Doctor Who Adventure: The Doc...

By TimeLordKisser920

4.6K 122 21

Time for another adventure through time and space. And again you must help the Doctor even if he doesn't know... More

DW Adventure 2: The Doctor's Story
DW Adventure 2: The Doctor's Story-Chapter 1
DW Adventure 2: The Doctor's Story- Chapter 3
DW Adventure 2: The Doctor's Story- Chapter 4
DW Adventure 2: The Doctor's Story- Chapter 5 & 6
Doctor Who Adventure 2: The Doctor's Story- Ending/Wrap Up

DW Adventure 2: The Doctor's Story-Chapter 2

538 19 7
By TimeLordKisser920

Chapter 2: Follow the Leader

Chapter 2 Part 1: A Whole Lot of Weird

You opened your eyes and looked around. Where were you? Not on Earth that was for sure. The place was made of mounds of pointy blue purple rocks. The sky held a big green and yellow planet surrounded in rings and the air felt humid somehow.

That’s when you heard scuttling from behind you. You spinned around, “Hello?”

You saw a shadow move behind a rock. “I’m not going to hurt you I’m just looking for something important.”

You heard a weird sound and saw flashing lights in the distance.

When you walked toward it, you saw a woman. She was standing there, “Hi,” You said. She didn’t respond instead you heard music and then she started to dance. Apparently you had interrupted a rehearsal. During the performance lights flashed from the ground and people in long blue and pink dressed came from nowhere and began to dance in this very weird way yet it was graceful. As they dance you couldn’t help but sway and get entranced in the way they moved.

When it was over the people disappeared and the only one left standing there was the women from the beginning. She was tall with long blonde gold hair, she looked human except for her eyes. They were wide and stared at everything like it was new.

“Wow,” You said walking toward her, “That’s was… weird.” She cocked her head to the side and looked at you.

“Can I help you?” She said in a very thick accent you had never heard before.

“Yes actually.” you said remembering why you were here, “I’m looking for these, pages or scrolls I don’t know what they look like. They could be slabs of stone for all I know. And they go to a book I have to find.”

She seemed to think about it for a second and then said, “Follow me.” And walked off.

Chapter 2 Part 2: No One Wants To Be Alone

You walked with her until you came to some kind of field. In the middle of the field there were stones. Giant stones pointing straight up and in a half circle. She pointed out a finger like a zombie. “What you are seeking is that way.”

“Over there.” You said making sure. She nodded, “Okay then. Be back in a gif.”

You walked toward the stones and as you did the fog surrounding the area seemed to get thicker and thicker.

By the time you reached the stones, the fog was so thick you weren’t sure where you were. Then you saw a shadow and the mist blew around. What was that? You thought then more movement. You slowly walked away trying not run, “Who’s there?” you asked. You kept walking until your back ran into one of the stone pillars. Whatever was chasing you was getting closer. You heard a low moaning sound and footsteps moving toward you. You could tell the creature was way taller then you as it lumbered over. When it was so close you could have reach out and touched it, a gust of wind blew the fog away and you saw it.

You screamed with terror. The creature was tall and boney. It didn’t have a mouth but rather slits in its skin that moved as it took in the foggy air and then exhaled it out of the holes in its face where its nose should have been. You kept screaming as you waited for the creature to rip you apart with its long fingers and claws. But after five seconds of no painful death you realized the creature was screaming too.

You stopped screaming and starred at it. It stopped and stared at you. Ok, you thought, and took a deep breath. What would the Doctor do? Well for starters he wouldn’t have screamed like a little girl. You combed your thoughts and said, “Hi.” It made a grunting sound that sounded like a response. “I…I'm looking for some pages of a story.” He seemed to take in what you said for a second and then gestured you to follow him.

“Great more following you thought.”

You followed the creature close enough to not get lost in the fog but still faraway so you didn’t get near it.

Eventually you came to a cave, the creature stopped looked at you and pointed, then walked in. You followed expecting a dark and wet environment. But when you entered you saw it was warm and toasty. There were fires all over and it kept it dry. He kept walking and you followed.Every once in a while you saw blankets, books, book shelves, and other things. “Is this where you live?” You asked. It nodded. “All by yourself?” It nodded sadly. You walked closer to it and suddenly you weren’t scared, you felt sad for it. “I have a friend he gets lonely too. That’s why I’m here, for him. But he has friends, companions that stay with him for as long as they can.” He suddenly looked interested and you told him about the Doctor and his companions.

As you told him stories of the Doctor he seemed to get happier and happier. Eventually you asked, “What's your name?” He gently grabbed your hand, spread out your palm, and wrote the letters P, O, G. “Pog?” You asked. He nodded, “Pog of the Fog.” You said adding a smile. He seemed to like having a cool name and he clapped his hands happily.

You finally came to an opening in the cave and you saw the planet’s beautiful sky. It was covered in purples and pinks then dotted with bright stars.

It seemed to be brighter on this side of the planet then where you had ended up. “The Doctor is the reason I know all about aliens. He’s the reason I get to have amazing adventures.” You told Pog as he stood next to you staring at the landscape.

Pog eventually stopped and you saw he was looking at some weird green slime stuff that lined parts of the cave. You could tell the stuff was dangerous and you didn’t want to go near it. So why was Pog showing it to you? That’s when you noticed that behind all the green goo that covered the ground was a small opeing that lead to another part of the cave.

“The pages are in there?” You asked. Pog nodded. “And is that stuff bad?” He nodded again but this time a little sadder. “Ok.” you said thinking, what can I use to get through there without touching whatever that stuff is? Well you had seen some stuff earlier in the cave maybe that would help.

You and Pog ended up pulling apart some of his book shelves and using them as a kind of bridge to the other side of the green vegetation. When you got past it you came to another open part of Pog’s home. You could see the beautiful starry sky and surrounded by a pile of rocks were white pages covered in black writing. You ran over to them and picked them up. “Yes!” you said “This is it!” Pog was happy but then he got very sad all of a sudden. You had to leave now. You looked at him, “Well, these aren’t red so I can stay for a little bit and read it.” he got really happy and sat on the ground to start a fire. He blew on his fingers and suddenly a little flame came up. He put it in the middle of the rock circle and it became a big warm fire. You organized the pages and prepared to read.

When you think of the word friend the first thing that should come to your mind is love. Friends are family but better because friends you can choose. Friends you can find and friends you can love.

For a Time Lord there are two hearts, one of love and one of rage. Every second of every day these two hearts go to war with each other and if the wrong one wins the Time Lord will also fall. All Time Lords have lost the battle against their self save for one.

The Doctor. He learned one of the most important lessons of life even if he doesn’t know it. Love. Feed the heart with love and the one with rage will starve.

And that is was he did with his many friends and lovers. He has kept himself full of love and as long as he follows that rule he will never fall. But once in a while he may slip and rage will consume his mind, if that should ever happen he will always have his companions.

After reading some of it, Pog showed you the way out of the cave and walked you to the edge of the fog. “Ok.” You said getting your devise that would take you to the next location, “I guess this is goodbye.” He looked sad. “It’s ok, if I can I’ll come and visit and tell you more about the Doctor.” He clapped his hands.

You nodded and was about to push the red button on the devise when you heard someone yell, “Where do you think you’re going?” You turned around to see the women you had met earlier and this time she was with a few friends. She walked toward you with an evil look on her face, Pog backed into the fog frightened. And you realized she had set you up, she hoped Pog would have killed you. She smiled, “You’re going to stay right here.”

“What do you want?” you asked glaring at her.

“I want the secrets that the Doctor has. I want to know everything about him so I can know his weaknesses and then I can use it against him.”

“You stole these pages?” you said holding them up, “But why didn’t you just read them, it would have saved you a bunch of time.”

“First of all I didn’t steal anything! I heard the pages had somehow come upon this planet so I came here and took over. It was easy really, the people were kind and gullible so it was very easy to trick them. But that stupid creature!” She glared at the spot Pog had been, “Hid the pages from me! But now I have the pages and one of the Doctor’s companions.” As she said it, two of her minions came over and grabbed you by the shoulders and ripped the papers and your time traveling devise out of your hands. “Which is even better, now we will go back to my castle were you will tell me everything.” She had a sly smile on her face that made you feel sick.

Chapter 2 Part 3: Secrets

Her castle was just like you had pictured it and it screamed, Evil Maniac. She led you into the castle and into a small court yard filled with dying flowers and rabid dogs. You were pushed into a chair as she took the chair across from you. There was a table with what looked to be food on it. “Please have some.” She gestured down at the weird colored blobs on silver plates.

“You know, I’m more of a fried chicken kind of girl.”

“Suit yourself.” She then took out a piece of paper and some kind of writing tool. ”I already have some information collected but I would like you to confirm if it’s true or not.”

“Okey dokey.” You said playing along (its the Doctor would have done).

“First, the Doctor’s weapon is a sonic screwdriver?”

“It’s not a weapon.” You said not really paying attention and looking around for an escape.

“So he doesn’t have a weapon?” She asked.

“No, he does.”

“Then what is it?”

You chuckled, “I’m supposed to check your information not give you some.”

She glared at you and you smiled back.“Fine, next question. The Doctor is the last of his kind?”

“He thinks he is.” You said.

“So he isn’t.” She said suddenly very interested. You took your hand and made a zipper motion over your mouth. She looked annoyed.

“This is so not worth my time. I can just use the information I have whether its right or not.” She put down the piece of paper.

“That’s not a good idea.” you said.

“”Why not.” She said angrily.

You leaned forward and glared into her eyes. “I’m going to give you some advise. The Doctor isn’t some casual superhero who will eventually disappear. He’s older then you, this castle, and probably this planet. He’s smart and if you think that you can defeat him then you’re dumber then a bag of rocks.”

For a second she looked a little frightend but then she remembered your insult and yelled in frustration. “Guards! Put her on her knees! I’m done with you, you will be executed.” You were slamed down to the stone floor. A big tall man with purple skin came walking out with a big sword/ light saver. He walked over to you as they bowed your head. He lifted his arms and was about to cut your head off when…

There was a screeching sound and Pog came running into the courtyard. He screeched and flinged something green and gooey on the evil queen. She yelled as it seemed to bubble and burn. You watched as she started to melt. You looked at Pog but the green goo didn’t seem to affect him.

The guards let go of you as they ran to their Queen. You ran to Pog “Pog you did it! You saved me!” He clapped his hands and you had to be careful and make sure the green goo didn’t touch you. That’s when you remembered the Queen’s subjects; you turned around as they looked from you and Pog to their liquid queen. Then one of them said, “The Queen is dead!” with a smile on his face. The others cheered the same and pretty soon the courtyard was filled with music and cheering and dancing people. “This reminds me a lot of the Wizards of Oz.” you said to yourself. And it seemed the happier the people the more the place seemed to brighten. Soon the castle was filled with delicious smells and colorful flowers.

Pog was being cheered for killing the queen and you decided it was time to go. You grabbed the Doctor’s story pages, your devise, and walked over to Pog. “It’s time for me to go.” You said. He got sad all of a sudden, “Oh, come on you don’t need me. You’ve got all these new friends.” You gestured to the people who were cheering Pog. “So, don’t worry you won’t be lonely anymore. And I have to go; I have to help the Doctor.” He then seemed to clap his hands as if urging you on. He wanted you to help the Doctor. “Goodbye.” and with that you pushed the button and once again everything was bright. 

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