Be my... Rehab? {sequel to be...

By Sterling_Paige

981 13 28


Be my... Rehab? {sequel to be my drug a louis tomlinson fanfic}
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 5 prt 1
Chapter 5 part 2
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 4

34 1 4
By Sterling_Paige

Louis POV


“And now, I pronounce you husband, and wife”

i looked up to the altar to see isabelle standing there, she looks so happy, thats my baby girl all grown up, who is she marrying?!

Marcus, she is marrying marcus, or somebody that looks like him, she is so radiant

“And now folks, time for the father daughter dance”

she looked at me, smiling, no, grinning, she is so happy, I stepped toward her and reached out for her hand, she held on, like she didn’t want to let go,

(song i loved her first by heartland)

Look at the two of you dancing that way

Lost in the moment and each others face

So much in love your alone in this place

Like there's nobody else in the world

I was enough for her not long ago

I was her number one

She told me so

And she still means the world to me

Just so you know

So be careful when you hold my girl

Time changes everything

Life must go on

And I'm not gonna stand in your way

But I loved her first and I held her first

And a place in my heart will always be hers

From the first breath she breathed

When she first smiled at me

I knew the love of a father runs deep

And I prayed that she'd find you someday

But it still hard to give her away

I loved her first

How could that beautiful women with you

Be the same freckle face kid that I knew

The one that I read all those fairy tales to

And tucked into bed all those nights

And I knew the first time I saw you with her

It was only a matter of time

But I loved her first and I held her first

And a place in my heart will always be hers

From the first breath she breathed

When she first smiled at me

I knew the love of a father runs deep

And I prayed that she'd find you someday

But its still hard to give her away

I loved her first

From the first breath she breathed

When she first smiled at me

I knew the love of a father runs deep

Someday you might know what I'm going through

When a miracle smiles up at you

I loved her first

She started crying as i hugged her

“I love you sweet pea, and remember, you will always be my baby girl, no matter what”

“I love you too daddy, so much”

“okay enough with the mush go get him tiger!”

she just laughed, is so happy, my baby girl, i looked to london, who was crying,

i walked up behind her and hugged her from behind


she tensed up and lost her balance when i hugged her and she almost fell,

^^"I've got you, I always will." ^^she inhaled and wiped her tears,

“And now, for the new couple’s first dance!”

Ordinary, no

Really don't think so

Not a love this true

Common destiny

We were meant to be

Me and you

Like a perfect scene

From a movie screen

We're a dream come true

Suited perfectly

For eternity

Me and you

Everyday, I need you even more

And the nighttime too

There's no way I could ever let you go

Even if I wanted to

Everyday I live

Try my best to give

All I have to you

Thank the stars above

That we share this love

Me and you

Everyday, I need you even more

And the nighttime too

There's no way I could ever let you go

Even if I wanted to

Ordinary, no

Really don't think so

Just a precious few

Ever make it last

Get as lucky as

Me and you

Me and you

(A.N that songs makes me cry... :’) my big sister sang that at a wedding when she was three, she’s now 18, she grew up! <3 continue reading!!)

the way he held her, like he didn’t want to break her, i remember holding london like that, i remember that day, like it was yesterday, i was so happy...

*FLASHBACK(in dream)

“I’m nervous Harry! what if she doesn’t love me anymore! what if, she hates me and doesn’t want to marry me?”

“Lou! snap out of it! Lon loves you, with all her heart! she will never hate you, she loves you too much!”

“You’re right, thanks, harry, love ya mate”

“love you too, lou, now lets get you hitched!”

I started humming when i look to the sky, by train, that song, london walks around in my shirts , humming that song, i am grinning like a fool at the thought, I noticed harry peeking out the door

“Harry? what’s going on?!” i whined, as hes taller than me, i couldn’t see out

He just chuckled, grr i hate that curly haired man sometimes

“Lou! its time!” I took three settling breaths and stepped out the door, in my tuxedo, light blue tie, all London’s design...

I walked up to the altar and stood there respectively, waiting on my bride to come out, harry stood behind me, since he is my best man,

i heard the music, Brittany walked up the aisle, on Zayn’s arm, i saw her wedding band shining, her and zayn got married not too long ago anyway, then walked in Lila, London’s other best friend, on Liam’s arm, then Fuzzy, i don’t think i ever found out her real name, walked out on Niall’s arm, they all look beautiful, i can’t begin to imagine what my beautiful bride will look like,

then, finally, the bride music began, and the whole reception stood up and turned around, my heart stopped, out walked, the love of my life, in a beautiful light blue gown, that went to the floor and was tight around her chest area, and flared out, at her hips, it really was beautiful, her hair was done in an elegant bun, the ring i got her, her engagement ring, sparkled proudly on her finger, she walked, slowly, on her brother’s arm, down the aisle, she is breathtaking,

she finally reached the altar, grinning from ear to ear, she is beautiful.... did i already say that?

“hi” she mouthed shyly to me i chuckled

“hey” i was smiling, she makes me goofy, totally goofy

“I love you, forever and always”

“I love you too, forever and always” this was all while the priest was speaking so i missed the first, quarter, maybe half of his little speech thingy?

“Mr.Tomlinson, would you like to say your vows?”


“then please, do”

“London Michelle Whitley, We met by a havenstance, almost ten years ago, ever since that minute, when i first saw you, even though you were crying, I knew, there was something different about you, we’ve been through so much together, so many things, that just make us stronger, I love you, London Michelle Whitley, forever and always”

she shed a tear

“ms.Whitley? would you like to go now?” she nodded

“Louis William Tomlinson, I didn’t know, i thought i could fool myself, i had to focus, you, you make my head reel, my heart flutter, you make so many things that have never happened to me happen, you are not only the love of my life, but my best friend, all of the things we have been through, all of it, the good, the bad, sure it was bad, but i could handle it, why? because i was with you, You make me stronger, you make me happy, you are the only one who is my other half, truly, my other half, I love you, Louis William Tomlinson”

“you may now kiss the bride” I kissed her, such love, in one kiss the priest wiped his eyes, that is the happiest day of my life...

*end of flashback, and dream!*

I woke up and looked to see my beautiful wife, now getting a few gray hairs speckling her scalp, she looks beautiful even getting older, then lila started to cry, yes we named our baby after her best friend!

“shh baby, i got it”

“ thank you Lou”

“You’re welcome, just go to sleep love”

i went and took care of my baby, she is so beautiful, just like her mum

~~~~~~~~~ :D~~~~~~~~~

Hey guys!!! soo i made a outfit, on polyvore for their wedding!

didn’t you think it was just cute?!

Sorry i haven’t updated, been busy!

remember to comment what thats from if you know, or you use the energy to find it! xD


~Sterlgirl <3

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