Not Like The Movies (Carlisle...

By Ruth_Ashley

402K 8.9K 1.2K

A few months after Esme betrays Carlisle a new face shows up in town. But will her past destroy any chances a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25: The Finale

Chapter 20

11.9K 299 27
By Ruth_Ashley

Hey guys I'm so happy. I finally hit 1,000 reads! YAY! SO thank you to everyone who reads, comments, and votes. Please follow me! Also I'd love to see what you guys think so please comment!


Chapter 20:

"Breathe baby," she said before disappearing. I gasped for air coughing roughly. Everything was blurry and it felt like I couldn't get enough air in my body. I was awake but I wasn't coherent. I could hear everything going on around me but for somereason I couldn't speak. My body felt cold once more.

"Hazel it's okay I'm here," Carlisle said taking my hand.

~Third Person Point of View~ A Few Minutes Before~

"Help," Edward heard in his mind. He stopped waiting for it to return; this time it was another voice, "Violet." He walked slowly as if tracking his prey.

"It's over here," he called aloud to his family.

"Are you sure," Carlisle appeared beside him. Edward nodded, "Positive."

"Well what are we waiting for," Emmett said starting to dig. Jasper, Carlisle, and Edward wasted no time in joining in, making the process quicker. The stopped when the shovels hit stone; concrete to be exact. Emmett bent down to break it.

"Emmett be careful," Alice warned, "Hazel's under there." He nodded slamming his fist into the concrete slab using half of his strength. Cracks made their way through the slab. Slowly everyone took their time to remove each cracked piece of rock. Carlisle sighed with relief when Hazel came into view. But his happiness was short lived once he got a good look at her. Her, already, pale skin was paler than his. Her lips were dark purple and her body wouldn't stop shaking. He reached to pull her out of the tomb pulling off his coat to lay her on it.

"What's wrong," Jasper asked seeing his face and sensing his despair.

"She's not breathing," he replied ripping her shirt open. Opening her mouth Carlisle began pumping on her chest.

"Come on Hazel. Breathe baby please," Carlisle said before blowing into her mouth once more. He sat back on his heels pinching the bridge of his nose. Emmett looked down as he crouched down punching the ground in anger. Jasper closed his eyes turning his head away not wanting to believe she was gone.

"She's still alive," Alice said breaking through the silence. She ran to the Mercedes to grab the bag of clothes that she brought for Hazel. They looked at Hazel waiting for her to move; to breathe. Finally after a few seconds of intense silence and heavy anticipation she gasped. Opening her eyes she gripped blindly for something.

"Hazel it's okay I'm here," Carlisle said taking her hand. She looked at him dazed opening her mouth to say something but no words would come out. "Alice is going to get you dressed and then we're going to take you home okay?" She nodded closing her eyes relaxing her body. Alice stepped up beside Carlisle holding comfortable clothes for her. Carlisle picked up a blanket that they had brought for her and held it up so she would be covered while Alice changed her. It didn't take her long to put Hazel in Victoria Secret sweats and a hoodie. Carlisle wrapped her in the blanket picking her up bridal style kissing her forehead.

"I'll drive," Jasper said walking over to the driver's side of the jeep while Carlisle got into the back with his beloved across his lap. Edward took the Mercedes keys from Alice knowing he and Emmett would be in it.

The drive home seemed to go faster than the drive to there. When they first crossed into Forks Jasper drove to the hospital while Emmett went to notify the police and Emmett went to tell the wolves. When Carlisle Cullen brought Hazel through the emergency room everyone was shocked; they seemed to be frozen.

"I need some medical attention over here," he voiced brought them back to reality. A nurse rushed over with a gurney and he placed her on it gently. Carlisle followed the fast paced rolling table until a doctor stopped him.

"I'm sorry, Carlisle, but I can't let you go any further," Dr. James said frowning slightly, "But you'll be the first person to know how the surgery goes."

"That's fine," Carlisle nodded sitting in one of the waiting area chairs.

"She's going to be okay," Alice whispered from beside him; Jasper left them alone going to a patient's room.

"You're Jasper right," Jesse asked looking away from the window to the door.

"Yes and you're Hazel's brother right," Jasper replied pulling up a chair beside his bed.

"Is there something you needed?"

"I wanted to let you know that we found Hazel. She was admitted a few moments ago," Jasper said catching his attention.

"Is she okay," he asked sitting up trying to get out of bed.

"Honestly no but she's alive." Jesse sighed in frustration putting his head in his hands.

"Why are you here then," he asked finally looking up.

She wouldn't have wanted you to worry. You mean a lot to her and I know she means the world to you," Jasper's southern voice came out thick and soft. He then got up to leave having nothing else to say.

"You know," Jesse muttered to Jasper before he could leave the room, "Your family is different from how the media portrays vampires." Jasper froze his eyes widening, "W-what-"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about Major Jasper Whitlock."

"How did you find out?"

"Research... I had to make sure my baby sister was safe. I didn't stop it because I know you and your family only feed on animals." Jesse had a smirk on his face as he relaxed on the stiff hospital bed.

"Why did you let her some around us then," Jasper asked finally turning to look at Jesse.

"Because I saw how much you care for her; how much your family cares. What kind of brother would I be if I took that away? She hasn't been happy like this since before mom died." Jasper nodded once again not knowing what to say. He quietly left making his way to Carlisle.

"Has she come out of surgery yet," he asked taking a seat.

"No," Carlisle's gentle voice replied, "But I'm hoping she's not as bad as she seemed."

"Jesse knows," Jasper said after a moment of silence.

"Knows what?"

"That we're," he paused before whispering to Carlisle in a volume only he could hear, "vampires. He's not mad though. He said Hazel's hasn't been this happy in a long time." Carlisle smiled putting his son's knee.

Heavy knocks on the Clearwater's door woke them in the early morning hours. Stumbling

out of bed Harry, followed by Sue, crept down stairs before opening the door.

"Can I help you," Harry asked politely through his half sleep state.

"I just thought you should know we found Hazel and she is currently at Forks Hospital in surgery," Emmett answered.

"You found her," Sue asked rhetorically before continuing, "Where?"

"Bastard had her in a concrete covered box."

"Mom... Dad what's going on," Seth called from his place near the bottom of the stairs interrupting them.

"Nothing sweetie; go back to sleep," Sue said softly. When she and Harry turned back to face Emmett all they saw was an open door. Emmett did the same routine with the rest of the wolves that helped before crossing back into vampire territory to be with Carlisle at the hospital.

"Heard anything yet," he asked sitting next to Rose, who had arrived moments before. She shook her head solemnly causing her husband to sigh.

Almost two hours and, roughly, thirty minutes into their wait the doctor exited the O.R. heading towards them. Everyone perked up a little upon seeing him.

"Is everything okay," Carlisle asked shooting up from his seat.

"Yes, we were able to stabilize her and at the moment she's in a room sleeping off the anesthesia," Dr. James replied.

"What was wrong with her," Edward asked.

"She was suffering from hypothermia, dehydration, multiple infected cuts, severe nerve damage to her wrists, a broken hand, several broken and cracked ribs, damage to the lining of her throat, second degree burns, a fractured eye socket," he paused looking at the pale family letting out a shaky breath before continuing, "internal bleeding, and she was raped. Quite frankly I'm surprised she's still alive."

"Doctor James," a nurse called, "The woman with red hair that you just operated on is awake." Dr. James' face mirrored the shock that laced the nurse's words.

"Excuse me," he said turning in a hurry rushing off to her room.

A relieved smile made its way to Charlie's lips after getting word from Edward Cullen, and confirmation from the hospital, that Hazel Green had been found. He walked into the interrogation room sitting across from Joshua Rusk, who had refused to give up his conspirator's name.

"Look you can come in here every day for the next year and I still wouldn't tell you anything," Joshua broke the silence with a cocky smirk.

"That's fine but I won't need to because we found Hazel and when she's well enough to talk we'll get all the information we need," Charlie replied lackadaisically leaning forward, "And the plea bargain is off the table now. For the record I, personally, want to see you rot in federal prison for what you did to that poor young woman." After saying those words Charlie got the satisfaction of seeing Joshua's face pale with panic before leaving.

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