Bitch please

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I'm making Tony and Lafyia have a brother-sister bond. And there will be a couple of surprises. Um...... oh yeah please listen to the song it's one of my favorite songs. Anyway read my juvlaing story! (Hehe I cussed in Swedish :P)
Tonys POV
I woke up in the lab. I was confused then I saw Bruce getting ready to leave. "hey Sleeping Beauty! We have to get ready for training and you said that you would wake up Laf cause you 'want to be a brother to her' so have fun waking her up and make sure you say sorry to her for what you did last night."
"What did I do?" I racked my mind to figure it out I didn't remember until he said "She hugged you goodnight you called her hot stuff and grabbed her butt."
omg I feel so bad "See you at training Brucy." I sprinted out of the lab to Laf's room. I got there and knocked I heard mumbles then she yelled "Who is it?"
"Tony!" I yelled back. I heard clatter and mumbles I got impatient and opened the door. I walked in to Laf putting a shirt on and Logan putting his pants on. "what's going on here?" I said a little angry cuz Laf was like my sister.
"Nothing" Logan said and Laf playfully hit him on the arm.
"Bitch please! Explain yourselves! You guys are supposed to be working together not having sex!" I yelled.
"Tony. All we did was cuddle. Trust me we did nothing naughty." she said. I could see the sincerity in her eyes.
"I trust you Laf. And Logan I guess" I said, "well anyway we have training so suit up if you guys have stuff to do that with."
"Hell yeah I do Tony!" She said excited
I laughed "then suit up" I said and waited for them to change.

Logan's POV
"You have a uniform?" I asked her.
"Yup. But it's kind of revealing so don't be overprotective around the other guys okay?" She said then kissed me.
"No promises and we are dating right?" I asked her.
"Yeah. Alright you can change out here I'll change in the bathroom." she said sexily.
I watched her grab her book bag and go into the bathroom swaying her hips. Dang her butt was big! But hey who's complaining?
I changed into my Xmen's uniform and just as I zipped up she came out in a all black glossy spandex outfit with a a moon on her chest (pic at beginning out chapter, but the moon isn't there.) Her hair was straight then wavy at the end.Her suit emphasized all of her curves, butt, and breasts. "Your gonna make it hard to not be protective, you look stunning!" I said.
She laughed and replied "You still have to play nice . and btws that suit makes your butt look great!"
"Haha very funny. I think Tonys waiting for us."
When we got out he stared at her in shock "Tony what happened to being my brother?" She joked.
He stopped staring and his cheeks got red he looked at his watch and said "shit! We're late let's go!"
"Wait," Laf said "Its quicker if go through the walls!"
She grabbed our hands and we ran through the walls Tony yelling out directions. At one point we even walked through Darwin and Alex. They both got startled and I laughed. we finally made it through the big window at the training room and everyone stared at us. "hey guys. Sorry we're late." Laf said.
"Um Laf and Logan I have your training schedules." Cap said, looking her up and down.
I grabbed her and kissed her head to show she's mine, but when he gave us our schedules we only had one class together and it was at the end and it was me teaching combat and obstacles. Great her schedule was mainly the guys teaching her!

Lafyia's POV
My first class was with Alex and Scott for energy possession for 45 min! Jeez! These people are crazy! Anyway I found Scott I said "I have you and Alex for my first class."
He grinned, it seemed like he was looking at me. "Okay Crest follow me. Me and Alex have some stuff set up."
I walked with him passing Natasha and Peter in hand to hand combat, Bruce and Tony doing some computer stuff, Bobby and Cap doing power stuff, and Kitty and Warren doing power stuff. Everyone else was on the other side of the training room. We entered this huge room with dummies and mats set up. "Hey Laf. Today we are going to some hand to hand combat, some powers combat, and then as a cool down we will work on your energy possession." Alex said looking me up and down.
"Okay cool. Who will I face first?" I said.
"Me," Scott replied," but I will go easy on you don't worry."
"Okay let me stretch." I did a few stretches and asked Alex to help me with one and whispered "Go get everyone to watch me beat Scott since he thinks he needs to 'go easy on me'" he nodded and made a bathroom excuse.
"Can we wait for Alex to get back?" I asked sweetly.
Scott nodded and smiled and we waited for Alex to come back. He came back and smiled then stood in between us on the mats "3...2...1... Go!" Alex said. But when he got to two I got into Scott's mind to see what he was gonna do. I saw that his first hit was going for my gut then a elbow to the back. So I got in my fighting stance which was the crane, cuz I was a 10 Tiger (sorry had to add the Around the World in 80 Days part!) it freaked out Scott so it threw him off. yes! I punched him in the stomach after blocking his punch. He bend over and I sweep kicked his feet out from under him. I got out of his mind. I said to him "Go easy on me my ass!" He laughed then tried to kick me I jumped and spun then pushed off his chest with my hands when I landed and got in my defensive stance again. Everyone laughed and clapped, Scott surrendered so I helped him up. He looked embarrassed. "I'm not gonna let you beat my ass in hand to hand, so I'm going fight you in power combat." Alex said, nervously.
"You realize it will be harder to fight me with powers than in hand to hand" I said.
"Whatever miss cockypants."
Scott did 321 go! And once again at 2 I got into Alex's mind to see what his moves would be. He was gonna shot for legs so I created a fake me in place of me and and I appeared behind him and hit him with an electric ball I made in my fist in the back he turned to hit me with his fist I caught it and shocked him with eletricity. He fell to the ground and went to knock my feet out from under me but I hit him with a light energy ball that blinded his sight while I held it there. He got up blindly, so I took the light off of him and I made a shadow swirl around him so he couldn't see me and I teleported so I was sitting on his shoulders. He was shocked and tried to get me off. I backflipped and he landed on his back. I landed in a hand stand and I flipped on him and saddled him with a ball of energy from a fire that was hot. I'm guessing he felt the heat from it cause he said "Okay Okay! Uncle!"
I laughed.
Scott came over and said "Very good. So you know how many different energy you can control?"
"All of them. Like you guys right?" I asked confused why he would ask.
"Lafyia you are the only person to control all kinds energy!" Alex said.
"Really?! Awesome!" I squealed.
"Its 8:45 you have to go to your second class." Scott told me.
I nodded my next class was with Peter for hand to hand and tracker class. Huh. Could Peter be a tracker too? I found Peter. "Hi Lafyia. That was good combat. It seems like I won't need to do alot." he smiled and looked me up and down.
"Thanks. Um I was wondering, how are you going to help me with tracker training?" I was really confused.
"Oh uh I used to know a girl who was a tracker, but Magneto got to her. She told about her ability so I'm the one who knows the most about the tracker ability. and since you did great on your hand to hand with Scott I thought we could skip that and work on tracking for the full 30min if that's ok with you?" He stated looking me up and down agian.
"Yeah sure I'm pretty good at tracking though." I said looking him up and down and he smirked at that.
"Ok if you do good and we have time we can stop and relax and talk for a little." he replied still smirking.
"Awesome!" I said excited.
"Ok I want you to see who all is using there powers in training right now." he said.
I took a deep breath and I saw a map and I saw a red light for everyone mutant using there powers. "There are 6 using there powers including Steve. so Steve, Scott, Logan, Kitty, Storm, and me." I said.
"You don't even need my class, we can just waste time now, good job Lafyia." he said, he leaned in with his eyes closed. I got confused then he kissed me! I screamed and tried to pull away but Peter was too strong and he made me straddle him! I sent a mental message to Logan saying help! Peter is forcing me to kiss him! And he's making me straddle him!
Peter then made my body move back and forth on his area. I screeched and tried to push away, but that only made Peter kiss me harder. Logan was taking too long so I made shadow energy surround Peter. He turned metal and it didn't effect him so I stopped the energy and he said "Now that's gonna cost you because I was gonna be soft but not now!"
He started to unbuckle his pants! I yelled in my thoughts to Logan hurry up! I think he's gonna rape me!!!!
I tracked Logan and he was 20 seconds away. I felt Peter grab me and kiss me while he was trying to take my uniform off I tried to electrify him, but I didn't work. Logan then burst through the door with Tony and Steve. Tony and Logan took on Peter while Steve pulled me away. Steve tried to calm me while I was crying "shhh! It's okay Laf. it's over did he hurt you?"
"No no.... Steve he tried to rape me. He was taking off his pants and trying to take my outfit off. I thought he was going to hurt me!" I said between sobs.
"Why do think he was going to hurt you?" Steve asked concerned.
"He said 'Now that's gonna cost you because I was gonna be soft but not now!' And I started to freak out. I really thought I was going to get raped." I cried into Steve even harder when i heard a bang from the training room.
"What did you do to get him mad?" Steve asked scared of what I might say.
I sighed and wiped the tears and said "I made shadow energy surround him and he turned into metal and got mad at me."
"Shh shh it's okay Laf." Steve said hugging me tight.
Logan and Tony came out dragging Peter. Professor, Storm, Kitty, Scott, and Thor came over. "What happened to Lady Lafyia and Sir Peter?" Thor questioned.
Tony was pissed "This asshole tried to rape Lafyia! She couldn't do anything! Luckily we got here just in time to save her."
"Peter is this true?" Professor asked.
"Yea I'm sorry Lafyia I don't know what got into me. please forgive me?" He said.
"I could but it will take a while to forgive you butt guess what?" I said.
I turned around quick and spin kicked him. He fell to the ground with a bloody nose.

I hoped you liked it. I hope you like my new cover too. My friend that I share this account with is making a story on her personal account called Xman and the special mutant.
Anyhow comment what you think and I know Peter is a good guy in the movies but I wanted the team to have some tension.
And continue reading

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