A Demon's Help (Sebastian x R...

Da backupshane

306K 10.6K 5.4K

de·mon (dēmən) noun 1. An evil spirit or devil, especially one thought to possess a person or act as a tormen... Altro

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Author's Note!!
Chapter 9
Charted 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 21

7.8K 302 150
Da backupshane


(Y/n)'s/Claude's POV

I feel my insides burning, almost like someone forcing themselves inside me, the walls of my body pushing, screaming "No!"

I struggle against the strong hold within me, pulling hard on the rope tying itself around me like a wrong version of tug-a-war.

"Oh kitten, someone's gotten stronger." I hear the familiar purr of his voice, a shiver shooting down my spine, freezing my efforts.


Is he the one inside me?

No not again.


What is going on?

And how did I end up here?

I blink, in control of my body again, the rope around my muscles and mind unraveling a bit, a raspy breathe escaping through parched lips.

Sebastian is in front of me, un-gloved hand held high in the high, black smoke encircling it, similar to the smoke encircling him, his pink eyes burning into me.

My (e/c) eyes widen as I quickly assess the situation before me. I hold my hands up in defense, looking away from the fully formed demon before me. "Sebastian, don't! It's me! It's me, (y/n)." My voice comes out in a whisper, my body too weak from handling Claude to work fully efficiently.

"(y/n)?" His voice is soft, and I hear his feet moving towards me, slowly and cautionary.

I look back over to where the sound of his voice resonates, seeing the concern that's written over his face, the pinks of his eyes simmering down, his deep ruby ones shining through, the darkness around him giving into the light illuminating the room, features softening.

I feel my muscles tighten, my mind numbing, feeling myself losing control, the closer Sebastian gets to me. His features turn back human, his demon form going back into hibernation.


This can't be happening.


I need to warn Sebastian.

I open my mouth to speak, but I know it's too late. No words come out, but my lips curl into a snarl. I feel the demon inside take over, eyes flashing pink as I lunge forward, darkness consuming me, us, as a whole. I feel my teeth sharpen through the pale pink feminine lips, demon taking full control of the girl.

My girl.

Sebastian's face is one of shock, his teeth upturning into a roar, the sound escaping his lips, shaking the room, the others trembling in the corner.

As my hands connect with Sebastian's neck, his throat flexes, hid body struggling underneath the combined strength, her elongated nails digging into his neck, his eyes bugging as he tries to reawaken his demon.

More darkness consumes us as he transforms again, his hands covering hers, trying to rip them off of his neck, his lips turning into a smirk, teeth showing through.

"Claude, if you think you can win in that body, you're sure as hell wrong." His voice is clear despite the struggle for air his lungs are going through, his hands crushing hers, throwing me off of him, sending me flying back, back into the light.

Standing up, Sebastian and the others look me up and down, all eyes wide. I grin, knowing how I look. Maid outfit changed to a black lace corset, tied in the front, a short two sided black bottom petticoat shaping her curves, short lace shorts covering the tops of her thighs, leaving her legs exposed until my ankles, laced up black heels adorning my feet.

If the shoe fits, gotta wear it.

And oh yes, this shoe does fit.

What a lovely slipper for this pure human.


"Oh, are you surprised? Surprise looks good on you Sebastian, but oh no, it is not becoming of you."

Her, my, voice giggles, causing Sebastian's jaw to tighten, teeth gritting as his fingers clench into fists, pink eyes narrowing and flashing fiercely, darkness consuming behind him entirely, all of him black except this pale skin and coral eyes.

"Get out of her Claude, before I force you out." His deep voice growls, his feet taking him forward once more.

"This isn't my first time Sebastian. You can't force me out of her. I have to finish first." The grin that spreads across my face only angers the other demon more, his countenance shifting into vexation, eyes narrowing.

"You're sick Claude. (Y/N) doesn't deserve that. What did she ever do to you?"

"What did she ever do to me, you ask? She knew who I was. What I was. And no no no we can't have that. You have to damage the person so if they talk, no one will truly believe them and blame it on the emotional damage. I just know how to play the game right."

"So you think because you raped her, you own her and have the right to claim her?" The little blue haired brat speaks up from the corner, all eyes turning to look at him.

"Well since no one else noticed or was going after her, I took the opportunity for my own. A pure soul such as this doesn't come every day, Young Master." I emphasize the last phrase in mock.

"That didn't give you the right to violate her!" Ciel shouts back, unfazed by my mockery, his face becoming flushed.

"Oh, that?" I chuckle. "Now that was just for my own enjoyment. Pure and clean humans are far better than anything else. Not like she could run away anyway."

Ciel's mouth is open, lips moving, but my ears don't form the words that he is saying, my mind not sending signals to my ears.

Everything slows as I turn my head, and see Sebastian lunging for me, using his power to grip me by the collar of the corset, and send me flying across the room, slamming into the wall on the farthest end, away from the others and the door.

As my back hits the wall and I crumble to the ground, time speeds back up to normal pace, the sound of plaster and brick smashing rushing into my ears, a roar of pain escaping my lips, eyes fluttering shut, teeth gritting through the pain. I hear my back crack, spine flexing and twitching, paralyzing me temporarily.

On my hands and knees, eyes cast downward, the beating of my heart rushing in my hear, my panting lungs fluttering short ragged breaths through my mouth, over-powering my hearing to notice any other sounds but the ones created by me.

I see moving black get close to my face, and swiftly move closer, the end pressing into my neck and forcing me to fully sit up, pressing my back up against the already cracked wall, locking eyes with the moving black object, following it up to the end of the boot, up the covered leg, covered crotch, all the way up his chest and neck and shoulders, until finally looking Sebastian in the eyes.

"Heh, you think a neat trick like that is going to stop me? I think-"

The boot presses further into my throat, causing it to close up, my lungs coughing for air, words sputtering out into nothingness from my lips, inaudible.

"Sebastian!" A voice of authority breaks through the sound of the blood rushing to my head, and the demon turns, boot still lodged against my throat.

"Yes, my Lord?" His voice softens, eyes widening at the strength in the Young Earl's voice.

"You do realize whatever you do to Claude while he is inside (y/n), will hurt her, correct? It may be his words being spoken, but it is her body he's hosting.

I feel Sebastian tense up, the foot on my throat easing a little, air finding its way back into my lungs, a shaky cough exiting.

"What do you expect me to do then?" His voice is one of anger, but his face reveals concern.

"Nothing." The word comes out raspy, but still seductive in her voice, eyes closing partway.

The boot presses back into my throat, harder this time that I'm sure his foot is bound to go through it, as I begin choking again, struggling for air.

"Sebastian!" The level of authority in Ciel's voice only increases with his anger, but the demon ignores his bonded partner as he turns to me, eyes illuminated with smoldering pain of anger. His hand comes down to replace where the boot was, a momentary rush of air being gulped down.

His long fingers wrap around most of the entirety of my throat, the tattoo on the back of his hand glowing faintly, power coming off him in waves, intoxicating even the demon within me.

"Shut. Up." The demon barely speaks, the two words almost drowned out by the growl of the demon behind them.

I feel myself weaken inside her, the pureness in her shrinking to Sebastian's dominant nature, his demon emanating something, something I can't quite put my finger on. Almost like a need for her, to protect her, to-


It can't be.

She can't be his, she's mine.


I grab his hand, my hand adorning a tattoo as well, the a circle with a star made of various triangles inside it glowing, gripping Sebastian's hand, and shoving him off me, his fist clenching too late as he slides over to his Master.

I brush myself off as I stand, catching my breath quickly, running a hand through my (e/c) hair, eyes on Sebastian.

The demon stands, staggering his way towards me, blood accenting the edge of his lips, plump from panting.

"Sebastian, enough!" Ciel's hand rips the eye-patch away from his face, revealing his other eye, Sebastian's tattoo scorned into the iris, staining the eye purple.

But the words don't stop Sebastian as they should. He keeps staggering, staggering his way towards me.

"No. No matter what you say or try to make me do Young Master, I'll stop at nothing to get that wretched beast out of (y/n)."

"Sebastian, I said enough! And that's an order!" Ciel's voice rises, his eye glowing fiercely now, the deal between Sebastian and him tying a rope around the demon, forcing him to look at Ciel.

Or so I thought.

Sebastian's features change to confusion as he looks at Ciel.

"What?" The guard-dog barks out.


"No? I said, that's an order Sebastian. And last time I checked, you don't have a choice to go against orders." The boy points to his eye, a grimace pulling his lips apart, a reminder of his past.

"He doesn't need to obey orders from you when it comes to her." My voice comes out strong again, my lungs having enough air to resonate my voice again, the purity in her voice knee weakeningly strong.

Sebastian's eyes snap to me as soon as the words begin to roll off my tongue, his eyes flashing, widening in response.

"What?" Ciel asks, clearly confused, the other three servants standing behind him, all looking confused as well.

"Oh you just don't get it, do you?" I snarl, knowing I'm losing this fight, my power weakening as her body registers how hurt it is.

Sebastian sees the opportunity and flies over, shoving me up against the wall, both hands gripping the collar of the corset, lifting me off the ground against the wall.

"What the hell are you talking about Faustus?" His voice is still convoluted by the demon growl heightening behind it ever more, the closer he gets to her and her soul, the more control he loses.

Looks like its a draw for this battle.

I smirk, knowing I still have an upper hand on him. I say only one word to him, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Inhale."I receive the quizzical look I had been expecting, but judging from the flare of his nostrils and his widened eyes, I know he did as I said.

He leans closer, his raven black hair brushing against my, her, upper chest, one of the few areas uncovered by the corset.

I hear him mutter under his breath, but his growl over powers it, causing me to ponder over if he knows now or not.

His hands lower me back to the ground, still tightly gripping the corset. His jaw sets, his face as close as it can be now without the two of ours touching.

I stay in her body long enough to see Sebastian open his mouth, sharp teeth exposed, and to feel the searing ripping pain of when they connect with the skin on her neck, tearing me from her.

My vision goes black.

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