The Tale Of The Uzumaki Twins

Naomi_Uzumaki_ tarafından

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What if Naruto had a twin sister?What if he did it would it change the story?Well this is the story of the U... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1 :Enter Naruto and Naomi Uzumaki!
Chapter 2:Naomi and Sasuke:Friends Foes or Something else?
Naruto Uzumaki
Naomi Uzumaki
Chapter 3:Pass or Fail Survival Test
Chapter 4: You Failed! Kakashi Final Decision!
Chapter 5:A Dangerous Mission!Journey to the Land of the Waves!
Chapter 6:The Assassin of the Mist1
Chapter 7: The Forest of Chakra
Chapter 8:Battle on the Bridge! Zabuza Returns!!
Chapter 9:The Number One Hyperactive, Knucklehead Ninja Joins the Fight!!
Valentines Special (Naomi)
Valentines Special (Naruto)
Chapter 10: A New Chapter Begins: The Chunin Exam!
Chapter 11: Chunin Challenge Rock Lee vs Sasuke!
Chapter 12: Genin Takedown! All Ten Rookies Face Off!
Chapter 14: Special Report: Live from the Forest of Death!
Chapter 15: The Chunin Exam Stage 2: The Forest of Death!
Chapter 16: Naruto's and Naomi's counterattack! Nevr give in!
Chapter 17: Bushy Brow's Pledge: Undying Love and Protection!
Chapter 18: Sakura Blossoms!
Chapter 19: The Scroll's Secret: No Peeking Allowed
Chapter 20: Surviving the Cut! The Rookie Ten Together Again!
Chapter 21: Showdown! Naomi Vs Kabuto!
Chapter 22: Kunoichi Rumble: The Rivals Get Serious! Sakura vs Ino!
Chapter 23:The ultimate Battle Naruto vs Kiba!
Chapter 24: Neji vs Hinata! Byakugan Battle: Hinata Grows Bold!
❤|50 Ways To Piss Off Sasuke| 200 Vote Special!❤
Chapter 25: Gaara vs Rock Lee: The Power of Youth Explodes
Chapter 26: Ebisu Returns: Naruto's Toughest Training Yet!
Chapter 27: Jiraiya Returns! Another legendary Sannin? Tsunade the Slug Queen!
🎄|A Christmas Special| 🎄
Chapter 28: The Summoning Jutsu: Wisdom of the Toad Sage
Chapter 29] Live Or Die: Risk It All To Win It All!

Chapter 13:Start Your Engines: The Chunin Exam Begins!

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Naomi_Uzumaki_ tarafından

  3rd p.o.v

"It's time to begin. I'm Ibiki Morino . From this moment.....your worst enemy." Gasp went around in the room. "First the village hidden in the sound! Knock it off! Who told you, you could fight! You want to fail before we've even begun!?"

"Sorry it's our first time. I guess were a bit jumpy. Sir." The sound ninja said. Ibiki smirked. "Listen up! There will be no combat between candidates! If even any of you think of messing with me. You'll be disqualified immediately! Got it!" Silence went around the room.

"Now if were ready we we'll start the exams. Handover your paperwork in return you each will be given a number. That determines where you sit. we'll start the written test once your all seated."

"The what...? What did he say?" Naruto mumbled. Written!? Naruto started freaking out in his head. Oh man. Oh man! What the hell am I going to do!

Oh man! I was never that great with the written exams at the academy! Oh man! Oh man! I'm going to fail! Naomi screamed in her head.

The twins slowly were paling. They hugged each other. Cheeks touching. "Were not going to make!" They whispered to each other. They started freaking out together. "What are we going to do!?" The whispered louder.

The 8 other rookies looked at them in confusion.


I don't even know where the others are sitting! I'm all alone! Naruto clutched his head, groaning. This is already a disaster. "Um.....Naruto?" "Oh hey! Where'd you come from Hinata? I didn't see you!" "I-I just wanted to say good luck." "Thanks." Woah that's weird I didn't even notice her. Even when she there she not there. Naruto thought.

Naomi sighed in stress. I can see Naruto from here! I'm not going to make it! She groaned hitting her head on the desk. "Oi baka-chan you better stop that before you get a concussion." "Sasuke!" "Who else?" Of all the people to sit next to me! Just my luck! She covered her face with her hands.

A knocking sound was heard. "Everyone eyes front. There are a few rules you need to be aware of. I won't answer any questions. So you better pay attention the first time around. Alright rule number 1 the written part of the exam is conducting on a point conducting system. You all will begin the test with a perfect score of ten. One point will be deducted for every question you get wrong. So if you miss three your final score will be 7."

And if I miss ten than my final score will be zero. Naruto thought.

"Rule number 2. Teams will pass or fail based the score of all three or four members." Surprise and shock went around the room. Naomi slumped. Sasuke and Sakura are going to kill me and Naruto if we fail!

"What wait a second! Your saying we.....all get scored as a!" Sakura shouted. "Well he literal just said that Sakura." Naomi mumbled. Sasuke chuckled. "Silence! I have my reasons! So shut up and listen! Rule number 3. The people you see around the room. Are there to watch you careful for signs of cheating! For every incident they see they deduct two points from the culprit score. Bewared their eyes are very sharp. If your caught five times than your out of here before the test is scored. If you want to be considered Shinobi than show us.....The shinobi you can be. One more thing if anyone on your team gets a zero you all fail." Sasuke and Sakura's eyes bugged out.

Naruto hugged his knees together. They're going to kill me! "N-naruto." Hinata whisper.

"Oh man." Naomi whispered. I don't even know if i'll get one right even if I do Naruto might get a zero! Or Naruto gets one right i might get the zero! Sasuke and Sakura are going to kill us!
Naruto held his head in his hands. Staring at his test in desperation. What i'm I worried about this just a test! Believe it! This is just a test! Believe it! I'll just look at the one's I think I can answer. Okay number 1 I have to crack a code. Okay......Forget that one. ......Next..........Nope...............Skip that one...........

Naruto started freaking out. He was anime crying on the inside too. What am I going to do! What am I going to do! That's it! I have to cheat and not get caught. He gulped. Yeah right and risk getting caught! Naruto said bonking himself in the head.

Naomi stared at the test tapping her fingers to the table looking bored. She hasn't answered a single question! What does this idiot think she doing!? She finally picked up her pencil to write something than put it back down. She sighed to herself. I can't cheat! I-its not right. Especially since it has to do with something serious. I'm just going to have to get the last one. She pushed her paper aside.

What the hell is she up to? Sasuke thought looking at the red head. She finally picked up the pencil only to put it back down. What's up your sleeve Uzumaki? My test is right here next to you. Your sitting by a comrade use your head! Sasuke sighed in annoyance.

"N-naruto is you want I could um........I could show you my test." Hinata whisper. Naruto looked at her confusion. Say what! She going to let me cheat? Why would she want to do that? Unless it's some kind of trick! No......wait.......what am I thinking! Hinata's not like that! She could have been forced into tricking me by Kiba and the others!

"Hey Hinata can I ask you a question?" She answered with 'hmm' "Why would you want to show me your test?" "W-why.....Well.........Just cause...........Well you see." Hinata took a gulp before continuing. "It just.....I don't want you to have to leave. Well.........It would be nice if the ten of us stick together.......You know being rookies and all." She finished with a blush. "That makes sense I suppose. I thought you were trying to pull a fast one! Hehe sorry."

This is my lucky day! What are the chances of sitting next to someone who wants you to cheat off of! Just as Naruto leaned in to look at Hinata's test a kunai flew past him. Centimeters away from his ear. He gasped n surprise. Naruto turned to where the kunai went.

Whoa how did they know! I haven't even done anything yet! "What the-What was that about!" The genin whose test was hit by the kunai yelled. "Five strikes and you out. You just failed the test. You are your teammates leave the room immediately." One of the chunins said.

One after one people were caught cheating. Each one of the victims getting defensive on their behalf.

"Psst Naruto.......Go ahead." Hinata told him. Naruto listen to the tapping of the chunins pencils on the paper. He gulped. "Thank you......I appreciate it but no." She looked at him in surprise. "I'm an ace ninja! I don't need to cheat to pass this. " "A well okay......but are you sure...?" "Yeah besides if I got caught cheating I wouldn't want you to get in trouble." Hinata blush a bit harder. He cares! "Oh yes right!........I'm sorry stupid idea." "It's fine forget about it." Yeah right! I ought have my head examined! When did I get so noble!

Naomi was getting worried. Should I cheat off Sasuke or no! I mean the last question has to be pretty hard but come on! My test is blank! What have I been doing for the past forty minutes! Plus if I get caught it all goes down the drain! Of all the people I had to sit next to! Mr. Attitude! The one with the ego bigger than his head! If he knows I'm cheating off of him his stupid egos going to get bigger!Not to mention that stupid smirk will too. I could always cheat off of the other guy next to me but he's struggling himself. No! No! focus! Last question Naomi! No cheating! The last one! I only have to get one right.......right? But it's such a risk! Well I guess this risk is something I'm willing to take. I can only hope for the best.

Twenty minutes left! What have I been doing! In five minutes there going to say the final question. This is what it all comes down to. Everything's riding on that! Believe it! Naruto shouted in his head.

"Alright! Listen up! Here is the tenth and final question!" Naruto griped his pencil. Naomi sat up, paying attention.

Here it goes! Everything's riding on this one! The twins shouted in their head.

"But before I give you the question. There are some more rules you need to know." MORE RULES!? Naomi mentally groaned in her head. "Here are the rules to question ten. Don't let them frighten you." If the rules are scary then what is the question like!? Naruto thought.

"Very well than rule number 1 each of you is to choose not to take the finally question. It's your decision." "Whoa so what's the catch! What if we decide not to do it! Than what!?" The blond from the sand asked. "If you decide not to take the tenth question. Than the other nine you will get a zero on. In other words you fail and that means your teammates fall also."

Naomi sighed in relief and shock. It's a good thing i didn't do any of the questions and risked get caught for cheating. That risk was worth it but the tenth question is going to be an even bigger risk.

"Not so fast. You didn't let me finish. If you do accept the question and get it wrong you will not only fail. You will be banned from doing the chunin exams again!" "Hey man that's bull! What kind of bogus rule is that! there's people here who have taken the test before!" Kiba shouted.

Ibiki chuckled. "I guess your unlucky. I wasn't making the rules before. But I am now. Of course if you don't want to take it than you don't have to. Now for the tenth and final question. For those who don't want to take it raise your hand. Your number will be recorded and you will be free to go."

What could the question be! Could it be easy!? Naruto thought.

Is this a trick!? At this point I'm so confused. I-if I don't get this right I stay gen-Wait a minute that doesn't even sound right! They can't do this! Naomi debated with herself.

B-but what is its not! If I get it wrong I'll be genin for the rest of my life! Naruto went back and forth with himself.

In her head Sakura encouraged Naruto to raise his hand. Come on Naruto. It's okay don't worry about us! There's always next year!

The boy next to Naruto couldn't handle the pressure anymore. He raised his hand. "I'm out. I can't do this." He apologized this his teammates as they walked out of the door. Soon more people began raising their hand. The thought of being a genin forever lingered in there minds.

Go on Naruto. Raise your hand! Hokage, Hokage. He can really set his mind to something. Sakura thought.

Sasuke looked to Naomi. I must say I''m pretty impressed. She took the risk of not doing the other questions at all. That payed off considering they don't even matter. But not being able to do the chunin exams again sounds fishy. Is this guy trying to scare us? Sasuke thought with an eyebrow raised.

Sakura sighed mentally. Well Naruto's being too stubborn to raise his hand! I'll do it for him. Sakura slowly started to raise her hand. She stopped once seeing Naruto's hand shoot up. Trembling.

Naomi gasped in surprise but then smirked. If I know my brother than I smell a speech coming up. Sasuke looked at Naruto in shock.

Naruto slammed his hand down on the desk. "Don't underestimate me! I don't quit and I don't run! You guys can act tough all you want but i'm still not quiting!" "You tell em Naruto!" Naomi shouted. He grinned. There's no way I'm backing down now!

"I don't care if I get stuck as genin for the rest of my life! I'll still be Hokage no matter what!"

He's completely clueless yet he's going for it. The kid got guts I'll give him that. Sasuke thought.

Way to go you crazy little fool. Sakura smiled in admiration.

That's my Nii-chan. Naomi smiled proudly at her brother.

"This is a decision one that can change your life! If for any reason you want to quit it's fine." "No way I never go back on my word. That's the Uzumaki Ninja Way!"

"Well than I admire your determination for those of you remaining there's only one thing to do, for me to tell you, that you pass. all of you. The first exam of the chunin exams is finished." "Hold on what do you mean we pass! Where's the final question!" Sakura yelled.

Ibiki chuckled. "There never was one. Actually your decision to stay was the final question!" "So the other nine question were just a waste of time!" Temari shouted.

"Of course not the first nine questions were there for a purpose. To test your ability to gather intel or in your case the answers the the test. These questions were to difficult for any genin.I imagine most of you quickly came to this decision right away. That you have to cheat in order to answer the questions. The test were encouraging cheating but cheating without getting caught.SO we disguised two chunin who knew the answers."

The answers were right in front of me the whole time! Naruto shouted in his head.

Naomi grinned. "At least I didn't do any work. It would have been a waste of ti-" Sasuke slapped her on the head. "What the hell is your problem! Three times! You hit me on the head three times for today! DO you not have mercy! Huh? Ducky!" "Your such an idiot. You could have failed." "But I didn't remember! I passed!" She grabbed Sasuke test. "You on the other hand cheated to get the answers. I'm not that stupid duckbutt I saw you use sharingan." "You know you got lucky." Naomi flashed a peace sign in his face and grinned.

"Oh come one! You have to be a real moron not to get them! Right Hinata?" Sasuke smirked. "Your own brother just called you a moron for not getting the answers." "Oi! You and I both know he didn't get any either!" I know. Your both clueless and losers." Naomi sulked. "You really can't go a day without the name calling can you?"

"Those who were caught failed. Better not to cheat than cheat clumsily. Information. It can be the most valuable weapon in battle." He took of his headband to show his scares. "To gather intelligence shows whether the mission is a failure or success. Sometimes even risk your life to get it. "

"Man what a mess. Scars, burn marks what he had to do to get those." Sasuke said. They all stared at him. He pt his headband back on. "This is why I put you in this position to cheat. In order to survive that's why those not good enough didn't make the cut. Leaving the rest of you."

"I still have one more question. I'm still not getting the whole ten question thing." Temari said. "Your not? The whole ten question thing is the whole exam. Surely you could see that. As I said before it's to the you as an individual but also apart of a squad. Finally question gave you two choices. You could choose to play it safe and skip the question then both you and your teammates fail or if you got it wrong you lose your chance at becoming a chunin and staying a genin forever. It was a no win situation. This is what chunin have to face everyday. You all have gained the right to move forward in the exams. You have passed through the first gate of the chunin selection exam completed. All I have left to say is to wish you all good luck. "

"Alright we did it! That's one down! Hear that Naomi!?" "Yup I heard it loud and clear!" The glass window broke as someone jumped through breaking it with two kunais. "Alright boys and girls no time to be celebrating! I'm Anko Mitarashi. I'll be your next person! You ready for the second test? Good follow me!" "Your early again." She slumped in embarrassment. "I like her! She's cool!" Naomi shouted standing up. Sasuke pulled her down. "Be quiet!" He hissed. "I like your attitude kid!" "How many are in here? You let all these guys pass? This test was too easy.You must be getting soft. " "Or it could be a stronger candidates this year." "They sure don't look like it. Once i'm done more than half will be gone. This is going to be fun. You maggots have gone this far. But things are going to be different first thing in the morning I'll let your squad leader know where to meet me. Dismissed."

Ibiki picked up the test, cleaning up after everyone had left. He picked it up before chuckling. "I just let someone who didn't answer a single question pass. Naruto Uzumaki." He's eye caught another test. He picked that one up also. "Huh? This one is also blank. Naomi Uzumaki? The kid's got a sister huh? Twins maybe..........They think alike. Neither of them answered a single question."

It might have been the redheaded girl,the one who said she liked Anko. Ibiki shook his head. What a pair.

Author's Note: ENJOY!!!

Okumaya devam et

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