Rain Only Postpones Desolatio...

By AuroraLights

102K 1.1K 101

Stevie Erickson is a 16 year old white girl with black hair, and radiant green eyes who is a mix between bein... More

Chapter two - Waking up with him :p
Chapter three - Regained!
Chapter four - Stupid Kindergarten Crush
Chapter five - Amazing . . . Only For A Moment
Chapter six - And then I knew (Contains Some Sexual Content)
Chapter seven - Can't Believe I'm Losing Him
Chapter eight - What The Hell Happened?
Chapter nine - Back To The Begging
Chapter ten - Playing Games with Death
Chapter eleven - . . . Perfect timing
Chapter twelve - Can't Lose Her Too!
Chapter thirteen - Why all at once?
Chapter fourteen - Damnit Justine!!!
Chapter fifteen - How Didn't I know!?
Chapter sixteen - Glad You Understand
Chapter seventeen - It's Party Time!!!

Rain Only Postpones Desolation (GirlXGirl)

22.7K 136 7
By AuroraLights

Author's Note: Well guys this is my first story and I'm new at this so bear with me if the first couple of chapters aren't as good as they should be. However I PROMISE they will get better as they go along. I'm wanting to get at least 3 vote for my first story :D so hopefully you guys can help me with that.

Hey just an update a few years later I wanted to add in here, I started a fundraising campaign for 'I just want to be me. (Top surgery)  the link will take you to my page. Just reading it means a lot to me as well as spreading the link around. Don't feel the need to donate just trying to get it out there -


Prologue: Stevie Erickson is a 16 year old white girl with black hair, and radiant green eyes who is a mix between being a cute emo scene tom boy. She lived with her mom and brother on the second floor of a duplex on 18th street. Her bestie soul mate, which is what they called each other is Damien. Damien and Stevie are basically twins glued at the hip. Stevie hasn't really come out of the closet yet to anyone except Damien. Little did she know, she would meet the girl of her dreams that she almost, or maybe even does lose. As she fights her way through high school, Stevie has a lot to figure out.

Well. . . not really sure what else to put in this little memo here so I suppose I'll start the story :)




A few of my thoughts had been collected, but not the ones I needed. Sitting on the roof of the duplex I lived in, I felt a bit chilled as the rain poured viciously onto my entire body. I had never really been one to get sick after being in the rain for so long even if I had been soaked the whole time I was out there. This was always the best place and time for me to think about things. I had been spending a load of time up here lately due to how things were going at school. I was only one month into my junior year at Lincoln High in Tacoma Washington and already things were going downhill. My grades are slipping, I had managed to get a lot of people to hate me, and to top it off, I dated this boy I don't even have feeling for and wasn't able to at the begging how horrid this boy really was.

It's not really so much that I don't like him per say. It's more the fact of his gender. Also more of the fact of what he did to me. But anyways, since about six years ago I had been having thoughts about girls. Until recently, literally about only a week ago had I even been kissed by a girl. It was more of a surprise attack on my end. Well it was during second lunch and I was talking to my bestest friend Damien when all of the sudden this girl turns me around and kisses me. After she had realized I wasn't her girlfriend, both our faces turned beat read. She apologized and told me I looked like her girlfriend from the back. The girl, Damien, and I had all agreed it had never happened. So anyways, everything that was going wrong stared the first day of school.

*First Day of School*

"Hey Damien, wait up!" I yelled to try to catch his attention. 'I'm glad I found you. You never told me what classes you have." I think we hadn't told each other what classes we had the day of orientation because I had lost him at the last second in a crowd and my mom was already on her way to come get me because I had an orthodontist appointment. Yeah it sucked. I had to get braces put on two days before the first day of school.

"Oh hey Stevie," he said with a smile on his face "Your mouth still hurt from the braces?" Now Damien wasn't one of the most popular guys at our school but, he was well known. He was on the skinnier side with short blond hair with purple streaks in his bangs that he liked to put into a fohawk every once in awhile. He had glasses and usually wore skinny jeans and band T-shirts. He was also way taller than me. He was about 6'1.

"Hell yeah it hurts. I mean come on, really? My mom couldn't have gotten them like two weeks ago or something? Now the first week of school is going to be hell," Damien just had a boyish little smile on his face and I knew he wanted to laugh at my pain. I paused for a minute looking at his face, "You know what Damien, you can just suck it!"

"What did I do?" he tried not to laugh.

"You think it's funny and wanna laugh at me," I answered even though I knew he already knew.

He couldn't help but to laugh this time, "hahaha Stevie you sound funny, and I'm sorry but I had to go through the same thing in 8th grade and it's nice seeing it happening to someone else for a change." I just smiled at him and punched him in the arm. "Oww that hurt!"

"No it didn't you big baby." He put on a puppy dog face trying to convince me otherwise. I just pushed him and we both laughed. We continued the rest of the way to our first period in silence. We figured out that we had Pre calculus, English 3, Chemistry, 11th grade Tutorial, and Computer apps together. The only classes I didn't have with that boy were Body Toning and Spanish 3. After staring at the smart bored in Math class, we finally realized we were on opposite sides of the room. We didn't mind so much on account we loved passing notes to each other.

Trying to get to my seat, I hadn't seen a cord on the ground that was attached to an outlet on one end and a fan on the other. Not watching where I was going, I tripped on the cord, knocking over the fan and falling smacking my face on the floor. As the fan was falling, it had blown all the papers off of my teacher, Mr. Trenkit's desk. All of the sudden I felt a liquid running down my nose. I put my hand up to see that it was bleeding.

Trying to stop my nose from bleeding everyone surrounded me. I wasn't surprised. People as clumsy as me didn't come along very often. I looked up to see a hand held out to help me up. As I stood up receiving the help, I noticed it wasn't Damien who was the one helping me up. He would have gotten to me before anyone else if he hadn't have been for him sitting across the room. It was actually a girl I had never met coming to my aid. Not even a second later Damien was right next to me asking if I was alright. I was a bit dizzy so I didn't respond to his question.

"Mr. Trentik, do you want me to take her to the nurse?" I heard a voice say and realized it was coming from the girl who had helped me to my feet. Mr. Trantik was actually standing outside when it happened and had just walked in the room when the girl had asked him.

"What happened here?" He asked having missed every bit of it. "Stevie, sweetie, are you ok?" He knew my name because he was my 10th grade tutorial teacher last year.

Trying to focus on the words that had just came out of his mouth that sounded scrambled to me because I was still dizzy, I responded with, "Umm, can you repeat the question?" All of the sudden I was at in an ambulance. I herd a man say we were on the way to the hospital. My vision was blurry now and I could only make out that there were four figures surrounding me. I knew one of them was Damien because I heard his voice. I still felt very confused though.

We had just arrived at the hospital and, I think it was a doctor, asked me a series of questions. "Are you having trouble seeing? Dizziness or nausea of any sort?" I think I answered yes , but I was still very confused and didn't know what was going on. I heard my mother's voice and the sound of footsteps as the voice got closer to me. I felt her arms wrap around me and put me into a hug.

"I'll be right back, I need to go talk to the Doctor," she sounded worried when she said these words. It looked as if they had walked out of the room into the hallway leaving the door open. I couldn't make out what they were saying. Some words were still sounding like a different language to me. It sounded as if they were speaking Latin or something. The only word I did actually hear correctly was concussion. I began to get really scared. I still couldn't see, felt like throwing up, and didn't know what was going on. My mother and the Doctor walked back into the room. I started to feel a bit tired and wanted to go to take a nap.

My mother rushing over to me sort of shook me and the first thing she said was "Honey you CAN'T fall asleep!" I nodded my head to show her I was going to try not to fall asleep even though I didn't know why at the time. I just figured I should listen to what people were telling me. After a few hours I started to be able to see clearly again and I didn't feel sick or dizzy anymore. I had a giant headache though. I felt my head and it didn't feel like what I expected. I ran to the bathroom to go see what it looked like.

I look one look in the mirror and was in shock, "Mmmooooooooomm!" A few seconds later my mother walked into the room. "What happened to my head?" I asked as I stared at myself. There was an enormous gash in my head held together by stitches and it looked as if my nose was broken. I had two, not too bad but still noticeable black eyes and had dried blood in my nostrils. The cut was above my right eyebrow just barley hidden under my hair.

"The doctor said you might not remember."

"What do you mean?" I looked at her in confusion. "All I remember is being in Mr. Trentik's class room, falling and knocking things over, then all the sudden I'm in an ambulance, and then it skips to the hospital."

"Stevie, you got a concussion. Damien is here if you want to talk to him about it, he can tell you more than I can."

I went out of the bathroom and found him laying on my bed waiting for me. I guess he knew I would have this kind of reaction. "Ok I know I fell and all, but how did I get so beat up? And why Am I in so much pain? I didn't even fall that hard," in the few moments I had walked into the room, the pain had hit me all at the same time. It was mostly the headache that bothered me the most.

"You hit your head pretty hard as you can tell by now."

"Yeah, but how?! I don't remember even hitting my head at all."

"You tripped on the cord to the fan, knocked it over blowing all the stuff off of Mr. Trentik's desk, bashed your head on the corner of his desk and split ot open, and then slammed your face on the floor breaking your nose," he replied in all seriousness.

I couldn't help but to laugh under my breath when I said "Wow I'm really the biggest cluts in the world huh."

Damien looksurprised to hear the slightest bit of laughter, "You could have broken your neck stevie!" He stood up and walked over to me and grabbed my shoulders almost yelling at me.

"What's got you so upset? It's not like this stuff hasn't happened to me before. Well maybe not to the point of getting stitches, but still," I argued.

"Oh my gosh Stevie! I don't think you get how serious this could have been!"

"Umm yes I do, which is why I am not making a big deal about this. I'm alive aren't I?"

He wrapped me in a hug and choked on his words, "I just don't like seeing you like that. For a second when I wasn't next to you when you first fell I thought I was going to lose you."

"Aww, Damien. I'm ok, everything is fine now there is no need to worry," I tried to reassure him.

"I know, I just love you so much."

"I love you too Damien." Slowly I went out of the hug, "Hey you want to listen to some music and help me not fall asleep?"

"Hmhm of course," he said with a smile on his face.

*Later That Day*

Me and Damien were still in my room just talking and listening to music. We had been lying on my bed doing that for the past. . . I don't know like about four hours. Neither of us bothered to go back to school. I eventually got up and got my deck of cards off my dresser and we played BS. We then realized how stupid that was seeing as there were only two people playing. So we changed the game to go fish. I won the first three games and then Damien didn't wanna play anymore so we started playing slap jack.

I finally got around to thinking about earlier that day and asked him, "Hey, who was that girl?"

"What girl?" He had no idea what I was talking about because apparently when that girl helped me up, it wasn't as I had thought it had happened. The girl did help me up, but she didn't put a hand out. She and two other guys held me up. Oh and when she asked our teacher if she should take me to the nurse she actually told Mr. Trentik to call 911. I had gotten a load of things mixed up in my head after hitting it on the desk.

"That girl that helped me to my feet."

"Ohh I think I know who you're talking about. Her name is. . ." he paused for a bried second to think, and then it hit him, "Tanya!" he said with excitement because he remembered.

"Well who is she?"

"You seriously don't know her? She went to school with us since like 5th grade."

"Well after I fell my vision went blurry and I couldn't make out her face. She sounded nice though," I said with a little smile on my face due to the fact I liked her voice for some reason.

"You're not thinking what I think you are thinking are you?"

Lying of course I told him, "I have no clue what you are talking about," even though I really did. I hadn't even seen the girl's face and already I had a KindergartenCrush on the chick. Maybe it was the fact that her voice was strangely sweet and welcoming, or maybe it was the fact that she was one of the people to help me after I had fallen.

"Don't lie to me Stevie Alexis Ericson!" He could always tell when I was lying because I got a small smirk on my face.

I just looked at him and smiled. "Hey mom, can Damien spend the night?" he gave me a look as if he had the same idea in his mind.

"Sure, but Damien you had better keep an eye on her. Make sure she doesn't trip on anymore fan cords," my mother and I had always joked about me getting hurt as long as I was alright afterwards.

"Thank you!" I yelled from across the house. And with that we took the rest of the day slow because the Doctor had told me not to be to active and just rest. After a long day of basically just hanging out at home doing nothing me and Damien fell asleep listening to our favorite playlist on my IPod.

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