Drowning (editing) (complet...

By DarkAngelofFire16

181K 6K 320

This story is about a girl, who lost someone dear to her, and was forced to have a change of scenery. She has... More

Chapter 1
Don't/My Baby
Oh hell yes!
Who are you?
She is..
Panic atack?
Hello sleeping beauty
What the hell just happend..
Darkest death
Who am i?
You're welcome
It Never Ends
Darkness Is Coming
Ruin The Soul To Save The Life
Its time
She Does Not Know Mercy
I hope
Its here!

What the hell is that?!

7.1K 273 7
By DarkAngelofFire16

"I'm so glad we didn't stay there!" Kato shouts

Rolling my eyes "calm yourself boy, why are you such a man whore but you act like a goodie boy?" I ask raising my eye brow at him I wanted to say gay but I thought that might be mean and I hate when people use the word for idiot reasons.

He blushes slightly "I am not a man whore.." He mumbles

My face goes blank "you room is right next to mine Kato I can hear the moans and giggles and the sm...um sound is hard to miss." I say stumbling over the last part glancing over at the girl.

He shifts uncomfortably blushing deeper "that's just sounds that are on a recorder in my room..it when I'm watching a movie" He mumbles I raise my eye brow but drop it, this boy is weird..


We left the diner now we are in my car driving around aimlessly Kato fell asleep in the back seat.

I keep glancing over at the girl she smells human...but a werewolf has not mated to a human in over two thousand years and that human was only a a small part human.

I hear her clear her throat and realize that I have been staring at her instead of the road I look away with a small smile.

"So...um where are we going?" She asks quietly.

I sigh "I honestly don't know I was just so relaxed that I hadn't thought about anything besides driving my baby.." And listening to your heart beat and surrounding my self with your sent is what I wanted to say but I didn't.

"I should get home..do you mind dropping me off?" She asks softly looking down at her lap twiddling her thumbs nervously.

I frown "yeah, sure. Where do you live?" I asks reluctantly.

She tells me where and I head that way taking my time ofcorse and she does not seem to mind.

"Why do you talk to me?" She asks with only curiosity

I pull up at her house "because you are worth talking to.." I say simply.

She smiles with a blush rising on her cheeks and let me tell you it's beautifully perfect "but you would be one of those girls that hate people, right?" She asks sounding confused.

I chuckle shaking my head "no love, I only dislike the ones that hurt others with out thought or carelessly,c I don't care what happened in your past or to this day it never gives you a reason to bully others..I don't hate you until I understand you" I say seriously and sincerely.

She looks thoughtful and nodes "that's a good way to live..well I better get going" she says softly she opens the door and a reached smell rushes in to my car causing my body to tence and Kato sits up quickly.

"What the hell is that?!" SHe ask angrily almost a growl coming from his mouth at the surprise of it.

~AN: hey please do tell me what you think, I'd love to know. I work on this book in my notes and then put it on here so if you want a longer part then tell me! Till next time mates!~ 😉

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