Slowly Fading

By ThatNyanKittay

1.5K 162 14

Grey Dante, an advanced stubborn she-wolf, who wants nothing more than to explore. She is constantly abused... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Thank You!
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18-The End

Chapter 2

100 11 0
By ThatNyanKittay

Grey's POV:

I breathed in and out quickly, shocked at the new information I held. How can he expect me to kill him? Alone! Or maybe this is just one of his attempt to get rid of me. Or maybe not. He needs me to marry Vix. He needs me to keep our pack in line. He needs me to kill Adrien. He just doesn't want to admit it.

My ears perked up at the sound of a knock at the door. I quickly put everything back on the folder, and hid it under my pillow.

"Come in!" I called. The door opened quickly. In came two guards, my father, and a man that was clearly important to have guards, Vix.

"Hello sweetheart," Vix said looking at me. It took all my strength to hold my wolf back. I hate nicknames, especially from guys I barely even know and do it to annoy me.

I gave a forced smile and held out my hand. He took it lightly kissing the top. I internally shuddered. I held it out for him to shake, not kiss.

"Anything?" My father asked. What? Vix turned to him and shook his head. "She's definitely not my mate, but that doesn't change my mind."

Ok, my father must be completely stupid. Has he just gone and forgotten that I lost my mate? Second chance mates are so rare, and why would I even deserve one?

"When do you plan for the wedding to happen?" My father asked.

"As soon as possible."

"Hey! Does anyone even realize that I'm right here! Do I get a say in this?" I said exasperated.

Vix clicked his tongue and gave a chuckle. "Of course not. You're a she-wolf. I'm an alpha. I'm more important that you will ever be.I do all the fighting and dangerous stuff you could never do, and you do all the cooking and cleaning. Simple as that. You don't have a say because you really don't deserve one."

Someone wants to die today.

"Buddy, this is the 21st century! Get with the program! Do you not realize I'm an alpha too? Do you not realize I'm named one of the top fighters of this pack? And if you want to try my cooking, you better get a barf bag ready! I will not be treated like some old fashioned woman when I am clearly more that that!" I roared. I hate him, I hate him, I hate him! I began to rise from my bed to charge at him.

He lifted his hand up, and in response the two guards held my arms back.

"Grey! I order you to calm down, or face the consequences," my father warned from the side. I stared at his eyes, cold and black. I immediately relaxed and fell to my knees on the bed.

I crossed my arms in frustration."You're clearly going to be a pain in the butt," I spat.

"Grey!" My father scolded. Vix only smiled and gave me a smug grin. "I plan on it."

My eyes doubled in size. I grabbed a book from beside me and flung it at him with all the strength I had left. I grinned happily when it hit him directly on the chest. He backed down for a second, then regained composer. "Feisty little she-wolf you are. You'll make things a lot more interesting. Alright guys let's head out, I have some business to discuss with you Alpha Victor."

With that said, they all got up, left, and seeped their ways into my thoughts.

I grabbed every known thing in the room and threw it at the door, effectively smashing it. Pots, picture frames, books, pens, papers, pillows, you name it. I probably looked like a hot mess.

I realized that my father would kill me if he found out. So I eventually calmed down and picked up most of the things I threw. I walked into the bathroom and grabbed a fresh set of clothes from the closet in the corner. I locked the door behind me and took a look in the mirror.

I stared back at my reflection. My usual staticky mess off hair, was now a brown web of confusion. I grabbed my brush off the counter and began to tame it as best as I could. I eventually finished, wrapping it up in a loose side braid. I then began to strip off my clothes and put on a fresh set. I stared at what I was wearing, making sure it was ok. My father never cared about me or my needs, always giving me hand me downs or tattered clothes. I worked for our pack doctor for a while, earning a bit of cash in the side. This was a new shirt I had saved up to buy. My top read the words stay strong. I sighed out in defeat, I was anything but strong right now.


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