His Girl ~ Scott McCall [2]

By multi_fandom2015

117K 2.2K 604

Emma Bradley is back. After ending sophomore year by defeating the kanima, she had to leave Beacon Hills for... More

Before You Read
Chapter 1: Back to Beacon Hills
Chapter 2: The Bite
Chapter 3: Deucalion, The Demon-Wolf
Chapter 5: The Motel Glen Capri
Chapter 6: Saving the Vet
Chapter 7: The Anniversary
Chapter 8: Finding the Darach
Chapter 9: The Hospital
Chapter 10: Beginning of the Ritual
Chapter 11: Finding the Nemeton
Chapter 12: The Elemental
Chapter 13: Sleeping Problems
Chapter 14: What Really Happened To Ollie
Final Book

Chapter 4: The Bus Incident

8.2K 180 43
By multi_fandom2015

"Am I getting too close? I'm getting too close, aren't I?" I ask the girls. 

"That depends. Are you just following the bus, or are you planning on mounting it at some point?" Lydia asks. 

"You're right, I should back off." I whisper, easing up on the gad pedal.

"Well, that also depends. Do you mean the bus, or the something-like-a-boyfriend-but-not-a-boyfriend you're currently stalking?" Lydia asks, earning a glare from me but a laugh from Allison. 

"Well, after the way he came home last night, I'm not letting him out of my sight." I mumble, hoping they didn't hear. 

"What do you mean? What happened?" Allison asks, poking her head in between the front seats. 

I sigh as I remember what happened. 

Isaac and I stand in the doorway, watching Scott put on his jacket. He grabs his motorcycle helmet and turns around. "Whoa." He gasps, seeing us. 

"Where are you going?" Isaac asks, leaning against the doorframe. 

"Uh, I was going to go get some food to eat." He says, some-what unsure. It takes all of my energy to suppress a smile and keep a straight face. 

"Cool, we'll come with you." I say, nodding towards Isaac. 

"Nah, it's ok. I can eat alone." Scott says.

"What are you getting?" I ask. 

"Mex-ic-an?" He says, looking down. I bite my lip as he looks back at us. His eyes find my lip and I immediately feel a blush come to my cheek. 

"Dude, I love Mexican." Isaac says, turning to leave. Scott grabs his arm, stopping him.

"Isaac." He says seriously, gaining the blonde's attention. "I can eat alone, it's ok."

"You're not going alone." I say, giving him a smile. Both Isaac and I know that Scott is going to meet Deucalion before Derek and his pack has the chance to attack the Demon-wolf. 

"Come on." Isaac says. Scott looks at me with his puppy dog eyes, making me sigh.

"I'll stay here. Don't worry." I say reluctantly, watching his lips tug into a smile. Isaac pats me on the back before the two boys head out to the Alphas' apartment.


I sit at the table, spooning out some ice cream as I hear a motorcycle in the driveway come to a stop. I keep eating but stop when the boys walk in the house. They are both bloody, clothes torn up. They walk in and Isaac goes straight to his room. Scott has an indescribable expression as he puts his keys away.

"What happened?" I ask, seeing the blood oozing from his side. I stand up and help him sit down. 

"Its all my fault." He mutters as I get a towel. 

"What is? What happened, Scott?" I ask, pressing the cool towel against his wound. 

"We-we went to Deucalion, but Derek knew. We got into this huge fight and if I--" He stops and winces at the pressure. I ease up as he continues. "If I had just stayed where I was, he wouldn't have... He wouldn't be..." I see a single tear roll down his face as he looks down. "I just can't believe he's..."

"Who, Scott?" I ask, worriedly.

"I just can't believe Derek's dead." 

After the story, we all fall silent. Lydia grabs a book on thermodynamics as Allison plays on her phone. I guess that they don't know how to respond to the story. But, I didn't tell them all of it.

"Scott, it's not your fault." I say as the blood starts to slow. 

"But if I--"

"Nothing would have changed." I say, looking into his guilt-ride eyes. 

"You think so?" He asks.

"I know so." I smile slightly. His eyes twinkle as he smiles back, hopefully believing me. I watch as his eyes scan my face before settling on my lips. Mine find their way to his lips and back to his eyes which are intent on my lips. 

He starts to lean in and I let him. Slowly but surely, our noses touch and sparks fly through the contact. He glances back up at my eyes before pressing his lips to mine. I melt into the kiss immediately,  bringing my hand to his neck. His hands find their way to my waist and tug me closer to him. 

We finally pull apart and look into each other's eyes, our breath mixing. I stare it his brown eyes, waiting for him to say something. "Was that--?" He asks, looking at my lips for a brief second. "Was that ok?"

For a second, I don't answer, getting lost in his eyes. He starts to shift uncomfortably, probably thinking that it wasn't. "Uhh..." I say lamely, looking back at his lips, before slamming mine against his. 

He dives right back in, hands in my hair as I scoot closer. I pull away and lean my forehead against his. "Does that answer your question?" I ask, cracking a smile. 

"We should-- we should go upstairs." He says. 

Oh god yes, I think, looking into his eyes. He laughs slightly before I ask, "Did I say that out loud?"

"The 'Oh god yes'? Yeah, you did." He laughs, watching my face grow red from embarrassment. 

We both stand up and head to his room. The moment I close the door, Scott's lips are on mine again, pushing me against the door. I moan involuntarily into the kiss as my hands move to his neck and hair. 

He breaks apart and starts to trail kisses down my neck to my collar bone. I gasp in delight, tangling my hands in his hair. He comes back up and kisses the sides of my mouth, making me giggle. He pulls apart and looks at me, making me come to my senses. "Are you sure?" I ask, not sure if he wants to continue. 

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" He asks, cocking his head to the side. I smile slightly before he says. "I just need to be sure that you're here. Like actually and completely here." He slams his lips back on mine as his hands trail down---

"So is that whole 'not letting them out of your sight' thing literal or a more general rule?" Lydia asks, bringing me out of my flashback. 

"Why?" I ask, shaking my head, pushing my thoughts out of my mind. 

"You're running on fumes." Allison says. 

"Uch!" I sigh, looking at the dashboard. 

"Yeah, and I'm pretty sure that bus holds a lot more gas than this Toyota." Lydia comments. 

"What if we stop?" I ask.

"Is it that big of a deal?" Allison asks.

"I mean, we lose them. We know where they're headed." Lydia adds. 

"You didn't see him." I say, looking at both of them seriously. 

"I know who started it." Lydia mutters. 

"Is that what Aiden told you?" Allison asks. 

"Aiden?" Lydia rolls her eyes before her face lights up. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on a second. Is that why you guys invited me on this whole little road trip thing?" We both stay silent. "Oh my gosh. You're keeping an eye on them, and me." 

"So there's nothing going on between you two?" Allison asks.

"I am appalled by the insinuation." Lydia says, feigning offense. 

"Nothing?" I press, smiling slightly. 

"Nothing." Lydia sighs, but I know she is lying. You do not want to walk into Coach's office to see those two making out. 

She pulls out her lips stick and starts to apply like three coats. Allison and I both stare at her until she notices. "What?" She asks before we jerk to a stop. 

"Damn it." I mutter, keeping my eye on the bus. 

Lydia's phone starts to ring and she groans, picking it up. "Hey Stiles." She says, her lips pursed together. "Yeah, we're just about to walk into a movie." She lies, looking at us. "Uh, you know, the popcorn and-- yeah, ok." She removes the phone from her ear and puts it on speaker. 

"Ok, look, Scott's still hurt." Stiles' voice comes through the phone. 

"What do you mean still? He's not healing?" I ask worriedly. 

"No, he's not healing. I think he's actually getting worse." Stiles groans. "The blood's turning, like, a black color.

"What's wrong with him?" Allison asks, her eyebrows together.

"What's wrong with him? I don't-- Do I have a PhD in lycanthropy?" He asks. "How am I supposed to know that?"

"We need to get him off the bus." I say, leaning my head against my hand. 

"And take him where, a hospital?" Lydia asks. 

"If he's dying, yeah." I say, shaking my head. 

"Stiles, there's a rest stop about a mile up." Allison says. "Tell the Coach to pull over."

"Yeah, I've been trying."

"Well, reason with him." Allison says.

"Reason? Have you met the guy?" 

"Just try something." I hiss, leaning against the steering wheel. Lydia hangs up the phone and both girls turn to me. 

"What aren't you telling us?" Lydia asks, watching my posture. 

"Nothing!" I snap, looking at them. "Nothing, ok? I'm just... I'm just worried."


We finally pull into the rest stop and kids are pilling out of the bus. I see Stiles helping Scott out, so I run and take his other arm. He looks at me and smiles weakly as we head to the bathroom. 

I help him down and see the big black splotch on his shirt. I lift up his shirt and see the irritated wound. "Oh my god." I whisper, looking back at his pained expression. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Sorry," He smiles weakly. I look back up at the others with a helpless expression. 

"Give us a second, ok?" I ask, the smile not leaving his face.

"Yeah." He breathes as I get up. 

"This shouldn't be happening." I say wide eyed.

"She's right. I've seen him heal from worse than this." Allison agrees. 

"Ok, what do we do then?" Stiles asks. "Do we call an ambulance?"

""What if it's too late? What if they can't help?" I ask nervously. 

"We gotta do something." Stiles says. 

"You know, it could be psychological." Lydia suggests. 

"What-What do you mean, like, psychosomatic?" Stiles asks.


"Soma-?" I ask.

"A physical illness from a psychogenic cause." She gains a look from Stiles and sighs. "Yes, it's all in his head."

"All in his head?" Stiles asks.

"Because of Derek." I sigh, bringing my hand to the bridge of my nose. "He's not letting himself heal because Derek died." 

"So what do we do?" Allison asks.

Lydia digs through her bag and brings out a sewing kit. "Stitch him up. I'm serious. Maybe all he needs to do is think he's healing."

I gently take off Scott's shirt as the others prepare a needle. "He'll need another shirt." I say, crouching beside him. "Where's his bag?"

"I'm gonna get it. I hate needles anyway, so--" Stile says, running out of the room. "Wait, do you know what you're doing?" He asks me.

"I spent the last year around needles. I learned how to use one." I say, grabbing the needle and thread. 

"I mean, how fast are you gonna-- I men, the bus, like, the bus could leave."

"Make sure it doesn't!" I snap back in frustration. 

"We can help." Lydia says, grabbing Allison's hand and running after Stiles.

"Ok." I say, looking at Scott. "Stay with me." I put my hand on his chin and face him towards me as I repeat the phrase a few times. 

"I'm tired." He mumbles, eyes closed. 

"Scott, just look at me, ok?" I push down my tears as I look at him. "Keep looking at me." I see him smile as I turn back to getting the thread through the needle. "Come on." I mutter, unable to thread the needle correctly.

I keep trying until I am balling my eyes out. "Come on!" I tell myself, frustrated by my inability to help him. 

"Breathe" Scott says, holding my hand as I kept coughing.

"I-I can't!" I gasp, throwing up blood as the wind started to pick up. 

"Yes, you can. Just breathe!" He commands, grabbing my face and showing me how.

"Breathe." I mutter, taking a deep breath. I open my eyes and slowly thread the needle. I gasp in victory as I start to stitch up Scott's wound. "Stay with me. Stay with me." I mutter, looking up at him as I continue. 

I finally finish and tie the strand. I look back at Scott and call his name. "Scott. Scott?" He doesn't respond. I put my face against his nose to check his breathing. Nothing happens. "Scott?" I breathe, moving back. 

"Scott?" I feel my tears leave my eyes. "No, no, you can't-- you can't be dead. I just--" I look around and cry out his name a few more times. I finally accept that he could be gone. I slowly push my mouth to his, wanting to say goodbye.

Suddenly, a hand grabs my back and pushes me closer to Scott. I jump back as Scott gasps. "Oh my god." I say as his hand moves from my neck to his chest. "Hey, you're ok." I cry, watching as he looks around. "You're ok." He smiles before cupping my face and slamming his lips against mine. 

We pull back, smiling at each other. He looks down at his wound and frowns. "Did you do that?" He asks, surprised.

"Yeah." I breathe.

"Nice." He smiles, before pressing his lips against mine again. 

We pull apart laughing and I help him up. He puts on his shirt and grabs my waist. "Thank you." He breathes, making me laugh.

"For what? Saving your life?" I laugh. My eyes travel to his lips as his eyes mirror mine. We push together, our lips colliding once again. I move my hands to his neck, as his hands pull me closer. 

"Is he ok? Is Scott ok?" I hear a voice say, her voice getting louder with each word. "Oh." She says, making us pull apart. I look down as Scott looks behind me at Lydia. "I see." I turn to face her with a red face. She smirks at me knowingly as she pulls us out of the bathroom. 

"Where's Stiles?" He asks, his arm around my shoulder as I support him. 

"Trying to stall Coach." Allison says, coming up to us. She gives me a questioning look at my blushed face. "We still don't have gas."

"I'm not leaving him." I say, grabbing Scott's hand and squeezing. 

"Than we have to leave the car." Lydia says.

"Sounds good." I say, smirking.

"What?" The girls exclaim. 

"Stiles! What's happening?" I ask as we reach him and a group full of students. 

"They went after him. I told 'em what was happening within and they just went after him." Stiles says vaguely. 

"Who? Boyd?" Scott asks, rushing into the circle only to see Isaac beating the crap out of Ethan. 

"Isaac!" Scott yells. Isaac stops, mid-punch and turns to look at Scott and I. He looks down guiltily as Danny runs to his boyfriend. 

We all get onto the bus without another word. Lydia sits with Stiles and I sit with Scott as Allison sits with Isaac, making sure he won't try anything else. "You know, if he's really dead, it's not your fault." I say, watching as Scott faces me. 

"Maybe." He mutters. I look at his eyes, specifically the their color. "What?" He asks. 

"Just looking at your eyes." I say, remembering last night.

Scott's hands travel up my stomach as we continue kissing. We aren't going to do anything major, except for making out, we agreed. But I still feel my heart beating against my chest. He pulls away and his eyes turn yellow. I giggle but stop as his eyes change again.

Not back to his brown ones. But they don't stay yellow. They turn RED.

Hope you enjoyed!!

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