TMNT One-Shots

By ERWritings

333K 5.7K 6.2K

Just a collection of TMNT X Reader One-Shots. Will take Requests. Will not do any with Casey, or any villains... More

Leo X Reader: A Reality Check
Raphael X Shy!Reader: Tough Love
Donnie X Reader: Importance
Michelangelo X Reader: Skateboard
Raphael X Reader: Losing Spike
Leonardo X Reader: Betrayed
Leo x Reader: Betrayed Cont.
Leonardo X Hothead!Reader
Donnie x Suicidal!Reader: Safe
Raphael x Depressed!Reader: Let Me Go!
Raph x Reader: Beyond The Lock & Key
Donnie x Request: Just A Crush (Pt. 1)
Raphael x Shy!Reader: Halloween is NOT My Holiday
Turtle x Reader:
Mikey x Reader: AU
Donnie x Child!Reader: Friendship is...
AU Leo x Reader: Leader's Girlfriend

Raph x Reader: A Different Girl Than You Knew

18.9K 301 254
By ERWritings

A/N: So I'm thinking of doing a prequel to this, like maybe just a few one-shots that kind of relate to this but could also connect to make a kind of short story type thing.. Please, vote, comment, all that good stuff. Sorry it took so long and I promise I'm getting to your personal requests. I'm trying to do them as best as I can but it's a bit hard. Like I am working on the one that best fits my mood that day so that I can try to feel the same way you want your OC to feel so that it's not like WAY off from what you expected.

You shivered a little, holding your little brother close to your body. He was trembling, and you knew there was nothing you could do go get rid of his fear. Ever since the Kraang took over New York, you didn't know how you kept the both of you alive. Your older sister had sacraficed her life for you and your little brother, and your parents.... well, they were one of the first to get mutated.

"Shh.. it's okay, (Y/b/n)." You whisper softly, holding his head close to your chest and running your hands through his hair soothingly. He was trying so hard to be brave, to not burst into tears. It was hard for you to stay strong, but you had to for him. He needed you to be strong, so you were.

Or at least you tried to be.

Being you were suddenly attacked and your city was invaded by weird brain-looking aliens, you thought you were handling things pretty well. You managed to survive, learning quickly how to be stealthy and turning into an expert in the art of fighting and war from the few encounters you've (unfortunately) had with the robot things who called themselves the Kraang. You just hoped the turtles were okay. You had met them many months before the invasion, when Leonardo saved your oldest sister. She had fallen in love with him immediately, and talked non-stop about him.

You had found it strange that she would be so in love with a mutant turtle, but then you had met them when they saved your own life, and you could see why your older sister had befriended them so easily and so happily. Raphael had been really distant, and he'd always shunned you and ignored you, snapping out rude insults and only adding to your insecurity. Mikey had been your favorite. He always managed to cheer you up when you were down.

Now, you were wondering where they were.

Where had the turtles disappeared to?

Your little brother clung onto your shirt,  his body racking from the sobs he was holding back, trying not to make an audible sound. Just when you thought you were safe, Kraang droids came bursting in through the doors and grabbed you and your little brother, dragging you outside into the streets of abandoned New York. Your (e/c) eyes widened and you screamed out for your little brother who was sobbing out your name and begging for you to help him. You had been taken off guard. Anger flooded your blood, but the grip the Kraang held you in was too tight for you to move, it's hands holding yours behind your back with one hand and your neck with the other, causing you to slowly begin to lose consciousness.

"BOOYAKASHA!" A familiar voice shouted as you begin to lose consciousness.

M-Mikey?  You thought to yourself, passing out.

"Are we sure it's her?" Raph asked, green eyes narrowed as he looked down at your sleeping body. You had passed out when the Kraang had you, and the four brothers including Casey Jones and April had saved you. They had brought you and your little brother back to the place they had been hiding for the past couple of months.

"Yes, Raph. We're sure." Donnie said, sighing a bit at his older brother. The turtle was being distrustful to everyone and everything. But Donnie knew for a fact that it was you. Raph just didn't want to believe it.

"Mitey!" Your little brother giggled out from behind the two turtles, his little fingers grabbing onto the tails of the orange mask Michelangelo wore. The young boy had just immediately taken a liking to Mikey, just like you had. Mikey was your favorite, after all. At least, in general. But deep down you knew that there was something about Raph that made your heart skip a beat and speed up and your breath get caught in your lungs when you saw him. He was Raphael though. And he only ever snapped insults at you.

"What are we gonna do with 'em when she wakes up?" The hothead asked, crossing his arms over his chest but not taking his gaze off of your body as if he was just waiting for you to turn into a Kraang droid.

"They're staying here." Leo said as he walked up, stopping next to his angry brother to look down at you as well. "Her little brother said that (Y/s/n) died saving them... They're my responsibility." He spoke seriously, looking at Raphael with pain in his blue eyes. While he wouldn't have ever acted on them, the leader of the turtles had returned the feelings for your oldest sister. When they had left town, Leo couldn't stop thinking about what might happen to her and you and your little brother.

As if on cue, your eyes squinted, closing tighter for a moment before slowly fluttering open. It was hard to make out anything at first, your vision was a bit blurry and you were still feeling kind of dizzy. What had happened again? Where were you? The memories resurfaced and you gasped, shooting up into a sitting position and looking around with wide, frightened eyes. The expression of complete terror on your face caused Raph to cringe. You use to laugh in dangerous situations. Use to tell anyone they better not mess with you because he and his brothers would go save you.

Now you looked like he was the one who would attack you.

That stung.

"(Y/n), it's alright. It's okay." Donnie spoke, holding his hands out to you like a human would while approaching a scared animal. Your eyes flickered to the purple masked turtle and the fear turned into overwhelming relief. You started crying as you jumped from the couch and wrapped your arms around Donatello, body trembling.

"Oh thank God you're alright. I was so worried you guys had been captured by the Kraang." You mumbled out, slowly letting go. "My brother! Wh-"

"He's with Mikey." You were cut off only to be reassured and you smiled a bit, looking over to see it was true. Mikey was on the floor playing with your little brother, who looked absolutely giddy. It was a sight you hadn't seen in months. The relief almost caused your body to topple over, but you felt strong, steady arms wrap around you and keep you upright.

"Clumsy as ever, are ya, (Y/n)." The voice was deep in your ear, and you shivered a bit, cheeks heating up as your brain registered exactly who had caught you. You turn your head to confirm what you already knew as true only to become completely at awe with what you saw. You hadn't seen the red-masked turtle in months. So seeing him now... seeing the dark green shade of his skin against the bright red mask, seeing the light green of his eyes, the smirk on his lips. Your bottom lip trembled as you fought oncoming tears.

"Raph!" You wrapped your arms around his neck and buried your face in his shoulder. "You're okay." You couldn't help it. Your relief was massive at the moment. They were all okay. You were okay. Your little brother was okay. Everything was working out. In the end it'd be alright.

"'Course I'm okay. Now get off me!" Raph replied, sounding a bit annoyed.

"R-Right." You stutter out, feeling a little self-conscious about yourself. You had forgotten that Raph had always had a special hatred for you. And you had never gotten to figure out what about you made Raph so agitated. "Sorry." You let go and took a few steps back, staring at the ground.

"Nothin' to be sorry 'bout." Raph grumbled in reply, a result of the look Donnie had given him that clearly said he should reassure you. He normally wouldn't have even cared, but you did just go through a traumatic experience. He and his brothers had survived the invasion by skipping town. You had stayed for all of those months and survived all on your own. He was quite impressed, given how quiet you usually were.

"Right..." You mumble out awkwardly before you glance over to Leo, meeting his blue gaze.

"(Y/n), I understand you just woke up and you've been through a lot, but I need to ask you about the Kraang." He said, sounding apologetic. You just nodded your head and flashed the dark green turtle an understanding smile and then shyly glanced at Raph for a second before you headed over towards Leo and sat down next to him.

"I don't know their hiding places, but they don't check the south side of town, and if you need to get anywhere, the easiest way is to follow right behind their patrol without detection, since they don't back trace or have more than one group in an area. I'm sorry I don't know more. That is it.." You said, looking down at your hands and biting your bottom lip.

A large green hand rested on your shoulder and you looked up and into Leo's deep gaze. It had always soothed you, like looking at the ocean. "It's alright, (Y/n). That's all we need. You've been through a lot, why not take it easy?"

You look down for a moment before looking back up and into Leo's eyes. "Leo... did you.. uh... did you like her, my sister?" You couldn't help but ask. You had known that your older sister was madly in love with Leo. Every time she had spoken of him the stars had practically been in her eyes and when she had come home and told you about hanging out with him she would sigh contently and lay on her bed for hours gushing about how amazing he was and how cute he was. You didn't want it to be all for Leo to not even like her back in the slightest.

This time, it was Leonardo who averted his gaze, letting it land on a nearby wrapper as if it were very interesting. He slowly returned his gaze to yours and nodded his head. "Yeah. I did. I just never got the chance to tell her." You nodded your head and reached out your own hand to touch his shoulder. He felt guilty. You could see it. Not only had Leo left your sister in the city not knowing if she was safe, but he had been so consumed by Karai right before the invasion that he had made her cry and broke her heart. He had never gotten the chance to apologize to her. And you knew it was eating him up inside.

"If it makes you feel any better, Leo, she was always so sure you'd come back to save us, even if not her. She was always more worried about you than she was herself." You then gave Leo a long, sweet hug. The poor turtle. He had lost so much, all of them had, but Leo was the one who had the most distant look in his eyes.

A couple hours later, you went up to the roof, hiding out in the safest location that you could up there. You let out a soft sigh as you thought about everything that had happened. Your little brother was safe inside with the turtles - he had taken a liking to Michelangelo and was refusing to let the happy-go-lucky turtle leave him.

"You're gonna get yourself caught if ya keep sitting out here all night." The Brooklyn accent of the red-masked turtle caused you to jump a little.

"Yeah?" You replied softly, not even sounding defiant. You had given into Raph's constant insults. "Look, Raph. If you came up here to have a few verbal rounds with me go find Casey. I can't do it right now." You had your arms wrapped around your midsection, your back leaning against a wall and your butt a little numb from the way you were sitting on it.

"Now ya just sound plain bummed out. C'mon. Where's the spitball I left behind?" Raph tried to joke, taking a seat next to you, one sai in his hand, he spun it around his fingers boredly.

"She lost her parents and big sister to the Kraang and had a major reality check when the four turtles she was counting on to save her never showed up." You replied softly, letting out a sigh.

Raph flinched a little next to you, his green eyes glancing at you constantly. He hadn't meant to leave you behind. Of all of the people, he had wanted to go to you first. But then there was Casey and April... and they had lost Master Splinter - or thought they had - and he felt guilty because he had to admit to himself that you hadn't been one of the people on his mind when he was thinking of those in danger.

But that was because he thought he could always protect you. That there was no way he could lose you. And Raph had realized while sitting and waiting for Leo to wake up, that if his own brother wasn't safe, there was no chance you'd be alive when they returned to take the city back over. And seeing you when they had, crying and having no sign of the little feisty girl you had been when he had left, it broke his heart. He didn't know what to say. The teasing he usually shot at you - albeit were mostly insults - only seemed to make you get teary eyes even more..

He hadn't even thought that you would have been counting on him to save you.

He hadn't even thought past thinking Master Splinter was dead.

"I'm sorry.." He forced out.

"Don't be, Raph. I had thought if anyone would have came it would have been Leo." You admitted.

"What?" Raph growled out, his guilt quickly replaced by anger. "Why the hell would ya think Leo would save ya over me?" He glared at you. His mind was yelling at him to calm down. To stop. He could see the fear in your eyes, the way you flinched back. Raph realized he had punched a hole in the wall next to him.

"Because I thought Leo would come back for my sister. And when she died and there was no sight of any of you, I was sure I would be next to die." You replied, eyes watering. Your hands grabbed at your sides as if it would make you feel any more safe. It didn't help in the slightest. Raph's sudden anger wasn't new, but you weren't use to it anymore.  And after what happened, it had startled you.

"And ya didn't think I would come back for ya?" Raph's anger seemed to be a little more contained, but there was hurt in his green eyes. "Ah whatever!" He stood up and waved a hand, seemingly not caring about whatever he had been about to say.

The emotion that the hothead had shown had genuinely surprised you, because you hadn't thought of him being the type of guy who would care. Your mind told you to get up and follow him, but you were afraid. Afraid of Raph. Of what he would say. For so long you'd had silly little fantasies of how he would save you and then be your knight in a turtle shell. He hadn't been. And it'd been so long without seeing him that you had forgotten just how much he appeared to hate you. But the hurt at your lack of faith in him said something that went against everything you had believed about Raphael. You weren't sure what to think.

"Raph!" Without thinking, you jumped up to go after Raphael and hit your head on the pole above your head. "Oww!" You hissed, stopping to reach for your head with one hand. A warm, sticky substance caused you to slowly pull your hand back. Blood. You hadn't realized you had jumped up with so much force.

Raph was upset, but the tone of your voice rang straight through his barriers and into his heart. The way you called his name... so desperately... as if you were in danger and needed his help. Green eyes shut tightly behind a red mask, the second oldest turtle trying to convince himself to keep walking. But his imagination betrayed him, displaying the horrifying image of you, beat up and crying, holding your little brother close and trying to survive for months, shaking and getting a hopeful look in your eyes when you thought you heard him coming to save you. He hadn't. He hadn't saved you. Eventually he and his brothers had accidentally found you, but he hadn't even looked for you when he returned. He had given up on you. A lot faster than you had given up on him.

Opening his eyes, he turned around and looked at you, eyes widening at the sight of the wound on your head. His body moved faster than his mind as he rushed over to you and reached for your face, his large thumb-like finger reaching up to touch the blood on your head. "You're so clumsy, (Y/n)." The comment came out more annoyed than he had intended.

"S-Sorry." You mumbled in reply, looking down and unable to look the red-masked turtle in the eye.

"Let's go get you cleaned up, alright?" Raph sounded a lot softer than you'd heard him in a while, and you looked up, tear-filled eyes wide in shock.

"Y-You mean it?"

"Of course I d-" Raph took a look at your expression and sighed, running his three-fingered hand across his face, "Yes. I mean it." His annoyed tone turned into something softer.

You hated this. Hated being so pathetically weak. But the Kraang... how the turtles had managed to stay the same completely was a mystery to you. Before the Kraang invasion... you'd been a completely different person. Any insult Raph shot at you would be returned with an equally harsh comment or a sassy retort. You would roll your eyes at his attitude and poke his cheek to be annoying and would randomly go to sit on his lap simply to annoy him. Once or twice you had even had the courage to spar with Raph, and one out of the two times you had almost beaten him (granted you had used a cheap trick by pretending to be hurt or by doing something unexpected like licking his cheek). In the end though, Raph had always gotten you on the ground, and had always given you a soft, proud smile for how hard you'd fought despite knowing he was better trained than you had been.

Raph eased you back into the little building they were hiding out in, your eyes unable to be torn away from him. He really was handsome. When you'd first thought the words was a story for another time. Regardless of the story, you'd been embarrassed to death because Raph was a turtle. A turtle. But then you slowly realized that it didn't matter. He was freaking attractive for a turtle. All of them were, but Raph... you'd thought he was the most attractive. Even now, as he was walking with you towards the area they had set up as a make-shift 'patch up' area.

"Will ya stop starin' at me?" Raph grumbled out awkwardly as he rummaged through a few boxes until he found a rag to wet in order to clean up the blood, peroxide to keep it from getting infected, cotton balls for the application of peroxide, and a bandage to cover up the wound in order to keep out the dirt.

"O-Oh. Sorry." You tore your gaze from the red-masked turtle and looked down, biting your bottom lip and fiddling with your fingers a little.

"Ya gotta be more careful, (Y/n)." Raph said as he tilted your head up so he could clean the wound. "It's hard to keep track of you if ya keep runnin' off and getting yourself hurt." He was already wetting the cotton ball with peroxide. "Alright this might hurt a bit." With that, Raphael dabbed the wet ball onto your wound and his usually serious, hard gaze softened at your gasp of pain. Seeing you in pain at all only made Raph feel worse, but he didn't know what he could do to help you.

"I know... I don't try to get hurt." You told him after the initial sting of the peroxide faded. "I guess trouble seems to love me." You shrugged your shoulders as Raph applied the Band-Aid to your head, his hands splaying across your forehead in different directions to smooth it out, but they didn't immediately leave your face like you had assumed they would.

Instead, his hands slid down to cup your cheeks. Raph's green eyes met yours, and the rare emotion of uncertainty flickered within the color that had always seemed to draw you to him. His eyes left yours for a split second to look at your lips, which caused you to lick your bottom lip without realizing what you were doing, before looking back into your eyes.

"Raph?" You breathed out, waiting for what you had wanted to happen for months.

Your voice seemed to break the trance. Raph blinked and immediately dropped his hands from your face, head turning to look away from you at the same time. "If ya need anything else, don't ask me." He turned and walked off, leaving you disappointed and confused, staring after him. That look in his eyes. It hadn't been the look of a turtle who didn't host feelings for you as well... so why had he turned away and shut himself off so quickly again? Had you done something wrong?

"Oh, Raphael..." You let out, shoulders sagging. "Will you ever let me in?" You spoke into an empty room. Would things ever change? You weren't sure.

A/N: I didn't know what to title it and sorry if it ended kinda roughly. I'm thinking of doing part 2 or somethin' but y'know.... I try my best guys! Also, I'm gonna say this:

I write most of these for the shy girls bc we honestly don't have enough.

I'm gonna work on writing a few with a really badass reader who is like able to keep up with Master Splinter (to a point like let's be honest here) and kinda awes the turtles.

I don't write these to fit every single person. Some may fit you and you may like, others you'll sit there rolling your eyes saying you'd never do that. I agree. You probably wouldn't. or would. The point is to try to relate to a vast majority of readers. Not just those who are sassy or those who can't talk well or those who start to cry when getting lectured even if they aren't being harsh. I try to spread it out. So yes, not all of these will be to your liking and I hope you understand and accept this.

That is all.

Thank you and I love you!

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