I'm Broken

By NvrEnuf

34.5K 200 65

This story is about a strong-willed girl named Ellie who experiences a lot of pain, loss and hardships. Someo... More

I'm Broken - Intro (1)
I'm Broken - The Siblings (2)
I'm Broken - NoNo (3)
I'm Broken - Runaway (4)
I'm Broken - New Day (5)
I'm Broken - Almost There (6)
I'm Broken - Here (7)
I'm Broken - The Pier (8)
I'm Broken - Evil (9)
I'm Broken - The Truth (10)
I'm Broken - Awake (11)
I'm Broken - Surprised (12)
I'm Broken - Introductions (13)
I'm Broken - The Center (14)
I'm Broken - Stories (15)
I'm Broken - An Offer (16)
I'm Broken - Home (17)
I'm Broken - Betty (18)
I'm Broken - Missing (19)
I'm Broken - Help Me (20)
I'm Broken - Forgotten (21)
I'm Broken - Wake Up...Please (22)
I'm Broken - Memories (23)
I'm Broken - Noah (24)
I'm Broken - Insight (25)
I'm Broken - Finality (26)
I'm Broken - Gone (27)
I'm Broken - Hopelessness (28)
I'm Broken - Last Breath (29)
I'm Broken - First Note (30)
I'm Broken - The 3G's (31)
I'm Broken - Happiness (32)
I'm Broken - POVs (33)
I'm Broken - New Experiences (35)
I'm Broken - Understanding (36)
I'm Broken - Confused (37)
I'm Broken - Lost (38)
I'm Broken - Breathe For Me (39)
I'm Broken - Love (40)
I'm Broken - Ellie (41)
I'm Broken - Epilogue: My Awakening

I'm Broken - Welcome Home (34)

642 3 0
By NvrEnuf

(34) Welcome Home

So, I'm kinda on a mission today. Ax is picking me up around 9 am. We're going to pick up my bank card because Noah graciously left me over $50,000. Then I'll ask, if he can spare some time to take me grocery shopping then a quick detour to the mall because I needed a bathing suit. After that, Grayson is taking me to get information about applying to W.U. I'm so excited about everything. My life is finally moving forward.

Grayson, Levi and Adam might be the three hottest guys I've ever seen in my life. And to make matters worse...or maybe better, I live with all three of them. I couldn't help the smile that seems to be permanently fixed on my face.

I woke up pretty early today, 7 am to be exact. I'm guessing the guys are all still asleep because I don't hear anything. I grab my things and head to the bathroom to shower then wait for Ax.

I finished dressing and have on a pair of light-colored skinny jeans and a dark blue T-shirt. I might as well grab a light jacket because the weather is still unpredictable. I finish my outfit with gray flats. I don't wear much makeup or fuss with my hair too much. So a quick dab of lip-gloss and a couple sweep of the flat iron through my hair and I'm ready. I tiptoed around the house towards the kitchen hoping not to wake anyone up.

Grayson is already up rifling through a newspaper still wearing his stripped PJs. I walked over to him quietly and whispered-shouted "Boo!" in his ears. He almost fell off the stool in the process. I couldn't help but chuckle at him.

"So, that's funny, huh?" I nodded at him still trying to contain my laughter and clutching my stomach. I know he wasn't mad because he had a smile on.

"You're up early" I commented once my laughter died down. "Don't you college students sleep in as long as you can?" He gave me a guilty look.

"Well, I knew Ax was picking you up this morning so I wanted to catch you before you left." I gave him a questioning look.

"You know...registering for school today." He looked down at his newspapers quickly, probably embarrassed about bringing the subject up.

I walked over to him and lay an arm over his shoulder giving him a side hug. "I didn't forget. I'm so excited about today. You just don't know how much it means to me."

I already had my arm off his shoulder and now we were face-to-face. "So...why the gloomy look on your face?" Nothing escapes his notice because there was concern on his face.

"I just can't believe luck intervened again. After losing Noah, I didn't think I could function for a while. Losing him was like losing a part of me." My eyes were glistening with tears wanting to escape.

Grayson got off his stool and gave me a nice comforting hug. It felt good being held by someone.

I heard a low cough behind me and surprise, surprise. It was Adam. I broke the contact with Grayson quickly and looked at Adam. Why oh why does he have to walk around shirtless. My heart couldn't take much more of the eye candy in front of me. Adam gave me a smirk and walked around us. He sat his gorgeous behind on the stool looking through the papers scattered on the countertop.

I was still staring at Adam, not that he noticed. Grayson gave me a pat on my shoulder, startling me slightly. "So, we're still on for the school tour later today?"

I managed to break my contact away from Adam's body. "Yes, Yes! I can't wait. I might get to go to school with the three of you." Grayson seemed happy with my response but Adam turns to me and had a slight worry line creased on his forehead.

'Whatever' I thought. I heard the doorbell buzz and Grayson got up to answer it. I heard Ax's voice through the intercom. It was only a few seconds since Grayson left, but the air in the room between Adam and me was tense. I couldn't take it anymore so I grabbed my bag and walked to the front door. Ax was standing there looking like a big badass papa bear with faded jeans and his leather jacket on.

He held out his right hand and I took it graciously. I looked back at Grayson before I left. "I'll see you later?" He nodded with a small smile and walked back towards the kitchen.

Ax and I left closing the door behind us. We got in his truck. "So back to the bank?"

"Yes, please. I also have another small favor to ask. Could we swing by the grocery store and maybe the mall before we head back home?" Home? That had a nice ring to it.

"Sure Ellie. Wherever you need to go because I'm off today and don't mind one bit being your chauffer."

I was so grateful to have a friend like Ax. Noah wasn't kidding when he said he'd look out for me.

The trip to the bank didn't take long and I just needed to sign another piece of paper to set up my pin for the card. Next stop, the grocery store. This was all very new to me, shopping for food. I'm sure buying groceries is common knowledge but I've never had the need to do it. Ax helped me pick up appropriate food for 'teenage boys.' I wanted to pick up a cooking book too. After looking through several books and home magazines I settled on a handful. I would learn how to cook and properly feed these guys.

Ax's phone rings and he walks away from me so I couldn't over hear the conversation. I was actually too engrossed with my new surroundings. So many food options, I couldn't believe it. I probably looked like a kid in a candy store.

Ax is done with his call and walks over to me with my cart already exploding with so much food. I knew the boys didn't keep anything at the house. "I think I'm done?" I looked in my cart hopefully not missing anything.

As I was still contemplating what I purchased, Ax chuckles at me. "I think you bought the whole grocery store."

Sheepishly responded with, "Well, those boys don't seem like they take care of themselves and I honestly don't mind."

He gives me a light tap on the shoulder "You're such a good kid Ellie. Your parents raised you right." I tensed under his touch and he must have noticed because he took his hand off my shoulder quickly.

I gave him a small forced smile and he didn't broach the subject again. I would find the time to tell him about my story one day.

We finished our grocery shopping and loaded everything in the bed of his truck. Next stop, the mall. I've only been that one time with Betty. Betty? I should call her soon so she doesn't worry too much. I did promise after all.

We arrived at the mall and bless Ax. He told me he'd be waiting by the food court and to take as long as I needed.

I got a chance to go shopping on my own terms. I walked through two stores looking for an appropriate bathing suit. I settled on 3 different ones. One was a simple black bikini, the other one was also a green bikini. The bottom had a slight ruffle. The third bikini was a little more risqué. It was red and screaming for attention. That one I would put aside and wear when I'm a little more comfortable with the male species.

I couldn't help it. I'm a girl deep down somewhere. I wanted to take my time browsing buying several sweaters, two pairs of shoes and a heavier jacket since I knew winter would be here soon.

I had several bags attached to my arms and found Ax sitting near the pizza place. He looked up at me. "Are you hungry? You can get a bite to eat before we go back." I think I've already spent 2 hours away from home. "C'mon, we'll get you a slice of pizza." He pointed to a pizza place that had tasty looking food. I couldn't resist so I followed him there. I got this gigantic slice of pizza with everything on it. I must say it was an explosion of yummy.

Before we finished, Ax makes a call but I don't hear much of his side of the conversation except "Yeah, yeah. We're done. OK."

I gave him a quizzical look but he just brushed it off. "Ready?"

"I sure am! Today was actually really fun. Thanks again for taking me" and gave him the most appreciative smile.

"Anytime you need me, you have my number." I thought about that. Maybe I need a cell phone soon.

We got back home in record time. We grabbed as many bags as we could before heading towards the house. I buzzed the intercom and Adam's voice came on, I knew it was him because I felt my heart skip a beat automatically. "Hey, it's Ellie. Can you please buzz us in?" He sounded as if he was out of breath after a workout.

We walked in and there were paint cans everywhere. The windows were open but the stench was still strong. Hmm, what have they been up to? I looked over at Ax and his face looked guilty. He just shrugs at me and gave me a smile.

We placed all the bags on the kitchen counter and then I went back to the truck for more stuff. This time Adam comes with me to help. I couldn't help but smile at his eagerness. He grabbed a handful and so did I. "What did you buy? The whole store?"

"I absolutely did. You guys don't have any food in the house. What is a girl supposed to eat" I responded innocently.

"Yeah, sorry about that. Like I said before, we pretty much fend for ourselves and never use the kitchen for cooking because we don't know how."

I gave him a sweet smile and he returns it easily. "Don't worry about it. I really don't know how to cook either but we can all learn together."

"I'd like that. Man! We're all so glad you came to live with us" he said appreciatively.

"Me too." I agreed wholeheartedly. "So what's up with all the paint cans? Are you guys redecorating the place?

"Um, not exactly. Only one room to be exact." He scratched the back of his head nervously.

"Huh...Ok?" Confusion evident in my voice.

"Well, we all thought the room you were staying in was a little bland so me and the guys decided to fix it up for you while you were out. We didn't know what colors you liked so we tried to stay pretty neutral."

We got to the kitchen and put the last of the bags there. "Really? You guys went all out for me? There wasn't anything wrong with the room in the first place."

"It doesn't matter because it's all done. I just need to make sure the guys are done setting everything up. So you keep your beautiful self right here and don't peek." His comment bright the desired effect when a tinge of warmth blossomed on my cheeks.

I went over to Ax who was sitting on the leather sofa flipping through channels. I sat next to him causing him to look at me. With my arms crossed over my chest, "Did you know they were planning on this?

"Yes and No. Well, Grayson called me earlier when we were at the grocery store and told me about their plans. My only part was to stall a little bit until they were done."

"I can't believe everyone! Honestly, no one needs to go out of their way to accommodate for me. I would be happy sleeping on the floor with just my sleeping bag."

He shook his pointer finger at me. "Not going to happen. These boys went out of their way and wanted to make your stay here special. So don't give them too hard of a time, agreed?"

Looking down at my lap, I guess it did sound unappreciative. I just don't want anyone treating me differently. I'm sure there will be more in store living with the 3Gs and I was looking forward to it.

Finally, Levi emerged from my room. "So we're all done. Want to come and take a look?"

I got up and so did Ax. Levi comes behind me and places both hands on my eyes. "Just to make sure you don't peek." I nodded.

All I could smell was paint fumes. It wasn't too overpowering. Levi took his hands away from my eyes and it seemed everyone was in here and looking at me expectantly. I stood near the footboard and made a 360, taking everything in.

They got me a queen-sized dark brown platform bed. The comforter was white with green and brown leaves. The whole room seems to be that palate. Two of my walls were green and the other walls were brown. They even put up dark bamboo shade. There was a nice light green plush rug under my bed. I had a brand new desk and a cool looking modern chair near it. They even got me a flat screen TV mounted on the wall.

I still didn't say anything because I was just so awestruck. They truly did all this for me. I didn't stop the tears that were falling. Finally happy tears!

Levi was closest to me and I ran over and gave him a hard squeeze thanking him profusely. Next was Grayson and I did the same for him. Last but never least was Adam. He was standing near my desk looking like perfection. I set aside my nervousness and gave him a hug also. He rested his chin on the top of my head and whispered "You're welcome."

We broke contact so I could look at everyone. "So who's idea was this?" I didn't say it accusingly but more questioningly.

All hands pointed to Adam. "Well, I didn't want you to feel unwelcomed here and since this room was so boring before, we all agreed to spice it up a little for you. So I can't take all the credit because these guys all helped."

"Thank you so much for everything." I looked at all of them straight in the eyes so they knew I was telling them personally.

Grayson said, "Well, we'll leave you and let you explore a little. Please leave the window open for now so the fumes can go out." I nodded at them and they all filed out one-by-one.

The door closed and I immediately, felt like a child getting on my brand new bed and jumped up and down. Tiring myself out, I just laid there taking everything in. Wow! If had to decorate my room, this would've been it. I still can't get over it. They've only known me a few days and cared enough to want me in their lives.

The tears that were falling were still happy tears. Get a grip Ellie. This is home now and the 3Gs were welcoming me here with open arms. A strong sense of happiness enveloped me. 'Thank you Noah. You knew this all along, didn't you?' I was talking to thin air but somehow I did feel his presence all around me.

I changed out of my clothes from earlier and put on dark jeans and a nice fitted light green T-shirt and walked out to the kitchen. Grayson, Levi and Ax were trying to put all the stuff away that we bought earlier. I looked around and didn't see Adam. "Where's Adam?"

"He had class this afternoon" replied Grayson. "Man! I can't believe you bought all this stuff. We should be good for a while."

"I was hoping you'd say that. Ax said I practically bought the whole store." They all chuckled at me.

"We still have to go campus and start the registration process. Hopefully they won't give you a hard time" said Grayson.

"Sounds like a plan. After we get back from the campus I'll make some spaghetti tonight. I looked over at Ax, "you're more than welcome to come and eat with us."

"I can't turn down a home cooked meal, can I?"

"No sir, you can't. So we'll see you around 6 pm?"

"I'll be here and can bring the dessert too." He smiled and gave me a quick peck on the cheek before he left. It felt like a sweet fatherly gesture coming from him.

"It looks like we're all done here." I looked over at Grayson expectantly, "ready to head out?"

"Yea, let me grab a jacket and my keys" walking towards his room.

Levi was just standing there staring into space. I couldn't help but tease him. "Earth to Levi, come in?"

"Oh, sorry. Did you say something?"

I chuckled at him. "No silly. You just zoned out a bit, must have a lot on your mind."

"Yea, mostly just personal stuff that I'd rather not deal with for now. So...you're cooking spaghetti tonight? I haven't had a real meal since last year at Grayson's Thanksgiving party."

"Wow, you guys are deprived then, huh?"

He nodded and smiled. "No worries about us. We've been doing ok."

"I see that." Huh, that might have come out wrong. I wasn't checking him out or anything, just admiring the view. He must have noticed my embarrassment and chuckled heading back to his room.

Grayson is finally here and we can now leave. I got in his car before he could open the door for me and it was sleek inside. Didn't he say both his parents were teachers? It wasn't my place to ask about his money situation. "I love this car!"

"You can drive it anytime you want. No need to ask" he said grinning.

"Well, that might be a problem because I don't know how to drive."

"What? Really? But you're 18 years old. No one taught you?" I shook my head 'No.' "Well, I'll teach you one day soon, deal?"


"So tell me about the campus, what's it like? I've never experienced enough of high school let alone go to college."

He gave me a sympathetic look. "You didn't miss out too much. The only real difference is now we're not under the watchful gaze of our parents."

I tried contemplating his words. "I didn't really have parents to begin with so this will all be so new to me."

He gave my left hand a slight squeeze. "You'll be alright. Look, you already know at least 3 people."

True. At least I had the 3Gs to look after me bringing a huge grin to my face.

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