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The video is Wanda and Pietro. So the pictures will come into play during the battle. I'll try to reference the pictures during the story. The eye pic is the color her eyes are but what's reflected in them. And I've had an idea to mix this into Age of Ultron. Okay onward. CHAPTER MAY CONTAIN SENSITIVE CONTENT READERS THAT ARE SENSITIVE TO VIOLENCE OR ABUSE THEN PLEASE SKIP THIS CHAPTER. YOU MAY MISS A FEW KEY POINTS BUT IM SORRY.
Steve's POV
We were on the helicarrier above New York. Then all of the sudden a huge explosion happened. I sprinted to the control room. The others and Fury were there. "Engine 4 is down. Stark and Steve go and fix it. Thor stay with Banner and make sure there's no code green. Natasha, Barton, XMen stay here in case of a fight."
We all nodded as Tony and I ran off. Tony went to get his suit and I went straight to the engine. There was Mike everywhere. I went up to the panel and it was shut down.

Logan's POV
Shortly after Steve and Tony left there was a message on all the SHIELD computers from an unknown source. Fury opened it and it played on the big screen. It showed Laf with blood dripping down her lip and head. She had multiple bruises. Loki and Magneto were next to her and had her tied to a chair. You could see they were on a airship of some kind. Loki said "Avengers and XMen this is what happens to 'heroes'" he pout air quotes around that, "She gave us your location and lead us here. We beat her. We tortured her. We are on the lifting pad on the helicarrier. If you want her to live then come and get her."
Laf said with the little might she had left "Guys don't come they'll kill you! Please don't com-"
And the video was cut off. "Guys we have to get her!" I said.
Everyone nodded and we ran out to the lifting pad. Loki and Magneto stood there with no Laf. "Where's Laf?!"
Loki said "You'll see her if you can beat us."
All the sudden a bunch of Loki's minions and Magneto's army came out. We started to fight. I took down a mutant with lizard skin then I saw her. "Guys I see her! I'm gonna get her!"
"Go!" Storm yelled.
She was still tied to the chair and look very weak. "Laf! Baby are you okay? Oh my god Laf! I'm so sorry!"
I untied her and she feel onto me. She look up at me weakly "Logan?"
"Yes baby it's me. You're okay now."
I felt her hands on my temples "I am now."
Suddenly I was thrown into a forest. I looked around. Suddenly I heard screams. The screams of all my friends. I ran to the source and saw all my friends in a bloody pile. I looked down and my claws were out and covered in blood. Suddenly something grabbed my ankle. I jumped back and looked down. It was Storm, she had three holes in her stomach and blood dripping down her mouth. "You did this. You let us die."
She then let go and die. "Nooooooooo!" I screamed.
I couldn't tell if I was back in reality or not but I was petrified. I rocked back and forth in a ball on the ground. My nails digging into my head.

Lafyia's POV
I smirked as Logan was thrown into his worst fear. That's one of my newest powers: fear empowerment, invisibility, mind control, and omnipresence. I turned invisible and walked towards Loki and magneto I stayed invisible. "How dumb can they be?" I sneered.
"Very my love. Are you ready for the next part of the plan?" Loki kiss my cheek.
I flew into the air and then became visible. "XMen and Avengers. You can either surrender or be killed."
"We will never surrender." Steve said. I guess he finished fixing the engine with Tony.
"Suit yourselves."
I sent waves of the elements at them. Then landed next to Alex. "Laf please don't do this."
I lunged at him and he just blocked me. "Fight me! Fight me you dweeb!"
"No Laf! I can't fight you!"
I growled and grabbed his hair slamming his head against a wall.

Steve's POV
I looked over to Alex and saw him getting slammed into. I ran over to help him and Laf flicked her wrist into my direction. A stream of fire came at me. I held my shield up and the fire stopped. I looked to see that the army was gone and Laf was on the ground unconscious. Alex was panting and had a bloody face. "What happened?" I asked.
"Well while she was trying to stop you I knocked her out. Once Loki and Magneto saw they gathered their troops and teleported somehow." Alex said.
"Let's get her into a holding cell quick before she wakes up." I said.
Everyone nodded and Peter picked her up and carried her inside. Fury was waiting and took us to a cell. The cell had a bed and a bedside table. There was a large window where we could see her through. Peter laid her on the bed and we all left and went into the meeting room next to the window. "What're we gonna do with her?" Stark asked.
"What ever we have to. Agents will move her to a lower level high security cell." Fury said.
"I know how SHEILD is you can't test on her, Fury. We will all find out." Natasha said.
"I know."
This whole time Logan has been silent. "Guys," I said, "I think Logan should decide what we do."
"Hmm. What?" Logan asked.
"What should we do with her?" Fury asked.
"Put her in a high security cell."
"Okay. So it's been said. We will do my plan." Fury said and walked out to arrange it.
Storm and Logan were silently talking. Then stark leaned towards me and whispered "Neither thought we'd have to arrest a friend huh?"
"Yeah. This is terrible. I feel like someon-"
Then she started screaming. We all went to the window and looked as she dug her nails into her head. Her eyes shot open and we could see a screaming person in them. (Pic at top)
Logan got teary eyed "We need to do something! She's in pain!"
"No Logan. We can't help her she's the enemy!" Warren said.
"She's in pain! Guys please!" He got extremely teary eyes.
"Logan we can't. We have to let her be. Fury will probably be here soon with agents to move her." I said.
She screamed again. She screamed and looked to the glass "You don't need me. Stop these voices in my head! I'm losing my mind!"
She was uncontrollably going between visible and invisible. Her green power Arita was floating throughout the room causing her different powers to come out. There was a storm in the room, fire, vines, light and dark flashes, too many things were happening. She let out an extremely loud scream and a bright flash of light came. Then the flash left and she was curled into a ball on her bed. She was crying. Then she screamed "Help! Please!" She started crying again.
Logan sat down and had his head in his hands. Fury and Professor came in with agents. "XMen," professor said, "we are leaving the threat has been resolved. We must go."
The XMen nodded and left. The agents went into her cell and pick her up she was still crying. She wouldn't walk so they dragged her along. "She's going to be in the new Avengers tower where some SHEILD agents will be. Everyone will be doing their own missions now. If needed Avengers will assemble. No one is permitted to visit her."
He then left. We all went on missions.

Okay so after this point CA: Winter Solider and the movies before Age of Ultron but after Avengers happen. Next chapter will be the start of Age of Ultron. Okay thank you guys for the support.
And continue reading
Love ya

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