"Living Life Grande" (an aria...

By grandegirl12

1.1K 26 6

Lauren is 19 years old from Boca Raton, Florida and she's about to move to California to live with her best f... More

Living Life Grande
*Chapter 1*
*Chapter 2*
*Chapter 3*
*Chapter 4*
*Chapter 5*
*Chapter 7*

*Chapter 6*

55 1 1
By grandegirl12

*Ariana's POV*

I woke up at around 11:00. We were able to sleep in because we don't have any meetings or anything until later on. Tonight is the night of the big party. I always hear about it and how its really fun. Im excited to see what happens and i can't wait to see my friends 5SOS perform as well. I met them a couple times and they came to a few shows and we became really good friends. Im excited for Lauren though because she really likes them and she doesn't know that i KNOW them like that. She just thinks that I've heard of them and thats it. I know that she likes Calum and I think Calum likes her because I've mentioned her to him and he calls her beautiful and stuff. So we will just have to see what happens.

I figured Lauren was up so i texted her just in case cause i didn't wanna just barge into her room cause I'm just not like that. Turns out she was up and i knocked on her door.

"HEYYY" I said

"Hi" Lauren said still sounded tired

"Do you wanna get your fat ass up and walk to ihop?" i asked

"UGHH fine but we have to be back by 12:00 and you love my asth HAHA" Lauren replied

She got up, did her usual routine and did her makeup and hair. I went in the bathroom and helped Lauren curl the back of her hair since she could reach. The reason she was getting so "dolled up" was because she had a meet and greet at 12:00 so we were just gonna go straight from ihop. I was really happy that people loved lauren's voice because she has talent she just doesn't wanna accept the fact that she does.


They went to ihop and got pancakes and coffee of course. They headed back to the hotel where playlist was being held and Lauren got mobbed with fans. It was only 11:50 and the meet and greet didn't start for another 10 minutes. It got so crowded that Ariana got pushed down and basically trampled on. Lauren didn't see this because of all the fans running up to her and asking for pictures. Security guards came and brought Lauren to the room where the meet and greet was gonna happen. Ariana still wasnt with Lauren and turns out she got injured pretty badly.

*Lauren's POV*

We came back from ihop and we went to the hotel for my meet and greet. When we entered the hotel a lot of fans were there and came running up to me. I was really happy that a lot of people came because honestly i was expecting like 2 people to show up. I was walking toward the room where it was going to be held. I looked back but didn't see Ariana so i figured she just met some fans, so i continued walking. It got so bad that 10 security guards had to come and make a path. I finally made it to the room and there was over 400 people in the room. I still didn't see Ariana and i got really worried but i had to do my meet and greet. The meet and greet took over 4 hours and i felt really really happy because I've never received that much love.

It was now 4:00 and i headed up to my room. I knocked on Ariana's door to see if she was there and the door swung open and ariana's room was a mess. I looked in the bathroom and i saw a towel with what looked like blood on it. I immediately call ricky, her boyfriend, and he said Ariana was in the ER. She got trampled over when I met all my fans. She had a minor concussion and a bruised nose. I was so upset because i was careless and stupid and didn't know that Ari was hurt like that. I was gonna go to the ER but ricky said that they were on there way home. I decided to get ready for the party because it was in like 1 hour. I wore a really pretty skater dress with white heels. My hair and makeup was already done but i just did some touch ups to it. Ariana wasn't really on my mind that much because i knew Ricky was with her and he keeps her safe

*Ariana's POV*

Black. Black was all i saw. All i remember is being crushed by all of Lauren's fans. Im now sitting in the ER with my boyfriend Ricky at least he cares unlike Lauren. She didn't even turn back to see if i was behind her. SO ANNOYING. I'm so pissed at her. She was just to caught up in her little fame moment. We are on our way home, the doctors gave me medicine and just told me to ice my noise but UGHH i don't even wanna see Lauren. I arrived at my room and Ricky was gonna stay with me for the night to make sure i was okay. I was also really pissed because tonight was the party and i really wanted to go but i couldn't cause of my concussion. I ignored Lauren's texts cause i was really mad. I know i was being a little bit selfish because Lauren was making an effort to reach out and maybe it was just a misunderstanding. UGHH Whatever. I was in the bathroom and when i came out ricky had netflix on with the bed all comfy for me. We just cuddled all night which made me feel a lot better.

*Lauren's POV*

Anyway i went down to the party with my friends from home Sam and Iz. We got there early and we saw 5SOS setting up. DAMN DID CALUM LOOK GOOD LOL.

"Hey guys." Iz said

"Hey! Whats your names?" Calum said.

"Im Lauren, those are my friends Sam and Iz."

"Nice to meet you guys." They all said in unison and then laughed

"Where are you guys from?" Ashton said

"Were from Boca Raton" Sam said

"Wait Lauren. That sounds familiar, do you happen to know Ariana Grande." Calum said

"Yeah she's my best friend, we've know each other since birth, why?" I said

"Yeah she's mentioned a lot about you, where is she?" Calum said

"Um well I had a meet up today and Ari came with me and she got trampled over. She went to the hospital and i haven't talked to her since. I think she's kinda mad at me tho cause she's ignoring my calls." I said.

"AW don't worry, I'm sure things will work out. It was just an accident." Michael said

They all saw the depressed look on my face.

"HEY listen you can hang with us tonight and we could have a couple drinks to get your mind off it" Calum said.

"Yeah, that sounds good but were not of age." Iz said

"Neither are we but we can get away with it don't worry just stick with us, we know how to party." Luke said

"Okay we take your word" Iz said

"Listen it was great talking to you guys but we gotta go on stage." Michael said

"Woah its already time for the party we but we just got here at 6 oh wait its 7 never mind Lol." Sam said.

"Haha we will see you guys after the we play our sets okay." Ash said

"Okay good luck guys!" I said

"Thanks."They all said and Calum winked at me before he left.

They went on the stage and they really were amazing. We all stood by the stage where Calum was and he kept looking over and smiling really big at me which was kinda cute. Sam kept elbowing me when we met them and when Cal winked at me also, which i think he noticed.

They played there songs for a little bit and then they handed it over to the DJ to play the rest of the music. They got offstage and they went to there dressing rooms.

"He keeps staring at you, you do realize that right." Iz said and Sam agreed

"Eh no he wasn't." I said deny it although i knew he was staring

"OMG your so blind he was basically couldn't take his eyes off you." Sam yelled

"Okay fine yeah he was but don't say anything cause we just met and i don't wanna be all over him." i say

As I was talking to Sam and Iz, more like arguing but whatever lol, i felt a tap on my shoulder. As i turn around i see a girl who i don't even know with her hand in the air. Within a minute i receive a slap across the face for no reason.

"UM WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE." I yell causing more people to come over to the circle that was made.

"I'm Andrea Russett, Kian's girlfriend." She said angrily

"So.. why the fuck do you think you can just come up to me and put your hands on me." I say

" I know what you're trying to do. Just because you're a new you tuber and are new to this thing doesn't mean you can go around and steal my boyfriend." She said

"Wowwww. Omg you're so oblivious. Im not trying to "steal kian" Am i not allowed to have guy friends or something. Like seriously he messaged me on youtube saying he liked my channel and it just went from there. We're not hooking up, i don't even like him like that. Maybe watch what you say because you're messing with the wrong person. So back the hell up from me and don't ever put your hands on me again or else i will fuck you up." I say giving her a wave

Right as i turn back around she pushes me. Does this bitch seriously wanna go cause I'm not afraid to go.

"Try me" She says giving me an evil death stare

"Ok bitch but i don't wanna hear from you when your in the hospital" I say getting a laugh from the crowd

At this point a circle is around me and Andrea and no one is even dancing to the music that is being played. Everyone is interested in our fight. So it starts.. i push her and she shoves me back. I ran and went on top of her and started going for her hair and basically I'm beating the shit out of her. Two security guards came and tried to pull me off of her but they failed. It took about 6 security guards to pull me off of her cause at this point i was so fed up, you don't come up to me and think you can lay your hands on me, I'm not afraid to fight a bitch if i need to.

As i got up the security guards carried me away but i happened to get the last word by yelling "HAVE FUN WITH YOUR BROKEN NOSE HUNTY" The crowd starts to cheer and chant my name which is kinda weird lol. The guards ask me what happened and i told them everything. They sided with me saying that i had the right to stand up for myself. Im not getting thrown out or anything they said just don't do it again, or if she starts to just get one of them and they will throw her out. I thanked them and went to the bathroom. When i looked in the mirror i saw that my dress what kinda twisted so i just fixed it. My hair was still perfect and so was my makeup. Please that bitch didn't do anything to me.

I headed back out to the dance floor and i see Kian. I went up to him and talked of course the first things out of his mouth were "Im so sorry" UGH.

"Im so sorry, i had no part in that i swear i was just showing her the pictures we took when we hung out for the first time. I told her about how I MADE THE FIRST MOVE, not you. And plus i didn't want to be in anything more than a friendship with you but she took it WAY to far. Im so sorry." Kian said

"Its fine, i just don't like the fact that she thinks she can just come up to people and put her hands on them. But its cool i think she learned not to mess with me." I said laughing

"I know she's my girlfriend and everything but DAMNN you can fight. You literally attacked her." He said laughing as well

"I know, i don't let bitches like that get in my way, ESPECIALLY when they get physical.. Wait you saw the fight." I said

"Lauren everyone saw the fight, and i also chased andrea until i saw the crowd." Kian said

"Oh yeah right haha, well i gotta go find my friends i'll text you later. Or do i need permission from "Queen Andrea" haha." I said laughing

"Hahaha yeah i'll text you, and I'm still really sorry for what happened" Kian said

"Oh please she didn't even do a thing to me, BYE!!" I said waving bye to Him

He definitely was nicer then when we hung and I'm glad i didn't just cut him out of my life because he is a nice guy. Anywayy i finally found Sam and Iz along with the 5SOS boys.

"OMG there you are! We tried calling you like 1000 times" Iz said

"Sorry my phone was on vibrate" I said

"Yo, you fucked her up, i taught you well" Sam said giving me a high five

"Haha, i mean i had no other option. Like who the hell does she think she is" I say

"Yeah Cal said it was hot." Mikey said

"Fuck you Michael..... I'm not gonna lie it was hot." Cal said embarrassed

"Thanks lol." I said

"So you guys ready to party now?" Luke said

"YAS" we all said in unison

I basically hung out with Cal the whole night and we drank a lot. It wasn't my first time drinking but just not that much. The party soon came to an end. I said bye to everyone and Cal walked me upstairs. Don't even ask me how we managed to get up to my room thats how drunk we were. I said bye to Cal and i entered the room. I took my shoes off and saw the lights on. I saw Ariana and Ricky.

"OH SHIT." I said

"Lauren? What the hell are you doing in here?" Ariana says getting up

I see the neck brace she has while getting up. She comes up to me and asks me any question and i don't remember what i said cause ya know i was drunk.

"Lauren. Are you drunk?" Ari said

"NO." I say

"Ok fine count to 10 and walk in a straight line" Ari says

"OKAY MOM" i say

Of course i couldn't even remember what came after 2 and i fell over when i attempted to walk in a straight line.

"Lauren why do you do this, who were you even hanging out with" Ari said

"Sam, IZ, and 5SOS." I say

"OH so you met them. How were they?" Ari asks


"Lauren just go to your room please." Ari said giving me a bad attitude

"Whats your problem." I say


"Babe calm down just come sit down please." Ricky says

"Well I'm sorry Ari. I didn't know and i feel awful, and plus you've been acting weird toward me so i didn't the same." I say.


I start to breakdown crying. I didn't know she felt that way.

"Im sorry Lauren i didn't mean that." Ari says hugging me

"Its okay, I'm really sorry. I don't wanna fight with you. Your my best friend, and i'd do anything for you. I just had a really bad night so thats why the boys gave me a few drinks." I say

" What happened." Ari asks

I told her the whole story of me fighting Andrea

"OMG who the hell does she think she is? You never even met her and you and kian were just friends. Its not like you're dating him, Jesus whats her problem." Ari said

"EXACTLY, Literally exactly my point." I say

"Ughhhh, im so sorry Lauren. Do you wanna sleep in here tonight. Me and ricky take up one bed so the other is yours if you want."

"Okay yeah, thanks RI" I said

"No problem thats what I'm here for, Love ya Lauren!" Ari said getting into bed with ricky

"Love ya too, Goodnight." I say

"Goodnight!" Ricky and Ari say

I took off my makeup and then hopped in bed. I didn't even manage to look at my phone like i do every night. I was just too tired. With that GOODNIGHT!!!!!!


HEY GUYS!!!! I know these are on going words that i always say but i really am sorry i haven't been able to upload. My watt pad shut down for a little bit and i lost some of my work that i had to type, and my computer wasn't working right. Anyway its all good now and i will be publishing new chapters consistently so be ready! Thank you guys for almost 700 reads, it means a lot that people like my story. Hope you like this chapter and ill talk to you guys soon, LOVE YOUU. 😘💜💜

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