Have No Emotion, Show No Weak...

Oleh jacksgibbs_cas

40K 1.4K 145

Connie Beauchamp, leading consultant in her specialist field, cardiotherasics and now, clinical lead of the E... Lebih Banyak

Painting Over the Cracks
Making Her Presence Known
Bad Day
Wrong Decisions
Looking Up, Maybe
An Unforgettable Day
A Hard Goodbye
It Takes Time to Heal
Beauchamp's Back
Pushing Boundaries
Trying Not To Fall
Beautiful Nightmare
Not So Strong After All
Wounds Heal and Cracks Show
Broken Hearts
The First Date
Some Things Happen
Birthdays and Sleepovers
Say Something
Lost Hope
Dead End
I Love You
Phone Call
Safe and Sound
Asking for Help
What Happens In Vegas...
Jet Lag
Happy Girl
A Family
What's Wrong
No Air
Just The Two Of Us
You Don't Want Me?
Always About You
Long Nights
An Afternoon With My Girls
6 Month Scan
Take A Break
Small Surprises
Today's The Day
Baby Boy
Our Perfect Life
I Do
A/N ~

Little Things

608 24 2
Oleh jacksgibbs_cas

Thank you for the lovely reviews on the last few chapters. I have actually written the ending to this now and it's coming in 3/4 chapters time. The final part will be a sort of jump to the future also 2/3 chapters long. Probably won't update until Thursday as I'm at a tournament all day tomorrow!

Connie sat at her desk for the second day in a row. Paperwork was scattered across almost every surface leaving nothing visible.

Zoe pushed the door open but stopped in the entrance as she looked across the room to the clinical lead. "Help me?" Connie's voice was quiet and childlike causing a smile to fall across Zoe's lips as she stepped inside stepping over piles of paper. "Anyone would think you actually run the whole hospital based on the state of all this."

Connie sighed as she watched Zoe sit on the sofa, Charlie and Jacob in the doorway. "I'd ask if you wanted to take a break but you look a little busy sweet cheeks..."  Connie glared at Jacob before Charlie spoke. "I'll get you both a coffee, looks like you need them."  She offered a warm smile to Charlie as they both wandered towards the staffroom.

Zoe picked up a pile of paper and placed it on the sofa beside her. "Pass me a pen."  Connie rummaged about for a few minutes before finding one and throwing it across the room. "So, how have things been?"  She didn't explicitly say anything but Connie knew what she was referring to.

"Since the other night they've been okay, today's another story but I'll be fine."  Zoe glanced up at Connie only just realising how tired she looked. She dropped her head again and began to sift through the various documents. At least this way she could watch the clinical lead.

Jacob wandered back in with two mugs of coffee, passing one to Zoe before crossing to Connie's desk. "Drink something sweet cheeks-" "I'm good, I've had enough of that crap."

Jacob rolled his eyes. "You can thank Charlie because he made it not me."  Connie smiled as the smell of caffeinated coffee hit her. "He is a life saver."  Connie smiled as Jacob placed a kiss to the top of her head before waltzing out.

An hour passed and the women had got through most of the paperwork. Connie looked up as someone knocked at the door. "Come in!"  Rita stepped inside glancing from Zoe with a smile to Connie. "You're needed in cubicle 6.  I wouldn't come if it wasn't urgent."

Connie groaned and got up picking up her stethoscope from the desk placing it around her neck. She followed Rita before stopping as she saw Grace sitting on one of the beds being treated by Cal. "Grace?" 

She wandered into the cubicle rushing to her daughters side. "What happened? Is she okay?"  Cal smiled warmly as Grace smiled up at him. "Everything's fine Connie she just had a fall at school.  Nothing's broken and everything seems normal." 

Connie rolled her eyes looking back down at Grace. "What have I told you about being more careful?"  Grace just laughed as Jacob appeared behind her. "Hey Jacob-" "Hey Grace, I'm going to steal your Mum for a few minutes if you don't mind." 

Jacob walked away from the cubicle while Connie placed a kiss to Grace's head. "What's wrong?"  "Charlie's offered to take Grace for a few hours until we finish our shifts. I know you won't go home early and I'm not leaving until you go."  Connie smiled briefly as a pain came and went in her back. "Okay, look can you tell Grace to see me before she goes?" 

Jacob nodded as Connie walked away. "You not going back to her?" "I need to sit down, 8 months pregnant and heels isn't as easy second time round."  He smiled unknowingly as she disappeared back to her office closing the door behind her.

Connie leant against the door taking a few deep breaths not noticing that Zoe had company. She chucked the paper to the floor before rushing to her side. "Come and sit down..." Alicia was watching in shock as Connie sat on the sofa. "Is she-" "in labour? No, but she probably is very close to it."

The pain subsided after a few minutes and Connie was sitting back at her desk. "I really think you-" "Zoe I'm not going home okay?" Zoe rolled her eyes as Connie turned back to her work. Alicia had gone back into the department to finish her shift as someone skipped into the office.

"Hey sweetheart, everything okay?" Grace smiled giving her Mum a hug. "I'm going home with Charlie, can I have a key?" Connie raised an eyebrow with a small smile. "I suppose so..." She grabbed her bag and pulled out her keys. "Lose it and you'll know about it missy, I'll see you when I get home alright."

Connie placed a kiss to the top of Grace's head before she spun back around. "Bye Zoe-" "Bye Grace, don't tire Charlie out too much." Grace left with a smile as Zoe stood up. "I'm just going to check on resus, I'll be back in a bit." Connie nodded with a smile happy to have a little bit of peace.

She rest back into her chair closing her eyes for a few minutes before feeling a sharp pain once again. Like the last one, it lasted a minute or so before subsiding. "You really are annoying like your father-" "I take offence to that I'll have you know."

Jacob leant against the doorframe as Connie smiled up to him. "I'm glad you do, now you know the truth how about you help me up I could really do with going to the toilet." He laughed slightly before wandering over to her and giving her a hand. "I love you even if you are stubborn." He kissed her forehead before she disappeared to the bathroom.

When she finally got back to the office she'd expected it to be empty. Instead Jacob was sat on a finally clean sofa smiling while chatting to Alicia. "What's going on in here?" Connie walked in and lowered herself onto the sofa beside Jacob.

"Well I figured this all needed to be put away and seeing as you spent all afternoon with Zoe ordering it I thought I could manage putting it in a cupboard for you." Connie smiled as Alicia carried on.

Jacob rest his hand on her bump as Connie laced her fingers through his. "I can't wait for you to be here already... Someone else to help me wind your Daddy up-" "Oh please, he's going to be a Daddy's boy. Like you said he's already annoying like me."

Connie shook her head as she let it fall to his shoulder. "Less of the he, you have about as much idea as I do!" The rest of their shifts went in much the same way. Jacob disappeared to get his things while Connie looked up at Alicia. "I was wandering... If I go into labour while here, I want you and Zoe there. I could do without a tonne of people crowding around me but I'd like you there."

Alicia smiled as Connie pulled her coat on. "Of course. I'm assuming he doesn't know you've been having pains already?" Connie shook her head as she picked up her bag. "Just you and Zoe, so keep it that way please-" "Course. See you tomorrow Connie." "Night Alicia." She left for the evening ready to just sleep and do absolutely nothing else.

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