After I Met Him

De sarina3740

72.3K 3.1K 96

Jay, an innocent, pure, intelligent girl. She's never had time for boys, and isn't that popular. Once she mee... Mai multe

After I Met Him
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 part 1
Chapter 23 part 2
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 17

1.8K 88 1
De sarina3740

Okay I realized that in the past chapters I have called Chelsea's ex Jacob when his actual name was Jason so sorry about that! -Sarina❤


*three days later*

Classes have started again and Zayn's birthday is only a few days away. Everything was prepared and ready, I just needed to pick up the edible comic from Calvin's place. I decided to walk to class today, it was a nice sunny day. I got to class a bit later then usual, so everyone was already there. I spotted Calvin near some girls and walked over to him. "Hey Jay, sup?" He asked. "Nothing much, I was wondering if I could come by after class to pick up the m&m comic?" I asked. "Yeah sure." He smiled at me, I took a seat near Hannah and class began.

After class I walked over to my car, driving to Calvin's house. It wasn't that far and once I arrived I parked my car and knocked on his front door a few times before he opened the door. "Hey, wanna come in?" He asked. "I don't know, Zayn's expecting me and I have to-" he cut me off before I could finish. "Come on, I insist." I sighed and decided to go inside. He had a nice neat home. I took a seat on the couch, as he took a seat next to me. "So umm how's Zayn?" He asked, trying to start a conversation. "Fine, thanks." I replied. "Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, Zayn wasn't your true love or whatever?" He asked, I gave him a confused look. "I don't know who my true love is, but Zayn and I love each other very much and I don't think worrying about the future or who my actual true love is going to do anything." I honestly replied. He placed his hand on my thigh, making me feel a bit uncomfortable. "I think it's time for me to go." I quickly said, grabbing the comic. "Thanks for the help, ill repay you somehow." I said, grabbing my purse and giving him a friendly hug. "No problem." He smiled. That was awkward...

Once I got home I noticed Zayn was still in class, so I hid the comic under my clothing in the closet, so Zayn wouldn't find out. I decided to cook for him, knowing how tired he is after class. I wanted to make spaghetti so I got everything I needed for the sauce and started cooking. "IM HOME HONEY!" Zayn yelled, mimicking those married couples. I giggled as I gave him a kiss. "Welcome home honey!" I joked, causing us both to laugh. He took a seat on the dining chair, watching me cook. "Do you ever think about getting married?" Zayn asked all of a sudden. "Well yes, I would love to settle down some day, have children, get married, things like that. I feel like life's like a roller coaster, it's going to stop some day and I want my roller coaster to be an exciting one, filled with adventure, love, and happiness."I explained, as I mixed the sauce. "Deep. Do you think I would be a good dad?" He asked making me giggle. "Zayn, you're like a child yourself, I can't imagine you trying to take care of a Zayn Jr." I joked. "Hey! I think I'd be a great dad!" He said, making me laugh. "If you say so." I replied, continuing to cook the spaghetti. Once it was ready I set everything down on the dining table and took a seat next to Zayn, eating and joking around.

"You're washing the dishes." I informed him, placing all the plates and cups in the sink. "Whatever you say." He joked, spraying me with water, out of no where. "No one sprays me with water and gets away with it!" I yelled, Zayn running to his bedroom as I filled a cup with water. I ran to his bedroom, he's bad at hiding, he was just in the closet. I opened the door and threw the entire cup of water in his face, causing him to let out a girly shriek. I laughed my ass off, watching him soak in water. "THANKS ALOT!" He yelled, running back into the closet to dry off and change, while I still laughed. He came back with dry clothing, and headed back into the kitchen to wash the dishes.

I was watching tv while Zayn washed the dishes, soon I heard a few buzzes from his phone and decided to see who was texting him. It was just the blonde girl from yesterday, so I decided to look at their previous texts.

Brooke- hey there!❤❤❤❤

Zayn- I have a girlfriend.

Brooke- honey trust me, she could never make you feel the way I can.

Zayn- what the fuck?

Brooke- sleep with me or I'll ruin your relationship with that slut.

Zayn- lay a finger on her and ill kill you

I smiled at how honest and trusting Zayn was, and what a bitch 'Brooke' was. I finally decided on going back to the restaurant tonight and talk some sense into that little prick. "Wanna watch a movie?" Zayn asked from behind me, causing chills down my spine, did he see me look through his phone? "I-I actually need to go to Hannah's house, ill be back soon." I lied. "Alright." He flashed a smile before hopping on the couch and watching TV. I grabbed my car keys and went inside the car, driving to the restaurant. Once I got there I walked over to the front desk, requesting for Brooke. She walked over to me with her evil smile. "Well if it isn't the dumb whore!" She said. "Im not here to start a fight, I know about the texts you've sent to Zayn, and there's nothing you can do to ruin our relationship. So stay away from me and my boyfriend because I'm not afraid to slap you across the face and leave a red mark." I warned, anger burning through me. "Look who just found a bit of courage. You can't do anything. You're a worthless piece of trash, Zayn doesn't care about you, I highly doubt that anyone does. You are nothing but a worthless, obnoxious, waste of space." She spat, causing a tear to escape from my eyes. "No she isn't." I heard a familiar voice behind me, it was Zayn. I ran over and gave him a hug, Brooke was in complete shock. "You're the bitch, you're the slut, and I'm pretty sure you're Medusa's twin sister." Zayn spat back, causing me to giggle as I wiped the tear away. She just stood there in silence, unsure of what to say. "Now that were done here it's time for me and Jay to leave." Zayn said, waving goodbye as he lead me to the entrance. The drive back home was filled with laughter and jokes about Brooke.

Once we arrived home we changed into our pajamas, for the first time in the same room, I think Zayn and I are close enough now to see each other change and not have a problem with it. I tied my hair in a high pony tail and laid next to Zayn in bed, snuggling onto his bare chest. "You're beautiful, don't believe what that bitch said." Zayn whispered in my ear, I gave him a short kiss, and soon started to fall asleep.

I woke up with a headache, which was expected, considering I was on my period. Zayn must be cooking breakfast, because I could smell the French toast and bacon. I walked into the kitchen, still a bit sleepy. "Morning babe." Zayn smiled, as I looked up at him. "My head hurts like hell." I whined, laying on the couch. He walked over to me with a pharmacy bag in his hands. "I went to the pharmacy before you woke up. I didn't know what size pads to get you so the lady gave me these ones." He said, handing me a pack of them. "Thank you." I smiled. "I also got you some pain relievers and chocolate ice cream." He said, giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Who's the best boyfriend ever?" I teased. "This guy!" He joked, pointing to himself. He returned to cooking the bacon, while I took one pain reliever and washed it down with water. Soon Zayn was finished cooking, he set everything down on plates and put them on the table, I took a seat next to him and we started eating. I helped him wash the dishes and we finished quickly.

Zayn was on the couch, I laid there, y head resting on his lap as he played with my hair. We were watching My Sisters Keeper, which brought tears to my eyes each time I watched it. It's about a girl who was born to keep her sister alive, who has cancer. She became a donor for her sister, the day she was born. Because if the older sisters cancer the mother paused her life for her, even risking her marriage. It's a sad story but it's the truth, we will all die one day, and leave people we love behind I'm scars, in pain. Like in the story, there isn't exactly a happy ending, after the girl dies the family is torn apart, the parents divorce and the kids move away, it's reality. Before I knew it the movie was over, once again I was lost in my own thought, I tend to do that a lot. "So I have about an hour before heading out to work and I have to study for final exams, mind being alone for a while?" Zayn asks. "Sure, I don't mind." I replied, heading into his bedroom to change. I changed into something casual yet nice, curling my hair with my curling iron. I applied a bit of make up to cover any blemishes or dark spots and I was good to go. I wanted some time to myself so I decided to go to Starbucks. I grabbed the book 'Matched' to read while I drank my coffee and headed outside, I wanted to walk today. Once I got to Starbucks I ordered my drink and took a seat by the window, and started reading my book.

I noticed that Calvin was also there, walking towards me. He took a seat next to me and smiled. "Hey! Didn't see ya there." I said, giving him a smile back. "Ha just came here to read a book, looks like you did too." He smiled. I nodded in reply and continued to read my book, as he did so too. If I were to to describe Calvin Id say he's your typical jock, with his interest in football, he has dirty blonde hair that he styles just like Justin Beiber (not a bowl hair cut calm down), he has ocean blue eyes that are about a shade lighter than Niall's and he's quite buff. The girls go crazy for him and he is quote good looking but I'm not interested. As I continued to read my book I could tell he was staring at me so I stared back. "Need something?" I said with a smile. "Actually now that you mentioned it I wouldn't mind a nice cold drink right now." He winked, making me giggle. "Im having a party next week, would you wanna come?" He offered. "Uh sure." I said replying with a smile. Calvin is a nice guy, and respects woman. I realized I have been reading for an hour and a half so I grabbed my purse to leave. "It was nice to see you here, but I've got stuff to do. Ill see you at the party, bye!" I said, heading out the door. "Bye Jay!" He smiled.

Once I walked home Zayn had already left to class, and it was time for me to go too. I grabbed my text books and headed out.

*three hours later*

I was really tired when I got home, so I laid my things on the couch and changed into my pajamas, and put my hair in a messy bun. I grabbed some chips and watched TV, when Zayn came in. "Afternoon babe." He said, giving me a peck on the cheek. "Good afternoon." I replied with a smile. "Zayn the bills just came, do you want me to pay them?" I asked. "No it's okay, I get my pay check tomorrow ill pay." He replied with a smile, kissing my neck. "So what's the plan for today?" I asked. "I was going to Niall's house today, if you don't mind." He replied. "No it's okay, I'll just go over to Chelsea's." I said.

Zayn left, and I decided to just watch TV. I was watching pretty little liars when I got a call from a blocked number in the middle of the night. "Uh hello?" I asked, waiting for a response. "I I-is this Jay?" A familiar voice of a female spoke from the other line. "Yes, who am I speaking to?" I asked. "I-it's me. Your mother." I froze at those words, tears starting to form. How could she just call me? After three fucking years she didn't even have the decency to visit. "What do you want?" I spat, my voice cracking a bit from crying. "Im calling because your father told me what happened. I'm offering you to come live with me for a while in Florida." She said, with no emotion in her words, like she was being forced to do this. "No. I don't need you or dad, I can manage on my own." I said, wiping away tears, anger filling me instead of pain. "You don't have a say in this, your father and I have decided what's best for you." She replied, getting a bit impatient. "Im nineteen, I can live on my own!" I screamed. I have had enough of them controlling my life, she already messed up her own life and I'm not letting her do the same to mine. "And where are you living exactly? Last time I checked you don't have a job." She spat. "The last time you saw me I was fifteen. I have a job, I'm a manager at a restaurant. And I live with my boyfriend, who also has a job." I lied, I don't have a fucking job, I don't any where else to go. "This is the last time I will repeat myself, Jay. You are coming to Florida and living with me. Your step-father will pick you up next week, and bring you back to where you belong with your family." She repeated, with no emotion what so ever. "Your family. Not mine." I spat back, I've had enough of this. "We'll see what happens." She mumbled. "Fuck you!" I spat, throwing my phone across the couch. "Jay?" Zayn asked from behind me. Did he hear the conversation? "How much of this did you hear?" I asked, breathing at a fast pace. "Good enough to know someone is angering you. Why did you those your phone, who was that?" He asked, what am I supposed to say? Since my dad is a fucking thief I have to move with my controlling and careless mother across the country? I don't think so. "Nothing, Chelsea and I just got in a little fight. We'll figure it out, we always do." The lie just slipped out of my mouth, there is no way Im letting that man take me to Florida.

"It's 10:55, I'm tired and I have class tomorrow, let's just go to bed." I said, going into the bathroom to brush my teeth, Zayn mirroring my actions. It seems like he knows I'm lying, like he can see right through me, but he's choosing to keep quiet about it. After brushing my teeth I hid myself under the covers, getting comfy in Zayn's arms. Zayn fell asleep while I stayed up all night, analyzing everything over and over again. I can't just leave behind the life I have here, i have friends, a good education, and an amazing boyfriend here. In Florida ill have nothing but a miserable life with my excuse for a mom, step dad, and my stupid step brother who is twelve. I hate my family.

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