Not What You Expected, Right?

By hyfryd101

9.9K 213 23

Nirvana Blake was a simple 21 year old girl who likes a party. Her friends and her party a lot, and her paren... More

Not What You Expected, Right?
Chapter Uno!
Chapter Dos!
Chapter Tres!
Chapter Cuatro!
Chapter Seis!
Chapter Siete!
Chapter Ocho!
Chapter Nueve!
Chapter Diez
Chapter Eleven!
Chapter Twelve
Authors note D:

Chapter Cinco!

805 13 0
By hyfryd101

I walked into my house, 1:45pm. "Mom?" I called. She walked downstairs, looking at me. 

"Your never in at this time. Whats up?"


"YOUR WHAT?!" She yelled at me, making me flinch. "HOW COULD YOU BE SO CARELESS?!" 

"I never meant for it to happen! It just ... did!" I said back, standing up to level her. 

"You have done a lot in your time, young lady. But this!" She yelled, "This beats it all. GET OUT!" 

"W-w-w-what?" I whispered, looking at her. 

"GET OUT!" She yelled even louder. 

"You cant do that!" I shouted back. 

"I can! Your 21, Nirvana. I believe its time that YOU got what youve been asking for. RESPONSABILITY! Now, LEAVE!" I ran upstairs, packing the things I would need and running back downstairs. 

"Fine. But dont expect to see it when its born!" I yelled, before slamming the door. I dumped my stuff in my car, before a few tears fell. She chucked me out. First things first, Ty. I started my car, driving to his school. I got out, looking about. No where. Shit. I ran inside, straight to the canteen. 

"Nivvy?" Ty asked, as soon as I walked inside. "What you doing here? And why are you crying?" 

"Can we talk?" I asked him. 

"Sure." He said, dragging me to a class. "Now, whats up?"

"Mom chucked me out." I stated. 

"SHE WHAT?!" He yelled, making me flinch. "WHY?!" 

"Cause im pregnant, Ty." 

"what?" He whispered, looking at me. 

"Im pregnant, Ty. I never wanted to be, but I am. I dont expect you to .. suport me, but dont be mad. I could never live with myself if you were mad." I whispered, looking at the floor. 

"Nivs, your my sister. Older at that! Im gonna love you no matter what happens. And I mean, come on. Who didnt see this coming?!" He joked, making me smile. "Im not mad, just shocked." I breathed out a sigh of relief, grabbing him into a hug. 

"Love you Ty." I whispered, smiling at him. 

"You too, Nivs. Now, I gotta go eat. Have fun doing ... what ever your gonna be doing." He said, smiling sheepishly at me. I smirked at him, ruffling his hair. 

"Go having fun doing whoever your doing." I shouted as he walked out the door, making some people laugh on the other side. Ahh, everyone still loves me. I walked out, walking down the hall. 

Ty's not mad at me! Relieved is a complete understatement! I mean, I thoug-

"Nirvana?" I turned to see the guy from the bar. He goes to HIGHSCHOOL?!

Shit, shit, fuck, fuck. "Why you here?" He asked, walking towards me. 

"How old are you?" I asked him, taking a small step back. 

"18, why?" He asked. I sighed, kicking the locker. SHIT! Oh, yeah Nivvy, just fuck up some guys life! Why not?! "How old are you?" He asked, looking at me freaked out. 

I sighed. "21." I replied, looking at him. He looked shocked, proud and completely happy. "Mason, we need to talk." I said to him, grabbing his arm and shoving him into a class. I heard wolf whistles, but ignored them, locking the door. 

"Ignore my friends, their just happy cause ... never mind." Mason trailed off. I sighed, looking at him. How do you tell a guy that you slept with once that hes gonna be a dad?! 

"Mas, how much do you want a family?" I asked him, sitting on a table. He looked at me, weirded out. 

"A lot?" He answered. 


"Yeah. I always wanted a kid since I was 12, but obviously couldnt." 

"How about now?" I asked him, not meeting his eye. 

"I wouldnt mind too much, why?"

"Uh, Mason. Im ... im.... Pregnant." I whispered, not looking up. Silence filled the room. I felt him put two fingers under my chin, making me look up. His face was happy, but confussed at the same time. 

"Now its my turn." He said, looking at me shakily. "How do you feel about werewolfs?" 

"Their myths, right?" I asked, wiping my tears away. 

"Urm, no. Im a werewolf. And your my mate." He said. I looked into his eyes, seeing truth, love and compassion. 

"Seriously?" I asked, jumping down off the table. He nodded, smiling. I smiled back, bringing him into a hug. "Everyones got secrets, huh?" I whispered, smiling at him. He smiled back, making me calm down. "I thought you lived in vegas?" I asked him, pulling away. 

"Urm, well no. Thats my vacation home, and we moved from Indiannah to here cause of my dads work. Your turn, where do you live?" I sighed, sitting on the table again. 

"No where at the moment. Im thinking of moving in with my best friend, though."

"No. Your moving in with me." He stated, a look of finality on his face. 

"Wont your parents mind?" I asked, worried. 

"Nope. They wanted me to find my mate ages ago, and you being pregnant is a bonus to them. Look Nirvanna, its gonna be fine. Im not gonna bail as soon as your giving birth," He said, grabbing both my hands in his, "I want this, ok? I have since I was 12! Ive been looking forward to the day the girl that I go out with, or im in love with or my mate told me they were pregnant. This is gonna sound way too girlie for me, but ive had countless fantasies about it, too." He let go of one of my hands, rubbing my cheek with his palm. "Your all I ever wanted, Nivs. Beautiful, smart, reckless. Your perfect to me."

"We met once, Mason, and yet you feel all of this?" I asked, looking into his deep blue eyes. 

"Yeah." He whispered back, before gently pecking me on the lips. "Now go pack, and meet me here as soon as schools out." I nodded, smiling at him. 

"Bye Mason." I whispered, before kissing him. He nodded, and I left. I walked outside, a small smile on my lips. I hopped in my car, driving to Charlottes. 

"Hey Nivvy!" Charlotte yelled, sitting on the hood of Drew's car. I shut my car door, walking towards her. "Whats up?" 

"Oh, nothing." I said, smiling widely as I sat on the hood with her. "Its just my mother kicked me out."

"Oh my freaking god, no way! And yet your happy?" She exclaimed, looking at me. 

"Duh! And, you will never guess what." 

"WHAT?!" She half-yelled, making Drew look outside. "What?!" He asked, listening in. 

"I found the dad." I told them. Charlotte looked at me, a look of half relief and half curiosity. Drew pulled the gloves off his hands, looking at me. 

"Do I know him?" He asked, looking about ready to kill someone. 

"I doubt it, Drew. Urm, there just one problem with it, though." I added, rubbing my neck. 

"And whats that?" Charlie asked, almost shaking me with anticipation. 

"Hes 18, and still in high school." She gasped and Drew looked at me. "Dude I didnt know untill today!" 

"Oh, so hes a Tilly." Drew said, walking over and leaning on his car. 

"Guess so, why?" I asked him. 

"Cause he has a younger brother in the same grade as ours, and three older siblings. Dannielle, 29, Harris, 27 and Niall 23. Oh, and a younger sister whose three."

"How the hell do you know this?!" Charlie asked him, crossing her arms and glaring at him. 

"I know their pack." He said bluntly, making me glare at him. 

"You know their wolfes?" I asked him doubtfully. 

"Duh, im one." He said, walking back inside. 

"YOUR WHAT?!" Me and Charlie yelled at the same time. 

"Yeah, ima wolf." He yelled back, deciding to fix the electricity. 

"Anyways, where you gonna live?" Charlie asked me, a small smile on her lips. 

"He said, no commanded me to live with him." I said, crossing my legs on the hood. Charlie copied me, grinning. 

"He's in loooooooooooove with you!" She sang, making me slap her arm laughing. 

"What times it anyways?" I asked, leaning back on the car. 

"Urm, like 5 too 3, why?"

"Shit! I gotta go, bye!" I jumped off the car, winking at her and running into my car. I speeded to the school, parking perfectly in a parking space. I got out, sitting cross-legged on the hood. I soaked up the sun, hearing the bell go off in the distance. 

"Ready?" I heard Mason, making me open my eyes to look at him. 

"Sure, why not? I mean, its not like im going to meet people ive never met before or im not going to LIVE with them." I said sarcastically, making him roll his eyes. "Just, give me a min, yeah?" I jumped off the roof, walking towards Ty. He was standing talking to a pretty girl. 

"Oh, im sorry to ruin this little get together, but your not worth her." A boys voice broke through their convo, making me speed walk there faster. Ty had a frown on his face, while the girl looked happy to have two boys fight over her. 

"Hey Ty." I said, making him look at me. He smiled instantly, walking over and hugging me. 

"Hey sis. What brings you here?" He asked, forgetting about the girl who was now frowning at him and the boy who looked at me. 

"Actually, im here for something else. Lets go talk somewhere else." I dragged him around the corner, smiling at him briefly. "Ok, so you know I went to Las Vegas for the weekend, right? Well, I pulled whilst there and viola, baby. But, I know who the dad is." I said quickly, but he understood. 

"Who?" He asked, smiling gently. 

"Your gonna freak, cause you may or may not know him." I said, scared all of a sudden. "But before I tell you, I was drunk and honestly didnt know his age." I said defecivly. 

"Hes in my school, isnt he?" He asked bluntly, but still smiled. I nodded, looking down. "Awwh, dont be embarresed Nivs. Its fine. Hes a senior, right?"I nodded, fastly. "good, carry on."

"Mason Tilly." I said, smiling briefly. 

"Tilly? As in, Bryant Tilly's older brother?" He asked, frowning again. 

"I suppose, why?"

"Cause that dude there was Bryant Tilly." He said, looking down. I sighed, pulling Ty into a hug. 

"I can talk to this Bryant if you want, ok? But, you need to learn that some guys, and girls are jelous of the Blake looks. You just need to learn how to deal with it, yeah?" Ty snickered, before nodding and smiling brightly at me. 

"Love you Nivvy." He whispered, hugging me tightly. 

"Love you more, Ty." I whispered back, before pulling out of the hug. "Now, I better go before Mason gets impatient. I love you, dont forget that, ok? And, if mom gives you grief, dont heisitate to call me, ok?"Ty nodded, before gently pushing me towards my car. I got in, smiling to myself. 

"How was your brother?" Mason asked, making me jump. 

"Shit! You scared me! And, fine. Hes fine with it all, to be honest. He isnt fussed on your brother, though." I said, smiling lightly at Mason. He smiled back, before giving me directions to his house. "Whats with all the cars? Family reunion?" I asked, after finding a parking space half way down the street from his house. 

"Something like that." He muttered, before getting out. We walked towards his house in silence, him muttering about random things. Mason opened the door, and loud chatter filled the air. "Mom, im home!" He called, dropping keys on the table and his bag under the stairs. "Mom?" He called again, grabbing my hand and pulling me inside. 

"Mason! Hello dear, ho- Whos this?" A very pretty woman came into my view, holding a small girl in her arms. Mason looked at me heisitently. I smiled at him, nodding. 

"Mom, this is Nirvana Blake. She is my .. my mate." His mom squeled, before grabbing my arm and dragging me into the living room filled with people who I dont know. 

"Oh my god! This is so good! So, Nivvy, its okay if I call you that, right? How is he? He is a good mate, right? He told you about all this, didnt he?! Oh my freaking god! He didnt! Well, anyway, hes a we-"

"She knows, mom." Mason snapped, annoyed. I rolled my eyes at him, smiling at his mother. 

"Its nice to meet you, Mrs Tilly." She smiled back sweetly while Mason looked at me confussed. 

"How do you know my second name? I dont remember telling you..."

"You dont remember much about that night, so for all you know you could have told me your were a vampire with 106 kids. But, your new. So, my friend did a little snooping and found out. I may look stupid, but I passed all my exams, thank you very much." I told him, smirking at his face. 

"Yeah, remember me never to argue with you. I will never win." He said, before sitting down next to a older looking verson of him. "Anyways, everyone this is-"

"Nirvana Blake." His dad said, smiling lightly at me. "I know your father well. How is Dave?" 

"My dads fine. Married Julie, shes pregnant. Fine." I smiled weakly at him, nodding. 

"Hows your mother? I dont remember them even breaking up!" He exclaimed, making me laugh.

"Ugh, funnily enough me either." He laughed at that comment, smiling widely at Mason. 

"I like her." His mother nodded in agreement. "Nirvana, this is Dannielle, my eldest. Next is Harris, Niall and Bryant." They all shook my hand with a 'nice to meet you' thrown in. "And lastly, this is Karla, my youngest." I smiled at the cute little girl, as she full on grinned at me. 

"Your pretty." She said, before hugging my leg. I got down to her level, smiling back at her. 

"And so are you." I commented, making her giggle. 

"Daddy! I like her!" She yelled at her father, making him laugh. 

"Urm, thats good." Mason commented akwardly. "I actually thought you'd all hate her."

"Thanks, Mason." I said bluntly, making him look at me guiltily. 

"Oh, no I never- I meant - Never mind." I laughed at him, shaking my head. 

"Thought you made a comment never to argue with me?" I teased, making him huff. "Awwh, your too cute." 

"Cute? What kind of dude likes being called cute?" He asked me, his eye brow raised. 

"My brother?" I answered, smirking. 

"Hes like, 15 and related to you! Thats different!" 

"Hes still a dude and likes being called cute." I pointed out, making him huff again. 

"Fine!" I rolled my eyes, ruffling his hair. He scowled at me, putting it back into place. 

"But, arent you a little old for Mason?" His father asked. 

"Um, yeah?" I asked sheepishly. 

"How old are you?" Dannielle asked, smiling at me. 

"21." I answered, licking my teeth. 

"Your three years older than him!" Bryant commented, making Niall smirk at him. 

"Oh my freaking gosh, Bryant can do math!" He exclaimed, making me giggle. "See? Even though im gay I can still make girls laugh." I smiled at Niall. 

"Anyways, you wanted to tell us something?" Mason's mother asked, sitting down on the arm of the chair his father sat on. 

"Oh, um, yeah. The thing is, Mr and Mrs-"

"Colin and Josie, please." Colin said, making me smile. 

"Mom, can Nivvy stay here?" Mason asked bluntly, making me roll my eyes again. 

"What? As in forever?" His mother asked, leaning forwards. 

"Urm, no-" "Yeah, as in forever." Mason cut me off, glaring at me breifly in a 'shut up' way. 

"But, what about her parents?" Colin asked, looking at me. 

"Dad lives an hours drive away, mom chucked me out." I said slyly, hoping they wouldnt go into detail. 

"Why did she chuck you out?" Josie asked, making me curse in my mind. 

"Yeah, about that, we need to talk to you mom and dad, not everyone." Mason said, sending glares to his siblings. 

"Alright, I can take a hint. It was nice meeting you Nirvana. Bye people!" Harris said, waving and walking away. Soon, everyone followed. 

"Okay, so what is it, dear?" Josie asked, sitting on the couch next to me and Mason. I looked at Mason as he smiled at me. 

"Urm, this is hard. Mason, you do it."

"why me?" 

"Cause its your parents. Ive already done it today, and it did not end well."

"If this is about you being pregnant, I know." Josie commented to me, standing up. I gasped, looking up. "What? Its a womans gift to know when other woman are pregnant." I smiled at her, and she beamed back at me. "Finally! Ive been waiting way to long to have grand kids! This is amazing! How far along are you?" 

"About 4 weeks." I said with a smile, and Josie squeled again. 

"A month! Only 8 more to go!" She smiled at me while I nodded. 

"And to answer your question It would be a pleasure for you to stay." I smiled at Colin. 

"Thank you so much." I said to him, Mason's arm slinking around my shoulder. He smiled. 

"It is not problem, Nirvana."


I didn't realise how LONG this chapter isss!



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