Not What You Expected, Right?

By hyfryd101

9.9K 213 23

Nirvana Blake was a simple 21 year old girl who likes a party. Her friends and her party a lot, and her paren... More

Not What You Expected, Right?
Chapter Uno!
Chapter Dos!
Chapter Tres!
Chapter Cuatro!
Chapter Cinco!
Chapter Seis!
Chapter Siete!
Chapter Nueve!
Chapter Diez
Chapter Eleven!
Chapter Twelve
Authors note D:

Chapter Ocho!

712 22 8
By hyfryd101

It's been about, 5 months since then. Mason turned Alpha and is a damned good one. 

Daisy is exactly 6 months old. She is a healthy weight and is toddling about a bit. 

Today, I was sitting upstairs. Mason was out, dealing with some problem. Daisy was sitting on my lap, giggling at Spongebob. I grinned at her. Hey, just 'cause im 21 does not mean I don't like spongebob. 

"Hey." Dannielle said, coming in. She smiled happily at Daisy. "Can I hold her?" 

"Yeah, sure." Danni smiled, holding Daisy. 

"I wanted to talk to someone, but wasn't sure who. And, I desided you would be best, because your my age and your ... good with things." I nodded. 

"What's up?" I asked, cleaning up Daisy's mess. 

"I found my mate ... kissing a different girl." 

"Does he know your his mate?" She nodded sadly, tear's brimming her eyes. "Oh my gosh.." I took Daisy, placing her into her cot and bringing Danni in for a hug. "I don't know what to say... that must be torture..." 

"It is." She admitted, gulping. "But, I live with it. Because I wouldn't be putting only my life at risk..." I gasped, catching on. 

"Your pregnant." She nodded sadly.

"And I don't know how to tell him. I mean, he's out there flirting with anything that can move and here I am. His mate, with his kid that he doesn't know about and sitting around waiting for him." I rubbed her arm. 

"You should go after him. Tell him about your baby. If he refuses, he isn't worth you. Even if he's your mate." I answered. She looked at me, tears falling rapidly down his face. 

"Come with me. Please." I nodded, rubbing her arm again. 

After asking Josie to watch Daisy, me and Danni hopped in my car and drove to her mates house. I walked beside Danni as she knocked on his door. He answered a couple minutes later. 

He had light brown hair, tanned skin and bright grey eyes. He was gorgeous, but smelled like a damn dumpster. 

"Danni." He said, suprised. "What are you doing here?" For smelling like a dumpster, he wasn't drunk. 

"I'm here to tell you something. I'm pregnant." He stopped, looking at her. 

"Join the club. I got another girl pregnant." I heared Danni whimped as she nearly fell. I grabbed her before she did, glaring at the guy. 

"How could you be so heartless?" I said coldly. "Your mate, you know she's your mate and you go and cheat on her AFTER having sex with her. That's low." He snorted. 

"Look, missy. I don't know what you have to do with this, but Danni knows that I refuse to be mated." 

"Refuse to be mated?! Do you know how lucky you are to have met your mate?! So many people don't, and yet your abusing that and refusing your mate. One day, your gonna regret it and try to win her back. Let's see how you feel when Danni is with a different man who is willing to look after YOUR kid." He flinched before walking towards me. He pushed Danni off me gently before glaring at me. 

"Look, she may be my mate but she knows. Ok? I told her, I explained. Yet, you guys still have the nerve to come here?! And, Danni won't be with other men. She will always wait for me." 

"Your a conceited, pig of a man. If Danni wait's for you, she is a stupid idiot." I glared at him heatedly before turning to Danni. "Let's ger outta here." We walked out of the house and into my car. 

"Thank you. When I told Mason about him, he didn't believe me." I froze. 

"You told Mason and he didn't believe you?" Danni burst into tears, shaking her head. 

"I though that he would care! I thought he would help! But he's so worked up in the Alpha buisness that-that he doesn't care!" I hugged her, nodding. 

"I know." I whispered, looking at her. "I only see him at night, he hasn't been to see Daisy in about 3 weeks." I looked away. 

"Please tell me your lying." I shook  my head in dispair. 

"He promised me." I muttered, looking at Danni. "He promised that if he became Alpha he wouldn't forget us. He would always help us." 

"Oh my god. My brother is such an idiot." I chuckled softly. 

"Must run in the family." Danni cracked a smile as we let go of eachother. 

"Let's go." I nodded, driving home. I heard laughter as we entered. Walking into the living room, Mason and his friends were sitting laughing and drinking beer. Josie came down looking frustrated. 

"Shut up, boys! Daisy's trying to sleep!" Josie glanced at me before glaring at the boys again. 

"She's a heavy sleeper, mom. She'll be fine." Mason answered, turning the TV up. That actually hurt me. He didn't care about our daughter. 

"How the fuck would you know? You haven't even seen her in 3 weeks." Danni spat at him, rushing into the kitchen. 

"Danni." I said softly, going to follow. 

"Leave her, Nivs. She's PMSing." I turned to Mason, glaring.  He looked at me before looking confussed. "What's wrong, babe?" 

"Whats wrong?" I asked calmly. "This is whats wrong, Mason. You haven't seen your own daughter in 3 weeks, I only see you at night when you go to bed. Your sister come's to you for help and you tell her you have more important things to do?! She came to me, Mason. In tears." He looked at me, shocked. "We went to see her mate." I sighed, looking at him. "And if I was a fucking wolf like you, I would have killed him. But you didn't even care. What the fucks happened to you, Mason?" He opened his mouth only to shut it again. I shook my head at him. "I thought you were adult enough to handle this. Obviously not." I turned, walking silently up the stairs. 

When I got to his room, I locked the door and slid down it. Tears fell fastly as I choked on the sobs. It hurt to know your 'mate' didn't want to see his daughter. It hurt to know he doesn't care about his own family. It hurts, bad. Daisy's shrill cry broke me even more. I got up, cradling her into my chest and rocking her back to sleep. 

"Mamma." She whispered softly. I choked up, happily this time. She said it. She said mamma. I smiled at her, playing with the blonde hair on her head. 

When she fell back asleep, I quietly packed. If he doesn't care, I don't want to be here. I picked Daisy up, quietly leaving. 

Placing Daisy into her car seat, I quickly drove to Charlie's. I got out, knocking on the door. 

"Hello?" She rubbed her eyes, looking at me. "Nivs, whats wrong?" 

"He doesn't care, Charlie." She brought me in, giving Daisy to Drew. 

"Who doesn't?" She asked softly, sitting us down on the couch. 

"Mason." I broke down, letting her hug me and comfort me. "He-he hasn't seen Daisy in 3 weeks, he-he didn't care that she couldn't s-sleep from the noise he was making. He didn't care when his sister went to him for help." I swollowed, looking at her. "I don't think he cares about US anymore." 

"Oh, Nivs." Charlie hugged me, patting my hair. "You can stay here." I smiled weakly at her. 

We watched films all night. I fell asleep halfway through the last one, but the dream was just a horrid replay of that happened today...


WOW! That's all I wrote?! Damn, thats not a lot:(!



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