Your Lies, VIXX Neo fanfic

By erinini

46.7K 3K 722

Cha Hakyeon has a big problem... He can't seem to stop lying so easily. This nasty habit of his causes him t... More

0. A long time ago
1. Two boys two problems
2. Do yourself a favor
3. Don't do yourself a favor
4. Endure it
5. Don't endure it
6. Unexpected guest
7. They're partners
8. They're lovers
9. They're young
10. The missing step
12. Showcase - Part 2
13. Higher
14. Lower
15. You've got mail
16. Change
17. Never change
18. Don't lose hope
19. Lose hope
20. Precious days
20.5. Special; Hyukbin
21. Everywhere
22. Nowhere
23. Lucky
24. Unlucky
25. The dream
26. The reality
FF VIDEO + Next story?

11. Showcase

1.4K 108 7
By erinini


A light tap on the shoulder from behind.

"Excuse me... Are you looking for someone again?"

"Eh? Ah... I guess.", Wonshik said, surprised by the appearance of the same boy he had met the last time he came to this school.

He scratched his neck and smiled a sorry smile.

"Ken, was it?", he asked as he remembered.

Ken nodded slowly while feeling his cheeks unwillingly heat up. Happy because he remembered your name? Ken shook his head. Don't. Besides...

"Are you looking for Hakyeon-hyung again?"

"Yeah, i heard there was a showcase today...", Wonshik said and casually drew his hand through his hair while meeting Ken's gaze, who instantly looked away.

"It doesn't start until in like three hours... It's in the afternoon."

Ken sucked on his lips. Didn't this guy have his own schoolwork to manage? Or at least his own school to go to? Well, he did have that faint bad boy feeling to his looks... Wonshik nodded in understanding to Ken's words and they both stood awkwardly in silence for a few moments.

"If you want to... You can help me with the flowers?", Ken asked, slightly pitying the raven-haired boy.


The lights on the stage went on.

"Hello everyone, young and old, student or not. Welcome to ASC's showcase! I am the principal..."

Hakyeon glanced Taekwoon's way for a second as the principal continued speaking in the background. Wasn't Taekwoon nervous? He looked pretty much like he always did... Or maybe he tried to not show any reaction due to all the obvious whispering going on around us. Hakyeon clenched his fists that started to get sweaty.

"I'm so excited to hear Taekwoon-oppa sing again! I missed his voice!"

"I'm more excited to see The God of dancing."

"I heard he's really nothing special..."

"I heard the opposite! That he has been involved with Korea's best dance group."

"All eyes are on them, huh?"

"The God of dancing must be sooo good for our Taekwoonie-oppa to partner up with him!"

Hakyeon sank down in his seat just a tad, as if it would help closing out all noise. How could he possibly live up to all of their expectations?

"So, let's not wait any longer and bring up our first student! From class B2, Lee Jaehwan!"

Ken? Hakyeon straightened his back out of curiosity since Ken had told him that he usually ranked very high, right behind Taekwoon and soon after; he understood why. Ken had a very noticeable voice, the kind that really stood out. If Taekwoon's voice made one quiet and calm in order to take in as much as possible, Ken's voice was one that made your jaw drop and a strange desire to smile appear. You wanted to get involved.

Taekwoon's eyes narrowed as he watched his classmate up on stage, feeling the competitiveness lit inside of him. Suddenly, in the middle of Ken's high note, he felt Hakyeon lean in towards him a bit.

"He's really good, right?", Hakyeon whispered near Taekwoon's ear.

"He's getting too excited...", Taekwoon whispered back, unable to admit his nervosity.

Ken was really good of course, but if he admitted it then it would be like welcoming all the unsure feelings. For now, he had to believe that he was the best.

"Oh, really?", Hakyeon mumbled and drew back to his own seat, "I think he's good though..."

The soon principal went up on stage again and that's when Hakyeon leaned in a second time.

"You're not nervous?", he whispered.

"We're after the break so we won't be on in a while.", Taekwoon simply answered.


The next student came up on scene and got help from the teachers to set up her keyboard. The lights in the local changed to a darker purple as the first calm tones were heard.

"Taekwoon...", Hakyeon whispered and this time, he nudged his partners arm just slightly.

Taekwoon sighed, "What is it now?"

"You look really good today."

Taekwoon blushed and Hakyeon grinned brightly until he got his face pushed back with Taekwoon's free hand... The other hand had already searched itself to Hakyeon's, sneakily below, away from all eyes.

"Be quiet.", Taekwoon mumbled, "What if someone hears you..."

Hakyeon smiled and squeezed Taekwoon's hand softly, "With this, I'll stop."

With his eyes directed forwards, surrounded by music, he studied the stage.

I can do it.

A few numbers afterwards, the lights in the local went on and the chattering of  the people begun. Everywhere, they spoke about who they thought had been the best, which student that had given them goose-bumps or which student that hadn't lived up to their expectations. Hakyeon noticed with a relieved heart how Ken seemed to get a lot of positive attention directed towards him.

Taekwoon stood up and glanced around in the local, trying to find his parents. They must have arrived later as he spotted them in the other side of the room. He tapped Hakyeon's shoulder briefly.

"I'll see you backstage in ten minutes or so, i'm going to speak to my parents.", He said and Hakyeon nodded in understanding.

"I'll warm up."

Hakyeon left his seat and went out of the local. You had to go around if you wanted to go behind the scene to the dressing rooms and green room the correct way. In the corridors, as expected, eyes turned to him. An upperclassman Hakyeon had seen a few times in lunch hours patted his shoulder as he walked past.

"Do well, Hakyeon-ah!", he greeted and Hakyeon bowed politely back.

Next was a girl that was in his own class.

"You can do it Hakyeon-oppa! We believe in you."

Hakyeon smiled as answer and soon after reached his destination. Inside of there, he found an undisturbed corner and started to stretch his body. The low sound of the aula filling up again could soon be heard and Hakyeon went through the steps in his mind. He knew them. Nothing was wrong and he took a deep breath to calm his mind...

"Where should i put this?"

Hm? That voice...

"Ah, thank you for the help
Wonshik-sshi! Put it over there."


Hakyeon sat still for a few seconds until  he dared to slowly turn his gaze, and of course... Wonshik was already watching him with a big smile playing on his lips.

"T-Taek...", Hakyeon stuttered without thinking when Wonshik started to walk towards him.

Wonshik's manipulating gaze drew closer and Hakyeon took a step backwards only to stop at the wall behind him.



"Are you sure that you shouldn't go back.", Taekwoon mother asked him as he still stood in the aula speaking with the parents.

"It may start in five minutes but we have a pretty late number so we'll be waiting at least ten after that. It's fine.", Taekwoon answered and avoided her gaze.

"Well then...", His father laughed, "Oh, you got a mail from your teacher in America by the way."

Taekwoon looked up, sincerely interested by the topic, "What did it say?"

"Some comments on videos he watched on YouTube of you and reminiscing thoughts on your past problems, like your childhood friend.", His father laughed again, "Guess you really opened up, huh?"

Taekwoon's mother made a slight sulking face and crossed her legs.

"I'm jealous, you never tell us anything like that.", she said.

Taekwoon smiled briefly towards his mother before he directed his attention to his father once again.

"Please send the mail to my mail-address and I'll read it. I have to leave now."

"Do well.", his father said.

Yeah, of course I'll do well. I'd be doomed if i didn't.

One last fake smile escaped his lips before he left the room. His mind forgetting the mail for now since he had to focus on the showcase. He let a brief note out as he walked through the corridor. Satisfied, with how his voice had warmed up nicely, his steps got lighter. He was in a good mood today.

However, as he reached the waiting room and the music was on full volume up on the stage, he saw Hakyeon sitting sunk down on a bench leaning against the wall. He looked a bit... Out of it?

"Did you warm up?", Taekwoon asked him carefully and sat down on the bench beside him.

Hakyeon's mood really seemed to have changed drastically from just before the break... Taekwoon studied Hakyeon with worried eyes when he didn't get an answer to his question. That's when he spotted the small red mark on Hakyeon's neck, and when he looked closer... wasn't his hair ruffled and his clothing slightly messed up?

He leaned in towards Hakyeon and grabbed his chin to take a closer look on his face, only to get his hand shoved away by Hakyeon himself.

"What are you doing?", Hakyeon asked.

"Me? What the hell did you do?", Taekwoon grabbed Hakyeon's chin again, this time too strong for Hakyeon to interrupt, "You look like a mess..."

His eyes eyeing the red mark. Kiss mark? By whom?

"What happened?", he asked and let go of Hakyeon.

"Nothing. I'm fine."

Blank eyes, avoiding Taekwoon.
He didn't even hesitate...

"You're lying."

"I'm not. I'm fine."


Thanks for reading! ~
The next chapter is already written, i'll edit it and post it tomorrow/early the day after.

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