Xmen and Avengers (1)

By demfreaks

44.4K 813 202

Lafyia Mooncrest is a mutant on the run. Professor X finds her and sends Logan to get her. The Avengers get h... More

Lafyia Mooncrest
99 problems and a bitch is one
99 problems and a bitch is one part2
Bitch please
Ow my throat!
Authors note
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Jokes, Party, Probs
Party and Confessions
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Battle of Sokovia

734 21 5
By demfreaks

Okay so I was thinking that after this chapter I could continue on with how I wanted it to go or I could make a sequel or the chapter after this could be the end. What do you guys think? I'll let you guys decide and while that decision is being made I'll write some Venomous Love chapters and some Being Invisible chapters.
Quote: I'm so sorry. I failed you. You trusted me, and I failed you.
~Alfred, Dark Knight Rises
Lafyia's POV
I skipped around my broken room in an abandoned apartment building. I sang "I'm free! I'm free! From those nasty people! I'm free!"
I tapped into Ultron's matrix and saw that today was the day of the attack. I wandered out of my apartment and down the street. Ooo. Guess what? I found a name for myself. Mad Hatter. You like? Too bad it's the name I've chosen. I walked into a store and killed the workers then left my signature rose. The people of Sokovia have fallen to my idea of fun. My artwork has been displayed on the news around the world I wouldn't be surprised if The Avengers have heard of my art. Wanda and Pietro are with them now. It's disgusting. They've become the thing they hated the most. Although I have missed Pietro. His presence always seemed to keep me clam and sane. Hahahah. I'm insane now. Oh god I crack myself up! I continued to skip around the city mindlessly.

3rd POV
"Ultron knows we're coming. Odds are we'll be riding into heavy fire, and that's what we signed up for. But the people of Sokovia, they didn't. So our priority is getting them out." Steve said.
The monitor that Stark always uses in the Quinjet went off. Maria came on screen, "Guys there's another threat in Sokovia."
Files with terrible and gruesome deaths came up along with footage of a oddly dressed girl skipping, "They call her The Mad Hatter. She's killed 80 people in the last two days. Just watch out for her."
"Okay will do." Tony said and ended the call.
"All they want is to live their lives in peace, and that's not going to happen today. But we can do our best to protect them. And we can get the job done, and find out what Ultron's been building. We find Romanoff, and we clear the field. Keep the fight between us. Ultron thinks we're monsters and we're what's wrong with the world. This isn't just about beating him. It's about whether he's right." Steve said.
They landed and Wanda, Pietro, Clint, and Steve began evacuating the people. All the sudden Ultron's bots start attacking the city. "Go!" Steve yells showing the citizens were to go.
"Get off the bridge! Run!" Wanda yells helping people cross the bridge quickly.


In the heart of the city Lafyia has a cloak on, hiding her costume and face. She walked towards the church to find Ultron and a weird looking man fighting. She looked into his mind to find out he was Vision, created by Tony and Bruce with JARVIS's matrix in him. She threw a ball of fire at them and teleported to the ceiling hiding in the shadows. Both robots turned to here the fire came from, "Where did that come from?" Ultron asked.
"I do not know."
She shape shifted into a little girl as they began fighting again. She floated down and pretended to run into the church. She fell with an umph. They both turned to her and she pretended to be scared. Vision asked kindly, "Are you okay, child?"
She started to whimper, "I-I lost my mommy." she hiccuped.
"Oh. You're mommy is probably dead." Ultron said smiling at her.
She started to bawl and Vision gave Ultron a hard look.
They started to argue again and Lafyia turned back into her real form and threw a fireball at them again. They turned to her and Vision became confused not knowing her and Ultron gasped. "Rose? I thought you had died?" Ultron said.
She laughed and looked at her nails nonchalantly, "Nope. I'm alive, no help to you." She glared at both robots.
Ultron had a pained look, "But I-I love you."
She looked at him straight in the eyes, "But if you loved me why'd you leave me. Love? Love? Love? What is it good for? Nothing. At all."
"But I looked for you! I couldn't find you! I care, Rose." Ultron said desperately.
She looked down and smiled pitifully, "Nobody cares until dramatic happens. I may seem strong, but I bre-ak." Her voice cracking.
"Rose-" ultron tries to reason with her.
"Just stop ultron. I just came to show you I'm fine." She then disappeared in light.

FRIDAY said to Tony, "Your man's in the church, boss. I think he's waiting for you."
Tony flies into the church, where Ultron is waiting.
"Come to confess your sins?" Ultron asked.
Tony replied trying to buy time, "I don't know, how much time you got?"
Ultron retorted, "More than you."
Tony looked at Ultron, "Uhhh. Have you been juicing? A little Vibranium cocktail? You're looking, I don't wanna say, puffy..."
Ultron cut him off, "You're stalling to protect the people."
Tony replied, "Well, that is the mission. Did you forget?"
Ultron gave him a look, "I've moved beyond your mission. I'm free." suddenly the Vibranium core he's placed beneath the floor erupts, "What, you think you're the only one stalling?"
FRIDAY said to Tony, "There's the rest of the Vibranium. Function: still unclear"
Ultron said cockily, "This is how you end, Tony. This is peace in my time."
Ultron's army of robots start attacking the city as everyone is evacuating.

Ultron Activates the Vibranium core and the earth around Sokovia starts to shake and break. Tony Asks confused and slightly scared, "FRIDAY?"
FRIDAY replied, "Sokovia's going for a ride."
as Sokovia is being destroyed, Ultron says, " Do you see? The beauty of it, the inevitability. You rise, only to fall. You, Avengers, you are my meteor, my swift and terrible sword and the earth will crack with the weight of your failure. Purge me from your computers, turn my own flesh against me. It means nothing. When the dust settles, the only thing living in this world will be metal."
as the earth is shaking falling in around them. FRIDAY analyzes to Tony, "The Vibranium core has got a magnetic field, that's what's keeping the rock together."
Tony asks, "If it drops?"
FRIDAY says with little hope, "Right now the impact would kill thousands. Once it gets high enough: Global extinction. "
Tony flies towards the city and a building starts to collapse as the ground shakes, Friday informs him, "That building's not clear, its tenth floor."
Tony flies in to find a family still in their apartment, "Hi. Okay. Get in the tub!"
Tony flies the family in the tub out of the collapsing building.
FRIDAY informed Tony, "I got airborne, heading up to the bridge."
Tony said over the comms, "Cap, you got incoming."
Steve slightly grunts, "Incoming already came in. Stark, you worry about bringing the city back down safely. The rest of us have one job: tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt 'em back. You get killed, walk it off."
Elsewhere, Barton gets Wanda out of the way and into a building as Ultron's robots attack the city.  Clint yells to her, "Go, go, move!"
Wanda is holding herself towards the corner close to tears, "How could I let this happen" she starts to break down.
Clint Looks at her, "Hey, hey, you okay?"
Wanda says discouraged, "This is all our fault."
Clint says slightly tired, "Hey, look at me. It's your fault, it's everyone's fault, who cares. Are you up for this? Are you? Look, I just need to know, cause the city is flying. Okay, look, the city is flying, we're fighting an army of robots, and I have a bow and arrow. None of this makes sense. But I'm going back out there because this is my job. Okay? And I can't do my job and babysit. It doesn't matter what you did, or what you were. If you go out there, you fight, and you fight to kill. Stay in here, you're good, I'll send your brother to come find you, but if you step out that door, you are an Avenger." Wanda just looks at him, "Alright, good chat."
he gets up and gets ready to leave, "Yeah, the city is flying." He mutters to himself. he leaves and starts shooting his arrows at the robots.

Steve Says to the woman Thor threw over to Steve after her car fell of the edge of a collapsing bridge, "I got you! Just look at me."
Steve helps her up to safety
Ultron said through a bot, "You can't save them all. You'll never..."
Steve throws off one of the attacking robots off the edge of the bridge, "You'll never what? You didn't finish!"
Thor lands on the bridge on the top of the woman's car he was saving, Steve says to him, "What, were you napping?"
Ultron says through a bot as Thor and Steve are fighting off the robots, "Thor! You are bothering me."

as Barton is fighting off the robots Wanda suddenly comes out of the building and starts to use her powers on the robots to destroy them.
Clint Says into comms, "Alright, we're all clear here."
Steve says frantically while fighting, "We are not clear! We are very not clear!
Clint replies, "Alright, coming to you."
just then Pietro speeds in, picks up Wanda and leaves, Barton holds his arrow to aim it at Pietro, "Nobody would know. Nobody. The last I saw him, when Ultron was sitting on him. Uh...yeah, he'll be missed, that quick little bastard. I miss him already."

as Natasha joins them in their battle with the robots, Steve yells "Romanoff!"
he throws his shield at her so she can use it to protect herself from the attacking robot.
Natasha Says a quick, "Thanks."

back to Stark

FRIDAY informs Tony, "The anti-gravs are rigged to flip. Touch 'em, they'll go full reverse thrust. The city's not coming down slow."
Tony says thinking aloud, "The spire's Vibranium. If I get Thor to hit it..."
FRIDAY denied his plan, "It'll crack, but that's not enough, the impact would still be devastating."
Tony tries a new plan, "Maybe if we cap the other end, keep the atomic action doubling back."
FRIDAY knocked down this idea too, "That could vaporize the city, and everyone on it."
Steve Asks Tony through the comms, "The next wave's gonna hit any minute. What have you got, Stark?"
Tony replies with little hope, "Well, nothing great. Maybe a way to blow up the city. That'll keep it from impacting the surface if you guys can get clear."
Steve replies slightly discouraged, "I asked for a solution, not an escape plan."
Tony says defeated, "Impact radius is getting bigger every second. We're going to have to make a choice."
Natasha says to Steve, "Cap, these people are going nowhere. If Stark finds a way to blow this rock..."
Steve denies this, "Not 'til everyone's safe."
Natasha reasons, "Everyone up here versus everyone down there? There's no math there."
Steve says, "I'm not leaving this rock with one civilian on it."

Natasha says, "I didn't say we should leave." Steve turns to look at her, "There's worse ways to go. Where else am I gonna get a view like this?" Natasha continues.
Fury's voice came out of nowhere, "Glad you like the view, Romanoff. It's about to get better."
just then the Helicarrier shows up, inside the Helicarrier, nick says "Nice, right? I pulled her out of mothballs with a couple of old friends. She's dusty, but she'll do."

Steve says dumfounded, "Fury, you son of a bitch."
Fury taunts, "Oooh! You kiss your mother with that mouth?"
Maria informs, "Altitude is eighteen thousand and climbing."
Specialist Cameron Klein says, "Lifeboats secure to deploy. Disengage in three, two...take 'em out."
As the Avengers watch the lifeboats fly in towards the them, Pietro asks Steve, "This is SHIELD?"
Steve slightly nods, "This is what SHIELD's supposed to be."
Pietro shrugs, "This is not so bad."
Steve instructs, "Let's load 'em up."
Maria informs Fury, "Sir, we have multiple bogies converging on our starboard flank."
Nick instructs, "Show 'em what we got."
Maria says over comms, "You're up."
Rhodes shows up in his War Machine suit and blasts one of the robots. Rhodes exclaims, "Yes! Now this is gonna be a good story."
Tony jabs, "Yep. If you live to tell it."
Rhodes quips, "You think I can't hold my own?"
Tony jokes, "We get through this, I'll hold your own."
Rhodes slightly grimaced, "You had to make it weird."
Clint says, as the team helps the people onto the Helicarrier lifeboats, "Alright, let's load 'em up! Alright, here we go. Here we go, let's move. Let's go everyone!"

Agent Cameron Klein struggles, "Number six boat is topped and locked. Or, uh, or stocked, topped. It...it's, uh, full of people."
Maria yells, "Incoming!"
One of the robots flies in and crashes inside the Helicarrier Cameron Klein freaks out, "Oh, God!"
Hill shoots at it and Fury stabs in with a piece of metal, destroying it

Ultron says, as he's hitting Thor, "You think you're saving anyone? I turn that key and drop this rock a little early and it's still billions dead. Even you can't stop that."
Thor says, "I am Thor, son of Odin, and as long as there is life in my breast, I am...running out of things to say! Are you ready?"
Vision uses Thor's hammer to hit Ultron, Vision then throws the hammer back to Thor. Vision says, "It's terribly well balanced."
Thor replies, "Well, if there's too much weight, you lose power on the swing, so."

Tony exclaims, "I got it! Create a heat seal. I can...I can supercharge the spire from below."
FRIDAY replies, "Running numbers."
Stark fights off the robots from the Helicarrier's lifeboats. "A heat seal could work with enough power." FRIDAY concludes.
Tony says over the comms, "Thor, I got a plan!"
Thor says while fighting, "We're out of time. They're coming for the core."
Tony says, "Rhodey, get the rest of the people on board that carrier."
Rhodes replies, "On it."
Tony says over the comms, "Avengers, time to work for a living."
Pietro says to his twin as the rest of the team joins Thor and Vision, "You good?"
Wanda nods, "Yeah."
Tony says "Romanoff? You and Banner better not be playing hide the zucchini."
Natasha retorts, "Relax, Shell-head. Not all of us can fly." Shecontinues as she joins the rest of the team, "What's the drill?"
Tony points to the Vibranium core, "This is the drill. If Ultron gets a hand on the core, we lose."
Ultron shows up and Thor yells to him, "Is that the best you can do?"
Ultron summons his army of robots to join him Steve sighs, "You had to ask?"
Someone asks, "How'r we gonna do this?"
Tony replies, "Well, like the old man said. Together."
They all fight off Ultron's attacking robots and Ultron says "You know, with the benefit of hindsight...."
Suddenly Hulk knocks him far away and the robots start to retreat.
Thor says, "They'll try to leave the city."
Tony says, "We can't let 'em, not even one. Rhodey!"
Rhodes replies, "I'm on it." Then he says to the approaching robots, "Oh, no, I didn't say you could leave. War Machine, comin' at you, right a..." just then Vision flies in and helps to destroy the robots, "Okay, what?" Rhodes says confused.
Steve says, "We gotta move out. Even I can tell the air is getting thin. You guys get to the boats, I'll sweep for stragglers, be right behind you."
Wanda says as Steve, Barton and Natasha leave; to Pietro, "Get the people on the boats."
Pietro says, "I'm not going to leave you here."
Wanda says, "I can handle these." Just then she blasts off an approaching robot and says, "Come back for me when everyone else is off, not before."
Pietro stands there, "Hmm."
Wanda says, "You understand?"
Pietro jokes, "You know, I'm twelve minutes older than you."
Wanda chuckles, "Go."

FRIDAY says, "Boss, power levels are way below opt..."
Tony interrupts, "Re-route everything. We get one shot at this."
Barton and Natasha are making their way to the lifeboats, Barton says, "I know what I need to do. The dining room! If I knock out that east wall, it'll make a nice work space for Laura, huh? Put up some baffling, she can't hear the kids running around, what do you think?"
Natasha agrees, "You guys always eat in the kitchen anyway."
Clint continues, "No one eats in a dining room." They reach the lifeboats, "We don't have a lot of time."
Natasha says, "So get your ass on a boat." Natasha then finds the Hulk, "Hey, big guy. Sun's getting real low."

Barton gets onto one of the lifeboats, but notices a woman calling out for her son, "Costel? We were in the market. Costel?!"
Barton runs off to find the boy.

Tony says, "Thor, I'm gonna need you back in the church."
Thor says referring to the people getting onto the lifeboats, "Is this the last of them?"
Steve replies, "Yeah. Everyone else is on the carrier."
Tony says to Thor, "You know, if this works, we maybe don't walk away."
Thor slightly shrugs, "Maybe not."
Just as Natasha tries to calm Hulk down to get him back to being Banner Ultron flies in with a jet and starts shooting at them.
Ultron sings, "I have no strings, so I have fun. I'm not tied up to anyone."
As Barton is saving the boy, Costel, Ultron starts shooting at them but Pietro intervenes and takes the shots to save them.
Pietro says weakly, "You didn't see that coming."
Pietro falls to the ground as he dies, Wanda senses his death, causing her to fall in despair screaming destroying the surrounding bots.

Slightly earlier
Lafyia is walking around Sokovia, destroying the bots that come near her. She suddenly winces in pain and bends over holding her head. She begins to get images flashing in her head. As the pain increased, the images come pouring in. Clint is holding a young boy as bullets come close to them, Clint turns to protect the boy. But the bullets never hit, Clint turns and sees Pietro with many bullet holes. Lafyia's eyesight comes back she gasps. She teleports to near where Clint is, the bullets just hit Pietro. "Noooo!" She screams.
She runs over to him and cradles his body. He looks at her and slightly smiled, "Laf?"
"Pietro. You're fine. It's okay."
Her tears start to fall, "It's okay. I've lived a good life."
"No! No Pietro you aren't going to die on me!" She yells.
She puts her hands over his chest and chants "DECUS
Sana nocet ex tota fortitudine tua ."
She continues this and her hands begin to glow a purple-pink color. She begins to feel light headed. Pietro's wounds begin to heal and the bullets push themselves out.

Hulk drops Natasha off onto the Helicarrier and then jumps onto the jet Ultron is on.
Ultron says, "Oh, for God's sake!"
Hulk knocks Ultron out of the jet and he crashes inside a train.

Clint watches as the unknown girl places her hands over Pietro and they begin to glow. She is chanting in some language unknown to him. As the glowing intensifies Pietro's wounds begin to heal, the bullets pushing themselves out of his wounds. As that happens the girl begins to bleed. Then the glowing fades and the girl passes out. Clint says over comms, "Cap, I have a girl who is bleeding out. I'll explain later. I need you to carry her onto a lifeboat, I have a kid and Pietro to carry."
"Coming." Steve replies.
Once Steve comes they load a life boat. Barton delivers Costel safely to his mother onto the lifeboat, a man goes over to help him with his wound. Clint declines, "No, no. I'm fine."
Barton lies down next to the body of Pietro and the girl. "Oh, it's been a long day."
"Agreed." Steve says and sits next to Clint.

Wanda then finds Ultron, "Wanda, if you stay here, you'll die."
Wanda with tears in her eyes from Pietro's death, "I just did. Do you know how it felt?" She uses her power to rip Ultron's core out of his body, "It felt like that."

Stark fires a powerful blast to the core underneath the floating city. Tony says over the repulsor, "Thor, on my mark." Thor brings on a blast of lightning, at the same time Vision flies in, picks up Wanda and flies off with as the city is being destroyed, "Now!" Tony yells.
Thor uses his hammer to hit the Vibranium core in the church, destroying the core and the floating city.

A day later the team gets back to America where they are in the new Avengers facility. Pietro hasn't woken up yet and neither has Layfia. The team still has no clue who she is. Tony made a watch schedule for team to take turns watching Pietro and the girl. Steve takes most of the shifts with the girl, and Wanda stays by Pietro almost every second. The team has changed: Banner is gone and new members have joined. Vision, Wanda, Rhodes, and Sam. No one has found anything on the mysterious girl.

Pietro's POV
Since I saw Laf cradling me I've been in this dream like state. I've just been wandering around the woods and this cabin. It's quite cozy and it has awkward little angles in the rooms. I've mainly been reading and walking around the woods calling out names trying to find someone. It's quite lonely here. Though, ever once in a while I'll hear a faint whisper of a voice, mostly Wanda but sometimes it's the others. I don't eat or sleep here. Suddenly I feel quite sleepy though. I nod off and I'm suddenly in a foggy place with jungle like plants here and there. Directly in front of me there's a large chair made of vines. It stands probably 10 ft tall. A bright flash blinds me for a moment then I see a woman in the chair. She has long Raven hair and a green eyes. She wears a dress made of vines and leaves from the trees. She stared at me for a few minutes then said in a gentle high pitched voice, "Hello Pietro. You've been in a coma like state for a week. Thanks to Lafyia you are better than you would have been. This is where you can choose."
I asked, "Is Lafyia okay?"
"You may only know that after you choose." She replied.
"Choose what?" I asked confused.
"Whether you wish to live or die."

Okay hope you guys liked this chapter! I'm super sorry for the slow update. And please let me know about whether I should:
•Keep going how I planned to
•Make a sequel
•Or make one more chapter and then end this book
And continue reading
Love you guys,

Continue Reading

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