sat down in the chair next to the bed, exhausted. I opened my eyes to find all four of them staring at me.

"Why don't you guys go to your rooms for a bit ok?" Carter said, slowly ushering them out of the room. They tried to fight against him, but gave up when they were practically out of the doorway already. He shut the door quickly, they locked it.

"Ok, somebody better tell me what is going on," he said.

Me and Adrien spoke at the same time. "He tried to kill me with silver!" "She trespassed and pushed me!"

Carter shook his head, trying to process our blurb of words. "You two sound like an old married couple for goodness sake!" He said, throwing his hands up in the air. I could feel a slight blush find its way on my cheeks as he mentioned me and Adrien as a couple. Wait, what am I doing? He imprisoned me, poisoned me, then kicked me!

"Ok, in my defense she trespassed into the territory, armed, brought two rogues with her, and lured my daughters out there!" He said defensively.

I rolled my eyes. "See, you need to use your brain. Ever heard of it? It helps you think of stuff properly, clearly you've never heard of it. Anyways, if you would have thought about it for a moment, how in the world would I supposedly "lure" your daughter out there? Do I look like a Siren to you?" I began. I felt Adriens anger rise. Then him muttering something about him knowing what a brain was. I saw Carter moving closer to Adrien, if he needed to hold him back.

I finished my thought. "Also, was it not clear that the rogues were clearly trying to kill me? Based on the stitches currently everywhere on my body, you clearly knew they weren't holding themselves back, at all. Lastly, I was running. When you run away, you don't exactly know where you're going, there are times you can get lost."

Adrien mulled over my response. "Give her a chance Adrien. She's right." Everything was a blur. Next thing I knew there was a knife tightly gripped in my hand. I turned to my left, studying my hand. Somehow I had caught the knife Adrien had thrown at Carter in anger.  He was clearly not happy with the fact he wasn't right about everything; drama queen.

"Whoa," Carter breathed out. He turned towards Adrien. "See! You threw an unexpected knife and she easily caught it!" He bragged. He went on the tell him something else, but I wasn't listening. My vision was fully focused on the knife in front of me. It looked like the one my father uses on me, and It looked exactly like the one I used on my father. Scratch that, that man doesn't deserve to be called my father. What if he comes after me? What if he finds me here? Will he hurt Nyx or Alec? What about Carter or...Adrien?

I stared at the man who stood in front of Carter, his muscles bulging out of his tight fitting shirt, as he crossed his arms. His shirt left his arms mostly visible, showing his tattooed covered arms. Of course. Him being an "all powerful," alpha he just had to get tattoos.

"Why don't we let her join our pack?" I heard Carter express. My head immediately shot up.

"That's a bad idea," I said quickly. "See? She even thinks so!" Adrien stated exasperated. Carter waved him off and turned to me. "Why?"

I hesitated, but spit it out. "My father arranged for me to marry a guy named Vix, from what I'm heard, he's not harmless. I kinda left without warning and him and my father are probably looking for me. They're probably not happy right now, soon enough they'll figure out where I am, and they won't go easy on your pack."

Adrien laughed. "Sweetheart, they'd have to send three armies in order to step even an inch onto my territory. They're not getting in."

"Don't call me that," I spat.

"I do want I want, sweetheart."

"Of course you do. Anyways, that worry is gone. Um...I guess I have to leave your territory now, don't I? At least considering the circumstances," I said worried of the answer, slowly clipping my tool belt back on.


Me and Carter both sent identical looks of confusion at Adrien.

"My daughters have taken a liking to you I'm afraid. They're mother left when they were 7, they've never been the same. They were always frustrated because they never had anyone to talk to, the main reason I think they ran off. I got frustrated with them. But now, it's like nothing ever happened and they are back to their cheery selves. They need you, no matter how hard I try to tell myself they don't," he said. I nodded at him, processing his words. "As long as you promise not to kill me, I'll stay," I said.

He smirked. "And I would like you to promise the same. Do you think I wouldn't find out when the great Grey Dante has been recently sent to kill me? Then you question why I tried to kill you."

I looked at him with my mouth opened wide. "You know who I am?! Then why didn't you say that when you were naming all the ridiculous possibilities of why I was on your land?!" I yelled.

"I kinda forgot."

I let my head fall into my hands, annoyed with the Alpha who stood before me. 

He just continued to smirk, that stupid little smirk. "You'll sleep in my room on the couch. I don't want you getting any ideas of killing anybody."

I nodded my head and held out my hand. "Deal." As he grabbed on, the spark sensation happened once more. We pulled away quickly. Staring at each other; clearly confused. We pushed away the thought of what it could be. At least I did. There's no way he could be my mate. I already had one. And as my father said, "second chance mates are given to people who deserve it, and you clearly don't."
I thought I would give you guys and extra long chapter. I hope you like it, because man, it took me forever. I didn't really bother to edit it, so there are probably a lot of mistakes and weird sentences. Oops? Anyways, Kitty Out!

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